Sunday, 8 May 2022

52.02-Is it something in the water?

In the first episode of the Smole, ten contestants got to know one another better through a question-and-answer relay. While they answered 61 questions correctly in 45 minutes, they failed to completely break two ice statues and thus their points were halved to 31/100. As contestants settle in, they get to know one another on a closer level, not least because their first quiz, and all the quizzes after that, depend on it. Who will be executed first? Who is the Mole?


Venis: "Wow...Elise really does have a throne room."

Maurice: "I told ya so. She's a princess after all."
Venis: "Actually Deborah told me that, not you."

Venis: "Since you're here, I have a question to ask you."
Maurice: "Mission's over, pal."
Venis: "Don't 'pal' me."

Venis: "Your statue looked barely touched."
Maurice: "You could have helped too."
Venis: "Before I left for this timeline a little birdie told me to watch out for someone who was like me, yet not."

Maurice: "Timeline? What are you, a time-traveller?"
Venis: "Indeed I am. I come from the future."

Maurice: "You don't just have crazy hair, you have a crazy head too!"

Venis: "Did you not watch the previous season?"
Maurice: "Nah. Who has time for that?"

Venis: "Season 51 is how I got here."
Maurice: "You're telling me time travel is real? This is insane."
Venis: "Looks like you need to get out more."

Maurice: "Okay, if you're from the future, why do you have a job here?"
Venis: "To blend in, of course."
Maurice: "Mm-hmm."

Venis: "It's also to save this land. When I came here, I felt a strange presence. As if a curse had been put on this entire land. I sense trouble coming, and I realised that I had to save this timeline if I wanted to save mine."

Maurice: "You watch too many superhero movies, Silver."

Maurice: "Get this: this white-haired dude who I nicknamed Silver thinks he's from the future. Okay, let's say that's real. Then he goes on to somehow land a job in between seasons, and then claim that he's here to save Soleunda. As if Soleunda needed saving. Even if it did, it would be me who saves this world, not him. After all, I saved Princess Elise once. That's how we know each other."


Sabrina: "This place looks so shabby and trodden."

Elise: "I'm sorry it's not up to your taste."

Sabrina: "No, no. I should be apologising, Princess."

Elise: "What did I ever do to step on your toes? Why are you always so hostile towards me?"

Sabrina: "Spare me the goody-two-shoes act. You're the whole reason we're in this state, and why Soleunda is in shambles."

Elise: "I wish you would put your faith in me. I don't run Soleunda alone. You're one of the advisors too. You help run Soleunda."

Sabrina: "Are you implying it's my fault?"
Elise: "No, I just..."
Sabrina: "Whatever. I don't want to hear your excuses. I'm going to look for proper accommodation for myself."

Elise: "We can share a room."
Sabrina: "As if!"

Sabrina: "If there's someone you can't trust, it's the princess of Soleunda herself. She acts like an angel, but I know how well she can hide her emotions and the truth. And we are staying in her castle. That must mean something. I've been groomed my entire life to do what she's doing right now, and I can do it ten times better than her. If she thinks I'm going to bow down to her like the rest of the Soleundans, she's gonna have to think twice."


Dotty: "Are you really 95? You look 60 at most! I want to know your secrets!"
Archibald: "You have such a sweet tongue."

Cole: "Babe, you look perfect as it is."

Dotty: "Is it something in the water? Or is it the air here? Or is it the lifestyle? You lived your whole life here devoted to the sun."
Archibald: "It's not the sun. It's Sole, the sun god."

Cole: "You're gonna have to break it down for us city slickers."

Archibald: "Sole protects us from Eunda, the sea demon. They were once husband and wife but an entanglement with Luna left Eunda bitter. She plotted to destroy everything Sole touched but goodness prevailed. We pray to Sole for his blessings and protection."

Dotty: "Why did you choose to become a priest?"
Archibald: "It has been my lifelong dream to be able to serve Sole. I proved myself, journeying up to the highest point in Soleunda to join their clan. And I was accepted. That's why my middle name is Solrene."

Archibald: "Enough about me. Why did the two of you move here?"

Dotty: "For a holiday. I heard Soleunda is a great place to get a tan and revitalise yourself."

Gina: "What are you guys talking about?"
Dotty: "Archibald's religion."

Gima: "I guess I'll keep my mouth shut and read my book...what's that smell?"

Cole: "That my friend is the smell of Cole's homemade apple pie."

Cole: "Perfection."


Deborah: "It's good to see that Princess Elise recognises the importance of reading."

Deborah: "What book are you reading?"

Seth: "...My journal."

Deborah: "That's very studious of you. I assume you came to win?"

Seth: "...I try to. I want to prove myself, that I can do something for once."
Deborah: "What did you say? You were mumbling."
Seth: "Nothing. How about you? Why did you join?"

Deborah: "My children said it would be a good idea."

Deborah: "This room holds so much about Soleunda's history. It is a shame that we only get access to them here."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Through the quiz, contestants will try to expose the Mole, but the Mole will throw a scapegoat to the wolves.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 20
B: 21
C: 26
D: 28
E: 41
F: 64
G: 95

Q3: What is the Mole's greatest skill?
A: Charisma
B: Piano
C: Athleticism
D: Advanced Technology
E: Guitar
F: Logic
G: The Mole does not have a skill

Q4: Was the Mole born in Soleunda?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: Who were adjacent to the Mole in Mission 1?
A: Seth Azpect and Deborah Rizona
B: Venis Gallahad and Cole Mirani
C: Deborah Rizona and Elise The Third
D: Cole Mirani and Maurice Wentworth
E: Elise The Third and Sabrina Regis
F: Maurice Wentworth and Archibald Solrene Bishop
G: Sabrina Regis and Dotty McLottie
H: Archibald Solrene Bishop and Gina Liza-Roberts
I: Dotty McLottie and Seth Azpect
J: Gina Liza-Roberts and Venis Gallahad

Q6: In Mission 1, which of the following questions did the Mole receive?
A: What ethnicity is Cole?
B: Who stays at Downtown Avenue?
C: What gemstone does Elise have at home?
D: What are Cole's traits?
E: How long has Deborah been married for?
F: Who is unstable?
G: Who has never stepped foot in a hospital?
H: Which contestant is a loser?
I: Whose grandparents are of German descent?
J: Which year is Dotty born in?

Q7: In Mission 1, which of the following questions pertain to the Mole?
A: Who can run the fastest?
B: Which contestant is a coward?
C: Whose partner graduated from Dribbledine Sports Academy?
D: Whose listed birthday is technically incorrect?
E: Who currently lives with his boss?
F: Which contestant is the most frugal?
G: Which contestant wants to be more manly?
H: Apart from Venis, who likes sea foam?
I: Who likes aqua?
J: Who visits the hairstylist on Thursdays only?

Q8: In Mission 1, how many questions pertaining to the Mole were correctly answered?
A: 5
B: 6
C: 7
D: 8

Q9: Did the Mole try to break an ice statue?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Gina Liza-Robert
B: Deborah Rizona
C: Venis Gallahad
D: Sabrina Regis
E: Cole Mirani
F: Dotty McLottie
G: Archibald Solrene Bishop
H: Elise The Third
I: Maurice Wentworth
J: Seth Azpect


One by one, contestants will face the dragon and find out their fate. Only the critical Sim can be executed.

Sabrina: "Dotty and Archibald didn't help with the statues at all. I understand Archibald as he's old, but what excuse does Dotty have? That she is a woman? Because so am I."

Gina: "Seth took a lot of time trying to break the ice statue. He didn't want my help even though he clearly couldn't do it by himself."

Dotty: "Venis got the least questions correct. That doesn't mean he's the Mole; it means those near him are. And I know for a fact that I had passed some answers to Gina but she didn't pass them along."

Gina: "Aah!"

Gina: "I can't quite see without my glasses."

"Gina, unfortunately you are the first to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."


Gina: "I'm just not suited for this game. Ken told me to just pluck some courage and go for it to step out of my comfort zone and grow. It was a very short journey but it's been a nice one so far. I got to step into the princess's castle!"

Gina has been executed! She couldn't keep the Mole in sight. Will the rest of the contestants be able to?

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