In the previous mission, Dotty, Elise and Deborah volunteered to follow instructions while the other four contestants challenged authority. While the women had to play a game of Simon Says with each new instruction costing 10 points, the others had to find Simon while avoiding being eliminated by ninjas. Only Archibald was eliminated and Maurice managed to find Simon after 10 instructions were given out, leading to 110/210 points for the pot to make it 251/430 points. With no exemptions this time around, will Dotty and Seth survive? Or will they be executed next?
Seth: "Archibald was the only one to be eliminated, proving that it's not that hard to evade the ninjas. Archibald may be the oldest but how much of it is he using as an excuse?"
Archibald: "I think the Mole was in the group of four because that's where you can control when the mission ends. Sabrina and Seth failed to find Simon at all while Maurice only found him after half of the instructions have been given out, and only caught him after Simon just gave out his 10th instruction. I think I have a clear picture of who the Mole is now."
Deborah: "It was odd that Elise did not want to complete some of the tasks like eating cotton candy. That triggered the alarm to alert the ninjas, increasing the chances of getting caught."
Sabrina: "Did anything suspicious happen in the room?'
Dotty: "I don't think so."
Dotty: "I mean, Elise did end up not doing some tasks outright but maybe that's a bit too obvious."
Sabrina: "Even a strand of hair can be a clue to the Mole. It's something we need to keep in mind."
Dotty: "We definitely can keep that in view. How about your side?"
Sabrina: "I worked with Seth while Maurice was with Archibald. It's a bit strange that Archibald was eliminated while Maurice wasn't."
Dotty: "Is it really all that surprising? Maurice is fast and Archibald is 95."
Sabrina: "Dotty, be honest with me. Are you the Mole?"
Dotty: "You asked me that before and my answer is still the same. I'm not the Mole. It would be detrimental to my career."
Sabrina: "I just wanted to make sure. But I can't imagine anyone really giving up this opportunity to be the Mole for their career."
Dotty: "My career is everything to me. I worked hard to get to where I am today. Not that being the Mole is shameful but I don't think I'll be cut out for it."
Sabrina: "But you're an actress."
Dotty: "How many actors and actresses have been the Mole? None."
Dotty: "How about you? If you were the ruler of Soleunda, would you give that up to be the Mole?"
Sabrina: "No. It's all I ever wanted. The reason why I joined was because I wasn't the ruler. So it's irresponsible of the actual ruler to leave work aside to join a game."
Dotty: "You really dislike Elise, huh?"
Sabrina: "I'm not like you Dotty. I can't be nice to everyone and pretend to be all smiles. If you were in my shoes you'll dislike her too."
Dotty: "I don't want to interfere but maybe now is a good time to bury the hatchet and clear the air."
Dotty: "Sabrina and I made a strategic alliance. We agreed never to vote for each other in the quiz so that we are unlikely to be a critical Sim. But I can't help but wonder if Sabrina will hold up her end of the pact."
Seth: "Dear diary, I haven't been sleeping well. It's probably because I'm sleeping in a sleeping bag but the stress of the game is getting to me. We're about a week into the Smole and I feel like I'm slipping. It feels like I can't do anything right."
Archibald: "Who's there?"
Archibald: "Me. Why so jumpy?"
Seth: "I'm not jumpy."
Archibald: "You are. You remind me of my fellow brother Solux."
Seth: "You have a brother?"
Archibald: "We were all brothers in the temple. All five of us."
Seth: "Oh, you mean the Five Disciples?"
Archibald: "You've heard of them?"
Seth: "I think my dad mentioned it before."
Seth: "Is it true that ancient Soleundans can communicate with the sun?"
Archibald: "If they were skilled enough. The five disciples surely could."
Seth: "So you're like weathermen? You can find out if it will be sunny?"
Archibald: "How dare you?! We communicate with Sole himself! Only the purest could even step foot in the temple and speak to Sole."
Seth: "Oh. Sorry. By the way, Maurice said he visited the temple today."
Archibald: "He disrespected the journey. It used to take days to climb up the mountain to the temple."
Seth: "You sleep in the temple right? How do you manage spending days to and fro?"
Archibald: "Oh. I no longer stay there. Sole burned the temple down when one of the disciples betrayed him."
Seth: "Who?"
Archibald: "Soleus. None of us can forgive him."
Seth: "Are the others still around?"
Archibald: "No, they all perished in the fire. Now stop asking so many questions."
Seth: "Sorry. I'll be on my way."
Archibald: "Hang on. I wanted to ask him about his jumpiness. How did I get carried away?"
Maurice: "Hey Elise."
Elise: "Aah!"
Maurice: "Are you okay there?"
Elise: "Yes, yes. Apologies. You startled me, that's all."
Maurice: "I know you Elise. You're not telling the truth."
Elise: "You're right. I'm not."
Elise: "Maurice, I trust you. Can you keep a secret?"
Maurice: "What is it?"
Elise: "I discovered the other day that I can start fires."
Maurice: "Really? That's awesome!"
Elise: "No it's not! I could be a liability. I don't know how it happened. I couldn't control it. Venis was with me. I could have burned him. He mentioned I was a 'trigger'."
Maurice: "Don't listen to that weirdo."
Elise: "What if I'm the weirdo?"
Maurice: "Elise, you're special to me. You can never be a weirdo."
Elise: "'re special to me too. I knew you were special from the first time I met you."
Maurice: "We'll figure it out together. I saved you before. You know you can depend on me."
Maurice: "There's something I've always been wanting to do..."
Elise: "Me too..."
Deborah: "AHEM."
Deborah: "What in the world do you think you're doing?"
Deborah: "This man here has a girlfriend!"
Elise: "You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have."
Deborah: "You think a sorry suffices?"
Maurice: "Look lady. My relationships are none of your business."
Deborah: "Your girlfriend trusted you to let you join this competition and you BETRAY her!"
Deborah: "I am ashamed to have you as my ruler."
Deborah: "You adulterous"
Deborah: "DIE!"
Elise: "Aah!"
Maurice: "Hey! Let go of her!"
Maurice: "I said let go! That necklace was her father's!"
Elise: "It's all my fault. I should go."
Elise: "What have I done?"
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Through the quiz, contestants will try to expose the Mole, but the Mole will throw a scapegoat to the wolves.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which month was the Mole born in?
A: January
B: February
C: March
D: April
E: May
F: June
G: July
H: August
I: September
J: October
K: November
L: December
Q3: Does the Mole sleep alone?
A: Yes
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Is the Mole mean-spirited?
A: Yes
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: Before Mission 4, who did the Mole sit opposite in Mission 4?
A: Archibald Solrene Bishop
B: Deborah Rizona
C: Maurice Wentworth
D: Dotty McLottie
E: Seth Azpect
F: Sabrina Regis
G: Nobody

Q6: In Mission 4, did the Mole follow instructions or challenge authority?
A: Follow instructions
B: Challenge authority
Q7: In Mission 4, who was the Mole partnered with?
A: Maurice Wentworth
B: Sabrina Regis
C: Seth Azpect
D: Archibald Solrene Bishop
E: The Mole was following instructions

Q8: Which of the following instructions did the Mole not do in Mission 4?
A: Play kicky-bag
B: Eat cotton candy
C: None of the above
D: The Mole was challenging authority
Q9: Was the Mole eliminated in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was following instructions
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Deborah Rizona
B: Sabrina Regis
C: Dotty McLottie
D: Archibald Solrene Bishop
E: Elise The Third
F: Maurice Wentworth
G: Seth Azpect

Dotty: "Seth lacks self-confidence. I don't think he could pull off being the Mole."
Maurice: "Dotty has that southern belle charm. She's like a Soleundan Dolly Parton. I don't think she has it in her to be the Mole."
Seth: "Sabrina was the one who led us to safety away from the ninja. I don't want to rule anyone out but one part of me is telling me it may not be her."
"She too has survived execution."
Dotty: "Deborah hasn't done much to sabotage. She did all the tasks in the room to the best of her abilities."

Archibald: "Elise is the princess of Soleunda and a genuinely nice woman. She won't deceive any of her citizens and be the Mole."
"Unfortunately, Elise, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sabrina: "Are you the critical contestant?"
Elise: "No, I've been executed. I just want to pass this to you. I trust the castle will be in safe hands."
Sabrina: "Oh...thank you."
Elise: "My mind was in turmoil. I was unsure and the recent events made it worse. I knew my time would come eventually. Don't worry, my citizens. I will use this time to process everything that happened and bounce back."
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