Thursday, 23 March 2017

29.15-Living hell

Last time, the contestants had to search Shang Simla for 40 cards with Chinese words on them, to which they only found 19. They had to use them to answer questions. They got 16 questions right and 3 wrong, thus adding 65/200 points to the pot and making it 715/1280 points. Milan had a rude shock when she learned that she was the second last. Has she been wrong all this while?


Brandon: "Someone touched my things. I bet I know who."

Paula: "Stop right there."

Paula: "I know you put ants in my bed."

Brandon: "Why would I do that for? You got the wrong guy."
Paula: "I don't know. But I will make your life a living hell."

Brandon: "Did you touch my stuff?"
Paula: "No."
Brandon: "You sure?"

Paula: "I will only admit to things that I have done. And I have not touched your stuff."
Brandon: "My laptop is gone. You better not have taken it."
Paula: "You're not allowed to bring that, dummy. I bet producers found out and confiscated. Serves you right."

Cairo: "We should not have been so hasty in picking one Mole."
Milan: "Indeed. We should have split."

Cairo: "I think we're in the bottom three."

Cairo: "At least we can eliminate Edward."
Milan: "So, what have you two found out about Fred and Paula?"

Cairo: "Nothing suspicious yet."
Milan: "Di nessun valore."

Milan: "If you cannot do such a simple task, I should kick you out of this alliance, no?"
Cairo: "What? Why? You can't do this!"

Savannah: "And what have you found out? Or are you just bossing us around?"

Milan: "I can kick you out too."
Savannah: "Who made you leader?"
Milan: "Mi. I am de most capable, no? You cannot even answer Chinese questions correctly."

Savannah: "At least I can read Chinese. And that's far better than what you've been doing."

Milan: "Are you saying I am de Mole?"
Savannah: "I am saying that if you want this coalition, we work as a team. No bossing others around. Otherwise we both leave and you have no coalition left."

Milan: "De audacia of Savannah! She cannot do simple dings and she still complains about me? Maybe, maybe she is de Mole. I cannot turn blind to my alleati. If I were de Mole, I would sabotage very quietly, no? I dink dat leaves me with Fred, Joe and Savannah. But which one?"


Joe: "Boy, do you stink."
Fred: "I am being myself."

Brandon: "There's a difference between being yourself and being considerate."
Paula: "Look at Blackie. He's dirt poor and can't afford a shower and he smells better than you."
Fred: "I am sorry. I should have known to watch myself."

In this next mission, contestants will be given money. They have to go look for a merchant and buy the right thing. This is worth 400 points. They will get 400 points if someone buys the right item but points will be removed based on how much everyone else spends. The first one to find the right merchant gets a correction.

Off they go.

Milan: "Brandon is not on my list any more. I must not let him find the right merchant first."

Paula: "Merchants must have shops, no?"

Savannah: "Excuse me, coming through!"


Liang: "Oopssi!"

Milan: "Are you de Smole merchant?"

Hong: “我听不懂。你在说啥?”


Paula: "I heard there's a special merchant that roams Shang Simla. I bet she's in the outskirts."

Savannah: "Sorry, coming through."

Joe: "Is someone in there?"

Brandon: "Drats, nobody here. It's gonna be hard to be first now."

Edward: "Is anyone in there?"


Fred: "Anybody in here?"

Savannah: "They have to be hiding."

Fred: "Maybe it is her?"

Fred: "I think it is."

Fred: "Er, ni how. Are you a merchant?"
Xi: "Yess."

Savannah: "Don't tell me it's her."

Fred: "What do you have?"
Xi: "I sell the training dummiess and the breaking boardss."

Fred: "I will have your 'training dummiess'."
Xi: "Hao de. Let me check the itss quality."

Savannah: "Is she the merchant?"
Fred: "I think so."
Savannah: "What did you buy?"
Fred: "A 'training dummiess'."

Savannah: "Then I'll buy something else to increase our chances ot buying the right item."


Milan: "Bad service, no? Nobody here."

Joe: "No cutting queues."
Brandon: "Fine. I'll just see what you bought."

Joe: "Can I coconut juice?"

Brandon: "Really?"

Brandon: "You think that's our secret item?"
Joe: "I don't know. Why not you buy something then. Why else would he be wearing swimming trunks?"

Brandon: "Watch where you're going, mister."
Zhan: "Tere is er laydi very unhayppy. She looks very scayry, liker my es gefend."

Edward: "What do you recommend?"
Liu: "This is one of our finest vases. Very precious. For you, I will give a discount."

Paula: "Yeah, I'll take that. Now make it snappy."

Paula: "I think nobody really trusts each other now. Fine by me. We just grabbed whatever money we could and ran for it. I should have taken more. There was this earring which looked amazing."

Paula: "Go away."
Li: "Me?"
Paula: "No, not you, dog-face. I'm talking about her. "
Li: "Er..."
Paula: "Darn it. Must be Brandon that poisoned my food again."

Joe: "Mm, this is nice, but makes me smell bad. I shouldn't finish it all though."


"Let us reveal what you all bought."
Savannah: "I bought a board breaker."
Milan: "For what?"

Milan: "I bought a Chinese dictionary because of all de Chinese around. Makes sense, no?"

Joe: :"I bought this. Because the guy looked like he was running a tropical resort which was so different from everything else."

Edward: "I don't know...I just bought a vase."

Brandon: "I bought dried fruit."
Edward: "I don't think that's right."

Paula: "I bought a chest. Gotta be useful."

Fred: "I bought this. I did not know it was called a training dummiess until today."
Paula: "No dummy. That's a training dummy."

Cairo: "I bought a camera since we're supposed to be out catching the Mole."
Paula: "That doesn't make sense."
Cairo: "Well it did in my head!"

"One of you bought the right item. That player is..."

"Baek Jae-heun!"
Fred: "Me?"
"He earns 2 corrections: one for buying from the right merchant first and one for being the sole one to buy the right item."
Savannah: "If I had known I would have bought the same thing."
"After taking into account the cost of the other items you bought, you have brought in a total of 290/400 points for the pot. This makes the pot 1005/1680 points."

Cairo: "The Mole must have bought expensive stuff to take as much from the pot as possible. If it's not Edward, then it's Paula...or even Savannah. I hope it's not her."

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