Monday, 6 March 2017

29.07-Big break

The last time on the Smole, the contestants had to light fireworks in a certain order while two of them (Brandon and Milan) watched and memorised. The two succeeded in giving the right order, helping to earn 200/200 points and 450/600 points for the pot. It was revealed that Edward was the first for the quiz, leading to some scepticism among the players. Can it be trusted? And who do you think would have been executed this episode as per normal format?


Milan: "I am letting go of Brandon. But not completely. I dink he is not de Mole but you are never sure in dis game. Maybe he knew I was suspecting him so he did not dare sabotage last time. But I am setting sight on Edward. He is...peculiar."

Paula: "Gross. Who didn't wash this spoon?"

Fred: "I am very versatile. I can also cook."


Contestants, in their next mission, must go on a scavenger hunt. They have been randomly paired up and each pair can choose a list to search, though the contents are not initially revealed. Each item found (such as this hedgehog) gives 10 points. Overall, this is worth 120 points. The first pair to finish gets a correction each. They have three hours.

Just a beautiful shot.

Joe: "Milan and I were paired up. We chose List A. It probably has some of the hardest items to find, like a butterfly, a pygmie hedgehog, whatever that is, and a remote control. Where do we find that?"


Joe: "You sure we'll find something here?"
Milan: "It is a start."

Milan: "Cheap."
Joe: "Huh?"

Milan: "Some of de artefatti are fake."
Joe: "Really? That's what you're concerned about?"

Joe: "This has nothing to do with our list though. Why couldn't we get a list with a vase?"


Paula: "Hurry up, slowpoke."

Savannah: "Man, you are faster than I thought."

Savannah: "The Great Wall. Beautiful to be up close to it."

Paula: "You get your flat ass over here now."

Paula: "I'm giving you three seconds to get here."
Savannah: "I'm already here."

Paula: "Not close enough."

Savannah: "Oh, is that the emerald we must find?"
Paula: "This ugly thing? It's just a rock with shiny moss."

Savannah: "You have never seen an uncut emerald before, have you?"
Paula: "Why would I? Now, get outta the way."

Savannah: "I was going to take it..."
Paula: "Too bad. Not giving you any credit."


Cairo: "This way."
Edward: "Don't your feet hurt?"

Cairo: "You get used to it. We're close."

Cairo: "Just follow me."

Cairo: "Wow."

Edward: "You're right. There is silver here."

Edward: "I don't know how Cairo knew exactly where to go. I mean, I think I saw him looking at a map before we set off but what made him so sure our items must be near landmarks? And this particular one in fact?"


Brandon: "What do you see right there?"

Fred: "That is on our list."
Brandon: "Take a picture of it. We don't even have to step outside for this."


Joe: "Oh, there is a butterfly here."
Milan: "Finally."

Joe: "I'll get it."

Milan: "I do not want to dirty my hands anyway."

Joe: "Er..."

Milan: "Did you capture it?"

Joe: "Not quite. It slipped through my fingers."

Milan: "Fool."
Joe: "Funny. That's what Paula called me too."

Milan: "I do not have time for your silly sadness. We have a time."
Joe: "Sorry. My legs were sore."

Milan: "You are wasting time."
Joe: "We all need a break sometimes. From work, from life...I guess this is my big break. Pun not intended."


Edward: "Over there!"
Cairo: "I got it!"

Edward: "We are doing really well."
Cairo: "We all know our roles here so it makes things more efficient."

Cairo: "I've got the mercury."


Paula: "What's this?"

Paula: "Well, don't mind if I try clogging this thing up."

Liu: "What are you doing?"

Paula: "What are you staring at? Grr, why is it not working?"
Liu: "It is working as intended."
Paula: "Shut up, wise guy. I hate your accent."

Zhan: "你要买《三国演义》?"

Savannah: "是的。老板,这么著名的书您应该有吧?"

Zhan: "抱歉,我刚刚卖了最后一本。"

Savannah: "Ha..."
Zhan: "他叫裴浏,穿着灰色上衣。他才刚离开,你可能还追得到他。"

Savannah: "Paula had a great idea to just buy an item on our list. However, the merchant sold off his last book to a guy called Pei Liu. Fortunately I managed to catch up to him and convince him to give me the book for free. He was impressed by my mastery of the language."

Paula: "Oh, what is this?"

Paula: "A correction!"

Paula: "See, kids? Messing around and causing trouble pays off."

30 minutes left.

Edward: "This looks like an orchard. Will we be able to catch koi here?"

Cairo: "Come on, I see lots of koi. I'm sure we can get something."

Edward: "Have you fished before?"
Cairo: "Of course! The best there is."
Edward: "...You've never fished before, have you? Don't worry, neither have I."


Fred: "I think the antique vase is in here."
Brandon: "Isn't the Forbidden City...forbidden? Not that it matters that much to me."
Fred: "It is just a name."

Fred: "Which one is it?"

Fred: "They look so same."

Brandon: "Just take a picture of all of them. I'm sure one of them will be right."
Fred: "We still have not found our bird."


Savannah: "I think there may be seeds here."
Paula: "You better be sure, Armpit. We've been going nowhere."

Savannah: "Aha."

Savannah: "See, Paula?"

Savannah: "Paula?"

Paula: "Where does this go?"

Paula: "Woah, a cellar."

Paula: "I'm sure nobody minds if I take a look in here."

Paula: "Maybe I'll get another correction. Nothing? Someone must have looted it before me."

Paula: "This one better not disappoint. Ah, a correction and some ancient coins."


Savannah: "Paula? Are you down here?"

Paula: "Scattering hay, duh."

Savannah: "Don't get it on me! I've found the last item already. And please don't go wandering off like that."

Time is up. Cairo and Edward were the first to find all 3 items, so they each get a correction. Savannah and Paula too find everything in time. Paula also gets 2 hidden corrections. Fred and Brandon found 2 items while Milan and Joe found none. 80/120 points have been earned, making the pot 530/720 points.

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