Saturday, 25 March 2017


The last time, our contestants needed to go find the Special Items merchant Yuan Xi and buy a training dummy. They were not aware of this fact and Fred was the only one who managed to buy the right item. After counting how much the other items the other contestants bought cost, 290/400 points were added to the pot, making it 1005/1680 points. Fred found the correct merchant first so he thus gained 2 corrections. Will he choose to use it, or is he confident of his Mole?


Brandon: "I know one of you ransacked my room. It was clear someone was looking for something."
Fred: "It is nor us."

Brandon: "I believe you. It's a good thing I brought the recording with me. And you said you'd obey me."

Brandon: "If it's not you, it's Cairo then."
Cairo: "I won't stoop to your level."

Brandon: "You better tell me who your Mole is, Fred. Or I'll leak it and give you the greatest scandal of your life."
Fred: "Please don't."

Brandon: "Tell me who your Mole is."
Fred: "It's..."

Cairo: "He's not telling you anything."
Fred: "Yes...that is right."

Cairo: "You think you can get away with this? We found out your little secret too."
Brandon: "Like what?"

Cairo: "You have those sinful websites on your laptop."
Brandon: "So you did take it."
Cairo: "We handed it to the producers."
Brandon: "Big deal. Everyone watches it."

Cairo: "And we found out how big of a nerd you are."
Brandon: "That's not true."
Cairo: "We saw all those comics. If we tell the whole world about your secret obsession..."
Brandon: "I worked so hard to get rid of that association. Don't you dare. Nobody will believe you anyway."

Cairo: "When this episode airs, the truth will be revealed."
Brandon: "'Won't stoop so low', eh? Well...woah, what's that?"

Cairo: "What's what?"
Brandon: "Down you go."

Fred: "What are you doing?"

Cairo: "Aah!"

Fred: "Did you..."
Brandon: "He deserves it."

Fred: "How could you do that?"
Brandon: "I can push you down too."

Fred: "You could have killed him!"

Brandon: "That's my every intention. If not, I can injure him badly enough to force him out."

Cairo: "I hope he is okay."

Fred: "Where is he?"
Brandon: "Huh?"

Cairo: " legs hurt."

Fred: "You are made of pure evilness."

Cairo: "Errff...It's too slippery."

Cairo: "Come on, pull yourself up!"


Savannah: "Omm...I see a vision...I know who the real Mole is now...omm..."

Joe: "Here. Just take this correction. I don't need it."
Edward: "Oh?"
Joe: "Not as much as you do. I know you need the money badly."

Edward: "...I must confess something. I'm not mentally ill. I lied."

Joe: "What? How could you? It's people like you who make it difficult to take the mentally ill seriously."

Edward: "I wanted to see how all of you would react. I think I've proven enough that this world is still not understanding of the various mental disorders out there."

Edward: "It's tiring to keep it up and the last thing I want is pity. So keep your corrections to yourself."

Paula: "Come and get it, b****."

Paula: "OW!! My hand!"

Paula: "How dare you. You're just jealous of me."

Paula: "Yaddda yadda. Just keep talking. Nobody's going to believe you."

Paula: "I've been cleared, you Lion-head Bimbo! Nobody's going to believe that I killed you!"

Paula: "Don't you dare malign me! I did nothing of the sort!"

Paula: "You were the one who fell off, not me. So don't come pushing all the blame to me."

Paula: "What are you doing?"

Paula: "Don't you dare."

Paula: "Ack!"

Paula: "Someone help me! Can't...breathe..."

Paula: "Don't down..."

Paula: "I'm back, everyone. Did you all miss me?"


Milan: "Are you crying, Cairo? Useless wimp."
Cairo: "No I'm not."
Milan: "Just admit it."
Cairo: "I'm really not."
Milan: "You are not walking properly. You are hurt, no?"
Cairo: "I'm fine. I don't need your help."
Milan: "You do, no? I do not care what you say. I will call de paramedici to help you."
Cairo: "Don't be a busybody. Oi, come back!"

Fred: "I enjoy cooking."

Fred: "I do not know why it is considered unmanly."

Fred: "Is image really important?"

Fred: "Or is being true to myself more so?"

Fred: "From young, I have been taught that I need to conform. I must have discipline. I must obey the teacher without question. I must listen to my boss because he is always right. When I joined the entertainment, the fierce competition meant I had to go through a lot of plastic surgery to look desirable. Any one wrong move or scandal and it is the end of the career. Over this season, I have reflected a lot. Perhaps it is time to question. Maybe I can still be myself while being responsible to everybody else who looks up to me, and those who do not. And maybe my true self, my unique individuality, will enhance the group's image instead of destroy it. I think life is about taking risks and braving the unknown. It is time that I do that."

Milan: "I must be very strategic. I do not have much hope dat I will win because I know I am wrong too late. But I must still try."


Joe: "This is delicious. You should cook more often, Fred."

Savannah: "Milan, hey..."

Savannah: "Fine. Don't talk to me."

Quiz time. Fred uses both his corrections.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How many corrections has the Mole earned thus far?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5 or more

Q3: After Quiz 7, was the Mole seated in the front or back row?
A: Front
B: Back

Q4: Does the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 8, where did the Mole go first?
A: Camp
B: Marketplace
C: Garden
D: Martial Arts Academy
E: Others

Q6: In Mission 8, where did the Mole buy items?
A: Martial Arts Academy
B: Marketplace

Q7: Which merchant did the Mole buy from in Mission 7?
A: General
B: Food
C: Books
D: Relics
E: Special Items

Q8: What did the Mole buy in Mission 7?
A: Camera
B: Training Dummy
C: Board Breaker
D: Book
E: Chest
F: Vase
G: Dried Fruit
H: Virgin Coconut Juice

Q9: In what order did the Mole reveal what he/she bought?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith


"Another ceremony. Who wants to see their ranking?"
Cairo: "I think it's only fair if Savannah gets to see it. She's the only one who hasn't."

"Savannah, you are..."

Savannah: "That's acceptable. The first three must be those who were already on the right Mole early on."
Cairo: "Tell me who you put down later."


Has Savannah really discovered who the real Mole is? 

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