Friday, 10 March 2017

29.09-Who turned on the lights?

Previously, the contestants had to go on a scavenger hunt in pairs. While Cairo and Edward as well as Paula and Savannah found all their items in time, Fred and Brandon only found two whereas Joe and Milan found none. 80/120 points were earned, bringing the pot to 530/720 points. Paula found 2 hidden corrections while Edward and Cairo got one each for being the first to complete their scavenger hunt. Edward played his in the subsequent quiz, where Brandon's placing was revealed. Knowing that he scored the lowest, how will everyone react? Is Brandon really unsure, or is he the Mole?


Contestants have been locked in cells. They each hold a key to another cell. They can escape their cell by searching around to find their own key, but to earn 200 points, all of them must leave together. This is all or nothing and contestants have one hour to try and escape. Their teamwork and camaraderie will be tested.

Paula: "This is f**** stupid."

Paula: "I did not come to be treated like a prisoner!"


Savannah: "This is kind of exciting, really."

Savannah: "I wonder if there is a hidden door or something."

Savannah: "Aah!"

Savannah: "I'm all wet now. Oh, a pickaxe. How did I fail to see that before?"

Savannah: "I suppose there's only one thing left to do."


Fred: "I must look good while being imprisoned."

Fred: "That looks like a mat for me to step on."

Fred: "Nothing happened."

Fred: "Where did that hole come from?"


Fred: "Noooo! I cannot look ugly on camera!"

Fred: "I think this debris is blocking my exit."

Fred: "I think there is 곡괭이 underneath. Maybe I can slide it out."

Fred: "I think I can clear a path."


Cairo: "This looks like a big black refrigerator."

Cairo: "But my knowledge tells me it is a sacrophagus."

Cairo: "Hopefully there are no mummies."

Cairo: "It is so dark in here."

Cairo: "I do not mean to disrespect anyone in there, living or dead."

Cairo: "I feel something there. Like a switch."

Cairo: "Something must have happened. Oh, a hole."

Cairo: "Maybe my key is in there."

Cairo: "No, but I found a correction. Sweet."

Cairo: "Then it must be in the other one."

Cairo: "There's a switch."

Cairo: "Wait, these things have light? I feel's cold! Yaah!"

Cairo: "Oh, thankfully it is my key."

Cairo: "This is heavy."

Cairo: "Into the lock you go."

Cairo: "So, do I just go like that?"

Cairo: "It's so dark beyond."

Cairo: "I'm out."

Cairo: "Excellent."

Cairo: "Who turned on the lights?"


Joe: "I just pray this is not blood."

Joe: "Here goes nothing."

Joe: "Whee!"

Joe: "Doing a backflip!"

Joe: "Wait, I didn't check how deep it is!"



Savannah: "Okay, the rubble is cleared. Now what?"

Savannah: "I did not see that before."

Savannah: "Or that."

Savannah: "Maybe the door will unlock if I stand on it."

Savannah: "It's not working."

Savannah: "Am I too light?"

Savannah: "Oh, it just brings me to another hole."

Savannah: "There we go."

Savannah: "I hope this is the last of it."

Savannah: "Freedom, here I come."

Savannah: "I'm out."

Savannah: "Hey Cairo, I see you escaped too."
Cairo: "Do you have any keys that could unlock these doors?"
Savannah: "I have one like this."
Cairo: "I think this looks like one of the locks down that hallway."

Savannah: "It fits."

Savannah: "Anybody in here? Ew, I hope that's not what I think it is. I think this guy escaped already."

Cairo: "I managed to smash the lock open."

Cairo: "Another corridor."


Brandon: "I really shouldn't be sticking my fingers into foreign holes. But I've done it enough tmes to know it's not all that bad."

Brandon: "I think the chain came loose."

Brandon: "I'll check this hole out first before I leave. I don't know which door is which."

Brandon: "Both doors are unlocked. I think I'll go through this one."

Brandon: "Some kind of floor panel begging me to step on it."


Paula: "Surely the key has to be in one of these holes. Blegh, so much dust...wait, what is that?"

Paula: "You naughty thing. I don't even need a key to get out! Take that!"

Cairo: "Did you find anyone?"
Savannah: "No."

Cairo: "Paula, I see you made it out. What key to you have?"
Paula: "I don't care. I'm outta here."

Paula: "Bye suckers."

Paula: "Freedom!"

Paula: "Never have I loved the sun so much."

Savannah: "Seriously, Paula? You do know that we only earn points if we leave as a group, right? And you decide to ignore us and just head straight out of there? I'm terribly pissed off right now. But Cairo and I still tried to help the others escape because it's not nice being trapped in there."


Fred: "I knew it."

Savannah: "Maybe the key is under this statue."


Brandon: "So this is the right way out."

Cairo: "It fits. Sigh."
Brandon: "Oh, hey. What are you two standing here for?"
Savannah: "That stupid Blown-up Barbie just high-tailed it out of there. We've already lost."
Brandon: "Never seen you this mad before. I accidentally dropped my key down a deep hole so I can't help. I'll just go."
Savannah: "Whatever. We've already lost."

Brandon: "Sucks to be them."


Milan: "Can nobody hear me? I am tired of waiitng around to be saved.  Io sono una damigella in pericolo."

Edward: "This is tough work."


Joe: "Finally found my way back up."

Savannah: "At least I came back with something."

Joe: "That was fun but let's never try that again."

Joe: "Time to skedaddle...oh! I see you guys made it."

Savannah: "Yes. Do you have any keys that could help?"

Joe: "I'll stay and help. In fac,t I have this heart-shaped one."
Cairo: "That lock looks like a heart."

Joe: "It works! Good job, Cairo."

Joe: "You're a free man now...who are you?"

Savannah: "I'm still annoyed by Paula."

Cairo: "Do you think she's the Mole?"
Savannah: "She's making it terribly obvious. My, what happened to you, Fred?"


Edward: "I cannot find my key."

Cairo: "Fred, can you show us what your key looks like?"
Fred: "Here it is."
Savannah: "I think it fits in that other hallway."

Joe: "Lead the way."
Cairo: "I want to be the hero."


Milan: "I refuse to wait until I rot to be saved. Looks like I have to get dirty."

Milan: "Yuck. Who would dink that Milan Lombardy will do such a thing?"

Milan: "Two more? Sigh."

Milan: "Noding in dat one. How about this?"

Milan: "Ah."

Milan: "Finally I can leave."

Milan: "I knew it. Everybody has left."

Milan: "If dey do not care about moi, then moi should not care about dem!"


Joe: "What are the chances that somebody left without us?"
Savannah: "100%. Paula and Brandon left already."
Joe: "What? Then why are we still here?"

Fred: "We should still rescue anyone else."

Savannah: "You can come out now."

Edward: "I am free."

Edward: "Thank you."

Savannah: "No need to thank us. What key do you have?"
Edward: "I will show you."
Savannah: "Oh, I noticed that shape near the ladder."

Fred: "It does look like it. How many teeth does it have?"

Edward: "Three."
Joe: "We're wasting time, guys."

Joe: "You and Savannah were the first two to escape right? Why did you let Paula and Brandon just leave like that and not stop them?"

Cairo: "Do you think we didn't try? We're just as pissed as you are."
Joe: "200 whole points! I can't believe you let it go down the drain like that!"

Joe: "It's a wasted effort. I bet everyone has gone!"
Cairo: "Look here. If you think you're so great, then why didn't you come out earlier, huh? Which cell did you crawl out from?"
Edward: "Can we stop fighting? We're here to save whoever is left."

Cairo: "...right, whatever. Never seen you so mad before though."

Joe: "I'm just upset you let them crawl all over you."

Edward: "It works."
Joe: "Do you not see that the door has already been unlocked? We're wasting time  here."

Savannah: "I'll enter just to check."

Savannah:"There really is nobody inside. I think whoever was there has left."
Joe: "See?"
Cairo: "...Let's just go."

Cairo: "Honestly, what's his problem today? Forgot his happy pills?"

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