Previously, the contestants had to look for a merchant and buy the right item from that merchant. Fred was the first one to find the correct merchant so he earned a correction and he was the only one to buy the right item, so he earned another one. He chose to use both in the next quiz, which Savannah was shown to be fourth in. 290/400 points were added in the mission and the pot currently has 1005/1680 points. As the season soon comes to a close, have you figured out who the Mole is yet?
Milan: "I have come up with a master plan to catch de Mole. I will write a secret note from "de Mole" to every contestant including Cairo and Savannah. I do not know if I can trust them so I must do dis alone. Each note will have a different meeting place and time. De true Mole will know dis is rubbish and not come, so I can catch him. However, if everybody comes, I will try to get the truth from dem. For example, I will ask questions like 'Did you dink I was de Mole' or 'have you ever suspected me'. I must get to it quickly."
Paula: "Before you all go, I have something to confess."
Cairo: "You're the Mole?"
Paula: "No, not that. I feel the need to confess to all of you that I am a murderer."
Savannah: "You're kidding, right?"
Paula: "No. Remember that A-list actress, the silver bombshell Esther Masik? I pushed her off a cliff because I was jealous."
Brandon: "Wow."
Edward: "Why?"
Paula: "We had a scuffle, Edward."
Joe: "Why are you telling us all this?"
Paula: "I need to get this off my chest, Joe. Or I'll never sleep in peace."
Joe: "Hey, you didn't call me a meth-head for once."
Brandon: "So Paula confessed she killed someone before. Never expected that from her. But she's acting weirdly. She's being so...nice and mild-tempered. I remember that case being ruled as an accident but if what she said is true...I may have messed with the wrong woman."
Joe: "I decided to revise my journal today. I have a lot of photos of my family in there. But I found them torn! All of them! A few pages were ripped from my journal too. Who would do such a thing?"
Joe: "Cairo! Did you destroy my journal?"
Cairo: "What? I've never even touched it before."
Joe: "I don't mean to accuse you, but someone ripped my journal apart!"
Cairo: "I think it may be Brandon."
Joe: "Brandon? He doesn't look like the sort."
Cairo: "He's not who you think he is. He pushed me off the second floor balcony last week. Thankfully Milan helped find some help and they managed to twist my ankle back in place. He's trying to force everyone to quit."
Brandon: "Hiyaa!"
Joe: "Brandon! Stop what you're doing. I have something very important to ask you."
Brandon: "What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?"
Joe: "Did you destroy my journal?"
Brandon: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Joe: "Cairo said you may have done it."
Brandon: "You believe that guy?"
Joe: "I know that you tried to push him off this building and forced him to quit."
Joe: "Why did you do it?"
Brandon: "...You want to know?"
Joe: "WHY?"
Brandon: "Because I don't like your face. Some of us are meant for great things, and you're not one of them. Man is born to continue upgrading himself to achieve success."
Joe: "I think you're being too greedy. Be content with what you have."
Brandon: "Then continue being the mediocre loser you are, Joe. Just pack and go."
Brandon: "Or do I need to show you this?"
", please don't!"
Joe: "What did you do to my children?"
Brandon: "I have your whole family under hostage."
Joe: "Kidnapping is a crime!"
Joe: "Release them!"
Brandon: "Looks like happy Joe has become angry Joe."
Joe: "How did you even get them?"
Brandon: "I have contacts outside."
Brandon: "So, if you want to save them, you tell me who you've been putting down as the Mole and leave."
Joe: "Never!"
Brandon: "I wouldn't be so quick to decide if I were you. I'll give you five days. If I still see you around after that, I'll give them the orders to silence yout family."
Joe: "No, don't!"
Savannah: "Milan just doesn't seem to trust me. I don't know if I can continue working with her."
Cairo: "Just bear with it, Savannah. She's only like that because she doesn't want to be hurt in the event that either of us is the Mole."
Savannah: "So you think I'm the Mole too?"
Cairo: "No, but she's playing it safe than sorry."
Cairo: "Anyway, who did you put down as the Mole that day?"
Savannah: "I had a few possibilities but my last answer was Joe. I'd be careful though. You remember how you were first and you put Edward down, right?"
Cairo: "Yeah, I must have gotten lucky. I just think we shouldn't be tiptoeing around right now. We've probably already lost."
Savannah: "I will not hear such negativity."
Cairo: "If only we could find out who the Mole is right here, right now."
Time for the next mission. Contestants are to visit the martial arts academy to try and break boards. They start off with the foam board and move on gradually to the space rock block. If they break the foam board successfully with a karate chop, they earn 4 points. They can then choose if they want to move on to the balsa wood board where they may earn 8 points if successful but risk bringing 0 points for the pot if unsuccessful. This continues until the space rock board which is worth 20 points. This is worth 160 points in total. The one who breaks the hardest board gets a correction.
Milan: "If I am de Mole, I will try my bestest to make it to the space rock and den fail. I will watch if anybody does dat."
Savannah is up first.
Savannah: "This should be easy."
Savannah: "But I will not be complacent."
Savannah: "Yaa!"
Savannah: "That's one down."
"Savannah, do you wish to continue to the balsa wood board or will you stop here?"
Savannah: "Continue, of course."
Savannah going to break balsa wood. Can she do it?
Savannah: "Calm yourself down."
Savannah: "Feel the energy of the earth."
Savannah: "Hiyaa!"
Savannah: "I did it!"
"Savannah, will you move on to the oak board or stop here?"
Savannah: "I can do better than this."
Brandon: "Better get some training done first before I'm up."
Can Savannah break the oak board?
Savannah: "Zen."
Savannah: "I can do this."
Savannah: "Hiyaa!"
"Savannah, will you move on to the thin stone board or stop here?"
Savannah: "Hmm...I shall continue on."
Can Savannah break the thin stone? If she does, she gets 16 points, but if not, she earns nothing.
Joe: "Ooh, this looks difficult."
Joe: "Gasp! Oh, I thought you were going to hit it already."
Savannah: "Do not distract me."
Joe: "Sorry."
Savannah: "Yaa!"
Joe: "Are your hands made of diamond or what?"
"Savannah, only one rock stands in your path of getting 20 points. Will you continue or stop here?"
Savannah: "This is a tough decision. I've broken numerous space rocks with my bare hands before."
Savannah: "But this is a big risk. I'm the only black belt. I'll walk away with my 16 points."
"Very well."
Savannah: "I'd still like to try the space rock though. Not for the mission."
If Savannah breaks this, she won't earn those last 4 points because it's no longer in the mission.
Savannah: "This one is quite hard."
Savannah: "Yaa!"
Savannah: "Eh?"
Savannah: "It didn't break."
Savannah: "It's a good thing I chose to quit while I was ahead. I should have been able to break this though."
Edward is next.
Can he break the board?
Edward: "I did it."
"Edward, will you continue to balsa wood or stop here?"
Edward: "I should aim for higher."
Can Edward break the balsa wood board?
Edward: "I requested for a few layers because I wanted to challenge myself."
Edward: "Here goes nothing."
Edward: "Did it break? It did!"
"Edward, will you move on to the oak board or will you stop here?"
Edward: "If I could cut through layers of wood, then there is no reason why I can't cut through oak."
Can Edward break it?
Joe: "Am I walking too loudly? I'll try and walk more quietly. You can do it."
Edward: "Huh?"
Edward: "Ow, my hand hurts."
"Edward, you have failed. You have earned 0 points."
Edward: "I understand."
Edward: "Not to pin the blame on anyone but Joe distracted me. Once you lose your focus that's it. On a side note, I had no idea my hands could cut wood."
It is Milan's turn.
Milan: "Hmm?"
Milan: "It did not break."
"Milan, you have failed."
Milan: "Impossible. How can I not break polistirolo? I must train harder."
Joe: "I have decided that I won't be quitting. I can't quit. I'm here because of my family."
Brandon: "So you don't care about their lives?"
Joe: "Now that I've calmly thought about it, there's no way you could have got outside contact and that doesn't even sound like my child. You're just trying to scam me."
Brandon: "Drats. Why didn't it work?"
Can Fred break the foam board?...Never thought this would be asked, but Milan's proven that this has to be asked.
Fred: "I must look cool while breaking stuff."
Fred: "And break!"
"Jae-heun, do you continue on to balsa wood or stop here?"
Fred: "I will stop here. I witnessed how Milan failed."
"Very well. You earn 4 points."
Will Paula succeed?
Paula: "You stupid b****!"
Paula: "I knew thinking about my enemies will help."
"Paula, do you continue on to the balsa wood board or do you stop?"
Paula: "Move on, duh."
Paula: "A new board, a new outfit. Let me change into something sexy."
Paula: "I have to look sexy and badass."
Paula: "Go die, Jessica!"
"Paula, do you move on to the oak board or do you stop here?"
Paula: "My hands hurt a little. I'm stopping. I'm not killing myself over a stupid mission."
"Very well. You have earned 8 points."
It is Joe's turn. Can he break the foam board?
Edward: "You can do it, Joe."
Joe: "Shh."
Edward: "Sorry."
"Joe, do you continue on to the balsa wood board or stop here?"
Joe: "My hands feel sore. I'm stopping."
"Very well. You earn 4 points."
Can Cairo do it?
Cairo: "Of course I can. This is so easy."
"Cairo, will yuo move on to the balsa wood board or stop here?"
Cairo: "I'm definitely moving on. It would be embarrassing to give up now."
Paula: "Brisk walking on a treadmill is important for my curves."
Savannah: "I am upset that I couldn't break the space rock."
Savannah: "I must be rusty."
Savannah: "Got to work on it again."
Savannah: "OW!"
Cairo: "Do you need help?"
Savannah: "No, I'm fine."
Savannah: "I really am not up to par any more."
Can Cairo break this board?
Cairo: "No sweat."
"Cairo, will you move on to the oak board or stop here?"
Cairo: "I'd be an idiot if I stopped here."
Can Cairo break oak?
Cairo: "Easy."
"Cairo, will you move on to the thin stone slab or will you stop here?"
Cairo: "I mustn't let my pride get in the way. I know I'm not going to make it, so no, I'm stopping here."
"Very well. You earn 12 points."
Cairo: "I'm sure I can do it, though."
Cairo: "Just give it your hardest smash."
Cairo: "My poor hand."
Cairo: "I hope it's not fractured."
Last but not least, Brandon.
Brandon: "Ha!"
Brandon: "It didn't work. It's all your fault, Edward. You gave me too much pressure."
Brandon: "What is this foam made of?"
"You have failed, Brandon."
Brandon: "How humiliating."
Altogether, 44/160 points have been earned. The pot now has 1049/1840 points. Since I'm feeling nice, I'll round it up to 1050 points. Savannah made it the furthest and thus earns a correction.
Make what you will of it.
The difference between a black belt and a green belt.
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