The contestants were paired up for the previous mission. Cairo was with Edward and found all their items on their list first, hence each gaining a correction. Savannah and Paula managed to find their items too, and Paula managed to gain 2 hidden corrections for messing around. Brandon and Fred only found 2 items, missing out on a bird. Joe and Milan were the worst and did not find anything in time. 80/120 points were earned, making the pot 530/720.
Milan: "I never dought about Joe. He has sabotaged so much in de last mission, no? But not in de other missions. And would de Mole be so stupid to sabotage so completely in front of me? I am watching my la persona sospetta grow."
Joe: "Are...are you that hungry?"
Fred: "Oh no!"
Fred: "I, uh...You did not see anything! I am perfect and God-like in your eyes!"
Joe: "Everyone has their own preferences. I'm not judging."
Joe: "Like how you're the first one to not judge me and complain of my smell."
Fred: "Oh, I did not notice that."
Joe: "But it must be tiring to have to be so perfect and camera-ready all the time. Don't you celebrities ever get a break?"
Fred: "As long as we are under the eyes of others, I can never rest. My fans will not like an ugly Fred Page who is dirty and smelly."
Joe: "I pity you."
Brandon: "This is Paula's bed, right? Well, if it's not, too bad for that unlucky soul."
Brandon: "I said I'll get back at you. This is what you get for crossing me."
Milan: "Ah, peace and tranquility. Promise not to make noise, camera man."
Edward: "This bathroom is so high-tech. How do I fix this?"
Quiz time. Paula and Cairo uses no corrections. Edward uses his correction.
Paula: "Nobody's leaving, right? Then who would be a fool and use their corrections now? Save them for the finale! Their loss for wasting it. What do you mean we can't use them in the final quiz? How dare you!"
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which trait does the Mole have? Each option only belongs to one contestant.
A: Slob
B: Workaholic
C: Excitable
D: Snob
E: Insane
F: Evil
G: Proud
H: Adventurous
Q3: Does the Mole wear makeup?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 4, who did the Mole pair up with?
A: Joe Abberg
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Paula Mosely
D: Savannah Pittsburgh
E: Cairo Kong
F: Edward Smith
G: Jae-heun Baek
H: Brandon Alridge
Q5: In Mission 4, which item did the Mole's pair find first?
A: Dragon cave
B: Silver
C: Emerald
D: The Mole's pair did not find anything
Q6: In Mission 4, which item was on the Mole's list?
A: Seed
B: Mercury
C: Butterfly
D: Vase
Q7: In Mission 4, which of these places did the Mole visit?
A: Forbidden City
B: Han's Orchard
C: Shang Simla Marketplace
Q8: In Mission 4, did the Mole earn any corrections?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: How many corrections did the Mole earn in Mission 1?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith
"You all know what to do."
Cairo: "Who hasn't gotten a chance to see their ranking? Fred?"
Fred: "I am fine."
Savannah: "I want to see how well Brandon has done."
Milan: "Me as well."
Brandon: "Me? I want to save it for last."
Paula: "That's my spot. Move aside."
Brandon: "I'm going for Fred."
Joe: "It's between Brandon and Fred, then? I think...Fred."
Fred: "I do not mind, I think, if someone is afraid to se their score. Oops. Should not have said that out loud."
Brandon: "Fine, whatever. I'll do it. I'm not scared."
"Brandon, you are..."
Brandon: "What?"
Paula: "I would so want this ti
Savannah: "At least we all know it is working."
Savannah: "So, Cairo, Edward and Joe are doing really well while Brandon is last. I wonder what I can do with this."
Savannah: "I may need to do some re-evaluation."
Brandon: "Its so embarrassing to be announced that you're last and have no idea who the Mole is. I'm not sure where I went wrong. Maybe it's because I chose too many suspects. Or maybe all my suspects are wrong. It's a relief that I'm not executed so I get another chance."
Edward: "The signal is very bad. Maybe I can improve it."
Paula: "Why do I feel itchy?"
Paula: "OW! Mother******! My eye!"
Paula: "Ants? ANTS? This must be a prank. I will get my revenge!"
Brandon is last this time! How will he use this news to his advantage? Who was the Mole he thought?
Savannah stalls by singing to the burglar.
It doesn't work for long, so Savannah doesn't waste any time in calling the cops.
Too late.
Trying to do damage control.
She's showing him cat pics, but let's pretend she's threatening him.
At long last the police arrive.
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