Previously on the Smole, the contestants were split into buggers and callers. The buggers could earn an exemption while the callers could earn 200 points. Sylvester managed to find the points and bring it back in exchange for an exemption, narrowly avoiding Rachel. As a result, 0/200 points were earned that mission, making the pot 200/450 points. Ethan tried too hard to be the Mole and ended up being executed instead. Or is he the actual Mole and everyone has him figured out? And will the mystery player be coming in any time soon?
Mystery player: "I've been watching, playing the game from my selected contestant's point of view. I picked this one because I thought she would be able to get a reasonable placing but be executed. So that I don't have to start from scratch with 13 new faces. But it doesn't look like this one is going home any time soon. I'm raring to go. That contestant must be executed."
Day 13
Day 13
Rachel: "I quite liked watching the Phine family on TV but I must say that you're more likeable than all the others."
Joseph: "Thanks. I get that a lot."
Rachel: "Does it cause any trouble? You can tell me."
Rachel: "Not really..."
Joseph: "They say not to air your dirty linen in public, but this is supposed to be a private space, so it's fine right? I just feel that my relationship with my brother Jose can be better. We've had a cold war ever since I was chosen to run the family business instead of my older brother. He always wants to prove that he's better than me. It's kind of annoying really. What? Do I let him win every time? Anyway, that's why I hope to see Jake mend relationships with his parents."
Jake: "I think I can trust you, Sylvester. And I know some valuable information. But you must promise me something in return."
Sylvester: "I have to hear what information you have first."
Jake: "I know who Ethan suspected. Interested?"
Sylvester: "Quite. I'll tell you who's on my mind right now, how about that?"
Jake: "I know Ethan has been susepcting the females mainly, like Hazel and Danielle. He was also beginning to suspect Angel."
Sylvester: "Interesting. I actually thought it was strange that Angel seemed to completely forget how she accused Ethan of being the Mole before last night."
Jake: "It's not conclusive though."
Sylvester: "True. Why did he tell you this anyway?"
Jake: "He said he trusted me. And I trust you. Now it's your part of the deal."
Sylvester: "I was onto Danielle as well but I'm keeping options open."
Jake: "Can I trust you?"
Sylvester: "Can I trust you?"
Jake: "...Fair enough."
Sebastian: "Sylvester and I have a coalition in a coalition. Coalition-ception, as some call it. But I despise that portmanteau. We do not meet a lot because we plan to pick different suspects so that we know if one of us is wrong. And we are trying to keep it clandestine. You may have seen me trying to form a coalition with London. She accepted. It doesn't hurt to have more insurance."
Hazel: "I thought Ethan was the Mole. He told me so."
Damien: "Didn't he say he was lying too?"
Damien: "Oh, he told me."
Damien: "What a fool you are."
Hazel: "Did you say something?"
Damien: "No, that was the wind."
Hazel: "Oh. Never heard the wind sound like voices. You learn something new everyday."
Damien: "Now my fee."
Hazel: "Huh?"
Hazel: "Ethan."
Damien: "Oh. Of course. Forget I ever asked."
Day 14
Contestants are scattered around one island of Zimmaport. However, they are all at the wrong location. To move to the correct place, they have to ride a bicycle which London currently has. At each location there is a letter with a clue as to who should be there, as shown above. The contesant to not be anywhere has to return home. They have two hours and for every contestant at the correct place at the end of the two hours (or when a contestant returns to the house), 10 points will be earned. This is worth 110 points in total.
Hazel: "Hi, you look pretty smart. Do you know if you've seen a letter or an unfamiliar face?"
Stewart: "Other than you, no."
Hazel: "Okie, thank you!"
Day 14
Contestants are scattered around one island of Zimmaport. However, they are all at the wrong location. To move to the correct place, they have to ride a bicycle which London currently has. At each location there is a letter with a clue as to who should be there, as shown above. The contesant to not be anywhere has to return home. They have two hours and for every contestant at the correct place at the end of the two hours (or when a contestant returns to the house), 10 points will be earned. This is worth 110 points in total.
London: "So we're just limited to places we can reach by bike right?"
"Essentially, you don't need a subway or boat to get to the locations."
London: "Right. I should go to the furthest spot first."
London: "Ooh, pretty rocks."
London: "Hey! Are you trying to murder me? It's a good thing I can't actually get hit by a car."
London: "This looks like a far enough spot. I see Hazel there."
Hazel: "It's so hot."
Hazel: "My makeup is melting."
London: "Hazel, do you have a letter for me?"
Hazel: "No, but we can look for it. I tried going into the school but I'm not allowed in there."
London: "Then let's search around the school."
Hazel: "A playground!"
Hazel: "Maybe it's up there."
London: "Hazel, I found it!"
Hazel: "Okay, then I'll go first then."
Hazel: "London is weird. Sometimes she's apathetic and sometimes she's aggressively fanatic."
London: "I'm versatile. I can adapt to any situation."
London: "High School Musical? Really? That's all there is to this stinking letter? Did you get that, Hazel?"
Hazel: "Yup!"
Hazel: "Maybe I'll use the gym."
Hazel: "Wow, she's loud. Right, better go back to get it."
Hazel: "Maybe I can find a clue at the gym."
Hazel: "Maybe I belong at the pool. There's something there! Oh, it's just pool rules."
Hazel: "How about here? Oh, it's the pool shower and changing room."
Hazel: "Hi, you look pretty smart. Do you know if you've seen a letter or an unfamiliar face?"
Stewart: "Other than you, no."
Hazel: "Okie, thank you!"
Hazel: "Hmm...none of them are here. Maybe I'm in the wrong place."
Angel: "It reeked of sweat inside there. The air is so much fresher outside on the second floor balcony."
Hazel: "I should get going then."
Stewart: "Wait, I remember seeing a letter in the lounge. Something about family traditions. Great, where did she go?"
Lisette: "Dad, why are you hopping by the pool?"
Stewart: "I don't want to step on water and fall in."
Lisette: "Have you tried walking? Like, further from the pool?"
Hazel: "'The Wannabe', eh? Interesting name."
Hazel: "Jake, why are you here? I was looking all over for you!"
Jake: "You were?"
Hazel: "You're supposed to be at school. As in, that school at the end of the road."
Jake: "Okay, no need to get so excited."
Hazel: "Sorry, I just really want to win. And this icky."
Hazel: "Now, quick. Take this bike and head to school. I see something over there."
Hazel: "Just out of prison? Who just got out of jail? Scandalous."
Jake: "Time to go back to school. Which reminds me of the fact that I need to return to school after all this is over. Man, that's sad to think about."
Jake: "Alright, I'm here. I don't want to enter in case they think I'm a student there. I'l go around. I think I saw something at the back of this school."
London: "I really don't understand. What could this mean? Who loves High School Musical? Who's a musician? I can play instruments. Is this supposed to be me?"
London: "Oh, Jake! Duh."
Jake: "I'm supposed to be here, I reckon."
London: "Yes. Where's Hazel?"
Jake: "She's at that bar, 'The Wannabe'. Off you go now."
London: "Actually, I don't have to stop every time I see someone else, right? I can just stop, realise I'm not meant to be here and continue on."
London: "I see Damien there."
London: "But I also see a letter by the carpark."
Damien: "Oi! Where is she going?"
London: "Okay, what does it say? Ten Things Smole Producers Won't Tell You. Why is there a clickbait headline with no content here? Whatever. It definitely can't be referring to me."
Damien: "Damn her. Damn her to hell."
London: "No dustbin is going to stop me."
London: "The graveyard...I'm not sure I'm supposed to be here but it won't hurt."
Brent: "You're a better kisser than my fiancee."
Travis: "Er..."
Angelina: "Is that old wretch stealing my fiance? I'll teach her a lesson."
Angelina: "Oh, Brent, guess what I have for you?"
Angelina: "Roses!"
Brent: "They smell lovely, my dear. As sweet as you."
Jody: "I'm pretty sure they're plastic..."
Travis: "I'll just make my way now."
London: "You find one of these in heaven. One of what? Angels? Oh, Angel. She's here."
Sylvester: "I'm bored."
Herman: "Ah, I can still smell that hellish stink bomb from the toilet. Muahahaha."
London: "Joseph, finally."
Joseph: "Let me put this book back first."
Joseph: "It was so boring just waiting around."
Joseph: "Finally something's happening though."
London: "Okay, sit back down."
London: "Have you seen a letter?"
Joseph: "As a matter of fact, I have. It's in the study room. All it says is 'Versatile'."
London: "I think that's me. The bicycle is outside. Go forth and multiply! Erm...I need to work on that. Anyway, if you see Angel, tell her to go to the graveyard. If you find a clue related to Hazel, look for her in the dive bar."
Wendy: "Susanna, dearie, why don't you do your homework at the table?"
Susanna: "I wanna be as close to you."
London: "Versatile. He was telling the truth."
Joseph: "Where should I go now?"
Joseph: "The business office is not reachable by bike."
Joseph: "The gym perhaps. I'm quite athletic, so maybe I should be there."
Joseph: "Angel! Hang on, I'm coming up."
Joseph: "So glad I found you. You're supposed to be at the graveyard. If you find a clue pertaining to Hazel, she's at the dive bar. By the way, did you find a letter?"
Angel: "In the lounge. Something about a family tradition."
Joseph: "Huh? Oh, it could be me. I mentioned that I joined because it was becoming a family tradition."
Angel: "It must be correct. I will see you then."
Joseph: "I might as well work out while I'm here."
Joseph: "I'm glad they have free clothes in the lockers."
Angel: "I'm an old lady. I can't ride very fast. This dress doesn't help either. Why couldn't it be a car?"
10 minutes left.
Angel: "There the graveyard is."
Sylvester: "Seriously, we're running out of time. Did nobody think to come here? I should read what the letter says."
Sylvester: "Angel. At long last."
Angel: "It was a long ride. I couldn't find..."
Sylvester: "Cut the chit-chat. Know where I need to go? No? Okay, just give me the bicycle."
Sylvester: "What are you staring at?"
Angel: "Are they trying to curse me by bringing me here? Oh, the fraility of life. I'm reminded of all my sins..."
Sylvester: "Blatant sabotage. She's trying to use her age as an excuse."
"Time is up!"
Sylvester: "****."
"Only Jake, London, Joseph and Angel are at the right places, so 40/110 points have been earned, making the pot 240/560 points."
Here are the remaining letters:
The pool. This one reads 'Chocolate Lover'. Hazel needed to come here. Esther was originally at the pool.
The bistro, aka Clifford's Pier. Rachel was initially here but Esther needed to be here. The letter reads 'The Rag Who Wants Riches'."
City Hall. Danielle was here. The letter reads 'The Little Mermaid'. Clearly, Rachel needed to be here."
Finally, the military base. Sebastian was here, but he was supposed to be the one returning home. Instead, Sylvester needed to be here. This letter reads 'α', which is the symbol for alpha."
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