In the first episode of the Smole, the eight contestants got settled in in Shang Simla. They then took part in their first mission, which was to read a book within an hour but not pick the same book as the Mole. Only 5 of them managed to do so in time, not including Joe, Brandon and Paula. Joe and Paula also ended up reading the same book as the Mole, "Forrest Gump". 100/160 points have been earned. Can the group keep it up? Who will get that first bonus point?
Paula: "I decided to give every sucker here a nickname. I don't care if they like it. It's mine. Like Edward is Blackie, Fred is Yellow Pages, Cairo is King Kong, Savannah is Armpit, Joe is Idiotic Methhead and that snobbish Milan is Slut. I haven't come up with something for Brandon though. He hasn't annoyed me sure it'll come to me eventually. Oh, how about Whitewashed Boy Toy? You know, since cars are boy's toys and all suck if you don't get it."
Milan: "I have de perfect plan to win. Great minds work togeder, no? It will be best if I form an alliance with another fellow concorrente. Two, because in the unlucky event I am partnered with de Mole, I will be doomed. Hence anoder player in my alliance will mean dat I can at least trust one of dem. As long as dere are no more stupid twists."
Savannah: "You want to form a coalition? But why us?"
Savannah: "How do you know we can all trust each other."
Cairo: "I vouch when I say I am not the Mole."
Milan: "Everyone here is not good. But you two have worldly sense dat everybody else lacks."
Savannah: "What about trust? I'm not sure I want to form such a big coalition with only eight contestants."
Milan: "Trust? Don't be absurd. In dis game, dere is no trust. But I do not dink you two capable of being de Mole."
Milan: "Dink about everyding I said."
Cairo: "I'm in. She seems sincere about this. How about you, Savannah?"
Savannah: "You are quite persuasive, I'll give you that. Alright, I think I'll join you all."
Milan: "You made de right choice."
Edward: "Smells delicious."
Edward: "I have not have such good food in ages."
"Tme to take the quiz."
Edward: "Already?"
Cairo does not use his corrections.
Cairo: "You would think that now is the best time to use my corrections and gain the lead but that's foolish. I'm not dumb. Wait, I'm not saying all of you are dumb or foolish. Just, I know who to pick. I have great intuition. I don't need to waste those corrections yet."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole employed?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole ride a bike?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
Q4: In Mission 1, in what position was the Mole when contestants were running from the base camp?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
Q5: In Mission 1, which book did the Mole pick?
A: Oh, All the Places You Will Go
B: Forrest Gump
C: 50 Shades of Grey
D: A Chinese book
E: A fashion book
F: A dictionary
Q6: In Mission 1, did the Mole read the same book as the Mole?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: In Mission 1, did the Mole read finish their book?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 1, did the Mole find any corrections?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Where did the Mole read the book in Mission 1?
A: Inside
B: By the fire pit
C: By the chess table
D: None of the above
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith
"Welcome to your first 'execution' ceremony. The only executing that will be going on will be execution of commands. Who do you all vote to see their position?"
Edward: "I'm fine with anything."
Savannah: "I think we all would like to see it but I'm willing to give this chance to someone else."
Milan: "I would like it."
Brandon: "I'm not sure about that."
Paula: "Damn right. I should be the one seeing it."
Savannah: "We had to decide who should see their scores first. There was a lot of discussion with many pushing for themselves. Eventually we agreed to do a rotation. Whoever sees the screen now will have to wait until everyone else gets a go to see their screen again. We picked Joe because he seems the most earnest and trustworthy and nice."
"Joe Abberg, you are..."
Joe: "Nice."
Savannah: "No way! You've got your suspect already?"
Paula: "Please, this means nothing. The best scorer could have failed the quiz."
Cairo: "No way I'll fail."
Paula: "Who said you were the best, King Kong?"
Cairo: "I am insulted."
Paula: "Boohoo. Go cry to your momma. Suck your thumb while you're at it."
Has Joe really found out the Mole already? You'll have to wait to find out.
BLOOPERS: so many explorers. Ugh.
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