Friday, 10 February 2017

28.15-Down and dirty

The final five had to go to the cinema to watch a movie put up by the executed players this season. There were 10 logical flaws to be found and 10 chances to find them. They found the first 9, earning 90/100 points or 584/820 points. Kelvin took the hidden exemption in an attempt to earn the remaining 10 points as the Mole's Accomplice. Sue was then executed in the execution ceremony. Who is the Mole? Have you figured it out?


Rico: "Didn't know you can cook."

Kelvin: "I can't. I just felt like chopping stuff."
Rico: "WTH man. You trying to get us all killed with food poisoning?"

Kelvin: "I could easily just chop you up and add it into the frying pan here if you don't scram."

Kelvin: "Not bad for starters."


Rico: "Perfect place for venting."

Lynette: "Did you make this? Amazing. You should be a chef, Kelvin."
Kelvin: "No thanks. Nobody would want me in their kitchen with an array of weapons at disposal."

"Contestants, it is time for your second-to-final mission. The last Mole's Accomplice has been chosen. You will be going to Cleanesque Laundromat to find your dirty laundry in 5 minutes. If you manage to find your clothes, you gain 20 points for the pot. This is worth 80 points. Good luck."


Beth: "Let's get down and dirty."

"Your time starts now."
Rico: "Let's just split up and find our laundry."
Kelvin: "We only have five minutes. There is no point in wasting time discussing. How big is this place anyway?"

Beth: "I bet my clothes are in the green ones. They will be so easy to find."

Rico: "Wonder if it's in here."

Rico: "They don't look like my clothes. Stupid waste of time."

Lynette: "Nothing else in there?"

Lynette: "I was hoping for a hidden exemption. Now that I think about it, it's unfair if the Mole, Mole's Accomplice and exemption holder are different people. The last one will be automatically executed."

Beth: "I don't see them here. Maybe they're hiding."

Rico: "Looks like Beth's clothes. Where the f*** is mine?"

Beth: "Excuse me there. Have you seen my clothes? They're very easy to spot. There should be green in there."
Amy: "No, why would I? And did you ever think it could be blue? Like your jeans?"
Beth: "Look, ugly tramp, you don't have to help if you don't want to but you don't have to be a witch about it."
Amy: "Are you asking for a catfight now?"

Rico: "Aha, found mine."

Lynette: "I don't know whose clothes hese are."

Kelvin: "I should record some stuff down, like how Beth is more interested in a catfight."

Amy: "Hey, you!"

Lynette: "Enough with this ruckus."

Amy: "Stop throwing laundry everwhere. You could be dirtying my clean clothes."

Rico: "We're on a mission. It's too bad that you chose this day to wash your clothes."
Amy: "I recognise you. You're that pervert who tried to get fresh with me at the beach."
Rico: "Are you calling me a pervert right now, you w****?"
Terry: "What's with the yelling?"

Kelvin: "Going to hide them back here."

Kelvin: "In a last-ditch attempt to fool everyone, I hid my clothes back into the washing machine where I found them."

Beth: "Hey there, sexy. Seen any green and blue?"
Lynette: "Clothes. She means her clothes. Apart from what she's wearing now."
Beth: "Can I take off my clothes and throw them in and then take them out and say I found my clothes?"
"No. That's cheating."
Beth: "Aww..."

Beth: "I thought my clothes would be easy to find since I wear the same colours and all, unlike everyone else, but I just didn't see them anywhere! Did they make a mistake? Or did the pesky Mole throw them away? I know. It must be that ugly tramp who got jealous of my beauty and stole them. I'm not surprised. I have impeccable taste."

Rico: "I have absolutely no idea who you are and have never met you in my entire life so stop wasting my time."
Amy: "You're not going anywhere until you apologise."

Kelvin: "I'm going insane. Must...kill..."

Lynette: "Wow, this is heavy."

Lynette: "Oh, these look like that lady's clothes. Better put them back in and defuse the situation. Miss, I think your clothes are here."
Rico: "So do you owe me an apology now?"
Amy: "Ugh, fine. Sorry, bye."

Lynette: "They were here all along. How did I not notice?"


"Time is up. Lynette and Rico found their clothes, so 40/80 points have been earned. The pot now has 624/900 points."

Pot: 624/900
Beth: 0
Darroll: 0
Edmund: 0
Godfrey: 0
Junico: 82
Kelvin: 10
Kieran: 0
Kit: 0
Lisbon: 0
Lynette: 84
Rico: 60
Sue: 0

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