Wednesday, 28 March 2018

38.10-Making magic

In the mission, the contestants were split into four duos: Keith and Quinn, Hannah and Abbie, Morgan and Ivy, and Julie and Carl. The first duo had to play skee ball to relay information to the second duo, who would light candles in the image of Cepheus for the third duo to see. They then had to count the number of candles that should have been lit up for the last duo to decide if the number was accurate. Fortunately, Carl and Julie believed the correct number Morgan gave, resulting in 50/50 points earned, or 569/800 points in the pot.

Morgan: "There were a few candles that were not supposed to be lit, but yet they were. There are a few possibilities. The first is that either Keith or Quinn deliberately send the wrong information to Hannah and Abbie. The second is that Hannah or Abbie deliberately lit the wrong candles. The third is that it was an accidental typo, or they lit the wrong candle by accident."

Morgan: "I thought you said you didn't know about stars."
Ivy: "I said I didn't know much about them. Cepheus happens to be one of the stars I do know."

Morgan: "Cepheus used to be my ex-fiancee's favourite constellation."

Ivy: "I happen to be lukewarm about it. My favourite is the Big Dipper. It was the first one I knew about. It's like my first love."

Hannah: "Hot dogs? Ew, get them away from me."
Carl: "You don't like hot dogs?"

Hannah: "Actually, I have no idea. I don't particularly hate it. Not in the past, at least. But now the smell of it repulses me. I have no idea why."

Keith: "Hannah! Are you okay?"

Hannah: "Yes, I just suddenly felt faint is all. Recently I've been getting a lot of headaches too. I guess I haven't been resting well. Maybe it's the intensity of the game."

Keith: "Hannah, I think you're pregnant."
Hannah: "Pregnant?"
Keith: "I don't know much about pregnancy symptoms, but morning sickness, dizziness, food aversions...they all point to it."

Hannah: "I...I think you're right."

Carl: "Congratulations, Hannah!"
Hannah: "Thank you. It was always my dream to have a family. And now, I can finally welcome a new addition."

Keith: "So what are you going to do?"
Hannah: "What do you mean?"

Keith: "You should really rest more. The Smole may not be good for your health, or your baby's."
Carl: "He's right. You better take good care of your child."

Hannah: "I want an adventure. I know my child wants one too. Who says I can't have the best of both worlds?"

Keith: "If you're sure. But don't push yourself."

Carl: "I think I have some vitamins that will boost immunity and strength. As well as a few that will--"
Hannah: "Carl, I am not going to swallow any pills. I hate those."

Carl: "But they're good for your health! And now that you're pregnant but still want to continue, all the more you need this."

Hannah: "No means no. Go bug someone else."

Abbie: "When I grow up, I hope to be a queen."
Quinn: "You know that's just a pipe dream. You're not born into royalty, so give up the idea."

Abbie: "Why do you have to be so mean about it? Is it because your dreams of being a princess were crushed, leaving you to become a chem teacher?"

Quinn: "I'll have you know that I love chemistry. I love mixing things together and forming new substances. That's also why I enjoy alchemy. It's like making magic. In fact, I'm trying to learn the craft of wizardry."

Abbie: "You want to be a witch? And you call me unrealistic."

Quinn: "Hey, witches and wizards are real."
Abbie: "Sure, but your obsession with them is a little scary."

Quinn: "Obsessed? I'll have you know that I'm that close to creating an elixir that will grant me the powers of magic."

Quinn: "In fact, I also have a wand that I've been practising with. Watch this."

Quinn: "Abra-kadabra!"

Quinn: "Woah!"

Quinn: "I nearly tripped."

Quinn: "Where did I drop my wand?"
Abbie: "You were saying?"

Quinn: "One day."
Abbie: "I wish you all the best. Really."

Quinn: "Do you not believe me?"
Abbie: "I think I hear someone calling me. I gotta go."
Quinn: "Maybe Julie will be a better audience."

Quinn: "Julie, do you believe in magic?"

Julie: "No."
Quin: "You're missing out. I can't believe anyone would actually disbelieve in magic."

Julie: "Sorry. I believe in magic. Please don't hate me."
Quinn: "I hate those who suck up."


Time for the quiz. For once, only the Mole is safe.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?

Q2: Does the Mole wear a hat?

Q3: Before Mission 5, what type of chair did the Mole sit on during the briefing?

Q4: Which car did the Mole take in Mission 5?

Q5: Did the Mole drive a car in Mission 5?

Q6: In Mission 5, which role did the Mole take?

Q7: Who was with the Mole for the majority of Mission 5?

Q8: Which phase of the mission was the Mole involved in in Mission 5?

Q9: How many phones did the Mole's pair have in Mission 5?

Q10: Who is the Mole?


"Tonight, one more will say goodbye."

"It is now fair game. Anyone could be going home, except the Mole."

"However, this time, we'll do things a little differently."

"Abbie Cielle Defghi, Quinn Harley, who among you will have their light shown?"

"Abbie Cielle Defghi, you are safe."
Abbie: "Yay!"

"Ivy Waxes, Morgan Lowell, whose light will turn on?"

"Morgan Lowell, you are safe. Ivy Waxes, you are still not out of the woods."

"Hannah Voltremore, Keith Summers, the one who will be making it through is..."

"...Keith Summers."
Keith: "Yes!"
Hannah: "Oh boy."

"Carl Shipley, Julie Kanzing, who will be the next one to know their fate?"

"Carl Shipley, you are safe. Julie Kanzing, for now, you are not."
Julie: "Doing it this way is really nerve-wracking. I can't take this."

"Four are safe, four are not. We shall reveal two more lights. Get ready."

"Julie Kanzing, Ivy Waxes, you two are advancing."

"Quinn Harley, Hannah Voltremore, one of you will be the next victim. The one whose light shall stay off is..."

"...Hannah Voltremore. You have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Hannah: "I'm bummed, naturally. I felt like I left too early, but no matter when I leave, it will always be too early. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I got to see beautiful things, meet beautiful people and play a beautiful game. Perhaps this is a sign, that I should take care of myself properly. And I shall heed it. I wish the rest all the best."

Quinn: "She was really nice and friendly. Very likeable. But she did have a different perspective on things, which leads me to think about some things more carefully."

Abbie: "Hannah was part of our coalition. I really grew close to her. The fact that she's gone saddens me."

Carl: "It's a bittersweet ride for Hannah. She's been a joy, really a fun sport. She always wanted to have an adventure and take part in everything. She loved the game. And while she's gone, at least she's got a new baby to welcome."

Morgan: "Say what? Hannah is pregnant?"
Carl: "Well...yeah. I probably shouldn't have blurted it. Superstition and all that."

Ivy: "Then she must really be excited. But it's good that she's left then, so that she can properly care and welcome her new baby. I admit I did suspect her a teeny-bit, more as a 'what-if' moment. But I am still sad that she has been executed. The house will be less fun without her."


The final seven are sleeping soundly after the execution, but the executing isn't over yet. Four more have to fall at the hands of the Mole before all is known. Which four? And who is the Mole?

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