Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to play "2 rooms and a boom", with Abbie being the President and Benjamin being the Bomb Leader. At the very last minute, Benjamin saw his exemption leaving him as Abbie became the last hostage. As a result, Robert and Quinn were the ones who earned the exemption, and 105/105 points were brought in to the pot, making it 519/720 points.
Quinn: "I almost feel bad for Ben. If I hadn't chosen to listen to Carl at the last moment and make Abbie the hostage, Ben would have earned the exemption. But I suppose that would overturn the situation, since half the group would also be exempted. Who knows? Maybe I would have been the one walking out, not him."
Keith: "Without someone to pour all your ideas onto and bounce suspects off of, this game has gotten 10 times harder. I should probably scout for another contestant to work with."
Morgan: "Ben left the game. How are you holding up?"
Keith: "Okay, fine. I am pretty upset that he was executed. This just brings up so many questions. Was I wrong? Or did he switch suspects at the last minute? We decided to spread across a few suspects, so are all of them wrong? And of course, having someone to share the experience with..."
Morgan: "Sounds like you need another alliance."
Morgan: "Clever. But you know that alone won't get you to the end. I should warn you first that I won't be like Ben. What do you say?"
Keith: "You got yourself a deal."
Contestants will be visiting an abandoned headquarters for the next mission.

One of them has been randomly assigned to be the criminal. Some have been assigned as the henchmen while the remaining would be the policemen. Nobody is aware of the roles of the other contestants.
The police must infiltrate the building and try to find the criminal.

If there are two and only two contestants in a room, both contestants can choose to reveal their roles to each other.

If one is the policemen while the other is the criminal, the mission ends and 30 points would be earned.

The criminal cannot be caught if there are more than two in a room and roles can only be revealed to each other if there are only two in a room.

If there are only two contestants in a room for too long, they must reveal their roles to each other.

If a contestant ends up at a dead end, the door behind them will be automatically locked.

This mission will last for 45 minutes. The criminal can earn an exemption if he is not caught at the end of 45 minutes.

One of them has been randomly assigned to be the criminal. Some have been assigned as the henchmen while the remaining would be the policemen. Nobody is aware of the roles of the other contestants.

If there are two and only two contestants in a room, both contestants can choose to reveal their roles to each other.

If one is the policemen while the other is the criminal, the mission ends and 30 points would be earned.

The criminal cannot be caught if there are more than two in a room and roles can only be revealed to each other if there are only two in a room.

If there are only two contestants in a room for too long, they must reveal their roles to each other.

If a contestant ends up at a dead end, the door behind them will be automatically locked.

This mission will last for 45 minutes. The criminal can earn an exemption if he is not caught at the end of 45 minutes.
Carl: "I'm the criminal. This will be exciting. I have to try and avoid everyone, but not be too obvious because that will make it obvious to the rest that I'm the criminal."
Ivy: "Ugh. I'm at a dead end!"
Carl: "It would be more helpful if you just told us who you were."
Robert: "I am a henchman. You are?"
"Your 45 minutes begins now!"
Quinn: "I'll take this door."
Ivy: "I should try and meet as many as I possibly can."
Ivy: "Oh, there's an elevator here."
Ivy: "I think it's time for me to go up."
Abbie: "Ick. So much dust."
Abbie: "This is kind of creepy. Why can't everything be all sunshine and rainbows? Oh! I see light at the end of the tunnel."
Abbie: "Aaaah!"
Abbie: "Oh my goodness, what a scary painting!"
Abbie: "I'm turning around."
Carl: "I'll just keep track of time. If I hide in here for as long as possible, I won't have to worry about being caught...hopefully."
Julie: "I shall just stay in here."
Quinn: "This looks like an office."
Quinn: "Maybe I'll find something of interest in here."
Hannah: "I don't feel too well, but I don't look pale."
Ivy: "A bunch of crumbled this place safe?"
Keith: "Stop right there."
Keith: "I found you, Ivy. I think we should reveal our roles to each other."
Ivy: "I don't have a reason to say no."
Keith: "I'll go first."
Keith: "I'm actually the criminal."
Ivy: "And I'm the policeman. You're dead meat."
Keith: "Shit. Really?"
Ivy: "Of course not. Which idiot will tell the others that he's a criminal?"
Keith: "Hmm, I think I can guess what role she is."
Ivy: "What the..."
Ivy: "Ugh. I'm at a dead end!"
Morgan: "A meeting room."
Morgan: "Perhaps there are clues here."
Hannah: "Hmm, I wonder why each room is decorated as such?"
Robert: "It's so empty."
Abbie: "I don't know what any of these random chemicals are. Barrelene? Cubane? Arsole? Are these even real?"
Hannah: "Maybe I should stake out here...actually, maybe not. I've got to be on the move constantly."
Hannah: "It's a maze in there. There were billions of rooms, some of which led to dead ends, which meant that you were quietly removed from the mission."
Quinn: "I shall just bide my time."
Abbie: "Oh no! Stay away from me."
Quinn: "But I'm on your side."
Abbie: "You're a henchwoman too?"
Quinn: "No. I'm a policewoman."
Abbie: "You said you were on my side!"
Quinn: "I guess I was wrong."
Abbie: "I can't believe you."
Quinn: "Why make such a big fuss out of it? At least we know each other's roles now. But promise to keep it a secret."
Abbie: "Why? We're enemies."
Quinn: "But we all want to earn the points. Don't we?"
Carl: "Staying in here the whole day is boring and no fun."
Carl: "Gasp!"
Morgan: "I know you saw me. Come out."
Carl: "Why don't you come in?"
Morgan: "There is only one reason why you would want to hide. So I suggest you come out or I'll go around telling every single player I meet that you're the criminal."
Carl: "Fine."
Carl: "I'm out."
Carl: "I admit. I'm the criminal. What's your role?"
Morgan: "I'm a henchman."
Carl: "Can I trust you?"
Morgan: "You can't trust anybody. But with your identity ascertained, rest assured I will try to protect you."
Carl: "But there is no incentive for you to do that."
Morgan: "I'm sure there is. Just wait and see."
Abbie: "Oh no."
Abbie: "Shh. Don't say a word. We never met."
Abbie: "I'll just continue being on my way."
Julie: "The coast looks clear."
Julie: "Do I hear another door opening?"
Julie: "Who's there?"
Julie: "Oh no."
Julie: "Shit. I can't go back in there. It's a dead end."
Julie: "What do you want from me?"
Hannah: "Are you the criminal?"
Julie: "No, I'm not."
Hannah: "Good. Then I need your help. I'm the criminal, but I want to get caught so that we can fill up the pot. Can you go and tell everyone you meet?"
Julie: "Okay, but this is strange..."
Robert: "There are so many mes."
Carl: "Shit."
Morgan: "Don't worry. There are three of us. She can't do anything to us."
Abbie: "I don't want to do reveal my role either."
Abbie: "But be wary of Quinn."
Robert: "I am very confused."
Carl: "Robbie, this isn't a dead end, right?"
Morgan: "If he does as planned, we should be smooth-sailing."
Robert: "No."
Carl: "Then why are you here? Waiting for a confrontation?"
Robert: "I am trying to make a map in my head."
Carl: "Ooh, good idea."
Robert: "But it is not working out too well."
Robert: "I am a henchman. You are?"
Carl: "I...erm...where is he?"
Carl: "Sigh. I'm the criminal. But keep it a secret. Do not tell anybody."
Julie: "Quinn. Tell me, are you a policeman?"
Julie: "Hannah told me she's the criminal. She's on the third level. Go and catch her."
Quinn: "Can we really trust her words? Will she really be that willing?"
Julie: "It won't hurt if you try and nab her, right?"
Quinn: "The policemen were informed that if we ended up with only one other player, we could shout 'you're arrested'. If the other party was the criminal, great! If the other party was a henchman though, we would get a strike. If the policemen catch two henchmen, no points would be earned any more because we are 'incompetent', supposedly. And if I catch another policeman, I eliminate the other policeman. This is why I don't want to be so trigger-happy. Anyone can be lying to lure us out."
Keith: "Why are you camping down here?"
Keith: "How about we do a role reveal?"
Morgan: "My lips are sealed."
Keith: "Then I guess we'll just continue to wait out here until we're forced to reveal. Just the two of us."
Morgan: "...Fine. I'm the criminal."
Keith: "Finally, I found you."
Carl: "Morgan, you were supposed to come out before I revealed my identity...wait, what's going on here?"
Keith: "So you're a henchman?"
Carl: "I cannot say. Why?"
Keith: "Were you trying to find policemen to nab Morgan?"
Carl: "Nab Morgan? Why?"
Keith: "Hmm....either you two are lying, or you're the Mole. Why else would you not want to nab Morgan?"
Keith: "You know what? Nevermind. I've got my eye on you two."
Abbie: "Oh. There's a clock here."
Abbie: "In 12 more minutes, my master will reign glorious."
Quinn: "A little birdie told me you're a criminal."
Quinn: "But you're clearly lying. Because I'm the criminal."
Hannah: "You are? Then I hereby arrest you because I'm the policeman."
Quinn: "Wait, what? But I'm the police too."
Hannah: "What? Then why did you try to claim that you're the criminal?"
Quinn: "Why did you try to claim you're the criminal?"
Hannah: "We messed up."
Quinn: "Damn it. We can only hope the other police members will help."
Hannah: "I think I should change how I try to find my fellow allies."
Morgan: "All that's here is a desk."
Carl: "I wonder what this place used to be like."
Julie: "He's running away. He must be a criminal! Wait, that doesn't make sense. Wasn't Hannah the criminal?"
Julie: "Don't tell me Hannah lied."
Carl: "Psst. Morgan. There's someone behind the bookcase."
Carl: "I'll go check things out."
Carl: "Stay away from us. This is your final warning."
Morgan: "There are so many bogus policemen here."
Abbie: "Oh dear. I locked myself in."
Julie: "Aha! Found him."
Julie: "You're not getting away from me."
Julie: "Got you."
Robert: "We are trapped."
Hannah: "I think I've pretty much explored this entire building. Now it's just time to wait. It's best to depend on myself to catch that criminal; time is running out."
Hannah: "Carl, stop."
Hannah: "I said stop!"
Morgan: "Shit. I can't let Carl be alone with another player."
Hannah: "Carl, why didn't you stop when I told you to? Have a guilty conscience?"
Carl: "What? Of course not."
Hannah: "Then tell me who you are."
Carl: "Never."
Hannah: "I guess I'm forced to--"
Keith: "Carl! There you are."
"Time is up."
Morgan: "I hope I'm not too late."
"Carl is the criminal, but Hannah was just a minute too late in arresting him, so 0/30 points have been earned, making the pot 519/750 points. That also means that Carl gets an exemption."
Hannah: "Nice job, Carl. I was so close."
Morgan: "I expected a hidden exemption or something for being able to identify and protect the true criminal. But I was overthinking it. I suppose this is like real life, where you work because you expect a reward, only to end up with nothing."
For once, Quinn does not have an exemption. What will this mean for her?
A summary of the roles:
Policemen: Quinn, Hannah
Henchmen: Morgan, Ivy, Keith, Robert, Julie, Abbie
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