Last time on the Smole, the contestants were either criminals, henchmen or policemen. Hannah and Quinn failed to catch Carl the criminal, letting him escape with an exemption and 0/30 points in the pot. The pot had 519/750 points as a result. While Quinn made it through without an exemption, Robert failed to do the same, and he became the Mole's fourth victim. Who will be the fifth? Will the Mole step up the game?
Morgan: "I noticed that for the past few missions you have been very shady."
Keith: "Oh. Well, er..."
Morgan: "Are you trying to make yourself look suspicious?"
Keith: ", was I that easy to see through?"
Morgan: "I think you should keep it up. Continue acting suspicious."
Hannah: "I think we should be nicer to Julie. She seems very lonely and withdrawn."
Carl: "Well, how about we go over and talk to her?"
Abbie: "I think she's fine. That's just how she is."
Hannah: "Well, I'm going over with Carl."
Carl: "Hey Julie. Sometimes from afar, your hair looks like wool."
Hannah: "Carl!"
Carl: "What? I'm trying to start a conversation here."
Julie: "I braid the top. Carl, you're not being very nice. I thought we were friends."
Carl: "Sorry. I was just curious. I didn't mean to offend you."
Hannah: "You should come sit with us for meals next time."
Julie: "No, I don't want to intrude."
Hannah: "Nonsense. You're always welcome."
Julie: "Really?"
Hannah: "Really."
Hannah: "I suddenly don't feel so hot."
Hannah: "Excuse me!"
Hannah: "Bleugh!"
Keith: "Hannah, can I come in?"
Hannah: "Yes, go ahead."
Keith: "Hannah, are you alright?"
Hannah: "Yes. I'm fine."
Hannah: "Maybe I'm not used to the food or envrionment here. Lately, I've been vomitting in the mornings."
Keith: "Let me check your pulse."
Keith: "Your pulse is a little weak. Any diarrhoea or constipation?"
Hannah: "No, my bowels are fine."
Keith: "I'm not exactly sure what the cause of your sickness is. We all eat the same food and breathe the same air as you. Maybe you're just too tired from the back-to-back night missions. I think you should get some rest. Maybe even skip the next mission."
Hannah: "No, I can't do that. I came here to enjoy myself. I won't let a little vomit stop me from making full use of my time here."
Carl: "And what you just heard was an inspiring success story."
Abbie: "I hope to be like them one day."
Julie: "Do you have more of these CDs?"
Carl: "As a matter of fact, I do. There are some that teach you on various sales tactics."
Julie: "I want to listen to those."
Hannah: "We were not called down to gather until evening. I was beginning to think there was a secret mission I was not aware of. 3 night missions in a row. This season is really pushing for the theme."
"Good day, dearest contestants. For this mission, I require two with good ball sense, two who prefer light to darkness, two speed-lovers with photographic memory and two believers who just want to stay at home."
Julie: "I would like to stay at home but you all don't listen anyway. You all hate me, that's why."
Abbie: "I think I would like some light. Too many missions at night is worsening my eyesight."
Keith: "Hannah, do you want to stay at home?"
Hannah: "Absolutely not. I want to go out and do stuff. I'm fine with any except the last one."
Morgan: "I would say that I have quite a good memory."
Ivy: "As do I. And I like things to go on the fast track. That's where the excitement lies."
Keith: "I'll be the one with the ball sense. I'm quite sporty."
Quinn: "I'll join you. I like balls."
Hannah: "Then I'll be with Abbie. Sorry Carl, sorry Julie. I chose first."
"Morgan, Ivy, please take the blue car."
"Keith, Quinn, please take the orange car."
"Hannah, Abbie, please take the red car."
Carl: "Looks like it's just the two of us now."
Quinn and Keith must play skee ball. They have to land the balls in a ring. There is a stereo playing certain alphanumeric combinations, which they must convey to Abbie and Hannah. Both of them get a phone to do so.
Keith: "Bring me luck."
Keith: "Come on..."
Quinn: "Please..."
Quinn: "No!"
Quinn: "Great."
Quinn: "Just great."
Keith: "Quinn and I had to play skee ball. The room was dimly lit, which made it difficult to see, especially since the sun had set by the time we started."
Keith: "Yes!"
Keith: "What does it say?"
Keith: "I heard an I42."
Hannah and Abbie are in a field of candles. Each candle is assigned a code, which Quinn and Keith must convey to them. Those are the candles that need to be lit. They have been given one phone to communicate with Quinn and Keith.
Hannah: "Wait, I hear a buzzing in my pocket. Keith texted I42."
Abbie: "Let's split up and look for it."
Abbie: "It's not here."
Hannah: "I15, H62...ah, saw it."
Hannah: "I found I42, Abbie!"
Abbie: "Great job."
Morgan and Ivy are to swing. Only at a certain point will they be able to see the lit candles. They have to try and guess what the lit candles are attempting to show before they can tell Julie and Carl how many candles were used. If Julie and Carl believe them and the number is correct, 50 points are earned. If they don't believe them but the number is correct, Morgan and Ivy get an exemption. If Morgan and Ivy are incorrect but Julie and Carl believe them, no points are earned. If the number of candles stated was incorrect but Julie and Carl did not believe them, Julie and Carl each receive an exemption. This mission lasts for 45 minutes.
Ivy: "Hey, I see them!"
Ivy: "Even though it was at night, this mission was very different from the previous two. It was really beautiful from where I was. And then I could see little figures running around, lighting candles. It was breahtaking."
Keith: "Screw my sweaty palms."
Quinn: "H30."
Keith: "I need to calm down."
Quinn: "Come on, yes! I heard a C15."
Hannah: "I got another text. And another. We need to find H30 and C15."
Abbie: "Hey, I think I see Morgan and Ivy up there. They must be having fun."
Hannah: "I found C15."
Abbie: "And I found H30. I wonder if it will form a picture."
Quinn: "I just texted R90 to Hannah and Abbie."
Keith: "Noted."
Keith: "Oh. That was a close one."
Keith: "What else hasn't been called?"
Keith: "Quinn, how are you doing so far?"
Quinn: "So-so. What are you texting to them?"
Keith: "L23."
Hannah: "Found it. It looks like 5 minutes is up. Abbie, here you go. As promised, the phone for the next 5 minutes."
Abbie: "Thank you. Oh! I23."
Abbie: "There it is."
Quinn: "So close."
Keith: "It's hard to keep track of what we've called out already."
Quinn: "We should have been more systematic. Or you should have been more systematic."
Keith: "It's too late for that. Look, you made me miss."
Quinn: "Oh, it's my fault now."
Quinn: "I sent out O99."
Keith: "I managed to get one too. I'll text N3."
Keith: "Let us recap on what numbers have been called. I remember H30, I42, I just texted N3...what else did I text?"
Quinn: "Shh. Let me concentrate. You know that you can see the texts you sent, right?"
Keith: "We can't. Each text deletes itself after three seconds of being sent out. I imagine it's the same for our recipients."
Hannah: "I found D8."
Abbie: "O99."
Hannah: "N3."
Morgan:" I wonder what that's supposed to be."
Ivy: "I can't really tell."

Ivy: "And now I can't see it."
Morgan: "Just keep swinging. Swing hard."
Keith: "Yes!"
Keith: "I got it in the smallest ring! Now, time to text. Let me compare what you sent, Quinn."
Hannah: "So, what's next?"
Abbie: "I haven't gotten anything yet...oh, a text. A21."
Hannah: "A21 is lit."
Quinn: "No."
Keith: "So close."
Keith: "I'm going to tell them I69."
Quinn: "And I'll tell them I42."
Keith: "Quinn, that was the first one I sent to them. Not so systematic now, are we?"
Quinn: "Sorry. Then I'll send out G43."
Hannah: "When playing games, I tend to get carried away. I told myself this mission to observe a little more, but we all saw how that turned out."
Abbie: "G43 found."
Hannah: "I69 is lit too."
Abbie: "M32. We have to find M32."
Hannah: "M or N?"
Abbie: "M."
Hannah: "And that's done too. Abbie, it's time to pass me the phone back."
Ivy: "I'm running out of energy."
Morgan: "Be focused and patient."
Morgan: "I think it's a constellation."
Ivy: "I'm not good with stars. Are you?"
Morgan: "Is it the Big Dipper?"
Hannah: "I really hope Morgan and Ivy can tell what this is supposed to be, because I sure can't."
Morgan: "Cepheus. I think it's Cepheus."
Ivy: "You're right! It does look like Cepheus!"
Ivy: "Good job, Morgan."
Morgan: "Now it's time to contact those at home. I hope we're not too late."
Ivy: "I'll count."
Carl: "Hold up. I'm getting a call."
Morgan: "Hello? Who am I speaking to?"
Carl: "This is Carl. Julie is beside me."
Ivy: "25 candles."
Morgan: "Carl, I see...wait, let me count...23 candles."
Ivy: "Wait. I think they're not done yet."
Morgan: "Keep that number in view first. I'll call you back again."
Carl: "23, eh? Do you believe him, Julie? He sounded unsure."
Julie: "We're believers, aren't we? But thanks for asking for my opinion."

Morgan: "Did one more candle light up?"
Ivy: "It's too hard to tell."
Morgan: "I think what we need to do is to try and count how many candles it would take to form Cepheus."
Ivy: "You're kidding, right? We can't even see the candles from here, unless they are lit. That's too big a gamble."
Morgan: "Well, I guess we have to keep counting and counting again until we are very sure."
Ivy: "We also have to keep track of time. We're not being told how much time has elapsed."
Ivy: "It looks like they are done. I count 28. How about you?"
Morgan: "28 too. The number hasn't changed. But there appears to be 3 stray candles. We have to discount them."
Carl: "25 candles. Are you positive? Final answer? Okay."
Carl: "So...25?"
Julie: "There's nothing we can do but trust them."
"That is correct. And with 27 seconds to spare too."
Carl: "Woo!"
Julie: "We did it!"
50/50 points have been earned, making the pot 569/800 points. Nobody is immune to execution, so who will leave next?
Abbie: "The table has shrunk."
Keith: "Awesome."
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