Previously on the Smole, the 11 contestants had to play golf, trying to hit various targets to earn points and an exemption. Keith and Quinn claimed the exemption and 294/495 points were earned, making the pot 414/615. Collin couldn't keep up the pace and was the second to be executed. Who else will be left behind? Who is the Mole?
Julie: "Who is in there? I really need to go."
Julie: "Are you okay? I heard vomitting sounds."
Julie: "Oh. Right."
Quinn: "I love the peace and quiet the mornings and evenings bring. It's a perfect time to be studious and to collect yourself. Sometimes, in the midst of the action, it's not easy to stay composed and alert, and you get so caught up you don't think. But afterwards, it's of utmost important that you do if you want to survive in this game."

Julie: "Since we are all here, I suggest we share information? So that we can help one another."
Quinn: "I love the peace and quiet the mornings and evenings bring. It's a perfect time to be studious and to collect yourself. Sometimes, in the midst of the action, it's not easy to stay composed and alert, and you get so caught up you don't think. But afterwards, it's of utmost important that you do if you want to survive in this game."
Benjamin: ""
Quinn: "Ben, can you stop that?"

Julie: "Since we are all here, I suggest we share information? So that we can help one another."
Benjamin: "Nice try, sweetie. I'm not sharing anything, and that's final."
Quinn: "Clearly one of us isn't cooperative here. If he's not going to, neither am I."
Julie: "I feel like nobody really likes me. All my ideas get shot down. Whenever I try to talk, I get drowned out. It's like I'm not allowed to have a voice, or to make friends. That's horrible, because I feel so alone. I know coalitions are being made. Quinn and Hannah and Abbie are definitely part of one."
The contestants are currently ready for their next mission. In a bid to save his country, the morally ambiguous President, along with their bodyguards, has decided to meet with the leader of the bombers, who has a squad of bombers with them. However, a chaotic turn of events have led to a mix-up, with now five in each room. Unwilling to reveal their identities, each room has decided to send a representative to parlay and exchange hostages. They will only do this thrice. At the end of the third round, if the Leader of the Bombers and the President end up in the same room, the Leader will set off a bomb, killing everyone in the room, including the President. The President has a briefcase of 105 points with him. Hence, the 105 points will be lost, and the Bomber Squad will get exemptions. However, if the President and the Leader manage to escape being in the same room, the 105 points would be earned, since the Leader would have set off the bomb in the wrong room. In this case, for their heroism, the bodyguards killed in the onslaught would be given exemptions too.
Hannah: "We were divided into groups. Robert, Carl, Abbie, Quinn and I were in one room, while Julie, Keith, Morgan, Ben and Ivy were in the other. It was initially very tense, with nobody willing to reveal which team they were on. And we had to decide on who will be the reps to negotiate."
Carl: "Although the scenario implies it, we don't know who's on our team. I guess that will make it too easy."
Morgan: "I think some Russell Jimmies will really enhance the atmosphere."
Julie: "Russell Jimmies?"
Morgan: "It's a clothing brand. Don't rustle your jimmies over fashion. Ever heard of it?"
Ivy: "I have, but I never understood the concept or appeal. It's such an oxymoron that you have to spend a lot of money to look poor."
Abbie: "Who shall we nominate to represent us? And who shall be our hostages?"
Quinn: "If I understood correctly, the representatives can request for a certain hostage from the other room to join us in exchange for one of ours. If a consensus cannot be reached, however, one random hostage from each room will have to swap rooms."
Robert: "I am not good with mind games."
Carl: "Welcome to the Smole, where you'll get mindfucked at every instance."
Keith: "I'm willing to go as hostage."
Benjamin: "Really? Why?"
Keith: "Chances are that the President isn't in this room. That will be too easy."
Morgan: "So you want to kill the President?"
Keith: "I...I...yes, I'm the Bomb Leader."
Ivy: "I don't believe him."
Morgan: "Neither do I, but let us just play along and see what game he's playing here."
Morgan: "All in agreement?"
Benjamin: "I don't agree. I think I should be the hostage. If he's the bomber, then we can't let him cross over to the other side."
Ivy: "Let us put this to the vote. I agree for Keith to go as hostage."
Morgan: "Me too."
Julie: "I'm fine with that."
Keith: "You know my vote. It's a majority."
Benjamin: "No. We need a consensus."
Ivy: "No we don't. Why are you so insistent?"
Ivy: "I am not going to give in to threats or demands. That isn't me."
Julie: "I have something to say."
Morgan: "How about this: Let Keith be the hostage and you be the rep. You pull over who you think should come here. Then I rep you to go to the other side so that you and Keith can meet up and discuss again. Then Ivy, you try to convince those new players to move me over so as to maintain the status quo. They shouldn't say no."
Quinn: "I vote for Abbie to be hostage."
Abbie: "No. I cannot be the hostage."
Hannah: "Why not? Which team are you on?"
Abbie: "I can't say. It will put us all at risk. It's too scary being a hostage."
Hannah: "Abbie, it's fake. You're taking this way too seriously."
Robert: "I don't know what is going on."
Quinn: "Then Robert will be the hostage. Just say yes."
Robert: "Yes?"
Quinn: "Good. I'll try my best to let you go over while we pull over Julie."
Quinn: "So you're the one they sent to negotiate."
Benjamin: "Yes. I always get my way."
Benjamin: "I'll begin. I'm willing to exchange Keith for Carl."
Quinn: "I'm afraid if you want to get anyone, it has to be Robert."
Benjamin: "Then the deal is off. Let fate decide."
Quinn: "Are you sure you want to do that?"
Benjamin: "Carl, or nothing."
Benjamin: "Neither the President Nor the Bomber is from our side. I believe Carl is either one of them. My team will further be able to decide which side he's on."
Quinn: "And why should I trust you?"
Benjamin: "You don't have a choice. The time is ticking. If the producers choose to swap someone else I can't guarantee we will win this."
Quinn: "Whose side are you on?"
Benjamin: "Not telling."
Quinn: "Come on, Ben. We can only win if we are open."
Benjamin: "I want Carl."
Quinn: "Fine. You win. I'll give you Carl and take Keith."
Morgan: "I see you brought Carl."
Morgan: "We are all open books here. Carl, tell us: are you from the President's team or the Bomber's team?"
Carl: "I'm with the President. But I'm not the President. Now it's your turn."
Morgan: "I'm on the same side as you."
Ivy: "I'm part of the bomber squad."
Carl: "Are you the Bomber?"
Ivy: "I'm not telling you that. All we agreed upon was saying which team we were on."
Quinn: "Sorry guys. I failed. Ben was really pushy."
Hannah: "I guess I'll tell you my role. I'm not the bomber, but I'm part of that team. But I want to earn the points."
Keith: "Can we trust you?"
Hannah: "I guess only time will tell."
Abbie: "I think we can keep Hannah with us, and Quinn can continue representing us."
Keith: "I just got pushed here so I'm not getting swapped back."
Quinn: "No one is asking you to. We will continue pushing our agenda. Robert, what side are you on?"
Robert: "I am with the president."
Quinn: "If we want to put the teams back, I think Hannah should go."
Abbie: "You are the advisor. I respect your decision."
Morgan: "Quinn, take a seat."
Quinn: "Ben stepped down?"
Morgan: "Ben is our hostage. We agree to any of your terms as long as Ben goes to the other room."
Quinn: "I don't know what game you are playing. But if you say anything, then what is Julie's role?"
Morgan: "I don't know. You have to ask her yourself."
Quinn: "Fine. We accept."
Keith: "I have something to confess. I'm the Bomb Leader."
Robert: "Oh no. I want to get out."
Abbie: "Why are you telling us this?"
Keith: " believe the President is in this room."
Quinn: "You'd be incredibly stupid to tell us that then."
Keith: " it. I didn't think this through enough."
Abbie: "Why did you lie to us?"
Keith: "Sigh. Because I think Morgan is the President based on what Ben told me happened. I think the true bomber is over here. If it's not Carl, and I don't think it's Hannah, it's either Quinn, Robert or Abbie."
Robert: " should go back?"
Benjamin: "No. Keith must stay."
Quinn: "You're so adamant that you're either the Bomb Leader of the Mole, Ben."
Benjamin: "Keith must stay, and I must stay. That's that."
Quinn: "No. I'm not letting you have your way."
Benjamin: "Then you shall not rep us. I'll do it."
Abbie: "I support Quinn. She has done a decent job so far."
Keith: "Sorry Ben. I think that the quieter ones, like Julie, is the Bomb Leader. Quinn, we had a plan. Ivy is going to try and bring Morgan here. He's likely to be the President. Someone less aggressive or pushy will be beneficial."
Robert: "I think it makes sense. I agree to let Quinn be the talker."
Carl: "Oh, it's Hannah."
Ivy: "There is a low chance that we will lose if we try and move things back to the original formation. That means that either Morgan, Julie or I go over. Hannah, Carl, wouldn't you agree?"
Hannah: "Which side are the three of you on?"
Morgan: "None of us are the bomb leader. We can assure you that."
Julie: "I'm the President."
Carl: "And you didn't think to tell us that earlier?"
Ivy: "She's just attention seeking. Ignore her."
Hannah: "It's our last chance guys. We have to be honest at this juncture. Julie, are you or are you not the president? Because I am the bomb leader."
Julie: "I...I...I am."
Hannah: "Then we have to move you over."
Morgan: "I find it hard to believe that Hannah is so noble as to sacrifice an exemption."
Ivy: "Hold up. Keith also claimed to be the bomb leader, so one of you must be lying."
Hannah: "Okay, you got me. I was lying. I wanted to test Julie's reaction. If she is really the President, she should stay."
Ivy: "I think Morgan should be our next hostage."
Morgan: "I agree."
Carl: "Something is up here. You guys have been really pushy about who you wanted. We're not going to let you control this. I want Ivy to be the hostage. I will rep her. Trust my public speaking skills."
Hannah: "I support Carl. That means that Julie, you are the deciding vote."
Quinn: "Carl? This is a surprise."
Carl: "There was so much drama back there. The rest were even more surprised when Julie chose to back me up as the rep."
Quinn: "Interesting. So will you be bringing Morgan over?"
Carl: "No. I plan on letting Ivy be the hostage. They have a plan and I don't trust them. I want you to be the other hostage."
Quinn: "Me? No way. I'm the rep here. Our discussion back in my room led to us concluding that Morgan is the President and Julie is the Bomb Leader."
Carl: "It's not Keith?"
Quinn: "He pretended but was quickly exposed. That is why I'm thinking he should go over while either Morgan or Julie comes over."
Carl: "Interesting. I believe that Abbie is the Bomb Leader, and is trying not to get moved because she wants the President to be in the same room as her."
Quinn: "Hmm...oh. But I'm not the President. And I think Robert doesn't have a special role."
Carl: "Oh. We have two suspects for Bomb Leader and one for President. Morgan and Ivy wanted the status quo...chances are, the two leaders were in separate rooms to begin with, which is why both of them are so eager to get the status quo back."
Quinn: "Perhaps Ivy is trying to protect Morgan's identity while ensuring he doesn't get killed by the bomber."
Carl: "That is plausible. And we are low on time. So..."
Quinn: "We compromise. Morgan and Abbie should be our hostages."
"May everyone reveal their roles now."
Carl: "I am in the President's Entourage."
Quinn: "I'm part of the President's Entourage."
Ivy: "I'm in the Bomber Squad."
Keith: "I'm part of the Bomber Squad."
Julie: "I'm with the President, but I'm not the President."
Robert: "I am the President team."
Abbie: "I'm the President."
Morgan: "I'm part of the Bomber Squad."
Hannah: "I'm part of the Bomber Squad."
Benjamin: "I'm the Bomb Leader."
Abbie and Benjamin are not in the same room. This leads to a resounding success as the 105 points have been earned, leading to 519/720 points.
Quinn and Robert have sacrificed themselves heroically, meaning to say that they each get an exemption.
Robert: "MY EYES!"
Benjamin: "My hair!"
Morgan: "My dignity!"
Robert: "I have hair! At last!"
Carl: "There is dumb luck, there are coincidences, and there is something called she-clearly-knows-how-to-stage-herself-for-an-exemption. Three exemptions in a row. That is really weird that Quinn knows exactly how to get them each time."
A resounding success for the group, less the Mole. He won't be happy. Who will the Mole try to take out next?
If you need a summary of the roles of each contestant:
Bomber Squad
- Benjamin (Leader)
- Morgan
- Keith
- Hannah
- Ivy
President's Entourage
- Abbie (President)
- Quinn
- Carl
- Robert
- Julie
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