On the previous episode of the Smole, the contestants settled down after a mentally and physically challenging first mission, to which they earned all the 120 points available. While Quinn and Abbie could sit easy knowing they were exempt, Shirley could not escape her fate and was the first contestant to be executed this season. She will be missed, but nobody wants to follow her next.

Collin: "I don't feel like discussing my personal life with you."
Quinn: "Geez, fine. I was just trying to get to know you a little better."
Quinn: "Collin is so hard to deal with. I mean, he often leaves without flushing the toilet or making the bed or doing any chores around here. And he doesn't want to open up."

Ivy: "Autumn salad. I approve."
Morgan: "We should start each day healthily."
Ivy: "So guys, how was your day today?"
Robert: "I see Ivy and Carl making friends with everybody. Ivy is making friends with men. She seems very close to Morgan."
Benjamin: "Man, I'd bang her."
Quinn: "I should remind you that you are married. So get your mind out of the gutter. Just thinking about it is a form of emotional betrayal. And you're on TV, mind you."

Benjamin: "Oh, of course. You're right."
Morgan: "Can we go faster?"
Keith: "Do you know the way?"
Collin: "Shut up. You're distracting me."
Quinn: "You know how to drive?"
Robert: "I sometimes have to drive the company car."
The contestants are on their way to the next mission at the driving range. One by one, they will have to try and hit the various targets, worth various points. One target is even worth an exemption. Each contestant will have 10 swings to hit the targets. The total amount each contestant can bring in is 45 points, so in total 495 points could be earned from this mission.
Ivy is up first.
Ivy: "I wonder which one I should start at."
Ivy: "It was raining, so visibility was down. And it just wasn't a good weather to play golf in."
Ivy: "I'll pick this one."
Ivy: "Fortunately I play golf fairly often for recreation."
Ivy: "This should be a breeze."
Ivy: "Now did it hit the target?"
Ivy: "Oh."
Ivy: "Oops. I hope nobody caught that."
Ivy: "I'll aim for somewhere a little closer."
Ivy: "Oh dear. I didn't factor in the wind intensity."
Ivy: "But I hit the target with the most points. 9 points!"
Ivy: "Let me try again for the 7 points."
Ivy: "Darn it."
Ivy: "It slid left."
Ivy: "My third shot."
Ivy: "Success at last! 7 more points."
Ivy: "I'll hit the 5 pointer."
Ivy: "I just needed time to warm up. That was all."
Ivy: "2 points is so little. I'll go to the next tee."
Ivy: "This is where I have the best chance at getting an exemption."
Ivy: "But will they really award so many exemptions to anyone who hits it?"
Ivy: "3 points."
Ivy: "6 points."
Ivy: "Go, go..."
Ivy: "8 points."
Ivy: "Yes!"
Ivy: "My last two swings. Better make them count."
Ivy: "Go get that exemption!"
Ivy: "Darn it."
Ivy: "One last try...I have to make it work."
Ivy: "No! It stopped short."
Robert: "I am happy to get new clothes. I would like to keep them."
Cameraman: "Hey, watch where you're swinging that thing!"
Robert: "Huh? Oh sorry."
Robert: "This is my second chance."
Robert: "Where is it going?"
Robert: "Oh no."
Robert: "Again."
Robert: "Oh no. It is going left."
Robert: "It hit the cage."
Robert: "I must keep trying. Where is it? Oh. Here."
Robert: "If at first you do not succeed...try again."
Robert: "I will work hard for this."
Robert: "I did it!"
Robert: "From the sign I see it is 7 points."
Robert: "It is time to move on."
Robert: "Too little."
Robert: "Too hard!"
Robert: "I am sorry. I broke the stick."
"Get him a new club."
Robert: "Not too light, not too hard."
Robert: "I did it. 1 point."
Robert: "I want to continue this."
Robert: "I am nervous."
Robert: "I am hopeful."
Robert: "Where did it go?"
Robert: "4 points."
Robert: "I must now aim for the one very far."
Robert: "Did I win?"
Robert: "No."
Robert: "Again!"
Robert: "Did it make it?"
Robert: "Yes! I now have 9 more points. I have 21 points. 4 targets."
Surely Benjamin can do better than that.
Benjamin: "Woosh!"
Benjamin: "Oops. Too far."
Benjamin: "Wait, why am I aiming for the signboard?"
Benjamin: "I'm an idiot."
Benjamin: "Ugh, get your game together, Ben."
Benjamin: "Woosh!"
Benjamin: "Yeah. That's more like it. 3 points."
Benjamin: "Now for the next one worth 6 points."
Benjamin: "Yeah! 6 more points!"
Benjamin: "Now, it's time for the exemption."
Benjamin: "Oops. Should not have gotten ahead of myself."
Benjamin: "I spent 4 balls on the rightmost tee. It's time to move on to the middle one."
Benjamin: "And 4 points in the bag."
Benjamin: "9 points!"
Benjamin: "One more swing here and I'll move on."
Benjamin: "Damn it."
Benjamin: "I'm sweating so much."
Benjamin: "Every swing must count."
Benjamin: "5 points. Why couldn't I have been so good earlier?"
Benjamin: "7 points. My last shot."
Benjamin: "Shit. I was too forceful and anxious."
Benjamin: "My back hurts. But at least I got 34 points and made 6 swings count."
It isnow Keith's turn.
Keith: "There's only a slight drizzle. No wonder the mission carried on. I'm curious to see who will use the weather as an excuse."
Keith: "I'm aiming for the exemption."
Keith: "Did I get it? I think I did!"
Keith: "Now that that's covered, I feel more at ease."
Keith: "I'm earning points too."
Keith: "Oh dear. Too much curvature."
Keith: "What the..."
Keith: "I suppose I got lucky."
Keith: "I managed to score a different target."
Keith: "Woo!"
Keith: "I'm on a roll."
Keith: "But I better not get cocky,"
Keith: "Yes!"
"9 points in the bag."
Keith: "Did I land the 2 points? Score!"
Keith: "I'm much better than I had anticipated."
Keith: "More points. Can I get a perfect streak?"
Keith: "Yes! Just one more."
Keith: "If I get this, I get 45 points and an exemption."
Keith: "Awesome. What can I say? I'm a perfectionist. I strive for excellence."
Will Quinn be able to match that score?
Quinn: "Twhack!"
Quinn: "What the..."
Quinn: "It got in, but not the one I was aiming for."
Quinn: "Time to hit further."
Quinn: "Succees."
Quinn: "And 2 more points in the bag."
Quinn: "While I can, I should aim for the exemption."
Quinn: "Twhack!"
Quinn: "Wrong one."
Quinn: "Come on..."
Quinn: "Yipee! I have another exemption!"
Quinn: "Great!"
Quinn: "Another lucky shot."
Quinn: "Just gently hit it to get that target there."
Quinn: "Yes."
Quinn: "Time to clean this up."
Quinn: "Thwack!"
Quinn: "Great."
Quinn: "And a clean streak. Wow, I'm much better than I thought I was. All the points and one exemption for me."
Collin is next.
Collin: "I just need to concentrate."
Collin: "Easy, like that. 1 point."
Collin: "Where did the golf ball go?"
Collin: "Wait, what? Did I even hit it?"
Collin: "Concentrate. Focus."
Collin: "And swing!"
Collin: "4 points."
Collin: "I lost track of which ball I am at now."
Collin: "No!"
Collin: "That was poor."
Collin: "Maybe I'll try a different tee."
Collin: "5 points."
Collin: "2 points."
Collin: "I want to get the furthest one."
Collin: "I did it. That's 7 points more."
Collin: "Time to aim for the exemption."
Collin: "Damn it."
Collin: "Where was I aiming again? Oh well. I managed to get 3 points."
6 more points for Collin, making his winnings 28 points and 6 balls not wasted. Up next: Julie.
Julie: "Golf is a rich man's sport."
Julie: "You just...swing?"
Julie: "Here goes nothing."
Julie: "Ooh. 4 points. Not bad."
Julie: "I think I can get the max points."
Julie: "No, no I can't."
Julie: "How stupid of me. I'm trying to run without having even learnt how to crawl."
Julie: "I should start small. Like 2 points."
Julie: "Yay."
Julie: "Now 5 points."
Julie: "Yay. I don't dare to go for more."
Julie: "This is a bit further."
Julie: "3 points."
Julie: "So close."
Julie: "I suck."
Julie: "Sigh..."
Julie: "Just keep hitting."
Julie: "That appears to be 6 points."
Julie: "Missed."
Julie: "My last try."
Julie: "What?"
20 points, and only 5 golf balls wasted. Can Abbie do better than her?
Abbie: "I've never played golf before."
Abbie: "Whee!"
Abbie: "Where did it go?"
Abbie: "Oh. Hee hee. I didn't hit hard enough."
Abbie: "I must hit harder."
Abbie: "Ack!"
Abbie: "I'm stronger than I thought."
Abbie: "Just keep trying."
Abbie: "I'm improving!"
Abbie: "But let me try something simpler. Just roll it down."
Abbie: "I guess that didn't work out. But it's okay. I'll learn from my mistakes."
Abbie: "Oh, so close."
Abbie: "It was a good shot."
Abbie: "It's okay. Just keep trying."
Abbie: "I know I'll be able to make it."
Abbie: "I will finish this off spectacularly."
Abbie: "Oh, that went further than I expected. But it's okay. I think I did well."
Can Carl keep up the good work? Or at least be better at golf than Abbie?
Carl: "Ai..."
Carl: "That was a wasted shot."
Carl: "Come on."
Carl: "3 points."
Carl: "Let me hit the one further away."
Carl: "Uh...that's disappointing."
Carl: "I'm just not a golfer."
Carl: "At least I know I can hit the nearer ones. But those further?"
Carl: "Nice. 1+4 equals 5 points."
Carl: "Let me just try one more time...shit. Okay, I'll stick to going for the near ones."
Carl: "I just don't have enough power in me."
Carl: "5 points."
Carl: "Missed."
Carl: "2 points. I guess that makes a total of 17 points. My success rate is 50%."
Hannah: "Here goes nothing."
Hannah: "I'm going to do my best."
Hannah: "Nicely done."
Hannah: "Good shot, Hannah!"
Hannah: "And I managed to clear the leftmost pile."
Hannah: "Something tells me that we will have to fight for the exemption, so I think it may come down to speed. Better be quick."
Hannah: "4 points!"
Hannah: "1 point."
Hannah: "Time for my next shot."
Hannah: "Oh dear."
Hannah: "It's okay. Just steady yourself..."
Hannah: "Third time's the charm. 9 points."
Hannah: "6 points."
Hannah: "3 points."
Hannah: "I guess that's all I have."
Hannah: "Only 2 balls lying around, and 37 out of 45 points earned? I say I did great."
Morgan: "I don't need to wear different clothes. I have the skill."
Morgan: "Just watch."
Morgan: "Shit. It stopped short."
Morgan: "Alright, maybe my skills are rusty. Not an issue."
Morgan: "I need to increase the power of my swing."
Morgan: "The weather isn't the most ideal for golf."
Morgan: "Good shot."
Morgan: "Ugh, rain got into my eye."
Morgan: "It was close."
Morgan: "Maybe I'll go for somewhere closer."
Morgan: "Too much strength."
Morgan: "Maybe the attire really will help."
Morgan: "If anything, I feel more comfortable in this."
Morgan: "What the..."
Morgan: "I'm disappointed in myself."
Morgan: "I don't believe I am that bad."
Morgan: "Oh. The visibility is really decreasing with the setting sun."
Morgan: "I'm just not feeling it today."
Morgan: "Finally."
Morgan: "That is worth...3 points."
Morgan: "I knew I don't suck!"
Morgan: "Time to aim for the next one."
Morgan: "Bullseye. 6 points."
Morgan: "I've only just begun to warm up."
Morgan: "It rolled over the edge."
Morgan: "I just need to adjust accordingly."
Morgan: "Stupid wind. I only brought in 9 points. 8 balls wasted. And I failed to get the exemption."
Altogether, 294/495 points have been earned. This makes the pot 414/615 points. Quinn and Keith get the exemption.
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