Monday, 6 August 2018

40.03-Eat my shorts

Previously on the Smole, 14 contestants had just landed after a surprise first mission with an even more surprising 100/100 points in the pot. Contestants had little time to react and had to take the quiz with jet lag and minimal information. Cairo became the first to go this season. Did the Mole suspect that Cairo knew too much and thus gave him a penalty? Who will be the next recipient for the penalty?

The contestants had to submit a list of contestants in order of suspicion. This will influence the mission they will participate in later, which will take place in the Skydiving Institute. This institute was once a colonial building that had been bombed to smithereens during the Japanese occupation. It has since been rebuilt and used to train the air force. Contestants will get a taste of their training. They will be divided into different floors and have to jump off the building onto a soft landing at the bottom to earn 10 points for the pot. This is worth 130 points.


Philo is up first.

Philo: "Oh my...I'll change into the protective gear first before deciding."


Philo: "Should I jump?"

Philo: "This isn't even supposed to be the floor where I jump and it's so high already."

Philo: "Why the hell did they build a pit?"

Philo: "Nope, nope, nope. I'm out of here."

Benjamin: "Come on. Let's go up to the top floor. You're not afraid now, are you?"
Bonnie: "Of course not."


Bonnie: "This is quite high up."

Benjamin: "Don't jump through the wrong opening."

Benjamin: "We're both the most suspected. That's why we're on the top floor. If either of us are the Mole we're going to want to lessen suspicion on ourselves."
Bonnie: "I know that already."
Benjamin: "So we're both going to jump."

Bonnie: "We're jumping."

Benjamin: "I'll go first."

Benjamin: "WOO!"


Benjamin: "WOO!"

Benjamin: "That was AWESOME. Can I do it again?"

Bonnie: "I guess it's my turn. No turning back now."

Bonnie: "I'M FALLING!"

Bonnie: "Oof. Thankfully I landed in the right spot."

Bonnie: "That...wasn't as bad as I had expected."

Damien: "We're actually on the rooftop. You can't get any higher than that."

Autumn: "You're going to jump, right?"
Damien: "Maybe, maybe not."

Autumn: "What do you mean by that? Are you scared?"
Damien: "No, I just couldn't care less."

Autumn: "There's nothing to be scared of. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Seize it!"
Damien: "I take what I can get. I don't work for money; money works for me."

Autumn: "I'll show you there's nothing to be scared of. I'll go first."

Autumn: "We even get a sliding start. How many of us can say we've jumped from a rooftop?"
Damien: "More than you'd imagine, actually."

Damien: "And she's gone."

Autumn: "YEEEEEEE!"
Damien: "Winds are very strong today."

Damien: "If she doesn't turn into a pulp I'll eat my shorts."

Autumn: "YEE! And I made it! See? Nothing to be afraid of."

Damien: "I really can't watch. Wasn't there that season where a woman fell off from a height and injured herself, so she had to be removed from the game? I'm not going to be the second."

Autumn: "Hey! Why aren't you coming down yet?"
Damien: "I am. Just not in the way you imagine."

Autumn: "This was a very simple mission with one clear goal: jump. Not like the complicated fuddle that was the first mission. I don't get why some of us didn't jump. They've got to think on the bright side and not worry so much."

Carol: "Oh dear."

Carol: "I'm getting butterflies."

Carol: "I'm only on the second floor."

Carol: "Who are these monsters that came up with this?"

Carol: "If I want to forfeit, now is the time..."

Carol: "You know what? Screw it."

Carol: "AAAAHHH!"

Carol: "That was quick."

Carol: "My heart nearly popped out of my mouth."

Carol: "For some, this would be a thrilling mission, but for me it's scary and takes a lot of courage for me. I admire the air force for being able to survive this. When each contestant falls, a team of experts use computerised technology to predict where we would land, marked by a target after we land. Apparently I was going to land out of the trampoline and in the mud. It was over before I knew it, thankfully, and I managed to pull myself back onto the trampoline."

Carol: "I feel like choking. I need to regain my composure and get out of this icky place."

Herb: "I'm an old man. They shouldn't be making me do this."

Herb: "Oh, what the hell. I'm already here. Might as well get it over and done with. What do I have to lose?"


Herb: "I am never doing that again."

Angel: "Wow. Third floor is very high."
Iris: "Ground floor is below ground."

Angel: "They can't seriously be expecting me to do this."

Angel: "I'm telling you first that I'm not doing it."

Iris: "Why?"
Angel: "I'm too old and frail. I'll get a heart attack."

Iris: "Come on, Angel. We'll be well taken care of to ensure nothing happens to us. Do it for the points?"
Angel: "Let me think about My life is more important than money. I figured that out a long time ago when one life was lost."

Iris: "If you're not jumping then maybe I shouldn't jump as well."

Angel: "You do whatever you want."
Iris: "Hey! Are you leaving just like that?"

Iris: "It looks like it's down to me. Some points are better than nothing."

Iris: "Cowabunga!"

Iris: "Wee!"

Iris: "That was great. It's just a pity Angel didn't participate."

Milan: "Yuck. Dank God dis are not my boots."

Milan: "I look ugly."
Shirley: "At least we're not too far from the trampoline. That means we're quite trusted."

Shirley: "Should I do it? I should do it, right?"

Shirley: "Milan, this is scarier than I thought."
Milan: "Den don't jump."

Milan: "It is not good for eder of us if we are not suspected. We must become more sospetto."

Shirley: "I don't know..."
Milan: "It is for your own good dat I tell you to not jump."

Shirley: "You do make a fair point, but it feels weird just letting points slip by like that."
Milan: "Focus on de end goal. Dink of it as un investimento. We can get back de points later."

Shirley: "I'll listen to you. There's a reason why I was eliminated first in my season."

Lisette: "It's finally our turn."
Jerome: "Wait up!"

Lisette: "We're supposed to go all the way down."

Jerome: "Be careful where you step."

Jerome: "I think this is the lowest we can go."
Lisette: "They've got to be kidding us, right?"

Jerome: "Heh. This is easy."

Jerome: "I just need to jump one time on the trampoline."

Jerome: "I'm flying! And done."

Jerome: "It's your turn, Lisette."
Lisette: "We're done here."

Jerome: "What? No we're not. You still have to jump."
Lisette: "I'm not doing it."

Jerome: "Why not? You can't just throw the points like that? This is a golden egg! It's right at your doorstep. You can't ignore it."
Lisette: "This is just ridiculous. It's like they're mocking us."

Lisette: "I do whatever I want. You can't sway me."

Jerome: "Sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. But are you really sure you don't want to do it?"
Lisette: "I'm sure. Let's go."

7 contestants jumped, which means 70/130 points were earned. The pot now has 170/230 points, which is a contrast to the previous mission. Is the Mole trying to increase the difference in earnings?

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