Previously, the contestants replayed one mission in Season 30. The result was 60/100 points for the pot to make it 280/450 points for the pot. Nobody got an exemption but it was shown that Iris needed it the most because she had been executed. Was it because she knew too little or because she knew too much, and the Mole caught on?
Benjamin: "Today I woke up horrified. I realised what I had done last night. How could I have done such a thing? I am worse than a beast. How could I have...done such a thing to Shirley? She's been nothing but supportive of me. Why couldn't I have more self-restraint? I've been doing that for so long, so why couldn't I do it last night? Nothing I do or say will makw things alright. I...I'm s...I hope you are okay, Shirley."
Damien: "I need to pee."
Damien: "Oh shit. I left my journal matter. If they can read my handwriting they can do steal all the information they want from it."
Carol: "I still miss Jerome. I wonder how he survived last season after my execution."
Lisette: "I know how you feel. When I first moved out I missed my family at first too. And on that plane...I'm glad it was just a hoax. I used music to help me get by."
Carol: "Aren't you worried about how your band will survive without you? Since you're away from the band and all."
Lisette: "I have bigger things to worry about. They'll survive a couple of weeks without me. In fact, I think Susan will be more than happy."
Carol: "Sounds like drama."
Lisette: "You bet. It's tough being pretty. That's one of the push factors for me to join the Smole."
Carol: "Ironically, I'm the one who's dealing with drama on the Smole while you joined the Smole to escape it."
Shirley: "How could I have let this happen to me?"
Shirley: "Who's there?"
Herb: "It's Herb."
Shirley: "Oh."
Shirley: "Just stand there. Is anything the matter?"
Herb: "I just needed someone to talk to and...well, I thought about you."
Shirley: "That's creepy."
Herb: "It is? Sorry. I just thought that since you're a psychologist, you may be able to help me. If you don't want to it's fine."
Shirley: "No. Sorry, that was rude of me. What do you want to talk about?"
Herb: "It's Bonnie. She's somehow my daughter all of a sudden. My lover was pregnant with twins and I didn't even know."
Shirley: "Mm-hmm."
Herb: "Wow. You're good at this. I thought you would be shocked."
Shirley: "Mm-hmm."
Herb: "I want to know how to fix our relationship. She thinks I abandoned her and her mother, which isn't true! I really had no idea she was pregnant. With twins! I could not tell at all. I want to take care of her, but..."
Herb: "Earth to Shirley. Are you listening to me at all?"
Shirley: "What if I'm pregnant?"
Herb: "Pregnant. Yes. Good to know you're still listening. I'm used to living by myself and for myself, and only being responsible to myself. I really don't know how to show my care for Bonnie without it being weird."
Herb: "Watch out for that wall."
Shirley: "Ow! Sorry, I can't help you."
Herb: "Oh. That's okay. I didn't know what I was expecting. I'll figure out a solution myself. Thanks for listening."
Contestants have been shown nine dictionaries and have to pick the dictionary they want on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Herb: "I don't know how to speak any of the languages...I think I will take the first one, English."
Milan: "Nobody has taken de French or Spanish book, no? Good. I want de French dizionario."
Shirley: "This is just a random pick for me, but I think I will take the Dutch dictionary. I don't know if anybody speaks any of the other languages but I don't think anyone speaks Dutch."
Lisette: "I'm glad that Spanish classes in high school were worth something. That's the dictionary I want."
Carol: "Lisette just took the Spanish dictionary? I wanted that. I don't know anything about the other languages...French? Oh, that's taken too? Hmm, how about Japanese? Okay, I'll take the Japanese one."
Bonnie: "What do you mean all those dictionaries have been taken? I should have rushed in here faster and not spend my time thinking outside. Alright, I'll pick the Afrikaans dictionary."
Autumn: "I learned French. Oh, Milan took that language already? But I thought she's Italian. Then I suppose I'll settle with Korean. I'm glad to have known someone like Lars."
Benjamin: "I want the German dictionary."
Philo: "Spanish? No? French? No? Dutch? No? Japanese? Also gone? German, surely...Ben just claimed that? Well screw him too....forgive me, I have sinned. I should not have said such a filthy word...okay, what's left? Oh, then I suppose I'll go with Portuguese."
Damien: "Lisette took the Spanish dictionary, eh? Herb took the English one and Carol took the Japanese one...fine, I'll take whatever is left. What do you mean there aren't any dictionaries left? Huh? I'll be driving?"
Damien: "Do I finally get to drive one of these babies?"
Damien: "There are a hell lot of GPSes in this car. They're driving me nuts. I don't know what any of them are saying."
Damien is in a car surrounded by GPS, each in a different language.
At certain points he will get asked a question.
After he answers a question, he will be instructed to turn off one GPS.
Each GPS turned off will narrow down the possible routes and guide him onto the right route.
En route, he may also bump into one of the other contestants.
Each of them has a dictionary that is in the same language as one of the GPSs.
Once he meets them, he may turn off the corresponding GPS and bring them along for the ride.
If Damien is able to make it to the correct destination within one hour, he can earn 50 points for the pot. Otherwise he gets nothing.
Whoever holds on to a dictionary the same language as a GPS still turned on in his car at the end will also get an exemption.
"Question One: What is the Mole's gender?"
Damien: "Most of them are telling me to turn right. If I answer correctly, I should be able to determine the correct answer to this question."
Damien: "I didn't expect the questions to be related to the Mole. This mission sure took an interesting turn...pun not intended."
"Turn off the English GPS and listen to the Spanish GPS."
Damien: "Oh so that's how they'll guide me."
GPS: "Dobla a la derecha."
Damien: "I think I turned off the correct one. Not that I can understand or hear any of them properly."
Damien: "Lisette is here. I think I need to pull over."
Damien: "What language is that?"
Lisette: "Hang on, let me see."
Damien: "Oh, it looks like Spanish. It's the one I wanted at first. It's also the GPS I was told to follow."
Lisette: "Hey! No peeking!"
Lisette: "I'll hold on to the dictionary and give you directions in Simlish."
Damien: "I'll be taking that."
Lisette: "Hey! Grr."
GPS: "En doscientos metros, continúe directo"
Damien "In...erm...the sientos...I can't find it."
Lisette: "I think it's telling you to continue in your current direction. It did say 'continue'. Anyway, aren't you supposed to shut off that one? We all know it's Spanish."
Damien: "I'm supposed to follow this GPS until further instruction comes in. I can't turn it off yet."
"Cuestión dos: ¿Cuál es el color favorito de Iris?"
Damien: "Oh no. The stupid question has turned Spanish too."
Lisette: "I heard Iris, as well as the words 'color' and 'favorito'."
Damien: "I have half a mind to turn the blasted GPS off. All of them. They're so goddamned noisy."
Damien: "But anyway, if the question is about Iris's favourite colour, then it's clearly black. Such an easy question."
Lisette: "I don't think it's black."
Damien: "I'm sure it's black. Just look at what she wore. Our answer is black."
Lisette: "Is something supposed to happen?"
Damien: "I think we must answer in Spanish. What's 'black' in Spanish?"
Lisette: "I don't know. You're the one with the dictionary."
Damien: "I was testing you. I don't need the dictionary to tell me that the answer is 'negro'."
"Turn off the Korean GPS. Listen to the Japanese GPS."
Lisette: "It's speaking Simlish again!"
GPS: "右に曲がる."
Damien: "What the fuck."
Damien: "I'll just turn right. Whatever."
Damien: "I see Carol."
Carol: "Aww, I was hoping you won't find me. Then maybe I'll get an exemption."
Damien: "Doesn't work that way. What's your dictionary about?"
Lisette: "Words. Like the one you stole from me."
Damien: "Nobody was talking to you."
Carol: "It's in Japanese. I tried to cram a few words."
Lisette: "Why are we always getting the dictionaries AFTER we need it?"
Damien: "We must be on the right track."
Lisette: "Hey! Why didn't you take her dictionary?"
"Kwestie drie: Bonnie DeValentino heeft een romantische relatie. Juist of onjuist?"
Carol: "Is this German?"
Lisette: "If it is, it's a very feminine version of it."
Carol: "I heard something 'romantic'. It must be asking about Bonnie's love life."
Lisette: "It's a mystery."
Damien: "Nobody will like her. Trust me."
Lisette: "Are you a love god now?"
Carol: "I think he's right, to be honest. Let's just go with that."
Damien: "What did the guy say just now? 'Enyes'."
"Turn off the German GPS. Listen to the French GPS."
GPS: "À vingt mètres, tournez à gauche."
Damien: "I can't hear when more than one GPS is speaking at once."
Carol: "Something about vun met too ernie a goose."
Lisette: "Hey, I think I see Bonnie by the flag. Let's go that way."
Damien: "That was what I was intending."
Carol: "Bonnie! Which dictionary did you take?"
Bonnie: "The Afrikaans-Simlish one. I hope it's useful. Carol, mind giving me the front seat?"
Carol: "I guess."
"La question quatre: Quel est le travail de Cairo Kong?"
Lisette: "I don't understand vomit."
Damien: "You mean like your music?"
Lisette: "Hey! It speaks to the soul."
Damien: "Carol, the question is about you."
Carol: "We need Milan."
Bonnie: "So Damien, you're the only one without a dic--"
Lisette: "Watch out for the bird!"
Carol: "That was a close one."
Damien: "It was just a bird."
Carol: "Just a bird?"
Bonnie: "Let us focus on the question. We haven't answered. What could the question be about? I heard something about travel."
Lisette: "Maybe where you last travelled to, Carol."
Carol: "Where I last travelled to? I went back home to Los Santos, if that's counted."
Damien: "Then our answer is Los Santos."
"Turn off the Portuguese GPS. Listen to the Dutch GPS."
Carol: "Oh, that was Dutch."
Bonnie: "Please don't ever attempt a French accent again."
GPS: "Draai rechts."
Bonnie: "If we turn left we'll end up at a dead end."
Carol: "So we must turn right."
Damien: "But what if the destination is on the left? I'm watching you, Bonnie."
GPS: "Maak een U-bocht."
Carol: "If the translator was down with a cold he really should have stayed at home to rest."
Bonnie: "I'm pretty sure it told us to U-turn. I told you we went the wrong way."
Damien: "That's what you think."
Bonnie: "What else could 'U' something be?"
Damien: "I don't know. Maybe part of another word."
Bonnie: "You were wrong. Just admit it. The GPS is proof that you were wrong. It's clearly telling us to U-turn."
Damien: "I don't care what is says. It's broken."
Lisette: "Really? That's going to be your excuse? We're just wasting time here. Please sabotage better than that."
Damien: "FINE! I fucked up. We'll go back. Happy now?"
Lisette: "I need some fresh air."
Carol: "Same."
Bonnie: "Let's take a break."
Damien: "Ready to go now, ladies?"
Lisette: "I'm calling dibs on the front seat."
Damien: "I'm telling you guys, it doesn't make sense for us to go backwards when they told us to go this way."
Bonnie: "That means we were wrong very early on."
Bonnie: "At which point did we go wrong?"
Lisette: "STOP!"
Lisette: "Damien, are you trying to get us killed?"
Carol: "Oh my...that was a close one."
Damien: "We're out of time. I had to step on it."
Bonnie: "Reckless driving is reckless driving. Don't make excuses for yourself."
Carol: "We survived Damien's driving and we didn't crash from speeding, but when Damien tried to reverse and round the bend..."
Bonnie: "With no car I guess that means the mission is over."
Carol: "Thanks for crashing into a lamppost, Damien."
The mission has ended due to a totalled car. As such, no points have been earned.
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