Friday, 3 August 2018

40.02-Prepare to get wrecked

On the first episode of the Smole, Season 40, 14 contestants boarded a plane, ready to embark on an adventure of the lifetime. Little did they know that the mission started the moment they took off with 15 actors, with an unspecified number of them pretending to be bombers on board the plane. The contestants had to identify and isolate all the bombers and only the bombers before the plane landed to earn 100 points. Thankfully, all four bombers were isolated in time and even more thankfully, the bombs were bath bombs. A thrilling start with 100 points in the pot, but the fun's got to stop for someone. Who will be the first victim this season?

Bonnie: "Given the way the first mission turned out, I have a few suspects in mind already. I believe the Mole would try to be apathetic so as not to draw suspicion. I'm proud that I managed to find all the bombers through the use of behavioural clues and such. This makes me confident that in the event of a real threat, I would be able to identify them all too."

Damien: "It must suck for the actors. They could have been the ones to participate in this season but instead they were thrown to be extras and we got to participate in the season instead. Sucks to be them but not to be me."

Lisette: "I'm glad it was just a mission. It would have been disastrous if it turned out to be real. But that mission was harrowing and left me thinking a lot. I haven't visited my family for a while, especially my mom. Maybe when this is over I should go and visit them before it's really too late."

Cairo: "You are a very suspicious lady."

Autumn: "Me? What did I do?"

Cairo: "Exactly! You didn't do anything in the first mission."
Autumn: "What could I have done? I thought it was just a bad dream and I just needed to wake up from it. Anyway, I'm tired. We just landed and I'm getting jet lag."

Benjamin: "It's nice to know that the crew prepared dinner for us."
Bonnie: "I like spaghetti."

Damien: "I prefer something more raw, like sashimi or sushi."

Jerome: "I like fish too. Grilled salmon is my favourite. Mama always said that eating fish would make me smarter."
Herb: "All of you have expensive taste."

Bonnie: "What about you, Herb? What is your favourite meal?"
Herb: "A fresh plate of salad using the ingredients I grew."

Damien: "Salad? That's disgusting. You should go out there and try the food. There are much better food options out there."
Herb: "No need. I'm fine with what I eat."

Jerome: "I can't eat a plate of just vegetables. I don't know how you can do it. Herb, are you a herbivore?"
Herb: "None of you know what's good for you."

Damien: "When I win, I'll travel around the world and sample the richest of foods. Ma and I can buy all the lobster we want."
Benjamin: "When you win?"

Benjamin: "Did I hear you right?"

Bonnie: "He's just being cocky."
Herb: "I agree."

Bonnie: "This is an awkward dinner..."

Bonnie: "I saw Herb on the plane. I would be a fool not to have. But he didn't notice me or he ignored me, and I had to focus on the mission first. During dinner earlier, he didn't seem to remember me at all, not even the fact that we appeared in the same season together. Is he the one I have been looking for? Does he even know I exist, or does he not want to reunite with me? I didn't know what to say to him during dinner, other than to try and get to know him a little better. I have a feeling but we seem to be missing that connection. I need to observe him more before I can be certain whether or not he's my father. Hopefully there's more time to do so this season."

Iris: "Up for some late-night sport?"
Lisette: "You bet. I used to play basketball with my brother Joshua all the time. Prepare to get wrecked."

Milan: "Dat was not a good mizzione. Joking about terrorismo is not funny. It is a very serious matter. Getting attori and attrici to fool us is not respecting de seriousness of de issue. I am surprised dat Bonnie DeValentino even knew it was a mizzione."


Angel: "Making breakfast would be a nice gesture."

Angel: "Goodness gracious, this kitchen is so gaudy."

Benjamin: "You're the only one I know and I know I can trust you, and I know that I'm not the Mole, so I think we should work together. Form a coalition."

Shirley: "The last time you teamed up with the Mole. Aren't you afraid that history might repeat itself?"

Benjamin: "Haha! After hearing you say that, I know there's no way you could be the Mole. So what do you say?"
Shirley: "I don't see the harm in it. Let's do it."

Carol: "Bonnie, do you want to work together with me and Jerome?"

Bonnie: "No thanks. I think I'm going to play a solitary game this season. I learned my lesson last time."


Philo: "I had to pick up basketball for a role in Thunder To Thunder."
Autumn: "Really? That show was a big hit! How come I don't remember you? Who did you act as?"

Philo: "...An extra on the basketball team."

Philo: "But that's besides the point. Move aside."

Philo: "The point is, watch how it's done."

Autumn: "I'm watching..."

Philo: "Aah!"

Philo: "Oh I'm too old for this shit."

Autumn: "Don't let Angel or Herb hear you say that."
Philo: "I think I'm going to lay on the grass for a while."

Iris: "Your form is wrong."

Damien: "No it's not."

Milan: "Yes it is."
Damien: "No it's not. Now screw off."

Iris: "If he doesn't want to listen, so be it."
Damien: "What do you two know about pumping iron anyway? You don't look like you hit the gym. Ow!"
Milan: "We know enough to know dat you will injure yourself like you just did."

Milan: "Are you okay?"
Damien: "It'll heal."

Milan: "By de way, you look brutto. Let me give you a tip because you make my eyes bleed. Please do not dress like a penale. You can start by removing de gloves."
Damien: "I didn't need your fashion advice."

Damien: "If I did, I would have accepted my sister's advice long ago. But I don't care about my dress style. I'm not here to impress anyone, got it?"

Milan: "See dat railing?"
Damien: "What about it?"
Milan: "I want to push you over it. Così tanti asini testardi."

Bonnie: "Do you really not remember me? I'm from Season 21 too. I was eliminated early but surely you should remember my existence."

Herb: "Sorry, it's been so long. I really can't remember."


It is time for the quiz: 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the least is out of the game.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Which season was the Mole previously from?
A: Season 16
B: Season 21
C: Season 26
D: Season 29
E: Season 30
F: Season 38
G: Season 39

Q3: In Mission 1, in which order did the Mole board the plane?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th
N: 14th

Q4: In Mission 1, what was the Mole's seat number?
A: 1A
B: 1C
C: 1F
D: 1G
E: 2B
F: 2D
G: 2E
H: 3B
I: 3C
J: 3E
K: 3F
L: 3G
M: 4G
N: 5B

Q5: In Mission 1, which married actor sat closest to the Mole?
A: Cora Somalie
B: Nick Cannon
C: Diane Harvey
D: Adam Bentley

Q6: In Mission 1, who was seated directly beside the Mole?
A: Benjamin Brenner
B: Shirley DeSota
C: Simon Gerard and Brenda Exxern
D: Damien Stewart
E: Angel Stewart
F: Lisette Mack
G: Autumn Fall
H: Carol Losantos
I: Bonnie DeValentino and Cora Somalie
J: Viktor Hammerman
K: Selena Baird and Diane Harvey
L: Nobody

Q7: Using the contestants' official last known age, the passengers' ages in each row have been added together. Which of the following combined ages corresponds to the Mole's row in Mission 1?
A: 145
B: 153
C: 198
D: 202
E: 341

Q8: Which of the following actors were seated closest to the Mole in Mission 1?
A: The Struggling Ex-Convict
B: The Misunderstood Loner
C: The Old Skeeze
D: The "Prosperous" Businessman
E: The Quiet Nerd
G: The Muscular Vigilante

Q9: In Mission 1, did the Mole enter the isolation room?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Iris Ollie
C: Herb DeValentino
D: Bonnie DeValentino
E: Lisette Mack
F: Autumn Fall
G: Milan Lombardy
H: Cairo Kong
I: Angel Stewart
J: Damien Stewart
K: Benjamin Brenner
L: Shirley DeSota
M: Jerome Losanji
N: Carol Losantos

Shirley: "I can't believe that one of us will be executed already especially since nobody noticed the other contestants or realised that it was a mission on the plane. We only just arrived yesterday. I can foresee that this will be a challenging and intense season. Even the first quiz was difficult."


"Contestants, it has only been two days since you last touched down on foreign soil, but for one of you, it will be the last time this season. When your name is called, look out for the light in front of you. If it turns green, you are staying. If it turns red, you have been executed. Good luck."

"Carol Losantos."

Carol: "Phew."

"Shirley DeSota."

Shirley: "Good thing I'm not the first one to go home this time."

"Herb DeValentino."

Herb: "Green is good."

"Damien Stewart."

Damien: "I wasn't scared. Who's scared? I wasn't."

"Jerome Losanji."

Jerome: "I didn't get third place last season for nothing."
Carol: "I believe you made it to the finale by luck."

"Bonnie DeValentino."

Bonnie: "I have a good feeling about this result."

"Benjamin Brenner."

Benjamin: "Good."

"Autumn Fall."

Autumn: "Yay!"

"Cairo Kong."

Cairo: "What?"
"Unfortunately, Cairo Kong, you have been the first to be executed this season. Please pack your bags and leave."

Cairo: "It's such a pity."
Shirley: "He was an interesting man. I would have loved to get to know him better."
Bonnie: "He wasn't on my radar."

Milan: "It had to be someone and sadly dat someone is you, Cairo. I should have helped you but de game must go on."


Cairo: "I would not have guessed that I would be the first to leave. There's no way it could have been me. It must be a tie. How embarrassing."
"Thank you for joining, Cairo. We hope to see you again."

Unfortunately for Cairo, he became the Mole's first victim this season. Is the Mole his ex-coalition member Milan or is it someone from a different season?

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