Previously on the Smole, Dotty and Maurice had to play Jeopardy with a twist to collect answers for the others to answer. They collected 15 answers and assigned points to each question the others answered. To the best of their knowledge, Seth, Sabrina, Archibald and Deborah answered 6/10 questions correctly and earned 47/100 points. The pot now has 298/530 points. Suspicions intensify as the next execution draws near. Who will be executed and who is the Mole?
Deborah: "If you were to ask me, I think my group did well considering what we were given. Dotty and Maurice had absolute power and collected too few answers for us to make good choices."
Sabrina: "Archibald really made himself suspicious yesterday. As a priest, he couldn't answer the relevant questions correctly. Questions that I know as a council member and advisor, even though I don't believe in any of it. What struck me was how he got the trivia question wrong but yet we were given the hint."
Maurice: "You alright there, Dotty? You look a little pale."
Dotty: "Yeah, thanks for the concern. I just haven't really had much of an appetite the past few days."
Maurice: "Did you take part in some risky woohoo with Cole? He was all over you and really wanted to room with you the first night."
Dotty: "Absolutely not. I'm not interested in him."
Maurice: “Really? You were being really nice to him and even praised his apple pie to heaven."
Dotty: "I'm nice to everybody. And his apple pie really was delicious. Besides, I'm married."
Maurice: "Like marriage has ever stopped anyone. Right Seth?"
Seth: "Huh? Err, I think we should respect someone's choices if they're married or taken."
Dotty: "Seth gets it. Everyone has different preferences but I think respect and consent is the way to go."
Maurice: "Right. Seth, don't you have something to say to Dotty?"
Seth: "I do?"
Dotty: "What is it? I'm all ears."
Seth: "Err..."
Seth: "Get well soon."
Dotty: "Thank you. You enjoy your meal."
Seth: "You too!"
Dotty: "I'm not particularly hungry but I did enjoy it. Excuse me, I need to use the washroom."
Maurice: "You have no game."
Seth: "I told you I'm not interested."
Maurice: "Then what are you interested in?"

Seth: "Freedom. I guess I'm too in love with freedom."
Maurice: "Well I can't disagree with that."
Maurice: "If I worked my magic she would have been head over heels for me."
Seth: "Didn't you hear what she said about respect and consent?"
Maurice: "That's why I said 'if'."
Maurice: "Your face tells me you want to ask a question. Just shoot away. I won't get mad. Promise."
Seth: "If you say that how you got your girlfriend?"
Maurice: "You mean Amy? Hell no. She clung onto me like plastic cling wrap. Can never shake her off."
Seth: "Oh."
Maurice: "It's a one-sided relationship. We're together officially, but she is way more into me than I am into her. Not surprising if you think about it. I'm Supersonic after all. I was famous in school and got talent-spotted and now I got a job here and got to skip all the low rungs."
Seth: "So why are you still together? It sounds like a...err..."
Maurice: "Bad idea? Yeah, yeah, maybe. But she won't take no for an answer. Besides, I'm fine with her as long as she gives me room to run. And she's one of the few who can even catch up to me."
Seth: "Your life sounds so smooth-sailing. If you put in a but more effort you'll definitely be going places. I wish I had half as many abilities as you."
Maurice: "Hey now, I believe in you too pal. You're still in final six."
Seth: "Pal?"
Maurice: "Yeah, why? You don't wanna be pals?"
Seth: "No, it's not that."
Maurice: "We slept in the same corner of the house for a week. I'd say we're friends."
Archibald: "It's your move."
Sabrina: "I'm considering all possibilities first before making a decision."
Sabrina: "Archibald...why are you called Archibald?"
Archibald: "What kind of question is that? My parents gave me that name."
Sabrina: "From what I understand, the disciples of Sole had to grow beards and change their name."
Archibald: "I have a hair condition that prevents me from growing a beard. As for the name, it's not a necessity. We just do it because we honour Sole. My middle name is Solrene and that's how I honour him. What matters most is purity of thought and devout loyalty to serving Sole."
Sabrina: "Of all the names to choose you choose Solrene? When there's another disciple named Solrene?"
Archibald: "That's why I didn't completely change my name."Archibald: "Why are you asking these questions? Are you doubting my loyalty?"
Sabrina: "I won't mince my words. Yes, I'm doubting that you're even a priest at all."
Archibald: "How dare you attack my integrity?! I am the most devoted, faithful disciple of Sole! He told me things that none of the others knew of. He trusted me the most."

Archibald: "They lie! The others were jealous of me."
Sabrina: "Prove it."
Archibald: "I pray to Sole every morning. Unlike a certain Eunda supporter."
Sabrina: "We're talking about you now, not me."
Archibald: "You're not the only one who can ask questions."
Sabrina: "You're deflecting."
Archibald: "What else do you want me to prove?"
Sabrina: "Where are the other disciples? I want to get to know them."
Archibald: "They're all dead. Not that they would want to talk to someone with ill thoughts."
Sabrina: "Why are you alive then?"
Archibald: "Are you cursing me? Then you and your whole family should go to hell too!"
Sabrina: "All I wanted to know is the full story. The Five Disciples were ancient. None of them should be alive. The fact that you outlived them by so many decades doesn't make sense."
Archibald: "Fine. I admit it. I'm not actually a disciple of Sole. They rejected me when I made a pilgrimage to the temple. But my devotion to Sole is real. My contributions to Soleunda are real. I worked alongside the King for crying out loud."
Sabrina: "So you're a phony."
Archibald: "PHONY?! Why don't you ask your roommmate if she's a phony?"
Sabrina: "What does Dotty have to do with this?"
Archibald: "She's so fake. Who knows if Dotty is even her real name?"
Sabrina: "Artistes have stage names all the time."
Archibald: "Don't use that tone on me."
Sabrina: "Elise left me in charge on the house. What I say goes."
Archibald: "Prove it. If you can manage the house and everyone better than she could then I'll believr you're better than her. Until then, fuck off."
Deborah: "Why...why?"
Deborah: "Just what did I do wrong?"
Deborah: "No, I did nothing wrong. I promised myself and my daughters never to cry for that bastard ever again. Elise and Maurice just had to remind me of him."
Deborah: "Remember what happened in Dawn of the Dead."
Deborah: "A bullet to the head, and then the corpse is burned. That's the only way to make him pay."
Deborah: "I'm not religious, but maybe..."
Deborah: "Eunda is the demoness of water, right? So she should be here. Eunda, if you exist, give me strength, give me courage. Lend me your power to punish Arthur like what you did to Sole. Show me how to destroy all the adulterers, like what you did with Lunis."
Deborah: "Teach me how to make them pay."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Through the quiz, contestants will try to expose the Mole, but the Mole will throw a scapegoat to the wolves.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole a diva?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
A: Dark Wave
B: Geek Rock
C: Classical
D: Pop
E: French
Q4: Before Mission 5, what did the Mole eat for breakfast?
A: Waffles
B: Mac and Cheese
C: Autumn Salad
D: White Bread
Q5: Before Mission 5, who did the Mole vote against to not be in the group of two?
A: Maurice Wentworth
B: Sabrina Regis
C: The Mole did not vote
Q6: In Mission 5, what was the wallpaper like in the room the Mole was in?
A: Blue with yellow circles
B: White clouds
Q7: How many Jeopardy questions did the Mole answer in Mission 5?
A: 14
B: 16
C: The Mole did not play Jeopardy
Q8: Did the Mole answer a hint question in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was playing Jeopardy
Q9: Which question did the Mole receive in Mission 5?
A: This bustling downtown area in Soleunda has a bakery, a grocery store and a great view.
B: This Ugandan runner has clinched 7 golds, his latest being at the Men's 5000m event in Tokyo.
C: What do the Soleundan priests guard at the Sun Temple?
D: Which is the longest river in the world?
E: How many years did the 100 Years War last?
F: The Mole did not receive a question personally
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Deborah Rizona
B: Sabrina Regis
C: Dotty McLottie
D: Archibald Solrene Bishop
E: Maurice Wentworth
F: Seth Azpect
Maurice: "Archibald doesn't really participate in discussions as to who should do what task. He mainly goes with the flow. If he's the Mole he's a bad one for letting the group dictate what he can do."
Deborah: "Seth was somewhat helpful in the latest mission, providing some good ideas, such as with the US presidency question."
Sabrina: "Deborah plays the game openly. She showed that she truly wanted to answer the questions correctly."
Dotty: "Although Maurice kept rushing me and gave some sloppy answers, he also managed to get a fair number of them correct, such as the questions on the athletes. He's making me doubt if he's the Mole."
"Maurice, unfortunately you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Maurice: "Well this sucks. I was hoping to skate by for a few more rounds. For Elise at least. But it's been fun. I got to chase after others in prison and hunt for ninjas. What more could a guy ask for? I wish the rest good luck in whatever they wanna do, and I'll see y'all soon!"
Maurice "Supersonic" Wentworth has been executed! Execution finally caught up to him. Who will the Mole claim next? Who is the Mole?