Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to trek to the store to redecorate a house per fengshui rules, trek to meet lying tai chi practitioners who knew fengshui, or trek to the past and arrange dynasties in chronological order. While the fengshui decoration resulted in only 5/30 points won, the dynasty arrangement was more successful worth 40/60 points, leading to 45/90 points in the pot. Raymundo sacrificed points for a hidden exemption. He will be safe but someone will be executed next. Who will it be?
Adriel: "Things have been going well so far. I have a coalition with Ramona and a secret one with Raymundo. Nobody suspects a thing yet."
Raymundo: "I have this: a hidden exemption. I got it because I was the first one to tell someone to place a mirror opposite the bed. It was only 5 points. It was absolutely worth it."
Raymundo: "Check this out."
Rudy: "So that's what an exemption looks like."
Raymundo: "It is a steal. It's only 5 points for a whole exemption. Anybody would have gone for it."
Raymundo: "So why didn't you?"
Rudy: "I knew about the hidden exemption but that was after you had gone down the hill. I knew it was too late to try and get one for myself. But I stopped Adriel from finding out. I didn't want an exemption that he won't ever get affect the mission."
Rudy: "I'm happy you got it bro. Honestly."
Jordana: "Hi Ted!"
Ted: "Umm, hi."
Jordana: "Hehe."
Jordana: "Oh my legs are so sore. I can't imagine how the guys trekked all the way to the top and down multiple times."
Ted: "Umm, me neither."
Jordana: "Hehe, are you afraid of me?"
Ted: "Me? No! Umm, no! I just...I just, um, need space."
Jordana: "Okay! Hehe."
Jordana: "By the way, is your finger better?"
Ted: "This? Oh, umm, yeah."
Jordana: "I'm sorry that you cut your finger because of me."
Ted: "Oh no no no, it's not your fault. I wasn't careful."
Jordana: "But I broke the vase you cut yourself on. If I had been more careful this wouldn't have happened!"
Ted: "It's fine, really. It's just a small cut. I'll survive."
Jordana: "I never really had the chance to talk to you these few days."
Ted: "Oh it's fine. You don't have to."
Jordana: "But I want to! Hehe."
Jordana: "Why did you sign up for the Smole? You don't really look like you want to be here hehe."
Ted: "Umm, I didn't."
Jordana: "Hehe what?"
Ted: "Umm, I was kind of scammed into joining. I thought I, um, signed up for something else."
Jordana: "Oh that's horrible. But I'm glad you're here anyway."
Ted: "Why?"
Jordana: "The Smole is so fun! Hehe! We're in China too! I'm hoping to see the tiger shrike, or..."
Ted: "You like birds?"
Jordana: "Yeah! Hehe. You know about birds too?"
Ted: "Umm, a little. Probably not to your level."
Jordana: "That's okay. Hehe, I'm just happy to finally meet someone who likes birds like I do!"
Adriel: "I admire how you could turn a passion into your job. Not many Sims have the guts to do that."
Ramona: "I love dance. It's in my blood. I can't imagine myself doing anything else."
Adriel: "I always wanted to learn how to dance. I think it's the sexiest thing a Sim can do."
Ramona: "Today is your lucky day. I happen to be an expert dancer. Especially in tango or West Coast swing. Which one do you want to learn?"
Adriel: "What's West Coast swing?"
Ramona: "It's a type of know what? Why not I show you?"
Ramona: "We start close. Can you feel me?"
Adriel: "I can. You're holding my hand."
Ramona: "No. I want you to close your eyes and really feel me."
Adriel: "I do."
Ramona: "And I do too. It's all about energy transfer, or tension and slackness. Imagine yourself to be a rubber band."
Ramona: "When I take a step back, do you feel that tension as you're pulling me?"
Adriel: "I do."
Ramona: "And we give in to that feeling. We bring ourselves closer together again."
Ramona: "You're a natural at this. Even with no music."
Adriel: "That's 'cause I have an amazing teacher."
Ramona: "A man who speaks my language! I think I'm falling in love...again!"
Sienna: "The final dinner before the quiz and execution ceremony. I'm feeling a little nervous."
Sheila: "You don't look nervous."
Sienna: "I'm a doctor. I have to learn to show calmness in front of others."
Samantha: "Salad? This is hardly filling."
Mary: "What happened at the mission? How do you rack up so many penalties?"
Sienna: "I forgot that I had purchased artwork of a dragon and forgot to put it up. But I think we were given confusing instructions to begin with."
Samantha: "We were also rushing towards the end. Sheila and I took too long trying to assemble a bed. We had to wait for Seamus to help us."
Sheila: "I'm full."
Samantha: "How?"
Mary: "Do you always depend on your fiancé for everything at home?"
Sheila: "Of course not. I wear the pants around the house."
Samantha: "We all have different skills, Mary. It's just like how you're good at your job but maybe not good at assembling Uzos furniture."
Mary: "I don't imagine it being that hard."
Sheila: "I could have handled it myself. My parents raised me better than that."
Samantha: "Speaking of parents, I miss my parents."
Sienna: "I miss my son Wade too. He's only one and I never left his side before. I wonder how he's coping."
Mary: "Why did you decide to come then?"
Sienna: "My husband said it would be a good idea for one of us to take a break from parenting. At least one of us would be recharged."
Mary: "I think being on the Smole is even more stressful."
Samantha: "And you get to take leave? I heard hospitals are always understaffed."
Sienna: "I run my own private clinic."
Samantha: "Wow! All of you are so capable. A magician, a management consultant and a doctor with her own business."
Mary: "You can too if you put in the work."
Samantha: "My parents don't want me to work. Right now I'm putting in the work in maintaining beauty."
Mary: "There are better things to do with your life, princess."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identities of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole currently sleep in an all-male or all-female room?
A: Yes, an all-male room
B: Yes, an all-female room
C: No, the Mole shares a room with another gender
Q3: What is the Mole's strongest skill?
A: Charisma
B: Gardening
C: Dancing
D: Logic
E: Martial Arts
F: Culinary
G: Photography
H: Athletic
I: None of the above
Q4: Is the Mole's favourite past Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q5: Which pilgrimage did the Mole embark on in Mission 2?
A: To the top
B: To the past
C: To the store
Q6: In Mission 2, what colour was the Mole's backpack?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: Yellow
D: Orange
E: Green
F: Pink
G: Purple
H: Black
I: White
J: Grey
Q7: In Mission 2, which item did the Mole have in the backpack?
A: Sand
B: Furniture
C: Chinese relics
Q8: How much time did the Mole have in Mission 2?
A: 2.5 hours
B: 4 hours
Q9: Does the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Raymundo Hansen
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Samantha Perry
E: Ted Ursus
F: Sheila Rammstein
G: Seamus Motheresa
H: Ramona Romano
I: Mary Shelby
J: Adriel Garner
K: Jordana Hammond
"Contestants, last night you said goodbye to the first victim: Peter. Tonight, you will say goodbye to another one of your fellow contestants."
"Raymundo earned a hidden exemption for himself so he will not be executed tonight."
"Let us begin with Seamus Motheresa."
Sienna: "Seamus was the one who was mainly liaising with the men. He could have accidentally or deliberately provided wrong information."
"Adriel Garner."
Seamus: "Adriel, Raymundo and Rooney didn't do what they were supposed to do. Plain and simple. They tried to outsource their job to us and blame us when things went wrong."
"Ramona Romano."
Ted: "Ramona and Jordana were especially unfit. I don't blame them but it did cause a lot of delays."
"Sheila Rammstein."
Seamus: "Sheila and Samantha took so much time trying to assemble a freaking bed. With instructions laid out in front of them."
"Mary Shelby."
Jordana: "Mary was the one who made all the mistakes with arranging the items. She made the final call for each of them."
"Ted Ursus."
Mary: "Ted ran all the way to the start and played the hero, but it didn't matter anyway because it was wrong."
"Ted Ursus, unfortunately you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Jordana: "I was happy to finally meet someone like-minded with knowledge about birds. He had a heart of gold when he injured himself because of me. I thought we were going to be great friends on this season."
Seamus: "Ted shared a room with us. He was a quiet but funny guy in his own way."
Sienna: "I worked with Ted in the first mission. He was the one who made the breakthrough and helped us narrow our options. He was responsible for our success."
Ted: "I think I know what books to look at! There's a picture with a red cover, and another one with a tiger. We can focus on those two."
Ted: "To be honest, I felt like quitting anyway. I didn't truly belong here. I belong alone in the great outdoors. That's why I isolated myself from the rest of the world in the first place. It was silly of me to think I should have anything other. I never actually wanted to sign up for this and I didn't understand this show either. It's for the best that I was executed early and not take away someone else's spot."
"Thank you for joining, Ted. We hope to see you again."
Ted the hermit has been executed! Would he have been executed had Raymundo not been exempt? Or is Raymundo the Mole?
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