In the last episode of the Smole, the contestants welcomed their first twist and PKer: Zhang Hua. He worked with the rest to try and bring their core temperature down while doing activities that either raise it up or cause them to get in trouble with the local authorities. In the end, while they all managed to lower their temperatures enough to earn points, they simply did not do enough, bringing the pot a meagre 25/90 points to make it 123/360 points. Rudy managed to steal a hidden exemption for himself in the process, protecting himself. It comes especially handy given that tonight will be a double execution. Which two contestants will leave next?
Sienna: "I need to keep my eyes peeled. How is it that others keep finding exemptions I don't? What if there has been a hidden exemption every mission and I just didn't notice?"
Sienna: "You're still up?"
Samantha: "Just here for a light midnight snack. You?"
Sienna: "I'm used to being awake late at night. It's the only time you can get other stuff done."
Sienna: "You call this a light midnight snack?"
Samantha: "Yes. I usually eat a lot more."
Sienna: "I noticed the food supply running extremely low."
Sienna: "This isn't healthy. You're overeating."
Samantha: "I need to maintain my figure."
Sienna: "Maintain?"
Samantha: "Sorry you're right. I need to gain more weight. I'm not beautiful enough."
Sienna: "You don't have to subject to yourself to any standard of beauty. If you want to be skinnier then by all means go ahead. Don't risk health for beauty."
Samantha: "You don't understand. Ethmane likes it when I'm big. He needs to convince his parents that I'm worth marrying. Especially if we're planning on moving back to Mauritania."
Sienna: "Who's Ethmane?"
Samantha: "My boyfriend."
Sienna: "Don't hurt yourself for anyone else."
Samantha: "I'm not. I'm doing this for me too. I don't expect any of you ugly skinny Sims to understand."
Sienna: "What if I told you there's a pill that can help you become beautiful?"
Samantha: "I'm listening."
Sienna: "Do you know what creatine is?"
Samantha: "Does it make me fatter?"
Sienna: "So you don't. Good."
Sienna: "It can. I have some on hand actually. You can start taking that instead of gorging yourself."
Samantha: "For free? I highly doubt it'll be effective."
Sienna: "Oh, of course not. It's a very exclusive drug that can achieve weight gain in a healthy manner without all the negative side effects of overeating. It's very expensive."
Samantha: "Then it must be good. How much is it? I can pay you."
Sienna: "I'll write a prescription for you. Follow me."
Samantha: "Let me wash up first."
Sienna: "I'll meet you in my room."
Sienna: "This is all for your own good."
Jordana: "Oh hehe! Good morning Zhang."
Zhang: "Good morning Jordana."
Jordana: "Aah!"
Zhang: "What?"
Jordana: "Nothing. I nearly fell out of bed. Literally."
Jordana: "What time did you wake up?"
Zhang: "4am."
Jordana: "Hehe. So early? Why?"
Zhang: "Birds would wake me up."
Jordana: "What kind of birds? The robin? The blackird? The chiffchaff? The dunnock?"
Zhang: "I don't know what those are. It was a rooster that would wake me up."
Jordana: "What kind of rooster? Is it a cochin, a faverolle, a rhode island red? Or is it a silkie?"
Zhang: "What?"
Jordana: "You can tell silkies apart from their black skin, white feathers and turquoise ears. Did you know silkies have five toes compare to the usual four? Hehe!"
Zhang: "It was a normal rooster."
Jordana: "Did you know why roosters crow?"
Zhang: "I don't. Why?"
Jordana: "Hehe! There are many reasons, like to indicate safety to their flock, communicate dominance or warn about danger."
Jordana: "But there are no roosters around. At least I didn't hear one."
Zhang: "I am used to waking up early now, even if there are no roosters."
Ramona: "Smells good."
Rudy: "When I was a teen I used to help out at my Ma and Pa's pizzeria during the holidays."
Ramona: "Your parents run a pizzeria? I have to try this then."
Rudy: "It's been a while. My older bro Ronny is the heir."
Ramona: "So you get to do whatever you want."

Ramona: "Have you considered learning to dance?"
Rudy: "Dancing? Not for me."Ramona: "It's my greatest pleasure to dance. It is unfortunate there's no music in the house."
Rudy: "You must be so displeased."
Ramona: "I found pleasure in other ways...hehe."
Rudy: "Did I hear a Jordana giggle?"
Ramona: "I'll let you in on a secret: I think I'm in love with Adriel. He's so smooth and he has moves in the ballroom and the bedroom."
Rudy: "What? Aren't you seeing someone?"
Ramona: "The heart wants what it wants. I can't help it."
Ramona: "Also, pepperoni pizza? Really?"
Rudy: "Sorry I can't meet your high Italian standards but it's my favourite."
Rudy: "Adriel, a word."
Adriel: "What can I do for you today?"
Rudy: "Dude, you seduced Ramona?"
Adriel: "If anything, she seduced me."
Rudy: "She's absolutely smitten with you."
Adriel: "All I did was learn her dance. Which by the way feels so much like a mating call."
Rudy: "There you go. No wonder she fell in love with you."
Rudy: "So you're not serious about her?"
Adriel: "Rooney, there is no way in hell I could be into her. I'm into men."
Adriel: "Homophobic much? What's with that expression?"
Rudy: "No it's not that. I'm just confused..."
Rudy: " you like how it feels?"
Adriel: "Meh. I think it feels better with men. Especially those big muscular dudes. I love it when I conquer them."
Rudy: "I think we should sleep in separate rooms bro."
Adriel: "Not every gay is out for your cock."
Rudy: "Then why did you sleep with Ramona if you don't even like women?"
Adriel: "I have my plans."
Rudy "Did you sleep with Raymundo?"
Adriel: "What? He's old and married."
Rudy: "That's a relief. So you two were just working together?"
Adriel: "You knew?"
Rudy: "I'm not blind."
Rudy: "I propose we work together."
Adriel: "Interesting. Why?"
Zhang: "I am still learning everybody's names. Rooney Rooney, Ramona Ramo...Romano Roma...Rumana Ramria...Romania...Ramona Ramy...Simlish names are hard. Her name is very annoying."
Samantha: "It's nice to be back in Africa. Yes Africa is a continent, not a country. My mother Aisha was from Mauritania. She my father Ely there. He works as an archaeologist and was in the country at the time. He fell in love with her and he was rich so my grandparents married my mother off to him. But my father loves cultural exploration and that has rubbed off onto me. Although we emigrated, we visit my mother's hometown regularly. Usually he's off in another country for work though so he lets my mother teach me all about Mauritanian culture. They don't want me to forget my roots. It's interesting to see how similar and how different Al Simhara is from my mother's hometown."
Sheila: "Gah!"
Seamus: "Babe, what are you doing?"
Sheila: "Practising my magic. You should too."
Seamus: "We're on vacation babe. Relax a little."
Sheila: "It's this attitude that is keeping us in this rut."
Seamus: "What?"
Sheila: "You know, I heard from Cecelia that the Society of American Magicians are thinking of kicking us out."
Seamus: "Who cares about what Uncle S.A.M says?"
Sheila: "I do, Seamus. I do. You know it's my dream to be the world's best magician."
Seamus: "We can't all be the world's best."
Sheila: "That's no excuse to be lax. We need to do better."
Seamus: "I think we're fine as it is."
Sheila: "The S.A.M accepts amateurs, Seamus. If they don't want us, it means we're worse than amateurs."
Seamus: "Correction: Cecelia thinks we're worse than amateurs. And we know Cecelia's always wrong. She's just jealous of us."
Sheila: "I think you're jealous of me."
Seamus: "What? You know I wholly love and support you and your dreams. I'm grateful to still be in this industry myself."
Sheila: "Have you thought about how you might not be able to last in this industry if you continue this way?"
Sheila: "You never think about the consequences. Even in this game you're just doing whatever you want without thinking things through. You go ahead and rip a storm through the fields without thinking about what gets left behind. It makes it hard for me to trust you this way."
Sheila: "You say you wholly support me? Why does it not feel this way?"
Seamus: "Babe where is this coming from?"
Sheila: "Mary was right. You're just trying to drag me down to your level because you can't accept a woman being better than you."
Seamus: "You're letting an outsider tell you about your own fiancé?"
Sheila: "Is she wrong?"
Seamus: "...Is that what you really think?"
Sheila: "We're too different."
Seamus: "You're putting too much pressure on yourself. It's important to have fun and enjoy magic."
Sheila: "You can accept being mediocre your whole life but I can't."
Sheila: "It's a good thing we haven't officially started with our wedding preparations. I think we need some time to re-evaluate our relationship."
Seamus: "Babe..."
Seamus: "You know I love you and want you to succeed. But I'm just afraid you'll lose sight of everything else, of why you joined this profession, of what we have right now. And I'm afraid I'll lose you to your ambition."
Seamus: "Mary Shelby, you've gone too far!"
Mary: "What did I do?"
Seamus: "You know what you did."
Mary: "Ambiguous accusations aren't going to get you anywhere."
Seamus: "I know you want to win but you don't have to destroy our relationship in the process!"
Mary: "Oh. You're talking about Sheila?"
Mary: "She's finally wisened up."
Seamus: "I don't know why you told her all this rubbish but we won't let it get to us."
Mary: "This has nothing to do with the Smole, Seamus. I've noticed that she's been stuck under your thumb the whole time."
Seamus: "I give her freedom."
Mary: "Only the illusion of it."
Seamus: "Why? Why are you doing this? What good does it do to see us break up?"
Mary: "If your relationship is on the rocks after a few words, maybe you should ask yourself these questions, not me."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Who is the Mole's father?
A: Bill
B: David
C: Edoardo
D: Ely
E: Harold
F: Kyle
G: Marcus
H: Robert
I: None of the above
Q3: Who had an exclusive interview with the Mole?
A: Viktor Hammerman
B: Diane Harvey
C: Selena Baird
D: The Mole did not have an exclusive interview
Q4: What is the Mole's favourite food?
A: Cake
B: Crepes
C: Fruit parfait
D: Lobster thermidor
E: Pizza
F: Spaghetti
G: Sushi
H: Tri-tip steak
Q5: What is the Mole's favourite season?
A: Spring
B: Summer
C: Autumn
D: Winter
Q6: In Mission 4, who did the Mole start with?
A: Sienna Justine Piers
B: Jordana Hammond
C: Rudy Rooney
D: Ramona Romano
E: Mary Shelby
F: Sheila Rammstein
G: Seamus Motheresa
H: Samantha Perry
I: Adriel Garner
J: Zhang Hua
Q7: In Mission 4, where did the Mole start?
A: Camp Earth
B: Camp Sun
C: Camp Moon
D: Base Camp
E: Bridge
Q8: How many activities did the Mole successfully complete in Mission 4?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
E: 5
Q9: Did the Mole split up in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Zhang Hua
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Samantha Perry
E: Sheila Rammstein
F: Seamus Motheresa
G: Ramona Romano
H: Mary Shelby
I: Adriel Garner
J: Jordana Hammond
"Contestants, welcome to your first execution ceremony in Al Simhara. For Zhang, it's your first ever execution ceremony. To recap, your names will be called and your fate will be known. Rudy has a hidden exemption and is safe, but for two of you, your Egypt and Smole journey will come to an end. Who is the lowest scorer?"
"Adriel Garner."
Zhang: "We only needed to spend a few seconds in the ocean but Adriel wanted to waste time in the water."
"Sienna Justine Piers."
Mary: "Sienna and Jordana seemed to go to the most out-of-the-way activities. Their route was not efficient but it led to a good excuse for why they contributed so little."
"Seamus Motheresa."
Samantha: "It may seem like Seamus is the hero for completing the most activities, but 5 is still a very low result, just barely over half the activities. It's just that everyone else did worse."
"Samantha Perry."
Seamus: "I was testing Samantha and she wanted us to wear outerwear. We were the only ones to do it. Was she expecting us to get too hot and lose up to 18 points?"
"Unfortunately, Samantha Perry, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Ramona: "Samantha tried her best in all that she did. This season has been physically demanding but she didn't shy away from it when she had to do it, even if she complained a lot. I remember how tired and proud she was climbing all those stairs at the hot spring."
Adriel: "Samantha was a very fun and interesting woman with such a unique perspective on things. I miss playing poker with her and hearing about her African adventures."
Sienna: "Samantha played the first mission extremely well. She had no experience playing the guitar but she only made two mistakes. She left a great impression on me."
Samantha: "I tried to spread but maybe I leaned too much to one suspect. But I have no regrets. I enjoyed myself thoroughly like I set out to do. I got to visit two new countries and immerse myself in their culture. I wish everyone else the best and I hope Zhang can do well despite being a late player."
"Let us continue. Mary Shelby."
Sheila: "You know it's strange when Mary, a very capable woman, ends up performing only one task and spends the time talking about why someone else is suspicious instead."
"Sheila Rammstein."
Adriel: "Zhang and I found an activity near where Sheila and Mary started. It's convenient that they missed the whole sunken mine and crates."
"Ramona Romano."
Rudy: "Getting chased by the merchant is a genius move to skip the walk along that street of houses. It's one of the easiest tasks to complete."
"Two left."
Zhang: "I will be so upset if I left so quickly but it feels only fair that you stay on."
Jordana: "Hehe, all the best to both of us!"
"Zhang Hua."
Jordana: "Zhang did the activities in a peculiar order. Going swimming first, then raising your temperature by running in the desert and eating spicy food? That's not logical if the goal is to bring down your body temperature."
Jordana: "Oh no. I'm out?"
"Jordana Hammond."
Ramona: "Seamus succeeded, Sienna succeeded, but Jordana got arrested just before she could finish the graffiti? It's such a coincidence."
Jordana: "Hehe what?"
Seamus: "Is there no double execution?"
"The second executed contestant tied for the second-lowest score but was slower by 2 seconds. This contestant knows who he or she is and has been given a chance to save himself or herself. Rudy, as the exemption holder, you hold the ultimate power. If you don't identify the correct Sim who is supposed to go home tonight with Samantha, the other tied contestant will be executed instead. You have 5 minutes to identify who you think it is by giving him or her a red plumbob."
Rudy: "Whoever it is, own up. You should know you're unfairly taking away someone else's place."
Ramona: "To be fair the contestants tied, so they both deserve to go home."
Rudy: "Nobody is 'fessing up? Then it's down to me. I noticed two Sims react when Samantha was executed. That was Seamus and Ramona."
Sheila: "It can't be Seamus."
Adriel: "I think it's Ramona. She's someone who can't hide her true feelings."
Ramona: "It's not me, I swear. The only reason why you're pointing fingers at me is because one of you is the true loser!"
Rudy: "No need to point fingers now. I figured out who it is already, so there's no point hiding."
Rudy: "Seamus, it's you."
Seamus: "Me? Whatever you say. I guess it could be me."
Sheila: "There is no benefit to lying. No points are involved."
Rudy: "Ramona looks too happy for someone who was surprised by the execution. You were too quiet until I called on you. Seamus is my final answer."
"Seamus, we shall find out if you were fated to leave tonight, or if you indirectly saved someone else from going home tonight."
"Unfortunately, Seamus Motheresa, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Rudy: "I knew it."
Seamus: "Yes, it's me. Was hoping I wouldn't be caught but Rooney is too darn good."
Jordana: "Seamus and I never directly worked with each other but I always wanted to. He seemed like a fun guy who did what he loved, even if it meant hurting all our ears with his piano skills hehe."
Mary: "Seamus was a rebel. He was crafty enough to get away with so much but he always provided a surprise. I'm still in awe as to how he stole a whole vase or survived the sweltering heat in a winter wear."
Rudy: "Seamus and I had no idea what we were doing with all the zodiac animals, but he never once got mad at me and even defended me when we were accused of messing up badly. We may not always have done well, but he always made sure it was fun working with him."
Samantha: "Oh! It's you!"
Seamus: "Ta-da!"
Seamus: "I didn't make it very far but I appreciate how far I came. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in cool missions alongside so many wonderful contestants and my lovely fiancée Sheila. I hoped to have been able to end things on a high note but maybe this distance will do us some good and give her some space to think. I just hope I managed to bring down others with me."
"Seamus, Samantha, thank you for joining. We hope to see you again."
Samantha: "I actually thought it was you."
Seamus: "That's all I needed to hear."
Samantha: "Who did you think it was?"
Seamus: "You were one of them."
Samantha: "Me? Really?"
The magic man and the Mauritanian girl have been executed! Only eight remain: who among them is the Mole?
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