Previously on the Smole, the contestants had a chance to dabble in the four great arts of Chinese culture, unaware of how they could influence other groups. The pianists: Ramona, Seamus and Samantha, brought in nothing in part due to their many mistakes and in part due to the wrong compositions brought in by the chess players: Jordana, Mary and Raymundo. Although 10 points were brought in there, more points were brought in at the Old Stone Courtyard, with the literature group getting 13 points and the painters earning 30 points. 53/135 points is a poor start to the season, but will this trend continue? Who will be executed before seeing the pot grow?
Seamus: "Babe, did you ever notice that EA forgot to wallpaper one wall in our bedroom?"
Sheila: "E who?"
Seamus: "You know, the architectural and interior design company. Among others."
Ted: "Oh my god you're naked! Umm, umm..."
Ted: "I'll get out of your way and wait till you get changed! I'll change inside the bathroom!"
Ted: "Umm, I'm not used to talking to a camera...but it's a whole lot better than talking to an actual Sim. I live alone so I'm not used to sharing a room with others...let alone a couple. I feel like a third wheel. But I'm envious of their relationship. How many of us can find someone we're willing to spend time with?"
Rudy: "Bro, do you not wear pants?"
Raymundo: "We're all men here. It's a lot more cooling."
Rudy: "Okay bro, but I don't want to see anything I don't wanna see."
Raymundo: "I change before leaving the room."
Ramona: "Oh my..."
Adriel: "Good morning Ramona."
Ramona: "Oh! Good morning Adriel."
Adriel: "Liking what you're seeing?"
Ramona: "Sorry, it's rude of me to stare."
Adriel: "If we've got the assets, why not flaunt it? There's nothing wrong with showing a little skin. We're not prudes."
Sienna: "Both of you please put on some clothes. Especially you Adriel. I don't want to be greeted by extraneous members."
Mary: "I don't understand how the literature group could get 13/15 correct, yet somehow we only received two advantages? I know not every correct answer leads to an advantage for us, but 2 is way too little."
Mary: "What happened at the courtyard? Was it easy?"
Sienna: "Not at all. Everything was in Chinese. We had to come up with creative ways to remember the character names, like this one looks like an angry man with a hat, or that one looks like a tree. We only started to really get the hang of it and rush towards the end."
Mary: "That explains it."
Sienna: "Explains what?"
Mary: "Nothing."
Sheila: "Since when did you learn the piano?"
Seamus: "Since never."
Sheila: "So you lied?"
Seamus: "Yeah?"
Sheila: "Why?"
Seamus: "I don't want it to be too easy for everyone. The way to win is if we're the only ones who know who the Mole is. Thanks for not ratting me out though."
Sheila: "I wanted to clarify first before jumping to conclusions. As long as I know where you stand, I'm okay with you being an agent of chaos."
Peter: "This season is an interesting cast. We have Raymundo who is bordering on cultural appropriation. I'm sure he's not even from Shang Simla. Then we have Jordana who wears a helmet at all times. And the biker's not the one wearing the helmet. There's Ted who's a loner and Sienna who is dressed ready for a world adventure. And we have a magician couple too. And there's Samantha who's a very heavy eater. I was making breakfast for everyone and I needed to make seconds because she ate most of it."
Samantha: "Hello Peter. I was just admiring the view with Raymundo."
Peter: "Why are you dressed like that?"
Raymundo: "To get into the mind of the opponent."
Peter: "Oh right, you're a Sim Fu coach. But I don't see how dressing up like a Shang Simla resident when you're clearly not helps. Surely other things like cultural exchanges are more effective."
Raymundo: "I created a world champion."
Samantha: "You did? Wow!"
Samantha: "Don't question his methods, Peter. He clearly knows what he's doing."
Peter: "We should go for a morning run some day. It would help you burn calories."
Samantha: "Absolutely not. I need to maintain my figure."
Peter: "What?"
Samantha: "Where I'm from, fatness is beautiful."
Raymundo: "You should strive for fitness, not beauty."
Samantha: "Tell that to him. He's as skinny as a stick."
Peter: "Don't underestimate me. I could probably outrun and outlift most of you on this season."
Samantha: "Prove it."
Raymundo: "Don't bully the old man. Let him have his moment."
Peter: "You don't believe me? Just you wait."
Jordana: "You were an art teacher?"
Rudy: "Yep."
Jordana: "And now you're a biker?"
Rudy: "Yep."
Jordana: "That's such a big change, hehe. Why did you quit your job to become a biker?"
Rudy: "Passion. On the road I feel free."
Jordana: "As free as a bird, hehe!"
Rudy: "Yeah. You know that feeling?"
Jordana: "Did you know? The bald eagle represents freedom. And not surprisingly, hehe! They can fly at altitudes of over 10,000ft!"
Rudy: "Cool."
Rudy: "Why did you join the Smole?"
Jordana: "My family encouraged me to hehe. How about you?"

Rudy: "To travel the world. It's a great chance to go places you can't go by bike."
Jordana: "I'm hoping we encounter birds native to China, like the Severtzov's grouse or the Hainan partridge."
Rudy: " You seem to know a lot about birds."
Jordana: "Hehe! I love birds!"
Rudy: "I guess it's just like how I know a lot about biking."
Jordana: "Yeah! Hehe!"
Jordana: "Hey, if you bike, why aren't you wearing a helmet?"
Rudy: "Because I'm not biking now?"
Jordana: "But what if you accidentally hit your head?"
Jordana: "Oh no. I'd fall over and die. This helmet is to protect my head. I don't want to accidentally break it, you know? I'm not a woodpecker."
It is time for the quiz: 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole wear headgear?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Is the Mole's favourite Mole from the Mole's favourite season?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Does the Mole have children?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 1, what group was the Mole in?
A: Piano
B: Chess
C: Literature
D: Painting
Q6: Does the Mole have the relevant skills for Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No
Q7: What was the Mole's performance piece in Mission 1?
A: Minuet in C Major K6
B: Prelude, Op. 28, No. 4
C: Prelude and Fugue in C Major, BWV 846
D: The Mole did not perform
Q8: What was the value of the Mole's painting in Mission 1?
A: 262 Simoleons
B: 278 Simoleons
C: 320 Simoleons
D: The Mole did not paint
Q9: Which type of chess did the Mole play in Mission 1?
A: English chess
B: Go
C: Animal chess
D: The Mole did not play chess
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Raymundo Hansen
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Samantha Perry
E: Peter de De
F: Ted Ursus
G: Sheila Rammstein
H: Seamus Motheresa
I: Ramona Romano
J: Mary Shelby
K: Adriel Garner
L: Jordana Hammond
"Contestants, welcome to your first execution ceremony. Less than 24 hours ago you were immersing yourself in the Chinese arts. Tonight, one of you will have to leave Shang Simla; the lowest scorer in the quiz."
"Watch the screen in front of you. If it turns green when your name is called, you are safe. If it turns red when your name is called, you are the Mole's first victim this season."
"Let's start with Rudy Rooney."
Sheila: "Rooney's painting was quite blur and unclear."
"Sheila Rammstein."
Adriel: "Sheila painted a red and orange painting. That's not a book cover at all but it's highly suspicious."
"Samantha Perry."
Mary: "Everyone might think it's Seamus, but I think Samantha is one to watch out for too. She made so many mistakes when practising, sending tremors to disrupt the painters...but not during the actual thing - it didn't matter anyway because she knew she had the wrong score."
"Peter De De."
Sienna: "Peter decided to make guesses, knowing that we couldn't move a scroll once we placed it down."
"Unfortunately, Peter De De, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Samantha: "Peter may have been the oldest, but he was young in spirit. I admired that about him."
Sienna: "I worked with Peter in the first mission. He was very hardworking. He was running all over the place with those scrolls."
Ted: "Umm...yeah I was in the same group with Peter too. He...he had a strong opinion. Like a leader. He was fully committed to winning. He was smart and deductive too, like when he knew to ignore all the English books."
Peter: "I can't say I'm surprised. It's disappointing being the first but I have almost never been right about the Mole. I enjoyed my journey but I wish I got a chance to show who I am even more. Oh well. All the best to the rest."
"Thank you for joining, Peter. We hope to see you again."
The old but sprightly Peter has been executed first! Was he really wrong about his Mole?
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