Welcome to Season 59 of the Smole! On the Smole, a group of contestants will participate in challenges or missions to earn points for a pot. Each point is worth 1000 Simoleons and the final amount in the pot what the winner will win. However, among them is the Mole, a saboteur hired to keep points out of the pot while avoiding detection. The other contestants will take a quiz every few episodes about the Mole, with the lowest scorer going home or being executed each time. In the event of a tie, the slowest contestant will leave.
This season, contestants will start their hunt for the Mole in China. Who will be the final 3? Who will be the Mole this season?
Rudy: "I'm Rudy, a 29 year old biker, but you can call me Rooney. I may seem tough but I can make others lower their guard, including the Mole's. That's how I'll win this season."
Raymundo: "My name is Raymundo Hansen. I'm a 44-year-old Sim Fu coach. I have seen how many mistakes were made because the contestants did not think before doing, so I will prevent that this season."
Sienna: "My name is Sienna Justine Piers. I am 33 this year and I'm a doctor. I'm quite resilient and adaptable to stress and changes, thus making me a good candidate to win this season."
Samantha: "I'm Samantha Perry, 27 years old and unemployed. My strategy is to enjoy myself and the journey. Sometimes when you try too hard, things backfire."
Peter: "My name is Peter de De. I am 65 years old this year. I'm currently retired and I'm going to try my best. I'm nothing if not determined."
Ted: "I'm Ted Ursus, I'm 40 years old, I don't have a job, and I don't have a strategy...we'll see how that goes."
Sheila: "I'm Sheila, a 35-year-old magician. I'm here with my fiancé and we're going to work together to beat the Mole and win."
Seamus: "I'm Seamus Motheresa, a 36-year-old magician and fiancé to Sheila. My strategy? I don't plan on letting anyone know my next move."
Ramona: "My name is Ramona Romano and I am a 34-year-old dancer. I don't really have a strategy. I let my heart take me where it wants to."
Mary: "My name is Mary Shelby. I'm a 35-year-old management consultant. To win, I'm going to observe and only take the helm where needed. My persuasiveness will aid me greatly."
Adriel: "I'm Adriel and I'm a professional scammer. I'm 28 this year. My strategy? Be everyone's ally. Knowledge is power and I know what to say and do to get what I want."
Jordana: "Hi, I'm Jordana Hammond. I'm 26 years old this year and I am an environmental scientist. Whatever happens, I'm going to be true to myself."
"Welcome to the Smole, Season 59! I hope you have gotten comfortable and gotten to know one another. It's time now for your first mission."
"In China, the four arts of the Chinese scholar were the four main academic and artistic talents required of the aristocratic ancient Chinese scholar-gentlemen. Now, you are neither Chinese nor gentlemen, so we don't expect you to master the traditional arts; but rather, a modernised form of it."
"The first art is the qin, or the piano. Three piano players will have to learn four compositions to play tonight."
"The second art is the qi, or chess. Three chess players will play against the locals and beat them."
"The third art form is the shu, or literature. Three bookworms will need to identify characters in stories."
"The last art form is the hua, or painting. Three painters will paint four great works of value."
"Together, you can win 135 points. Divide yourself into four groups."
Raymundo: "Not arts. I am no good at any of them."
Adriel: "Well two of them aren't."
Mary: "Sim fu is about the body and mind. Chess is about the mind too."
Ramona: "I'd like to do piano. I have rhythm and am a quick learner, so piano should not be that difficult for me."
Seamus: "I can play the piano."
Adriel: "Perfect. You definitely have to join Ramona. Is your wife joining too?"
Seamus: "We're not married yet. But she's never touched a piano in her life."
Sheila: "I can speak for myself. But what about you?"
Adriel: "I would like to have a hand in...painting."
Raymundo: "You have good Sim skills. You remembered everyone's names. I think you should go out and interact with the locals."
Ramona: "Good point. It sounds like only the chess group will interact with the locals."
Jordana: "I would like to play chess."
Mary: "I think we are being disorganised about this. Can each of you who have the following skills raise your hands? Starting with chess."
Seamus: "Me, like I said."
Raymundo: "Any one else?"
Samantha: "I play the guitar. I know it's not the same but..."
Mary: "That will do. You and Seamus shall join the piano group. Now raise your hand if you can play chess."
Jordana: "Ooh, me."
Mary: "No one else? I suppose I can volunteer. It's all about logic."
Rudy: "What about Ramona? She volunteered for piano."
Seamus: "Ramona joins me of course."
Mary: "If no one else has the fit, then I suppose she would be our best shot."
Ramyundo: "That group is then filled. Does any one want to be the last chess player?"
Adriel: "I still think you are the best fit."
Seamus: "Why don't you want to join?"
Raymundo: "I have nothing against it, I just would rather leave the opportunity to someone who fits it better. But if nobody else wishes to step up, I will gladly fill in that role."
Raymundo: "Can anyone paint?"
Rudy: "I think I can do it."
Sienna: "You think?"
Rudy: "I'm no expert but I've painted a few times in my life. Oil, watercolour, finger, you name it!"
Adriel: "Then you are perfect for the role!"
Seamus: "No offence but you don't look like a painter."
Rudy: "I used to be an art teacher."
Peter: "If he wants it, then give it to him."
Samantha: "Do you want to join him?"
Peter: "No, I can't paint. I think I'll join the literature club. I like to read."
Jordana: "Who's left?"
Sienna: "Me, the man beside you, Adriel and the magician's wife."
Sheila: "Hey I'm also a magician."
Sienna: "Sorry. I haven't remembered all your names."
Adriel: "Take your pick. I'm picking painting."
Sienna: "I think between the two, I would have a better shot at literature."
Sheila: "Painting sounds more fun. I would rather try that. That leaves you with literature. Is that fine?"
Ted: "Oh yes. It works out well for me."
Ramona, Seamus and Samantha will get piano lessons. They will be playing 3 compositions later that night and each of them can bring in 20 points.
Ramona: "What do we play?"
Samantha: "This score looks incomplete."
Unfortunately, the pianists are lacking the full compositions. To collect the remainder of the compositions, Jordana, Mary and Raymundo have to help.
There are 3 types of chess they can play: English chess, Chinese chess (Go), and animal chess. They will play to beat three locals. Each local they beat earns them 10 points and the remaining part of a composition for the pianists.
Jordana: "I only got a short time to learn all the rules of animal chess, so pardon me if I make mistakes! Hehe!"
Rudy, Adriel and Sheila must paint 3 paintings representing famous Chinese books to earn points. Each painting must be worth a certain value before 10 points can be added to the pot.
Adriel: "There are 3 pictures here of what we need to paint."
Sheila: "They all look the same to me."
Adriel: "I think this one is pretty easy to draw."
Rudy: "I'll take this one. It's quite intricate."
Sienna: "There must be a reason we are here with you guys! Your task must be linked to ours!"
Peter, Sienna, and Ted are given a list of characters and they must match the characters to the correct stories. However, the ones that matter will be determined by the painters. They can observe the paintings to get clues as to which books the relevant ones are so as not to waste their time. They can earn up to 15 points in total: 1 per correct character.
Sienna: "It's a bunch of scrolls with Chinese calligraphy. It's all in Chinese. Can any of you read Chinese characters?"
Peter: "Not me. Ted?"
Ted: "Umm, no."
Seamus: "In the meantime, I guess we have to practise."
Ramona: "You are the only one to have played the piano before. Can you teach us?"
Seamus: "I'm not a good teacher. Let the master teach you, not me."
Ramona: "That sounds horrible."
Samantha: "I thought you said you knew how to play the piano."
Seamus: "Well, 20 years ago."
Joy: "You should relax your wrist."
Seamus: "Like this?"
Joy: "You're too stiff."
Joy: "You as well. Come, let me show you."
Samantha: "Oops."
Sheila: "What the hell is going on? Why is everything shaking?"
Adriel: "What are you talking about? Nothing's shaking."
Rudy: "I think you need to relax. Your whole body is trembling."
Sheila: "It's not me! I don't know what happened!"
Seamus: "No no no!"
Joy: "Don't slam the keys!"
Joy: "Let me guide you."
Joy: "Samantha, that's the wrong key. You need to go one key lower for that note."
Adriel: "Now I'm shaking uncontrollably too."
Rudy: "The brush and palette are vibrating!"
Sheila: "I told you something was up!"
Peter: "I think we need to read the books and memorise the Chinese characters."
Ted: "Umm, there are too many books."
Peter: "We have to start somewhere."
Sienna: "It's still too early to tell what any of you are painting."
The 3 chess players are struggling against their formidable foes.
Mary: "Fuck, I didn't consider that move."
Xi: "Always think 3 steps ahead."
Zhang: "Captured."
Raymundo: "Is that move legal?"
Peter: "We're wasting time. We have to start making a gamble."
Peter: "I'm going to go for it."
Peter: "I'm going to guess this one. 曹操."
Certain characters, if matched to the correct story, will provide additional chess pieces to aid the chess players in the fight against the locals.
Ramona: "This is just too hard! I have the hardest piece."
Joy: "Chopin isn't easy, but the satisfaction if you play it well will be even greater."
Samantha: "I have big shoes to fill. I'm playing Mozart."
Seamus: "Oops."
Adriel: "I can't paint while it keeps shaking."
Ted: "That's a tiger, and that's a red blob...I think I know what they are."
Ted: "I think I know what books to look at! There's a picture with a red cover, and another one with a tiger. We can focus on those two."
Sienna: "You might be right. Let's get Peter to stop guessing and focus on the characters that appear in these books. Good job."
Ted: "Thanks, but...umm, could you...could you go get him instead?"
Ramona has just received the rest of her composition.
Mary: "This does not look good."
Ziyi: "Checkmate."
Ziyi: "I won."
Joy: "Samantha, here is the rest of your composition."
Samantha: "Finally."
Sienna: "Why are you placing scrolls there? We should focus on the two books we know."
Peter: "Rooney was painting what looked like a man and I saw a lot of black and white. This seems to fit."
Ramona: "No! A mistake right off the gate!"
Samantha: "Oh no. I have to get it right. There's not a lot of time left."
Seamus: "I still haven't received the rest of the music sheets yet."
Raymundo: "Aha. That's just what I need to win the game."
Zhang: "You had too many unfair advantages."
All three pianists have a complete score. They claim the last hour to practice as much as they can for their performance later tonight.
In the mean time, the mission has ended for the literature group as well. The painters are allowed to continue their paintings till completion.
"Welcome, contestants. It has been a busy day for all of you. Our dear pianists have been practising hard to put up a point-winning performance tonight. Each of them can only make 3 mistakes before their performance earns nothing."
Samantha is the first performer.
Samantha: "Eep! Stay calm."
Mary: "That didn't sound right."
Joy: "She missed a note."
Samantha: "I'm almost at the end. If I can pull through without making any more mistakes, I can still win something."
Samantha: "I did it! I played the piano!"
Peter: "Good job Samantha!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for our next performer: Ramona Romano!"
Joy: "That didn't sound right."
Jordana: "Stay calm Ramona! You still have room for error!"
Joy: "She's becoming too agitated."
Ramona: "Finally."
Ramona: "I did a terrible job. I tried to let the music take over me but it was my emotions that took over me instead."
Seamus is the last performer. Can he earn 20 points for the pot?
Seamus: "Here goes nothing. The first part is quite easy."
Peter: "That didn't sound right."
Sheila: "I don't have high hopes for him."
Sienna: "He's your husband. Shouldn't you support him?"
Sheila: "Fiancé. And yes but it's clear he's bad at this."
Mary: "It's hopeless."
Seamus: "Oopsy."
Joy: "Sorry to say that's another error."
Jordana: "Just keep going!"
Ted: "I am so glad I'm not in his shoes right now."
Sheila: "That was embarrassing."
Ramona: "It's finally over. He sounded worse than me."
"Let us give a round of applause once again to the three performers. Learning a new piece in one day isn't easy, especially when some of the pieces aren't coherent."
"Two of the scores had mismatching first and second halves, so they couldn't earn points right from the start. That was Ramona's and Samantha's. Seamus was the only one who could earn money tonight, but he made 7 mistakes in total, so that's a total of 0 from the pianists."
Sheila: "Oh no."
"On the bright side, the chess players managed to beat one local and thus brought in 10 points."
"The literature group managed to match 13 characters worth points to the correct stories, bringing the pot up by 13 points. As for the painters, their works have been valued by three art appraisers who have seen these paintings for the first time with no context. To clarify, each painting must be worth at least 200 Simoleons to earn 10 points."
"The first painting was valued at 320 Simoleons."
"The second painting was somehow valued at 262 Simoleons."
"The third painting was even more miraculously valued at 278 Simoleons, with comments that it was very evocative and abstract. This means that in total, 53/135 points have been won in this first mission. It's time to get some rest, because tomorrow is your first reckoning."
A first mission that left more to be desired. Who is to blame? Who will be executed first?
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