Saturday, 17 August 2024

59.Bonus-Interview with Seamus Motheresa

 Next up, we have Seamus Motheresa! His interview is as below:

Interviewer: "Hi Seamus. Introduce yourself please."

Seamus: "I'm Seamus Motheresa. I'm 36 this year and I'm a professional magician. I recently got engaged to this wonderful woman who's taking part too! Her name is Sheila."

Interviewer: "We interviewed her already. Tell us how you two met."

Seamus: "We're both magicians, so it's hard not to imagine how. One thing led to another and then there's now a ring on our fingers."

Interviewer: "What do you like to do in your free time?"

Seamus: "Magic. I'm no expert so I gotta practise."

Interviewer: "That's a good work ethic to have. What fun fact do you have to share with us?"

Seamus: "I'm born on April Fool's. You have to ask my mother why."

Interviewer: "What's your mother's name?"

Seamus: "Theresa. She's single and ready to mingle."

Interviewer: "Where's your father?"

Seamus: "I come from a single-parent family, so who knows?"

Interviewer: "Can we know why you joined the Smole? And what is your strategy in this game?"

Seamus: "I joined because of Sheila. We both love the show but she really wanted to sign up. I thought it would be fun too. My strategy would be to never let anyone know my next move."

Interviewer: "To be unpredictable."

Seamus: "Exactly."

Interviewer: "What do you think is your biggest accomplishment to date?"

Seamus: "Just being alive and still in this industry, frankly. It's a cut-throat niche industry."

Interviewer: "That's an interesting take. Anything you want to share about that?"

Seamus: "Nope."

Interviewer: "Fine. Keep your secrets. Let's hear more about what you like."

Seamus: "I like Sheila, obviously. I also like spaghetti, the colour red and showtunes. I watch the occasional musicals and movies."

Interviewer: "What are some songs you like most?"

Seamus: "The Ballad of Sweeney Todd, Seasons of Love, and Good For You. But there's just too many to really list."

Interviewer: "How about movies? What kind of movies do you like?"

Seamus: "Fantasy. Things like The Wizard of Oz, The Nightmare Before Christmas, or even Fantasia."

Interviewer: "Those are some magical movies."

Seamus: "I'm a magician."

Interviewer: "Which season of the year do you like most?"

Seamus: "Winter."

Interviewer: "Really? That's when most Sims stay inside. Nobody's going to watch magic shows or musicals."

Seamus: "I just like snow."

Interviewer: "And you're entitled to that. How about your favourite season of the Smole?"

Seamus: "Season 48."

Interviewer: "Care to elaborate?"

Seamus: "Nope."

Interviewer: "Then what about your favourite Mole? Is it Maya?"

Seamus: "Douglas Chip."

Interviewer: "I can't tell if you're being serious right now, but everyone is entitled to his opinion."

Seamus: "Don't hate on my boy like that."

Interviewer: "I have one last important question to ask you: Seamus, are you the Mole?"

Seamus: "Well, you got me. Yes I am."

Interviewer: "Really? We'll have to wait and see. Thanks for tuning in to this interview. To find out more about Seamus and whether he's the Mole, do tune in to Season 59 when it airs!"

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