Monday, 25 June 2018

39.18-Love department

In the last episode, Reynard, Jerome and Brittany had to identify unknown substances, associate objects to movies, and decipher a text respectively to earn 50, 70 and 50 points respectively. When Clifford had arrived, Reynard only managed to earn 10 points, Jerome earned 40 and Brittany earned nothing, leaving Clifford to complete the rest of his 22km journey alone. Fortunately he succeeded in time, thus earning an additional 30 points, hence 80/200 points were earned in the mission, making the pot 516/1300 points. Only one execution stands in the way of the finale. Who will be the finalists? Who is the Mole?

Reynard: "I've been thinking about it for the past few days, and I think that what Jerome said makes sense. A relationship requires both parties to put in the effort in order for it to work. If one side is unreceptive, no matter how enthusiastic the other one is, it won't work. So I'm going to try and steal some tips from Jerome. He has had the most success in the love department."

Jerome: "La la la..."

Reynard: "Hey, I wanna ask you something."
Jerome: "Who? Me?"

Reynard: "What did you do to win Carol's heart?"

Jerome: "What do you mean?"
Reynard: "You're the only one I can ask. You've had the best luck with love. The rest in this house aka Brittany is single."

Jerome: "She didn't love me."

Reynard: "What? Oh, sorry bro. I didn't know. You okay?"

Jerome: "I'm fine. I was really sad at first but now I've gotten over it. It just wouldn't work out. I just want to focus on the Smole right now. I still can't believe that I'm here, in the final four."
Reynard: "Bro, I know that feeling."

Clifford: "I can get out if you want me to."
Brittany: "No it's fine. Your muscles must be aching after all that running."

Clifford: "Brittany?"
Brittany: "Yes?"
Clifford: "Tell me honestly. Did you sabotage the last mission on purpose? So that you didn't have to be with me?"

Brittany: "Don't be ridiculous. That's a stupid reason to sabotage. I can tell you honestly that I did not fail because of that reason."

Clifford: "How do you do it? How do you not care about what others say about you?"
Brittany: "It comes with age."

Clifford: "I envy you, Brittany. At 51, you get to join the Smole and do whatever you want. And you're doing it just fine."

Brittany: "I know what's on your mind. But you're not a bad man."

Clifford: "Thank you, Brittany."
Brittany: "Think nothing of it. I was just stating facts."


Reynard: "I want to rehearse this again."
Cameraman: "It's starting to rain."
Reynard: "I don't care. I'm already wet."

Reynard: "Casey, remember these bubbles? That was what we did on our first dates. We were blowing bubbles. You called it childish, I called it cute."

Reynard: "These bubbles remind me of you. Of us. It makes me realise how much I need to treasure the times spent together. It reminds me of how our love can be as beautiful."

Reynard: "At this part you will play New Love and remove all sound of me playing."

Reynard: "Remember this song, Casey? It was playing at the restaurant we first dined at."

Cameraman: "I don't think you're supposed to pluck it."
Reynard; "What do you know? After this we cut straight to outside."

Reynard: "Casey, I may not know what your favourites are, but I remember all our firsts. Let us start afresh and create more firsts together. Please forgive me, Casey."

Reynard: "Hey, isn't it supposed to change?"
Cameraman: "The management caught us tampering with the LED and barred us from touching them. They let us off with a stern warning, so I don't think any of us wants to risk anything."

Reynard: "So you're telling me it won't change screen? Then my big plan will be ruined!"
Cameraman: "You don't need anything big or flashy."
Reynard: "But how else will I show my sincerity? Grr. I need to think of another plan."


It is time for another quiz. 

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What does the Mole work as?
A: Firefighter
B: Plastic surgeon
C: Scientist
D: The Mole is unemployed

Q3: Which of the following would the Mole like best?
A: A fiction novel with a blue hardcover
B: A ticket to a rock concert
C: An orange lunchbox with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
D: A pink Playstation

Q4: In Mission 9, what task did the Mole have to complete?
A: Run 22km in 2h
B: Identify 5 elements
C: Identify the movies 7 objects appeared in
D: Solve a cipher

Q5: How many points was the Mole's task worth in Mission 9?
A: 30
B: 50
C: 70

Q6: In Mission 9, how many points did the Mole earn?
A: 0
B: 10
C: 30
D: 40

Q7: Where was the Mole at the end of Mission 9?
A: Great Gym
B: The Science Lab
C: Post Modernism
D: Thatcher Library

Q8: Which car was the Mole in in Mission 9?
A: Blue car
B: Green car
C: The Mole was not in a car

Q9: Which execution pod will the Mole use in the last execution?
A: Leftmost from entrance
B: Second leftmost from entrance
C: Rightmost from entrance
D: Second rightmost from entrance

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Brittany Power
B: Clifford Sanchez
C: Jerome Losanji
D: Reynard Connors

Clifford: "I did not understand the penultimate question in the quiz. The last execution hasn't even happened yet. How do we know what the answer is? Unless...unless this is another screw thrown at us and we can influence our scores."


Brittany: "I'll take the last one."
Clifford: "Then I'll take the one beside you."
Jerome: "Wait!"

Jerome: "Cliff, can you give up your spot to me? I want to take it."
Clifford: "I can."

Reynard: "How do I ensure my Mole ends up at the right spot?"

Brittany: "Jerome, you should take the first pod."
Jerome: "Why?"
Brittany: "You owe me a lot of favours, Jerome. I kept giving into you. It's only right you repay me."

Clifford: "Alright guys.  This is going quite well. Let's get moving to our respective positions."

Clifford: "I think I'll take the leftmost one."
Reynard: "Then I'm moving over to that side."

Clifford: "Can he really not stand being right beside me?"
Reynard: "Jerome, go over to that side. I want to take this one."

Clifford: "I think I changed my mind. I'll take the second leftmost execution pod."

Jerome: "What? Why? I'm the youngest here. I should be the most scared."
Reynard: "Yes, but there are so many cameras watching. You have nothing to be scared of."

Jerome: "Then you shouldn't worry either."

Reynard: "I'm not. I just hate him. That's something the cameras can't change."
Brittany: "That's two votes. Democracy rules here. Jerome, go to the first pod."
Jerome: "Okay..."

The final four have taken their pods. Did any of them successfully influence the quiz scores?

Jerome wins the heart of everyone here. He's just so likeable. If there's someone I want to be in the finale with, it's him. And look at how he's stepped out of his comfort zone, from that shy awkward guy who would watch contestants leave to the cheerful boy who will hug everyone goodbye.

Cliff knows what he's doing. He always seems sure of himself. He is the one contestant I can see going into the finale.

Reynard is a cool guy. He's always down for a fun time. He makes the place more lively and the days more fun. He's an irreplaceable part of the group.

If someone else had to be in the finale, I would pick Brittany. She's the odd one out of the group, always so reserved and separated from the rest of us. I have a soft spot for underdogs, so secretly I'm rooting for her to make it to the end.

Jerome: "I'm in! I'm in the finale! I can't believe it!"

Clifford: "Yes!"

Reynard: "Damn it."

Brittany: "Bless the heavens."

"Reynard Connors, you are the last contestant to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Clifford: "Oh. They're only executing one contestant this time."

Jerome: "You were so awesome and fun. I wish it wasn't you."
Reynard: "Come on now."

Clifford: "Should I go over?"

Jerome: "Really. I'm the last person I'd expect to be in the finale. You really shouldn't have left."
Reynard: "No man, you deserve it."

Jerome: "You made things more fun, that's for sure. I hope things go well for you and Casey."
Reynard: "Thanks. I appreciate it."

Brittany: "Reynard, although we rarely spoke, I could tell that you were a good soul. It was nice to see your youthfulness brimming."

Reynard: "Thanks Brittany. I am young at heart."
Brittany: "You definitely are. I thank you for showing how age doesn't matter."
Reynard: "That's too high praise."

Reynard: "As for Clifford..."

Clifford: "Reynard, I know you think I'm a monster and you don't trust me. I still want to congratulate you on a job well done and I'm really glad that you made it so far, really."

Reynard: "I hope you lose."
Clifford: "Is that what you have to say to me?"

Clifford: "I hope one day this world can forgive me."
Reynard: "Not in a million years."

Reynard: "I just realised that my hatred for Cliff was kind of my downfall. I only just remembered that I ended up in the execution pod I said the Mole would use. Oh well. It was one question. It's not like that one question was enough to cost me. It was awesome being here, and I only regret not being able to carry out my big plan for Casey. I hope anyone wins but Cliff."

"Clifford Sanchez, Jerome Losanji, Brittany Power, do not doubt it: the three of you are officially the finalists of the Smole, Season 39. Soon, one of you will be crowned the winner and one of you can relieve the load off your shoulders. Who will be the winner? Who is the Mole?"

The finale will be here very shortly. Make your predictions!



Reynard: "I was so close to the finale..."

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