Sunday, 3 June 2018

39.11-Orange is the new black

In the last episode, the contestants had to try and speak a phrase, only for it to be horribly mistranslated. The contestants then had to guess what each phrase was originally. The pot now had an increment of 60/120 points, summing it to 256/690 points. Anne and Venice took it in their stride when they realised they had been executed. Half the contestants remain, but there is only one Mole. Who is the Mole?

Carol: "Is Jerome really interested in me?"

Carol: "He was always sheepishly complimenting me, like my legs...I thought it was cute."

Carol: "How embarrassing. I can't believe I didn't notice this before."

Carol: "How am I going to face him now? I need to avoid him whenever I can."

Carol: "He's sound asleep. Good."

Jerome: "How do I face her now? I just want to hide in a hole and die."

Carol: "I am so embarrassed right now. I didn't know Jerome liked me that way until Regina and Sabrina pointed it out to me. He's such a nice guy. I don't want to hurt his feelings. Maybe we can try dating to see if the spark is there? But I don't want to commit to a relationship if there is no love, and I don't want to lead him on any further. Why do I have to deal with this on top of all the mind-screwing going around?"

Reynard: "Oops. I didn't make the toilet wet. Ah well, it will dry up eventually. Plus it's a toilet. It's supposed to be wet."

Reynard: "Now that I'm squeaky clean, it's time to start revising. Ugh, I need a study buddy. I should go find Elvin."

Sabrina: "I thought you'd eat the turkey. For the gains and everything."
Clifford: "Nah. That's too much for breakfast. And I eat meat in almost every single meal. A salad is a refreshing change."

Sabrina: "So it's not because you're vegan?"
Clifford: "Nope. The only diet I'm religiously sticking to is a healthy one."
Carol: "Hey guys. Mind if I sit?"
Clifford: "Go ahead."

Sabrina: "Good that you're not. Because I know a few vegans, and they won't shut up about it."
Clifford: "I don't believe in trying to impose your beliefs on others. They're not you, we're not them."
Carol: "Sabrina, really? You're eating turkey so early in the morning? And processed turkey at that. Be careful you don't get high cholesterol."

Sabrina: "Maybe I don't feel like eating healthily today."
Carol: "A healthy lifestyle isn't something we can skip one day and make up for another day. We have to be rigorous."
Sabrina: "I've spent my whole life under strict regimentation and discipline. I don't need you to tell me how that works. I just want a break."

Clifford: "Girls, girls, calm down. I think we're all very stressed here. And that's not a surprise. I'm not going to take sides here. We all understand the importance of a balanced, healthy diet. But I believe given Sabrina's profession, she knows what she's doing, so let''s not worry too much, okay? And Sabrina, Carol just means well."
Carol: "I guess. Sorry Sabrina, sorry Clifford."

Clifford: "You don't need to apologise to me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do the dishes."
Carol: "Why not get the hotel staff to do it?"
Clifford: "I want to help lessen their load. Besides, housework can be quite therapeautic at times."

Sabrina: "This game isn't as fun as I had expected, but I'm still pulling through. Of course, it's still the most amazing thing ever and I don't regret joining one bit. I'm just saying that it's not a bed of roses. Perhaps I set too high expectations for myself. I'm trying to juggle between so many things in the game."


Elvin: "Jerome, that's the third plate of turkey you had."
Jerome: "Is it? I'm just hungry."

Elvin: "Is everything okay?"
Jerome: "No, no it's not."
Elvin: "You can talk to me about it."

Jerome: "It's nothing."
Elvin: "I don't think it's nothing. I'm here to lend a listening ear. Getting it off your chest beats stuffing yourself with food."
Jerome: "I guess. It's just that I liked someone, and I thought she liked me back..."

Elvin: "Today was the first time in ages I felt like a father again. It feels great to have someone confide in me. I thought I would never experience it again ever since my son left. So I've decided to treat Jerome like my own son."

Regina: "I feel a sneeze coming on."

Regina: "Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!"
Clifford: "Are you okay?"

Regina: "Ick. Not really. I may be catching a cold."

Clifford: "It's quite windy today. I have a hoodie that I can lend to you if you want."

Regina: "That would be fantastic. I won't stand on ceremony."
Clifford: "Go ahead. It's in one of the compartments in my suitcase."

Clifford: "Remember to keep hydrated."
Regina: "Thank you for the concern. I will."


For their next mission, contestants will be thrown in jail. Seven of them will be inmates but not all of them will be guilty of a crime. The judge has erroneously thrown some innocent parties in jail. These prisoners must escape within 90 minutes to earn 10 points for the pot each. However, every prisoner that is guilty of a crime and escaped within the 90 minutes would take 10 points from the pot. The prisoners each have the key to another inmate's cell. 

This is where the visitors come in. Theoretically, all visitors are pro-prisoner. Every 5 minutes, one visitor can choose to meet up with one of the inmates. It is then the inmates can pass their key to the visitor, who can then pass it to the correct inmate. They can also relay any messages.

However, to make things more complicated, one contestant will also play the part of the warden. The warden will earn an exemption if none of the inmates escape.

Carol: "They made us wear those ugly orange jumpsuits and go barefooted. The floor isn't very clean and the environment wasn't pleasing at all. Brittany ended up being the warden, so she escaped the makeover disaster, as did Sheldon and Regina who were visitors."

Sheldon: "This mission was a very layered one. I received a secret task, and I believe everyone else did too. It would be a miracle if we could even earn 10 points."

Elvin: "I don't ever want to wear this suit."

Clifford: "I have to make a decision."

Carol: "Oh. My."

Carol: "God."

Brittany: "It's a break room. They're trying to distract me but I won't fall for it. Although I could take a cup of coffee. I should make my rounds as the coffee brews."

Elvin: "I shouldn't be here."

Reynard: "Uggh. I really need to poop."

Brittany: "Ew. I did not need to see that."

Carol: "So dirty..."

Flora: "I request to see a visitor."
Brittany: "It works the other way around."

Sabrina: "Will you be going for the points or the exemption?"

Brittany: "The exemption."

Carol: "Calm down. Orange is the new black....oh, who am I kidding? I need to get Brittany to release me. Brittany, come quick!"

Flora: "I am innocent. Set me free."
Brittany: "And the Mole says he's not the Mole. If I believed everyone by their word, I would have been the first one out of the game."

Carol: "This place is a nightmare! Orange jumpsuit, dreary cell, no shoes! Free me, Brittany."

Carol: "I'm going to have a meltdown here!"

Brittany: "You'll be fine. It's only for one and a half hours."

Regina: "We have to wait for 5 minutes before we can visit them."

Sheldon: "We can visit them 18 times. That's more than enough."

Regina: "17. Because the mission ends at the 90-minute mark. And this is assuming that there are no delays or any hindrances. I think 18 times is far too little."

Sheldon: "We should not waste our time then. We can begin by deciding the order. We shall rotate. I would like to begin first if you don't mind."

Regina: "Go ahead. You can be the first visitor. How are we going to determine who is guilty and who is innocent?"

Sheldon: "The warden should have information."

Brittany: "Flora Flowerina, you have a visitor."
Flora: "It seems that I am the first visitor."
Brittany: "Follow me."

Flora and Sheldon have 2 and a half minutes. After that, Flora will be escorted back to her cell. Either party can choose to leave at any time before then.

Flora: "Sheldon, you've decided to meet me."

Sheldon: "I asked. It says that you were guilty of theft. What did you steal?"

Flora: "Nothing. I don't even know why I'm locked in here."

Sheldon: "But surely you should know what crime you are falsely accused of."

Sheldon: "You need to be honest with me, Flora. Otherwise there is no point in this mission because we would all fail."
Flora: "You can choose not to believe me. But my conscience is clear."

Flora: "Here is my key. It has the number 5 written on it. It should be for Cell #5. Meet whoever is in that cell, and trade the keys."

Sheldon: "I know what to do."

Sheldon: "I see no point in conversing further. Goodbye."

Sheldon: "Why did you come down?"
Regina: "To save time. Who did you speak to?"
Sheldon: "Flora."
Regina: "And? What transpired?"

Sheldon: "She gave me Key #5. She also claimed she was innocent."

Regina: "I want to talk to her later."
Sheldon: "Talk to her again? Why? You don't trust me?"

Regina: "No, Sheldon, I don't. I know so little about you. I know your name, your age and your job, but that's it. I don't know how many kids you have,  which artiste you like, your favourite food, your greatest wish, what you regret...I cannot trust someone I hardly know."

Flora: "I can earn a hidden exemption...but that would result in a lot of lost points. I just need to know what Sheldon will do."

Brittany: "Flora Flowerina, you have another visitor."

Flora: "I never knew I was that popular."

Regina: "What did you tell Sheldon?"

Flora: "My conscience was clear, and I passed him the key to Cell #5."

Regina: "Cell #5 is Jerome's cell. Do you want Sheldon to pass him the key? Do you think Jerome is innocent?"

Flora: "He can do whatever he wants with it. I have no control over it. But I would give benefit of doubt. Jerome seems like a nice guy. He wouldn't commit a crime or be forced to play such a role."

Regina: "Who do you think the guilty prisoners are?"
Flora: "I don't know how many there are. But if I must say one, it may be Cliff. He is directly opposite my cell. The way he behaves is sketchy. But personality-wise, I think the one most likely to be guilty is Sabrina."

Brittany: "It is time to return to your cell, Flora."

Regina: "It was a fast-paced game, especially for the two visitors. There was hardly time to think or communicate. What I am surprised with is that Sheldon did not look for Jerome, the one in Cell #5, next. Instead, he visited Sabrina."

Sheldon: "What's your secret task?"

Sabrina: "To escape."
Sheldon: "No, your secret task."

Sabrina: "What's yours?"
Sheldon: "I asked you first."

Sabrina: "Anyway, I did not commit arson. I was present when the fire started, but I did not start it. The perpetrator fled, leaving me to take the rap."

Sheldon: "Interesting. Because I met Flora before this, and she claimed she had no idea what crime she was accused of."

Sabrina: "What?"

Sabrina: "It's obvious she's lying. Each of us were told what crime we were arrested for. Her claiming to not know anything is her trying to look innocent."

Sabrina: "Anyway, before time runs out, here is my key."
Sheldon: "Key #6 is Flora's."

Sabrina: "Oh. Then I want to hold on to this key first. Whose key does she have?"
Sheldon: "Jerome's."
Sabrina: "Tell Flora she will get my key only if she admits she is lying."

Regina: "Theoretically, you can take any of our keys, or any of the inmates' keys, right?"
Brittany: "Yes. Especially because you're not supposed to be in here."

Regina: "Whatever. It's faster this way. Theoretically, we can also take it back from you, right?"

Brittany: "Yes. I was instructed to place all the spare keys from the inmates in the break room. I cannot carry more than one of the same key for too long."

Regina: "You're going for the exemption? Or the points?"
Brittany: "The exemption. It's more valuable at this point, when there is a 20% chance of us leaving."

Regina: "So why don't you try to take all the keys from us?"
Brittany: "I could. But that would make me a horrible woman. And the fact that you're talking to mee so arrogantly means that you don't have the keys with you."

Regina: "Anyway, it's almost time for me to visit. I want to visit Jerome."

Brittany: "Jerome Losanji, you have a visitor."
Jerome: "I'm starving. Don't they serve food here? Prisoners are Sims too."

Flora: "I don't think they will look for me again, but if they do, I should think of a message for them to convey."

Jerome: "I will never commit a crime in real life. This treatment is horrible. And it's so boring."
Regina: "What did you do?"

Jerome: "I assaulted someone. Theoretically, I mean! And even then, it's not true. The guy assaulted me, not the other way around."

Jerome: "So, hve you figured out who's innocent and who's guilty yet?"
Regina: "Not yet. It's only been 20 minutes. Why is it of interest to you?"
Jerome: "It's not! I mean, it is, because...reasons."

Regina: "Do you have anything you want me to pass to someone else?"
Jerome: "Yes, I do. This key is useless to me. I hope you can find the owner, but also ask whoever has my key to give it to me. Please?"

Regina: "That's Carol's."
Jerome: "Oh. Just wonderful."

Jerome: "I want to write a note to her. Can you help me pass it to her?"
Regina: "Of course. If nothing else, I'll be going now."

Regina: "He's definitely lying."

Sheldon: "Clifford, can you tell me what you did?"

Cllifford: "It's more like what I didn't do. They accused me of harassing this schoolgirl. Which I didn't, of course. It's not like I purposely made a trip to her school after cyberstalking her, and then made unwarranted sexual advances on her."

Clifford: "Anyone can vouch for my character. That's just wrong. If you know me, I'm not one to impose myself on others. I was falsely convicted."

Sheldon: "You sure have a complete story of what you didn't do."
Clifford: "I'm innocent. To prove that I'm on your side, here's the key to Cell 2. Can you tell me whose key this belongs to?"
Sheldon: "Cell #2 should be Reynard's."

Clifford: "What did he do?"
Reynard: "Ostensibly, he was involved in drug dealing."
Clifford: "Reynard's a pretty good liar. I'm sure there's something in it for him if he escapes and is guilty."

Clifford: "I would like his key."
Sheldon: "And why should I pass you his?"
Clifford: "Because he'll try to snatch the keys from you."

Clifford: "If you meet him, I want you to pass this note to him."

Carol: "Dear Carol, I have your key. I passed it to the visitors to pass it to you. I hope you are innocent and that you escape in time. We don't owe each other anything any more. Love Sincerely, Jerome."

Carol: "He must have found out I don't love him. Oh dear, I've really hurt his feelings now."

Regina: "This is his note to you. Do you have anything to reply?"
Carol: "No, but I have something else to confess."

Regina: "You're guilty as charged?"

Carol: "What? No. I'm innocent. And that's the truth. But I have a secret task. If I can ensure that none of the guilty inmates have a key, there will be something good for both of us."

Regina: "Like what? A hidden exemption?"
Carol: "How did you guess? Do you have a secret task too?"

Regina: "No. It was an easy guess. However, I don't see how you getting an exemption benefits me."

Carol: "I'll share some information I gathered with you."

Carol: "Please help me tell the rest too. Since I have my key already, I don't need this any more."

Regina: "I will pass it to the relevant prisoner."
Carol: "If he's not guilty."

Regina: "Escape safely."
Carol: "I will. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole."

Carol: "My skin needs a lot of moisturising. And I need my beauty rest."

Carol: "I'm climbing up the ladder she gone? It sound like it."

Carol: "I hope this key works."

Carol: "Yes! Oops."

Carol: "I hope nobody heard me."

Reynard: "Carol's escaped!"
Sabrina: "Shh! Reynard, you idiot! Do you want Brittany to know she's escaped?"

Sheldon: "I want all the keys."
Regina: "I don't see why I should do that."

Sheldon: "For safekeeping."
Regina: "Then I should be the one safekeeping them."

Sheldon: "For all I know, you're the Mole, trying to help every single guilty prisoner escape. I can't have that."
Regina: "The same can be applied to you, Sheldon. And besides, I've already passed Carol her key."
Sheldon: "You what?"
Regina: "She's innocent."

Regina: "Brittany is likely to try and take the keys from us too. That's the best way of ensuring nobody escapes. So I propose that whoever goes to visit takes all the keys, then we split them among each other afterwards."
Sheldon: "No. There's a chance that keys will be hidden. And if Brittany really takes the keys, then all the keys will be gone. We can't put all our eggs in one basket. We have to actually discuss who will visit who, at what time, and do what. It doesn't matter if we lose some chances to visit. It needs to be done."

Carol: "Woohoo! I'm out of here! Freedom!"

Clifford: "I heard Carol managed to get out. I hope she's innocent."

Brittany: "I heard some shouting. What was going on?"
Reynard: "Brittany, Carol escaped!"

Brittany: "No. There goes my exemption."
Reynard: "Also, I'm hungry."
Brittany: "Go get your own food."

Brittany: "She's really not in her cell. How could I have been so careless?"

Sabrina: "What the hell, Reynard?"

Reynard: "Why didn't Regina and Sheldon want to talk to me first? I had to prevent anyone from escaping to get a hidden exemption. Now I can't. I had everything all thought up. At least Brittany doesn't get an exemption too."

Sheldon: "You murdered your own son. Own up."

Elvin: "Yes.Yes it's true. I'm a murderer. If I hadn't listened to my wife, he would still have been alive. Spoilt rotten, but at the very least alive."

Sheldon: "I have your key, Elvin. What you're telling me is that you are guilty, and shouldn't escape."

Elvin: "I deserve to serve time. It was my fault. I'm a murderer."
Sheldon: "Elvin, from what you told me, your wife is the murderer, not you. You are innocent."

Elvin: "No! No, I'm not innocent. Spare my wife, please. It wasn't her fault. I am complicit. I am the mastermind. Just punish me, and me only."
Sheldon: "How did you murder your son?"

Elvin: "I...I left him to die, even though I knew he couldn't fend for himself. I was selfish. I was stupid. I deserve to die. I would take his place any day, as long as he can live."

Sheldon: "Pass me the key you are holding on to."
Elvin: "Take it."

Elvin: "It was all my fault. Why was I so stupid?"

Elvin: "I will never forgive myself for it."

Reynard: "Took you long enough to visit me."
Regina: "We decided to take things slow. Why did you deal drugs?"

Reynard: "I didn't. I was just buying some pills from the pharmacy and all of a sudden I was slapped with a charge."

Regina: "What kind of pills were they?"
Reynard: "It was something for headaches. I don't know what the brand is."

Reynard: "Regina, tell Elvin that I would trade this key in my hands for the one he has. Until I see his key, I am not giving mine up. Goodbye."

Brittany: "I should make more frequent rounds. That way, nobody else can escape. I should at least get 5 corrections for only letting one slip away."

Elvin: "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me..."

Sabrina: "Let me out or I'll strangle you."
Brittany: "It's not going to happen."
Sabrina: "Then do you think you can pass this note to Reynard for me? Don't say it's from me."

Regina: "Jerome is definitely lying. He's guilty AF."

Sheldon: "Elvin seems guilty. He admitted it to me. We can't let him out. Between Sabrina and Flora, one of them is innocent and one of them is guilty, because they're telling me different things. Flora claimed she knew nothing, while Sabrina knows why she was 'falsely' accused."

Regina: "I spoke with Reynard earlier. He also knows the general gist of why he's here, but can't delve into the details. However, he was in a hurry to leave."

Sheldon: "I think Sabrina and Reynard are guilty. Along with Jerome and Elvin, that's four. Something tells me that Clifford is guilty."
Regina: "Let's hope Carol is innocent."
Sheldon: "Assuming she's not, we are left with Flora. That means the best outcome we can hope for is to break even. The key to her cell is with Sabrina. She won't give it to me unless Flora admits her guilt."

Regina: "You go talk to her. After that, I would like the key to Clifford's cell. I'll go talk to him and see what to do from there."

Sheldon: "I know you're guilty, Flora. I have information saying so."

Flora: "What information? I want to see proof."

Sheldon: "I spoke to everyone. You're the only one to claim to know absolutely nothing. You're clearly hiding something."
Flora: "I'm innocent. I swear."

Sheldon: "I hacked into the databases. There is evidence showing that you did indeed steal."
Flora: "What did I steal?"

Sheldon: "You know what you stole. You surely don't want me to spell it out for you. That'll be embarrassing."

Flora: "You're just throwing accusations at me until something sticks. I know what you're up to, Sheldon. It's not working."

Flora: "I have a note that I want to pass to Sabrina. Do not read it."

Reynard: "Missed me already?"
Regina: "Don't be gross, or I'll leave right now and have you locked up in there for good."
Reynard: "Chill, girl. I was only kidding."

Regina: "I have the key Elvin originally had."

Reynard: "Key #3. Can you tell me who's in each cell?"
Regina: "Elvin is in the first cell, followed by you, then Clifford, then Carol but she's escaped, then Jerome, then Flora and lastly Sabrina. Now hold up your end of the deal."
Reynard: "Here. It's Sabrina's key. Promise to only give this key to Sabrina once she agrees to give me some information she has."

Jerome: "What have I been reduced to? Peeing beside my bed? This place stinks too."

Reynard: "I'll be waiting for Sabrina's reply. I can give Clifford his key, but in exchange I would need something from him...the question. I should have thought about that first. That's what I'm going to do: give him his key in exchange for the question he asked in the first mission and the answers he got."

Sheldon: "Sabrina, what made you so sure that Flora is guilty?"
Sabrina: "Because I know I'm innocent. Don't you realise she's being tight-lipped about it because she's afraid of giving anything away?"

Sheldon: "I was testing her. I claimed to have seen concrete evidence of her crimes. An innocent suspect should have been shocked and insist that she was innocent, and that the evidence was false. However, she was very careful about revealing anything. I was convinced she was innocent at first, but now I think she's lying."

Sabrina: "Think about it. In the real world, you will know what you have been convicted of. She's not behaving like someone who shouldn't be locked up."

Sheldon: "Here's a note from her. She didn't want me to read it."
Sabrina: "But you read it anyway."

Sabrina: "Sabrina, this is Flora. I know you're guilty. I had Jerome's key but I passed it to Sheldon. I want your key. You can get the key I passed to Sheldon from him when he visits you. In exchange, I will also tell you what I observed about Cliff in the mission."

Sheldon: "I have the key to your freedom as well, Sabrina. But you have to give me information first."
Sabrina: "Deal."

Clifford: "Oh my goodness, I'm dying of boredom here..."

Brittany: "Reynard Connors, you have a visitor."
Reynard: "Coming."

Sabrina: "While she's distracted..."

Sabrina: "I need to tiptoe quickly."

Sabrina: "Success. She didn't realise I had escaped."

Regina: "Reynard, I have some bad news. Sabrina got her key. She's probably escaped already. And she took Flora's key with her, which means Flora can never escape now."

Reynard: "Who cares about Flora? What I want to know is if she passed me info as promised."
Regina: "It's not with me. She said she'll do it after the mission."

Reynard: "What? How do I know she won't back out? This wasn't how it was supposed to go."

Reynard: "Whatever. I have a message for Cliff. I will give him his key if and only if he chooses to tell me the question he asked in the first mission and the answers he got. He has to tell you too, so that you can tell me."

Regina: "Cliff has your key."
Reynard: "Fuck."

Regina: "Are you innocent?"
Reynard: "Yeah, duh. I'm not so stupid to do drugs."
Regina: "I thought you were dealing drugs?"
Reynard: "Doing, dealing, whatever the scenario was, I didn't do it."

Regina: "There had been a change of plans, so I believe you now. The key is with me. I will give it to you only if you hand your key over to me."

Reynard: "Then we can both rot in here and blame each other for the loss of points."
Regina: "Give me your key. I will convince him to tell you, otherwise I won't give the key to him to escape."

Reynard: "I'll hold you to that."

Brittany: "It was about time anyway. Let's go back to your cell."

Brittany: "Is this mission over yet? Just 7 more minutes..."


Sheldon: "Brittany, there are a lot of information that I still require from you. You would know, am I right?"
Brittany: "I don't know all the details. I'm just the warden."

Reynard: "Sheldon's distracting her. I need to find a good time to escape."

Sheldon: "It seems that we're left with a minute before our last visit. I would request to see Cliff."
Brittany: "Please wait in the visiting room."

Brittany: "Clifford Sanchez, you have a visitor."
Clifford: "At last."

Reynard: "Now's my chance."

Clifford: "Reynard's escaping!"

Clifford: "Why aren't you chasing after him?"
Brittany: "I'm not stupid. If I leave you alone to run after him, you'll escape too. Darn this loophole."

Brittany: "There are only 2 minutes left. I shouldn't need to time or keep post, right? But Reynard is a very fast runner. He's probably gone. Darn."

Clifford: "I have your key. But you have to tell me what you asked in the first mission, and who your suspects were, so that I can convey it to Reynard."
Clifford: "No."

Sheldon: "Are you sure? I believe you're innocent. You can escape."

Clifford: "Let me I rather stay in here and lose those points than give him that."

Sheldon: "Is it that valuable?"
Clifford: "I'm one of the few remaining who asked a question. And my question is very useful to me. It's how I managed to survive for so long."

Sheldon: "You're just finding excuses because you're actually guilty, am I right? That's why you knew so much about the crime you didn't commit."
Reynard: "Whatever you say. We were briefly told why we are wearing this orange jumpsuit, so that is why I know some things about this case."

Clifford: "Besides, Reynard's already escaped, so there's no point in that, is there?"
Sheldon: "You're on to something here."

Sheldon: "I can let you escape. And you can tell me a lie to fool Reynard."
Clifford: "That's not very nice or ethical."
Sheldon: "Then we'll say that he didn't wait for the deal to go through, so the deal is no longer valid. Now quick, take the key and run. There's only a minute left."

Clifford: "They didn't think I was innocent."

Brittany: "Keep your volume down. This is a jail, not an insane asylum."

Clifford: "Sorry. I'm going stir-crazy in here."

Brittany: "I have to keep a good eye on you and everyone else still here. I may get partial credit."

Sheldon: "Brittany, here are some keys. I'll let you decide whether or not they are innocent, but we don't have time to free any more innocent prisoners."

Brittany: "I'll keep them for you. But do note that I am not supposed to free anyone."
Sheldon: "Not at first, when there was an exemption at stake."

Flora: "I can hear you guys. Pass me my key."

Sheldon: "Now."

Brittany: "Are you innocent?"
Sheldon: "She's the one we couldn't agree on."

Sheldon: "You can be the deciding vote."
Brittany: "Okay..."

Clifford: "Thanks man. I owe you one."

Flora: "I can tell you that I'm innocent."
Brittany: "Should I?"
"Time is up!"

Sheldon: "So close."

"We shall now reveal the who is innocent and who is guilty."
Flora: "I'm guilty as charged."
Sheldon: "Fortunately we made the right call."

Jerome: "I'm guilty."

Jerome: "And I was ignored for so long. I figured that you guys knew that as well."

Elvin: "I'm innocent."

Regina: "What? Sheldon, you said he was guilty!"
Sheldon: "That is what he told me. He even started to cry. Elvin, you made a costly mistake."

Brittany: "Follow me as I access the records for those who have escaped."

Brittany: "What?"

Brittany: "Guys...we have some penalties. Reynard is innocent, and so are Carol and Cliff, but Sabrina is guilty."

Brittany: "That means we have a net total of 20/40 points from this mission. The pot now has 276/730 points."
Regina: "We freed most of the correct prisoners. That isn't so bad."

Regina and Sheldon could detect some liars but not all. Is Sabrina the Mole, or just a really good liar?


Visitor 1-Regina
Visitor 2-Sheldon
Innocent Inmate A-Elvin (Murder)
[ESCAPED] Innocent Inmate B-Reynard (Drug dealing)
[ESCAPED] Innocent Inmate C-Clifford (Sexual harassment)
[ESCAPED] Innocent Inmate D-Carol (Embezzlement)
Guilty Inmate A-Jerome (Assault)
Guilty Inmate B-Flora (Theft)
[ESCAPED] Guilty Inmate C-Sabrina (Arson)

Elvin has Clifford's key
Reynard has Sabrina's key
Clifford has Reynard's key
Carol has Elvin's key
Jerome has Carol's key
Flora has Jerome's key
Sabrina has Flora's key

Brittany's task is to retrieve all the keys to earn 10 bonus points. She can only get keys by asking the visitors.
Regina's task is to free all the prisoners, regardless of whether they had committed a crime, to earn a hidden exemption.
Sheldon's task is to have all prisoners end up with a different but wrong key to earn a hidden exemption.
Elvin's task is to give the warden all the keys to earn a hidden exemption.
Reynard's task is to prevent anyone from escaping to earn a hidden exemption.
Clifford's task is to get all the keys except his own to earn a hidden exemption.
Carol's task is to ensure all guilty prisoners do not have a key with them at the end of 90 minutes to earn a hidden exemption.
Jerome's task is to ensure all innocent prisoners stay behind while all guilty prisoners escape in time to earn a hidden exemption.
Flora's task is to ensure everyone escapes in time to earn a hidden exemption.
Sabrina's task is to escape in time to earn a hidden exemption.


Brittany: "A hard day of work."

Brittany: "Hmm...this coffee tastes fleshy."

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