In the last episode, the contestants had to try and identify phrases that got lost in text-to-speech translation. Only Carol, Flora, Regina, Elvin, Clifford and Sheldon succeeded, so 60/120 points were earned, making the pot 256/690 points. The pot isn't looking too well for the contestants, but the Mole is more than happy. Who is this greedy Mole?
Anne: "As older women, our energy and vitality is undeniably no match for the younger contestants. This means we have to work harder in other ways, namely sleuthing."
Brittany: "If you want to form a coalition, I'm afraid I'll have to decline."
Anne: "You're a very solitary woman."
Brittany: "That I am. I just don't feel as comfortable working with others, especially not in a setting like this, whereby I can't know who I can trust."
Anne: "Do you really think they will cast an old woman like me to be the Mole? I didn't even want to be here."
Brittany: "I'm tired. I think I'll retire to my room."
Anne: "You don't like talking much, do you?"
Flora: "Anne is trying to form a coalition. I think she's starting to feel insecure."
Elvin: "Lower down your volume, or they may hear us."
Elvin: "Your ears are very sharp."
Flora: "How else do you think I succeeded in the mission?"
Venice: "The floor is very wet. I have to walk carefully around here to avoid slipping. Want to join me in the hot tub, Sheldon?"
Sheldon: "Sure."
Venice: "Wow. That's a surprise."
Venice: "This would be so romantic if it was just me and that perfect dame. Wouldn't you agree?"
Sheldon: "This definitely helps to clear the mind. Being alert is very important because we have to watch for any signs or peculiar behaviour at all moments."
Venice: "Why do you have a unicorn drawn on your face?"
Sheldon: "That's irrelevant. Which phrase did you have to say?"
Venice: "All those Starbucks lovers. Speaking of Starbucks, what's your favourite kind of coffee from there?"
Sheldon: "What phrase did you need to decipher?"
Venice: "Grr...I was asking you a question."
Sheldon: "And so was I."
Venice: "I've had it with you. I was here to relax and have some down time, not be bombarded more by the game."
Elvin: "I'm worried about looking too innocent. I think nobody is even considering me as a suspect."
Reynard: "I'm not considering you too. I think you need to be more suspicious."
Elvin: "How?"
Reynard: "Sabotage. Deliberately get an answer wrong or make the wrong turn or something."
Elvin: "But that would be losing points unnecessarily."
Reynard: "You can't always have your cake and eat it too."
Elvin: "If I chose to get the answer wrong in the latest mission, we would be 10 points poorer."
Reynard: "Do you want to be a suspect or not?"
Elvin: "I do, but I also want to make as much money as possible."
Reynard: "You can't always get what you want."
Reynard: "I wanted to be in the cooking group in the third mission but did you guys let me? Noooo."
Reyanrd: "And then this woman comes and takes out autumn salad of all things to shove in my face and rub salt in my wounds."
Flora: "You were of better use finding ingredients, Reynard. Why are you still harping on this?"
Elvin: "You seem to have an interest in cooking."
Reynard: "It's always been my dream to be a world-class chef, to own my own Michelin restaurant."
Elvin: "Then why are you a scientist?"
Reynard: "I wanted to spread my wings and fly, but my wife kept being a downer. She said my cooking wasn't restaurant-worthy. That really hurt me. And I wouldn't be able to make as much money as a chef than I would as a scientist. That's why my parents painstakingly put me through uni to study science."
Elvin: "You should follow your dreams. I always let my son do whatever he wanted."
Reynard: "If I was 10 years younger, I definitely would have. But now, I'm getting old. And I have a family, Elvin. I have to be practical. I need to work for the family first and foremost. Fun and work should never mix."
Elvin: "That isn't always the case."
Reynard: "Let's just drop it."
Regina: "I can tell that Jerome is very into you."
Sabrina: "I'm not sure about having showmances. They don't tend to last very long."
Carol: "What are you talking about?"
Regina: "You two are hanging out a lot."
Carol: "That's because we're in a coalition."
Regina: "But even the blind can see that he's obsessed with you."
Carol: "Don't be ridiculous."
Sabrina: "But wouldn't you want him to be in love with you?"
Carol: "Why?"
Sabrina: "So that your love is reciprocated."
Carol: "There is no love between us. We're just friends. Please don't go around spreading rumours."
Sabrina: "Oh. We thought you were interested in him. Why else would you accept his flowers?"
Carol: "How did you know? Nevermind, don't answer that."
Carol: "I thought they were a nice, friendly gesture."
Regina: "The hugging?"
Carol: "I always hug my friends."
Regina: "So you're not in love with him?"
Carol: "No. We are purely friends."
Jerome: "Oh."
Carol: "I'm such a fool. I should have known that it was just wishful thinking on my part."
It is time for the quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 26
B: 28
C: 33
D: 34
E: 35
F: 37
G: 38
H: 44
I: 46
J: 51
K: 60
Q3: Does the Mole wear a hat or cap?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In which order did the Mole speak in Mission 5?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
Q5: In Mission 4, which phrase did the Mole have to say?
A: All those Starbucks lovers
B: Two pumpkin spice lattes, grande please
C: Everybody's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man
D: Song sung blue
E: Don't take it for granted
F: We wish you a Merry Christmas
G: She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
H: Matthew McConaughey
I: I'm at your beck and call
J: Three's a crowd
K: Bright red cherry lipstick
L: The Mole is at large
Q6: In Mission 4, which phrase did the Mole hear?
A: Although a ex-lovers
B: Too funky spies lattes, gran derp list
C: V buddy scray zebra shot glass man
D: Sell son blew
E: Done taken for granite
F: We issue married priest mysterious
G: Steve jeer captain in a model bleach yours
H: Met you Madonna gay
I: Emma tea beckon core
J: Theresa growled
K: Prior the chair realistic
L: Thermo zit large
Q7: In Mission 4, what was the Mole's answer?
A: Don't take it for granted
B: Stiff jury captain in a model bleachers
C: Two fun key spice lattes, random list
D: All those Starbucks lovers
E: Brighter cherry lipstick
F: Song sung blue
G: Everybody's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man
H: Thermo ziplock
I: I'm at your beck and call
J: Three's a crowd
K: The Mole did not have an answer
Q8: Did the Mole earn 10 points in Mission 4?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Whose phrase did the Mole have to decipher in Mission 4?
A: Anne Elizabethian
B: Brittany Power
C: Carol Losantos
D: Clifford Sanchez
E: Elvin Benavidez
F: Flora Flowerina
G: Jerome Losanji
H: Regina Natalia Seix
I: Reynard Connors
J: Sabrina Vandegroot
K: Sheldon Gaius Devinche
L: Venice Venezuela
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Anne Elizabethian
B: Brittany Power
C: Carol Losantos
D: Clifford Sanchez
E: Elvin Benavidez
F: Flora Flowerina
G: Jerome Losanji
H: Regina Natalia Seix
I: Reynard Connors
J: Sabrina Vandegroot
K: Sheldon Gaius Devinche
L: Venice Venezuela
Sabrina: "Reynard is smarter than he looks. How else would he have become a scientist? It's important that we don't neglect or write off anyone in this game. His subtle mispronunciation of 'grande' as 'grander' threw Jerome off."
Will the first of two to leave come from this group?
Anne: "Gah. It's red."
"Anne Elizabethian, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Elvin: "Oh, Anne...she was our anchor. She was very assured of herself, and gave others a sense of security. I think we looked up to her as a role model."
Elvin: "It's just so hard to see such a wonderful woman leave."
Sabrina: "Even though you were the least interested in the game, I saw how hard you played, and I am impressed. I hope you're feeling alright."
Anne: "I'm not too bothered, to be honest. I was never that invested. I never wanted to join in the first place. But regardless, I still tried my best. While I am a tad disappointed, I didn't expect much coming here anyway. My goal was merely to have a first-hand experience of what the Smole is, and I've done it."
Carol: "I didn't really speak much to you, Anne, and I kind of regret that. I would have loved to have gotten to know you better."
Anne won't be leaving alone. Someone will be joining her. But who?
Venice: "Damn it."
"Venice Venezuela, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Regina: "He was a foul-tempered soul. Always impatient, always scolding those who didn't perform well. But it was clear: He worked for the pot and the pot only."
Reynard: "Wow, you're good at this."
Reynard: "I just think it's stupid that we execute two every time. One is more than enough."
"Let us invite Anne, Venice's executed partner, back."
Venice: "Let's just get this over and done with. I'm executed. There's nothing more for me to say."
Anne: "Goodbye, and good luck."
The first and last on the list have been executed. It's so typical of the Mole to hide in the middle, isn't it?
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