Previously, 8 contestants had to gather ingrredients for the other 8 to make at least 30 plates of autumn salad with. They succeeded at the end of the one hour time limit, producing 34 plates. With a total of 6 plates, Flora received a hidden exemption for making the most autumn salad. Lexi and Olesya were understandably disappointed when they were executed, but the Mole is more than happy to get rid of the excess baggage. Who will the Mole execute next?
Sabrina: "Goodbye, dear hotel room."
Sabrina: "Although we are staying at the same hotel throughout the season, we aren't staying in the same hotel rooms throughout. Production only booked certain rooms for certain nights. After that, those staying in those rooms have to move to another room."
Sabrina: "Knock knock. Do you have a spare bed here? I've been kicked out of my room."
Reynard: "We do. You're welcome to take it."
Sabrina: "Thank you."
Sabrina: "It will be nice to get to know my new roommates a little better. Regina, you're a multilinguist, am I right?"
Regina: "I guess you can say that. I can speak Simlish, English, French, Mandarin, Spanish, Malay, Zulu, Finnish, Dutch..."
Sabrina: "There must be some languages you don't know."
Regina: "Maybe, but I can't think of what language I don't know at the moment."
Sabrina: "Well, I'm going to explore my new room. It's really neat. Also, cute undies, Reynard."
Anne: "Am I the only one who's happy that Olesya is gone? She dressed the most scantily.p and was a horrible personality. I am glad that she never shared a room with me. On a related note, I haven't been sleeping well these past few nights. At home, I enforce a strict 11pm bedtime rule on my tenants, but here we have hotel guests who are up at 2am. The Smole contestants aren't so bad because we are generally tired after a day of missions, but we don't share the hotel with only contestants."
Duncan: "Oh, now you're cooking too."
Clifford: "It beats waiting for the chef to wake up and cook."
Duncan: "You're really talented."
Clifford: "I can only make simple fares. Don't make me out to be so good."
Duncan: "Really. You're friendly, helpful, brave, kind and modest."
Duncan: "But do you always walk around public spacesl like that?"
Clifford: "As a fireman, you have to learn to get comfortable in your own skin, and around strangers too."
Venice: "Oh...I didn't know you had a tattoo on your back."
Elvin: "Oh...yeah. I used to be rather rebellious in my teenage years. But I've changed for the better."
Venice: "Your family must have been heartbroken."
Elvin: "My parents, when they were alive, yes. But I was young and immature then. My only regret is not having been nicer to them in the past. My wife knows about my tattoo but my son didn't."
Elvin: "Can you keep this a secret? I don't too many to know."
Venice: "You're walking around shirtless. Others are bound to know and question."
Elvin: "I guess. There are just too many regrets that I carry on my back and hope to forget."
Clifford: "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?"
Jerome: "Carol said I looked cool."
Reynard: "Someone has a crush."
Jerome: "I do not."
Reynard: "Do too!"
Jerome: "Do not!"
Regina: "Stop being childish."
Duncan: "Oh, there's a note for me."
Duncan: "We were told to check our personal mailboxes at the lobby. There was a note for each and every one of us. It had our roles."
Roles for what? The next mission, of course. Contestants are either a cartel leader, a henchman or a policeman. Contestants have been randomly sorted into various rooms, except for the cartel leader, and have to find their way to the cartel leader.
The cartel leader will be watching their every actions from the control room. He can provide clues via a speaker to any contestant whom he deems is a henchman. If the first one to reach the cartel leader is a henchman, 25 points will be added to the pot. If a policeman makes it first, all policemen will receive an exemption.
All the policemen know each other, but the same cannot be said for anyone else. At any time, the policemen can choose to arrest any of the henchmen, but risk being seen by the cartel leader. The cartel leader can accuse any contestant of being the policeman, but if the leader is wrong, the mission ends immediately.
???: "It's time to turn this thing on."
Duncan: "It's not as dreary as I thought it would be."
Sabrina: "A mission at night with hidden roles? This is the kind of mission I'm talking about."
Venice: "There's a speaker in this room and a surveillance camera."
Venice: "You better lead us to you, whoever you are."
Carol: "So many boxes."
Anne: "There's a speaker there, with a camera below it."
Jerome: "This is kind of creepy."
Carol: "Jerome and I will take that door."
Anne: "Sheldon, let's go to the other one."
Flora: "A grungy toilet."
Brittany: "Shh."
Brittany: "We can only go forward."
Clifford: "Do you want to work together?"
Duncan: "Are you not a policeman?"
Clifford: "Even if I was, I won't be so stupid as to catch you like that. We're being watched."
Sabrina: "I don't think the cartel leader can hear us if we whisper. So let's devise a plan."
Elvin: "Agreed. What do you have in mind?"
Regina: "Those two are up to something. I don't trust them. If only I knew how many policemen there were."
Regina: "Take the door on the right."
Sabrina: "Regina's our cartel leader. That's her voice."
Elvin: "I wonder if the others can hear us."
Reynard: "I think we should just wait for instructions. Until someone tells us what to do."
Venice: "No, we shouldn't sit around waiting for the sky to drop."
Reynard: "But the cartel leader can give us clues. And if we look like henchmen to him, then he'll tell us which way to go. Eileen, back me up here."
Eileen: "I think both methods are viable. Staying and exploring both have their pros and cons."
Reynard: "Not helpful there. I asked you to pick my side, or at least any side."
Venice: "One of us here could be the policeman and kill the other two here."
Reynard: "Are you saying it's you?"
Venice: "Forget it. I'll just explore on my own."
Eileen: "I think I'll follow him."
Venice: "Oh. Hi there."
Duncan: "I think the best method we have here is to split up."
Clifford: "Duncan and I will go together."
Eileen: "Venice, wait for me."
Venice: "I think we should split up to cover more ground."
Eileen: "Actually, I don't think that's a good idea."
Venice: "You clearly don't trust me."
Eileen: "I would be a fool to trust anyone. Hey, where are you going?"
Carol: "Hey look, an elevator."
Carol: "Jerome, do you trust me?"
Jerome: "Y...yes?"
Carol: "Why do you sound so nervous? You're not convincing me."
Jerome: "I trust's, we're really close."
Carol: "We are, aren't we?"
"Jerome has been arrested."
Regina: "What? I don't see him anywhere."
Regina: "I need to keep my eyes peeled. Take the elevator."
Anne: "You heard what she said."
Anne: "It's very empty, and I'm very tired. I don't appreciate making us do stuff in the middle of the night."
Regina: "Walk forward."
Anne: "This room is more decorated."
Sheldon: "I don't know if Regina is leading us to her. I don't see how she can trust us so easily."
Anne: "You are absolutely right. Regina, where to now?"
Sheldon: "She's not answering."
Anne: "She's not focusing."
Sheldon: "This isn't good."
Regina: "I need to keep an eye out on the rest too. It's not easy multi-tasking."
Elvin: "I wonder if any of the trinkets here are clues."
Regina: "Sabrina, stay put. Elvin, go forward."
Elvin: "I guess this is goodbye."
Sabrina: "I know it's you, Regina. Why did you choose to let Elvin go and not me? What's your motive in splitting us up? Oh wait, she probably can't hear us."
Regina: "I can hear you."
"Eileen has been arrested."
Regina: "What? Where is she? Damn it. She's no longer on any of my feed."
"Sheldon has been arrested."
Regina: "How am I missing all of this?"
Regina: "The Mole clearly knows that the PA system and the surveillance feed are on different sides of the room. And the Mole somehow knew that I was busy talking to someone else when one of the henchmen got arrested."
Brittany: "All these rooms look the same."
"Walk to your front."
Brittany: "It's Regina. I wonder what she's planning to do."
Elvin: "Now what? I think I should head back."
"Elvin, go through the other door."
Elvin: "Okay."
Regina: "Is the mic off? Good. It's time to test them."
Elvin: "Oh, Brittany."
Brittany: "Regina, she led us here for a reason."
Brittany: "We're being played by her, Elvin."
Elvin: "That actually makes sense. She's leading us by the nose. Why am I listening to her instructions? She asked me to come here, and she asked you to come here."
Brittany: "She's sounding us out. She's trying to weed the police."
Reynard: "Hey Regina. I'm not the police. Honest. I can help you earn the points. Just tell me which way to go."
Clifford: "That's a lot of statues."
Duncan: "There's a lift. Do we take it?"
Clifford: "Duh. There won't be a lift for nothing."
Sabrina: "Why am I listening to her? I can do whatever I want."
Sabrina: "I need to go find Elvin."
Regina: "Sabrina, turn back."
Sabrina: "Suck your own tits, bitch!"
Flora: "Elvin, is anyone following you?"
Elvin: "Brittany is coming. Why?"
"Elvin has been arrested."
Regina: "I got you now."
Brittany: "Hey, where did Elvin go?"
Flora: "That way."
Brittany: "..."
Flora: "..."
Brittany: "He couldn't have walked that quickly. We were going to explore together. There is only one possibility."
Brittany: "I need to avoid you."
Flora: "You're trapped."
Flora: "Open the door."
Brittany: "You can't catch me if I'm in here. If I can waste your time here with me, I will do it."
Flora: "Open the door. You've got the wrong impression. I'm not the police."
Flora: "I found it weird that Regina didn't do anything. I think it became extremely obvious that I was a policeman. Was she trying to play it safe? I was allowed to roam around for a significant time and get rid of a few henchmen."
Duncan: "We're here."
Clifford: "There are two doors."
Regina: "I think I can trust them. They've been tigether for so long but both are still around. Take the door to the right of the elevator."
Duncan: "This is a waiting area of some sort. It's like they're saying they were waiting for us the whole time."
Regina: "Cliff, did you hear me? I said to go with Duncan."
Sabrina: "Who's there? Are you a policeman?"
Reynard: "Respond to me, Regina. Or else I will stay put here. And then you will have a lower chance of earning those points. Unless that is what you want, Mole."
Regina: "Sabrina, take the elevator down."
Sabrina: "What? Then I won't. Hang on. Are you manipulating me?"
Regina: "She's finally realised."
"Clifford has been arrested."
Regina: "Damn it. Not again."
Flora: "Er...okay...what a weird room to have."
Carol: "I am part of the cartel. Really."
Venice: "Who are you talking to?"
Carol: "Regina. I'm worried she thinks I arrested Jerome."
Regina: "I should do more observing. Jerome was last seen with her, so I think she is another policewoman."
Carol: "Brittany, are you a policewoman?"
Carol: "Silence means consent."
Brittany: "If I am the police, I would have arrested you."
Carol: "That is only because we are being watched closely. And because Venice is here too, by the computer."
Anne: "Now this is heaven."
Anne: "What books do they have here?"
Regina: "Take the door behind those bookshelves."
Anne: "I wanted to read."
Flora: "Were you hiding here?"
Anne: "Are you with the police?"
Flora: ""
Anne: "I'm not sure I can trust you."
Flora: "You're being blocked by these bookshelves. So it is no use. Anne, you are arr-"
Regina: "Flora, you are with the police."
"Flora has been exposed and eliminated."
Flora: "Ah, I expected it."
Regina: "Yes! I managed to save Anne. I finally had enough proof to arrest Flora. Sorry, but you're not getting the exemption this time. I can't believe she didn't realise the camera was on the other side of the room, facing their backs."
Sabrina: "This reminds me of the last two seasons' missions. Season 37's cartel one which also took place in Bellum City, and Season 38's criminal hideout mission."
Regina: "I'm not sure I can trust Sabrina. She was scheming with Elvin about something. Maybe I could ask her about it, but there is no way she will tell me the truth."
"Brittany has been arrested."
Regina: "Not again. But weren't there three of them?"
Venice: "I've got to run."
Venice: "Save me from Carol! She is the police!"
Regina: "Venice, stop! Take 6 steps back."
Venice: "Huh?"
Venice: "Oh. I nearly missed it."
Regina: "I knew Carol was no good. Oops. I forgot to turn off the microphone."
Sabrina: "A bar. Better not get distracted."
Carol: "I know this looks really bad on me now, but I am innocent. Really. It's Venice. He arrested Brittany! Not me. I'm innocent."
Regina: "Do I trust her? None of them are really trustworthy, except Anne, maybe. But I didn't see who arrested Brittany. And to think I thought she was a policewoman. Nice try, Carol, but I don't believe you."
Retina: "Walk through the door."
Anne: "A dead end. That means I should be going through the other door."
Sabrina: "Don't bother. It's a dead end there too."
Anne: "That means we need to go back up."
Anne: "Come on, Sabrina."
Sabrina: "Something isn't right here. Why do you trust me so much? Shouldn't your guard be up?"
Anne: "Flora tried to arrest me, so I hope that allays your fears. I have good judgement of character, so if I say you're not it, you're not it."
Regina: "If I had my way, Anne would come here. But Anne and Sabrina are together, and I don't trust Sabrina. I can't separate them."
Venice: "Hey, if you're not going to speak up and tell me what next, I'll do it myself."
Regina: "Oh right. Sorry. Use the door to your left."
Carol: "She doesn't believe me. I have to depend on myself to find her."
Regina: "Venice, use the to your right."
Venice: "I found you."
Regina: "Welcome."
Regina: "I have been expecting you. You have something for me, I presume."
Venice: "All wrapped up in a bow tie. Open it."
Regina: "I hope it's the points."
Regina: "It feels quite heavy."
Venice: "Just hurry up and open it."
Regina: "What?"
Regina: "An exemption? Don't tell me..."
Venice: "Regina, you are under arrest."
Regina: "I thought you were a henchman."
Regina: "Take your damned exemption and leave."
Venice: "Gladly."
Regina: "You lied to me."
Venice: "I never did. You just decided to believe I was innocent."
Venice and the rest of the police force gets an exemption at the expense of 25 points, so the pot remains at 196/570 points.
Cartel leader: Regina
Henchman: Elvin, Sheldon, Jerome, Clifford, Sabrina, Duncan, Reynard, Eileen, Brittany
Policemen: Anne, Venice, Flora, Carol
Eileen: "Hey cameraman! I'm gonna change! Get out of my room!"
Cameraman: "But this isn't your room...?"
Eileen: "It is now."
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