Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to match each other's names to the correct faces. They were then offered a chance to use the points they earned for a chance to ask a question pertaininig to the Mole. Although both Christina and Trent did so, it apparently wasn't enough as they were the first two to be executed this season. Who will be next? Will they do better than the 112/380 points they got in the first mission this time?
Anne: "I knew that question from the first mission would be a waste. Look at Christina and Trent. Both of them asked a question in the first mission and both of them are gone. Wisen up, people. Don't be so easily goaded."
Sabrina: "I am so shocked. I had expected a double execution to come, or maybe a triple execution, but I didn't expect it to be at the very start. It's really bad luck for the two victims."
Sabrina: "What do you say? I tell you what I asked and in return you do the same. It will benefit both of us."
Marc: "I know you've been going around actively asking everyone the same thing."
Marc: "I don't want to share."
Sabrina: "So you're going to play it that way. Your loss."
Eileen: "I'm feeling peckish."
Eileen: "Woah. You scared me, Jerome."
Jerome: "Do I look cool?"
Olesya: "Cool? Ha. You're gonna have to do better than that."
Jerome: "I don't want to come off too strong, so I want to dress a little more casually, but still look cool."
Eileen: "I think it's fine."
Jerome: "Really? Then I'll get ready for the next round then."
Jerome: "Carol! There you are! some roses in the bushes outside and I thought you them. They're pink, your favourite colour."
Carol: "Oh. Well, this is surprising."
Jerome: "Do them?"
Carol: "I do."
Jerome: "Yes! I mean, cool. Great."
Carol: "Thank you."
Jerome: "You're hugging me!"
Carol: "Do you not like hugs? That's usually how I thank everyone."
Jerome: "I do! I do! I just never thought..."
Ray: "This is cute and all, but could you two not stand in front of the TV? I'm trying to watch a show here."
Contestants have to submit a list of suspects, ranked from most suspicious to least suspicious. This will play an important role in the upcoming mission.
Sheldon: "For our second mission, we were each assigned a value. The Mole's value was dependent on the lists we submitted, whereas the most and least suspicious on the overall list compiled by producers were also affixed the minimum and maximum value respectively. The rest was decided by the Mole. For instance, I was worth 15 points. We had to run around searching for cars. Each car could seat four, and the car could only set off when there were four passengers. However, there were fewer cars than contestants. Those who could not hitch a car would be left behind. This continued until there was one car left. Whoever was in that car would earn points for the pot, as well as an exemption each."
The first set of cars are at C-Ment Shoe Factory. Contestants have been told to get there, but are not told where exactly it is. However, each car can only seat four, so two contestants will not get to advance.
Anne: "It's such a hot day. Surely they cannot be expecting me to run around town like a headless chicken looking for a car."
Marc: "It's not here."
Carol: "You're actually a really nice guy."
Jerome: "She's talking to me. She's into me. I can't believe it."
Carol: "A little weird at times, but overall nice."
Jerome: "Oh my gosh."
Carol: "Could you speak up? I can't really hear you."
Jerome: "Huh? Oh, er...nothing. Let's just keep looking."
Sabrina: "Not at this dilapidated building, though it would be a cool venue to hold a mission."
Elvin: "A black deer? That's a first."
Elvin: "I don't need to do illegal stuff and intrude in I?"
Lexi: "Aha. I finally found you...I'm really not as young as I thought."
Regina: "The residents here are very nice. They gave me directions on how to get to the various places I needed to be. I wasn't worried there would be communication barriers because I can speak over five languages."
Regina: "There it is."
Regina: "I better hurry."
Duncan: "Regina is here too."
Regina: "It seems we are rather early."
Lexi: "We are still short of one."
Olesya: "I think I'll take the subway."
Flora: "I don't see the cars. I hope I'm not too late."
Eileen: "Where could it be? They said to get off at this station, but I don't see any cars."
Eileen: "Oh. There they are."
Eileen: "I see some of the others there. I better hurry."
Duncan: "Waiting really sucks."
Lexi: "I would probably be at the finish line if not for this stupid restriction."
Regina: "While waiting, let us take the time to properly introduce ourselves. I am Regina Natalia Seix, spelled S-E-I-X, not S-A-Y-I-S as it is pronounced."
Duncan: "How much are all of you worth?"
Eileen: "I am here."
Regina: "Let us set off then."
Lexi: "There's a GPS here."
Flora: "Oh no. I see a car getting away. Please don't let it be the last car."
Brittany: "I want the exemption. Only then will I feel safe."
Lexi: "It stops here."
Duncan: "Guys, how about we work together? We were the first group to leave. If we stick together, we can send ourselves right to the end and get an exemption each."
Lexi: "Work for the exemption yourself. I'm splitting up."
Regina: "I guess that is our answer."
Olesya: "This city isn't very bustling."
Ray: "Not this car either. How do we tell if it's the right car? I don't see the Smole sticker anywhere."
Ray: "It most likely isn't any of these. I'm going to move on."
Clifford: "I'm expecting this factory to be near the hotel."
Olesya: "We've been waiting forever."
Marc: "It's kind of fun, in a sense. It's like a game of musical chairs, except with cars in the city. Eventually I found my way, but one car was already gone."
Brittany: "My feet can't carry me any more."
Flora: "You're our last contestant. It's time for us to go."
Flora: "The GPS will lead us."
Sheldon: "I had been wandering around for over half an hour and there was no car in sight. That was when I knew I had been too late. Hence, I gave up the search and went straight back to the hotel."
Eileen: "Where is it? Splitting up was a really bad idea."
Duncan: "What a bunch of selfish assholes. They didn't want to work together."
Lexi: "Huh? Only one car left? How can that be?"
Regina: "I just need to keep following her."
Contestants were told after they got off that the next location would be somewhere nearby. This is it. There are only three cars, so only 12 can move on.
Lexi: "Regina...were you following me?"
Regina: "Huh? Nonsense."
Lexi: "Don't lie. You were clearly following mem. How else do you explain you reaching here soon after I did?"
Regina: "Coincidence."
Lexi: "I don't think so. I hate leeches like you."
Ray: "Found it! At last."
Reynard: "Just need one more of us."
Ray: "Hmm...I wonder how much the Mole assigned them."
Reynard: "Sweet ride."
Sabrina: "Yep."
Sabrina: "Reynard, how many points are you worth?"
Reynard: "8 points."
Sabrina: "That means that the Mole either thinks you're going to be in the final car, or that you are one of the most suspected. Or you're the Mole, of course."
Reynard: "Which one do you think I am?"
Elvin: "The rest are here. This must be it."
Elvin: "Sorry I'm late. Let's get going."
Elvin: "What were you guys talking about?"
Sabrina: "Nothing much. Just getting to know Reynard better."
Venice: "This is the stop. And I see the car there."
Venice: "The last car."
Venice: "I can't believe I was so slow."
Clifford: "Tomato sauce. I just passed one of the cars. I hope I'm not too late."
Flora: "The next stop is nearby...where though?"
Marc: "Wait, why are we following Flora?"
Olesya: "Wouldn't it be easier to stick as a group?"
Marc: "We're not the first. Doing that isn't going to help us win."
Marc: "Bye gals!"
Brittany: "Why am I not surprised?"
Brittany: "I'm going to find the car myself, too."
Flora: "They abandoned us."
Olesya: "Let's just stick together. How much are you worth?"
Flora: "25 points. You?"
Olesya: "9. But there're four exemptions involved here."
Venice: "Where are the rest?"
Clifford: "I'm here."
Venice: "Took you long enough."
Clifford: "We're one of the slower ones, but at least we're not the last."
Venice: "Why did it take so long for you to find the factory?"
Clifford: "I thought it was near the hotel."
Venice: "It's a factory. Why would it be near the hotel? I thought this was common sense."
Clifford: "No need to be rude."
Venice: "So it's not common sense, then? Then I guess I'm glad to have once been a part-time tour guide."
Flora: "Can you run faster?"
Olesya: "I'm...a pianist....not not pa...panting?"
Marc: "That's not the car."
Brittany: "I don't think I need to take the subway."
Elvin: "I don't know why we entered, but let's stick together and find the next car."
Ray: "I don't think that's the wisest choice."
Reynard: "Why not? I say we stick together."
Sabrina: "Me too. That way, when we find a car, we don't have to wait for the rest to show up. That wastes a lot of time, especially if you just missed a car."
Reynard: "Come on, guys. I think I know where the next car might be located."
Sabrina: "Let's see if you're right."
Regina: "Over there! Flora and Olesya are here."
Regina: "Hurry. Let us go."
Lexi: "You almost hit me."
Flora: "Sorry. Couldn't brake in time, hee."
Olesya: "Who's driving?"
Lexi: "I got here first, so I am. I hope we're not too late."
Olesya: "Lexi is one of the fastest drivers I've ever met. It felt like we were going at 200km/h. She either really wants the exemption badly or is worth a lot of points. Or both."
Venice: "We're the last group. If we're out, it's thank to Jerome."
Jerome: "Sorry."
Carol: "Hey now, you can't just go around blaming others. It's partly your fault too. If you were early enough to hitch the first ride, you wouldn't be here bitching to us right now."
Marc: "There they are."
Marc: "Two cars left. That means four of them have already left."
Duncan: "Is it this one? Nope. How about those two?"
Duncan: "Or maybe it's those two. I see Marc waiting there."
Duncan: "And Brittany too."
Brittany: "I'm tired and my blouse is sticking onto me. This is disgusting."
Eileen: "This city is so big. There's no way it's possible to travel by foot from one place to another in a decent amount of time."
Ray: "This feels like Abbey Road."
Clifford: "Hey, isn't that another Smole car?"
Jerome: "You're right!"
Venice: "Let's park this car first and then we'll head straight there."
Clifford: "I think something bit me."
Venice: "No time for that now. Where was that car?"
Ray: "Are you sure it's here? I don't see any place to park cars."
Sabrina: "Are you sure you didn't come here because you wanted to play?"
Ray: "Oh, burn."
Elvin: "Let's not shame him. Let's just go back."
Sabrina: "That was a sick burn."
Sabrina: "This could be an interesting sabotage."
Eileen: "The others are waiting there."
Eileen: "I hope I didn't hold you up."
Duncan: "It's okay. There's still time."
Venice: "Jerome, are you sure we're going the right way?"
Jerome: "I am...sure..."
Jerome: "There is..."
Ray: "Which car is it?"
Elvin: "Over there."
Elvin: "Move. Don't stop suddenly."
Jerome: "Huff...huff..."
Venice: "Fuck. I see the rest."
Which four will get the ride?
Sabrina: "Hey, you can't do that!"
Venice: "Anyone who wants to advance, hop in the car!"
Jerome: "Almost...almost there...for...for the...the exemption..."
Carol: "That was a close one."
Reynard: "Go go go!"
Clifford: "What just happened?"
Elvin: "So much for sticking together."
Clifford: "I must admit that it was pretty smart of Venice to take the car first and wait for the rest."
Sabrina: "If you didn't block my way, I could have gotten on that car!"
Jerome: "I disappointed"
Carol: "Now where do we go?"
Reynard: "We are in different teams, so I think it is time to separate."
Reynard: "Ray, follow me."
Carol: "Looks like it's just you and me."
Carol: "I'm hungry. I think I will grab a bite first."
Venice: "Suit yourself. I'm not sticking around to wait for you to finish eating."
Lexi: "From now on, it's every woman for herself."
Flora: "I really think we should work together, while we are ahead."
Olesya: "I support Flora."
Regina: "But Lexi is against it."
Lexi: "What is up with you all and working together? We're on the Smole. And only those who are worth the most points should get on the car."
Flora: "I can bring in 25 points."
Regina: "And I can bring in more than that. Regardless, we all want the exemption."
Venice: "Come on, where is it? It's suppposed to be nearby again."
Venice: "I see some of them gathered there. This should be the right place."
Flora: "Venice is here. We need to go, quickly."
Lexi: "We are not taking the same car."
Olesya: "I think we should avoid confrontation with Venice as far as possible. It's not going to be easy deciding which four will sit in the first car."
Regina: "I'm not standing around here doing nothing. I'm going. Whoever wants to sit in a car, follow me."
Lexi: "Ugh, fine."
Olesya: "Uh oh. Venice is approaching."
Flora: "Olesya, stop dreaming."
Regina: "Woo! We're just one car closer."
Eileen: "I see. Thank you."
Brittany: "Did you see a purple car?"
Karri: "Yeah, one just drove off."
Marc: "We're not getting anywhere."
Marc: "I'm wasting time just staying here."
Duncan: "And he left us just like that."
Eileen: "I'm sure it has to be in this plaza. I'll go check that side."
Eileen: "Oh."
Venice: "Hello Eileen."
Eileen: "How long have you been there?"
Venice: "Too long. I missed the first car by just that much."
Eileen: "Oh dear. There's only one left, right? We need to find a way to choose who gets on that car."
Venice: "I know where the second car is. I found it. I just need three more."
Eileen: "But I came with three others. There will be one of us who won't make it."
Venice: "Find a way to convince the rest. No matter what, I'll be in that car."
Eileen: "I think you should show me the car first. How do I know you're not lying to waste my time?"
Venice: "Why would I do that? But fine, I'll show you."
Lexi: "We've gotten off. It's now every woman for herself."
Flora: "It's nearby once again. Olesya, let's go that way."
Regina: "I don't think this is the correct direction."
Flora: "Keep a lookout for that car."
Olesya: "Regina is behind. Is she following us?"
Flora: "Then let's lose her."
Olesya: "You don't want her to win an exemption?"
Flora: "She's not someone I trust highly, so no."
Lexi: "I don't see that car here."
Ray: "There are only two cars here and neither of them are it."
Ray: "I think we are too late."
Reynard: "Oh well. Shall we explore the gym since we're here?"
Regina: "Yes! Found it."
Olesya: "Flora, we've been running aimlessly forever."
Flora: "I know."
Olesya: "I think we should break."
Flora: "Yes. We're both tired. Let's take a quick break."
Flora: "Where could the car be?"
Olesya: "It's definitely not nearby. Could it be that we're too late?"
Duncan: "Oh. It's been hiding here all along."
Duncan: "Guys! Brittany! Over here!"
Brittany: "Thank goodness we're not too late."
Duncan: "Where are the rest?"
Eileen: "Oh, it looks like it's just the four of us. How convenient."
Venice: "Then let's hurry up and get out of here."
Venice: "We better not be too late."
Flora: "Alright. That's a long enough break."
Olesya: "Wait for me."
Lexi: "Ugh! Where is that stupid car?"
Lexi: "It must've been at this carpark. I'm too late! I blame those stupid girls!"
Venice: "And we're here."
Duncan: "Where is the last car?"
Venice: "It's somewhere nearby. I bet it's past there."
Duncan: "I'm gonna get a heatstroke. It's too hot today."
Eileen: "Brittany, want to work together?"
Brittany: "No."
Olesya: "The sun is setting. We've been out the whole day."
Flora: "Come on. We're not giving up."
Regina: "Where are the rest?"
Regina: "Oh, it's Flora and Olesya."
Regina: "We still need one more."
Olesya: "We're not too late!"
Flora: "Tell us how much you're really worth, Regina."
Brittany: "Stop following me."
Duncan: "If there's a chance of finding the last car, I'm not going to let you get that spot that easily."
Eileen: "Where is Venice going?"
Eileen: "I don't think it's that far. It should be somewhere around here. I just need to follow the road."
Flora: "I don't believe you."
Olesya: "They are worth more points than I am. Damn it. There better only be one more guy to show up, or else I won't be able to convince them to let me get the exemption."
Brittany: "We're here."
Duncan: "There's one too many of us."
Brittany: "We need to sacrifice one of us."
Flora: "Those worth the most points should take the car."
Regina: "I came here first. I'm taking it no matter what."
Duncan: "We can't go by speed. Both Brittany and I made it here together."
Regina: "Let us then take those who didn't ask a question in the previous mission. They have more information. They have lesser need for the exemption."
Olesya: "I don't think that's fair. Look at Christina and Trent. They asked something too, and they're wrong."
Flora: "Like I said, we go by points. I'm worth 25 points."
Duncan: "I have 10 points."
Regina: "I'm worth 30. And I'm the first here."
Brittany: "I'm also worth 25 points."
Olesya: "I'm worth the least but that's not fair to me. I was here before you two came along. I think you two should be the ones to decide who will join us three."
Brittany: "I think we all agree that Regina, you should take the car."
Flora: "And me."
Brittany: "...And Flora."
Olesya: "I really need the exemption. I promise to work really hard for the upcoming missions if you let me sit in the car."
Flora: "She came with me, so if I'm going, so is she."
Regina: "Then it's just between Brittany and Duncan. Don't look so sad, Olesya."
Olesya: "Thanks guys."
Brittany: "This is a childish way of settling things."
Duncan: "It's the fairest way."
Duncan: "Yes! I win!"
Brittany: "Best two out of three."
Flora: "Don't be a sore loser, Brittany."
Olesya: "Yeah. Just let Duncan go."
Brittany: "But Duncan is only worth 10 points."
Duncan: "So be it."
Brittany: "I was so close..."
Duncan: "By the time we reached the end, it was already evening. It had been a long and tiring day, but it was worth it. For me and the other three ladies, at least."
"Congratulations. Regina, Flora, Olesya and Duncan, the four of you will receive an exemption. Shall we reveal how much each of you is worth?"
Duncan: "I'm worth 10 points."
Olesya: "I'm worth 9 points."
Flora: "I'm worth 25 points."
Regina: "I'm worth 20 points."
"You could have earned 145 points in this mission. However, you have brought in 64 points. Still, the four of you can rest easy tonight, knowing that you will be making it through the next execution."
Flora: "I knew Regina was lying, though I had expected an amount lower than 20. It's really suspicious of her to lie."
64/145 points have been earned, making the pot 176/525 points. How many points was the Mole worth?
- Carol worth 0 points
- Jerome worth 1 point
- Ray worth 15 points
- Marc worth 3 points
- Brittany worth 4 points
- Duncan worth 10 points
- Olesya worth 9 points
- Flora worth 25 points
- Clifford worth 2 points
- Eileen worth 6 points
- Sabrina worth 5 points
- Regina worth 20 points
- Sheldon worth 15 points
- Reynard worth 8 points
- Anne worth 30 points
- Venice worth 7 points
- Lexi worth 40 points
- Elvin worth 50 points
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