Last episode, the final three had to do tasks that were best suited for each of them. Kelly did mathematical problems, James painted flags based on memory and Brianna did her job as a bookstore clerk. They racked up 160/300 points but it could only be earned if at least one of them made it to the end point in one hour, which Brianna successfully did on the dot. The pot now stands at 581/1500 points. One finalist will just have missed it, the other will have won the season and the last one will be revealed to be the Mole along. Who will take what role?
As the finale approaches, some do some last-minute revision...
...some enjoy themselves while they still can...
...and some get ready for the big day.
Brianna: "These two weeks have been worth it. The only thing that would make things even sweeter is if I claimed that grand prize. I would finally be able to get out of my rut and live life the way I want to with 500 grand."
James: "The Mole never posed a challenge to me this season. I've dealt with worse before. I know who the Mole is and that will send me straight to victory."
Kelly: "It's finally time. Time to have our questions answered. Time to unmask the Mole. I know who the Mole is but after this I can finally get some confirmation. But even if I don't win I'm not complaining. I'm living the dream of 20-year-olds, needless to say Sims my age."
It is time for the quiz. 30 questions about the identity of the Mole.
Whoever knows the most gets to walk away with 581,000 Simoleons and more.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which season was the Mole originally from?
A: Season 6
B: Season 34
C: Season 41
Q3: What is the Mole's hair colour?
A: Black
B: Blonde
Q4: Does the Mole have dyed hair?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: Where was the Mole born?
A: New York
B: Australia
C: None of the above
Q6: How much did the winner get in the Mole's original season?
A: 58,000 Simoleons
B: 663,000 Simoleons
C: 1,020,000 Simoleons
Q7: Who was the Mole in the Mole's first season?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Gladys Delmeer-Gomez and Maggie Noodles
C: Nobody
Q8: What was the twist in the Mole's first season?
A: There were two Moles
B: There were no Moles
C: There was no twist
Q9: Did the Mole change rooms this season?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who originally slept in the room the Mole currently occupies?
A: Jo Lin
B: Katelyn Missoni
C: Brianna McWinner
Q11: In Mission 1, what was the Mole's pair's time?
A: 1h30min
B: 2h19min
C: 2h45min
Q12: In Mission 1, in which order did the Mole set off?
A: The first leg
B: The second leg, 3rd
C: The second leg, 5th
Q13: In Mission 2, which of the following words did the Mole spell correctly?
A: The word that means having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships
B: The word that means communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations
C: The word that means a type of dress fabric or ribbed crepe
Q14: Who was seated in front of the Mole in Mission 2?
A: Zhao Qun
B: Bloom Phine
C: Guillermo Ichtaca
Q15: In Mission 3, how many tiles was the same colour as the Mole's umbrella?
A: 8
B: 10
C: 11
Q16: In Mission 3, who was eliminated before the Mole?
A: James Christian Sol
B: Kelly Hoggart
C: Nobody
Q17: In what order was the Mole eliminated in Mission 4?
A: Second
B: Last
C: The Mole was not eliminated
Q18: In Mission 4, which badges did the Mole get?
A: Black exemption and bronze exemption badge
B: No badge
Q19: In Mission 5, who was the singer of the Mole's song?
A: Rihanna
B: Kelly Clarkson
C: The Mole did not sing
Q20: Name another song by the singer of the Mole's chosen song in Mission 5.
A: Diamonds
B: Because Of You
C: The Mole did not sing
Q21: In Mission 6, which of the following answers did the Mole give?
A: 1
B: 4
C: The arse
Q22: In Mission 6, which of the following are correct answers to one of the Mole's questions?
A: Hades
B: Maine
C: Damascus
Q23: In Mission 7, in which round was the Mole talked about?
A: Round 2
B: Nobody talked about the Mole
Q24: In Mission 7, how many times did the Mole talk about someone?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
Q25: In Mission 8, which task did the Mole do?
A: Calculation
B: Memory
C: Literature
Q26: In Mission 8, in what order did the Mole finish the task?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
Q27: How old was the Mole when the Mole first joined?
A: 32
B: 50
Q28: Where does the Mole work?
A: A home-owned gym
B: A bookstore
C: A law firm
Q29: What colour was the chair the Mole sat on during the first execution ceremony?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Yellow
Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Brianna McWinner
B: James Christian Sol
C: Kelly Hoggart
"Congratulations. You have finished your last quiz of the season. There is nothing more you can do but wait."
"Hopefully you made all the right answers, because one question could make a difference between winning and losing, as I'm sure you're well aware of. Of course, the Mole does not need to worry and never needed to. Did you pick the right Mole? We shall find out..."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm round of applause to our brave contestant Bryan Seacrest!"
Bryan: "Brave? More like foolish."
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for Katelyn Missoni!"
Katelyn: "WOO! But seriously though, a church? They should have picked a club. Who parties in a church? It's where Sims go to marry and die."
"Here is our first ever runner-up, Bloom Phine!"
Bloom: "The only church you should ever take me to is the one by Hozier. I'll give an exception this time though, just for you. ;)"
"And here she is: Jo Lin!"
Jo: "Hello. It's good to be back."
"Next we have Apollo Bloom!"
Apollo: "Ugh, I want to sleep already. I can tell this is going to be way underwhelming. Thank the gods that you have me to make this finale more interesting."
"Also, we have Guillermo Ichtaca!"
Guillermo: "Hello."
"Last but not least, the man who missed it by that much, Max Zhao Qun!"
Max: "Ni hao, peng you men. It's great to see everyone again. The place where I had my last mission too. How symbolic."
"We are almost complete. We are just missing our three finalists."
Apollo: "Care to tell us why we're at a church of all places?"
"Some time ago, this church was used by the final four to divulge the secrets of everyone else and sin in front of the Watchers and deities. It is only fitting that we return here so that our three finalists can be freed of their sins, especially the Mole."
"I'm sure you have a lot to say, so each of you can give a short speech about your time on the Smole, starting with you, Bryan."
Bryan: "Hello there and welcome to the Smole! I always wanted to do that. Maybe I should apply to be the host some time, but then again you won't see my face then."
Bryan: "How has life been for me after my pathetic first execution? I went to source for more job opportunities, a chance to expand my horizons since the Mole robbed me of that here. I'm not a quitter."
Bryan: "There were so many friends and associates I could have gotten to know better but I am pleased that today we have the chance to reunite and catch up. Now without the burden of trying to survive execution."
Bryan: "Of course, I'm dead curious to know who the Mole is. I would swear but we're in a church. I think the Mole this season must be a good one because he or she sure fooled me. Hope he or she treats us to a drink."
"Thank you Bryan. Next up, can we have Katelyn Missoni on stage."
Katelyn: "Hi guys. It's so great to see all of you...okay, you got me. I'm lying. I only want to see some of you. See? I'm a great Mole."
Katelyn: "I don't know how that pesky Mole got rid of me so quickly. I think there was a screw-up somewhere and Max or whoever was supposed to leave instead of me. But then again, I was living the life outside."
Katelyn: "If the other missions were anything like the spelling bee one, I would be deeply disappointed in production and glad I dodged a bullet on that one."
Katelyn: "What else should I say?"
Katelyn: "So, any of you watched the latest season of The Bachelorette? It's like so dumb. I can't believe the hottest guy on the show wasn't chosen. That girl must have been blind...yeah...yadda yadda, bet you guys aren't even listening anyway, yadda yadda..."
Katelyn: "OH! Oh, oh, I know what to talk about! I can give my amazing suggestions to improve the season."
"Thank you Katelyn but your time is up. May we invite Bloom up."
Bloom: "It's nice to see all the lovely ladies and handsome lads all in one tiny room. It was a shame that some of you left early and a bigger shame that I left so early too."
Bloom: "I've been thinking about what went wrong. It could have been the coalition. There was almost zero trust. While this is the Smole, if a coalition lacks basic trust, it won't last very long. That's the advice I have for future candidates. Don't feud against your own coalition."
Bloom: "We all have a common enemy in mind and that is the Mole. We shouldn't be fighting against each other. Am I gutted that I'm not in the finale this time? Absolutely. But as hard as it is to swallow, and I've swallowed some pretty hard stuff, nothing will change the fact that I have lost to the Mole this time."
Bloom: "I am glad to be on this show again after so long to see how the seasons have progressed. There definitely is a different feel from how it all started. I will never forget how I was the pioneer batch, and at least I've been in more seasons than the rest of my family so they can go suck it. Lastly, I wish the winner all the best. May you be deserving of this title."
"Thank you Bloom. Let us invite Jo."
Jo: "Hi, can those at the back hear me? Yes? It's not too loud, right?"
Jo: "I'm really grateful to have a second chance to play for myself. In Season 12, I joined because I wanted to help my sister and boost her fame. This season I didn't have that push but to me, what is most important is the journey."
Jo: "I have met a wonderful cast that I am happy to be a part of and up against. Contestants like Bloom, Guillermo, Max, even Bryan, although it was a shame you were executed first."
Jo: "The Smole is like a second home to me now and all of you are like a family. Families never always see eye-to-eye and we often bicker and compete and fight, but in the end we want the best for each other and to push each other to become better. I hope I don't sound boring or cliche but I really mean it. I am happy to have met all of you. To end off, I would like to sing a song that I recently composed in the wake of my execution."
"Thank you Jo. Now, let us have Apollo."
Apollo: "I made it further than half of you fuckers. That goes to show how much you suck. Jo was saying rubbish and so was everyone else. Family? Pfft, I never want to see you guys again, especially the Mole."
Apollo: "I did an amazing job and it is the crew's loss to execute me or not pick me as Mole. I provide the best value to the show and I'm their best asset."
Apollo: "Not like that useless Mole. James, Kelly and Brianna don't deserve to be a part of the final three. They didn't play the game as well as I did."
Apollo: "The only one who barely appreciated me here was Bloom, and she nearly tried to make me dirty my expensive shirt."
Apollo: "Fuck, I forgot what else I was going to say. Fuck, this thing is still on."
Apollo: "I'll come back and finish my piece later. I just want to say one thing: I hate the Smole because I didn't win. Goodbye."
"Let us hear Guillermo's thoughts."
Guillermo: "Good morning everyone. I hope you haven't forgotten who I am. My name is Guillermo Ichtaca."
Guillermo: "To me, we all worked hard. That's how we got selected in the first place because we are all outstanding in our own way. I am content to have played so many roles: as Mole, as finalist among Moles and now playing against a group of finalists. It was intense and competitive but like Jo said, we just want to do our best and we bring out the best in each other."
Guillermo: "I am fifth and not third or first or Mole, but I don't really need any of those titles again. Only the extremely good can ever hope to do that. Fifth is good enough for me."
Guillermo: "The Smole has as much power to bring us together as it does to break us. Such is the power of the game. I hope that we have all grow from this experience and had some takeaways, be it about ourselves or others. It is an honour once again to be a part of this amazing cast and this amazing season, and I wish for the Smole to live on, to continue to grow and adapt."
Max: "It's been a wonderful season even though there have been some misunderstandings. If Max hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten how I was executed and how I wronged James. I hereby apologise. I was too careless with my journal and I shouldn't have blamed you. Please accept my sincere apologies."
"Thank you, Guillermo. May we now have our last contestant up on stage. Max, please."
Max: "Hey there. I'm not a good public speaker like Guillermo is and we all want to know who the Mole is so I'll try and keep this short."
Max: "For me, the Smole has taught me a lot. It exposed me to different cultures and ways of thinking. First, it was in Egypt where I met all sorts of Sims. Even the most racist ones taught me a lesson. And from there, I improved myself."
Max: "Here I am today, an improved version of myself. Years ago I would be mad about not being in the finale. I was mad that I didn't win last time and embarrassed that I got the Mole wrong. This time, I am at peace. I have learned to let go and not be so competitive."
Max: "I enjoyed myself every step of the way and while I didn't make it as far as I did previously I feel happier. There is just one thing I feel uneasy about and that is the results of this season. I want to know who won and who the Mole is."
"And learn we shall. Thank you Max. Please take your seat."
"Our three finalists this season are here. Ladies and gentlemen, entering are: James Christian Sol, Brianna McWinner and Kelly Hoggart!"
Max: "WOO!"
James: "What a lukewarm response. I can hear the crickets."
Jo: "Sorry, I thought we shouldn't be too loud here out of respect."
Apollo: "You don't deserve that seat!"
"James, Brianna and Kelly have surpassed the rest of you to make it into the finale of Season 45. For some, it is an enormous task considering the last time they were on the Smole. However, one of them, after going through two weeks with the Mole, is in the same position as he or she was before the season began. Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome our ex-runner-up who is now...the runner-up."
Jo: "I wonder who it could be."
Bryan: "I think that position is the worst. To work so hard only to end up nowhere. Ouch."
Katelyn: "If you put it like that..."
Bloom: "James seems like the one most in need of a cuddle. Is it him?"
"The runner-up of Season 45 is..."
"James Christian Sol!"
Max: "I actually thought he was going to win."
Bloom: "Called it."
Guillermo: "That means the Mole is either Brianna or Kelly."
Apollo: "Ew, none of them know how to Mole. But ha! Suck tits James!"
Bryan: "Please, it's a church. Don't embarrass yourself in front of everyone else."
Katelyn: "I think James is the most embarrassing one from what you said. He was my Mole suspect though...I think."
"James, say a few words."
James: "Hi. Is that enough?"
James: "I'm kidding. It was an honour to take part in such a hot competition like the Smole again. Once again I put my wits and skills to the test and the fact that I made it into the final three twice is testament to my ability. I would say I'm good at weeding out the liars."
James: "This season I used the same strategy I did as before, to observe and let chaos run its course, only intervening when needed. This time however, I decided to also imitate the Mole and her sabotages to confuse the rest. I think I did quite well in that aspect."
James: "Unfortunately I lost last time to a reporter's nose and this time to a woman's tenacity. I suppose they deserve the pot more than I do and need it more than I."
James: "Congratulations are in order no matter what. I applaud the Mole for providing us another hunt and the winner for beating formidable opponents to clinch the grand prize."
"Thank you, James. You played a great game this season. It was a close fight between you and the winner, and both of you had suspected the Mole at around the same time. Ultimately, she locked on to the correct one before you did and her high scores previously helped her get the win. This goes to show how important each and every quiz is, especially because it was the tiebreaker between the two finalists."
"Brianna McWinner and Kelly Hoggart: one has a lot to repent and one has a lot to rejoice. Who is the winner and who is the Mole?"
Apollo: "I think Brianna will win. She ain't called McWinner for nothing."
Guillermo: "It's just a name. I think she's the Mole and Kelly is the winner. We all know how hard she worked."
Jo: "I'm afraid to say who I think it is but it's more likely that they cast a n early season Mole because it's harder to pick up on differences."
Bloom: "I agree. They can't pick me because the first season is too obvious, but Brianna has somehow managed to survive despite the rest of the coalition gone. She had a lot of wrong suspects. It's hard for her to survive like that."
Katelyn: "Kelly will win? Boo. But Brianna as Mole? Yass."
Bryan: "I do have my eye on Kelly too."
Max: "I have an unpopular opinion. Although I did suspect Brianna thinking about it now Kelly has been more suspicious. How does she juggle so many things at once and survive? James, you know who it is, don't you?"
"Enough speculation. It is time for the reveal. The winner of the Smole, Season 45 is..."
"Brianna McWinner!"
Katelyn: "Oh! Brianna won!"
Max: "Woo! That's my first mission partner!"
James: "You are an embarrassment."
Max: "You're the one who lost to a girl. Twice."
James: "That's a moot point because all of us lost to Brianna the winner and Kelly the Mole."
Jo: "Oh yeah, that makes Kelly the Mole."
Brianna: "Shh. Let me speak. Ahem. I am over the moon. This is the best day of my life. When I heard I won, I jumped from my seat."
Brianna: "A long time ago, when there wasn't a Season 10 yet, I lost to an unscrupulous man who manipulated everyone to win. However, this time he's not here so of course I would win. I never doubted myself or my ability to catch the Mole. It all came down to who found the Mole first."
Brianna: "I think Kelly was an amazing Mole and an even more amazing woman. She had to balance being the Mole and doing all her studying as well as worry about her gym. She has crazy mental resilience so I see why she was chosen as the Mole. Also, good job James. We tied in the final quiz so you did give me a run for my money. I'll try not to rub it in your face."
Brianna: "I'm also proud to say that I didn't rely on cheating or any under-the-belt blows to win. I won it fair and square, and did it through a clean game. No lying, no manipulation, nothing. I just had one goal in mind: to win. If you've got it, that's all you need. Otherwise, even the dirtiest of tricks can't help you."
Brianna: "I want to thank the Smole for giving me an opportunity to win and prove myself. It isn't as much as what I could have earned back in Season 6 but I'm not too concerned about it, especially when I was up against someone as strong as Kelly. 581 grand is still a lot of money and I'll be spending the days to come counting it and finding ways to spend."
"Thank you Brianna. There are 581 points in the pot. However, Kelly was suspected 9 times on the quizzes, so you earn 590,000 Simoleons, a nice round number. Congratulations!"
"May we now call upon our Mole this season, Kelly Hoggart!"
Guillermo: "She's good."
Apollo: "I'm better. Why is the focus all on them?"
Katelyn: "Because they won money? Lighten up Apollo. This is a church but we're not at a funeral. They're gonna treat us drinks later...right? Right?"
Kelly: "Hey all. I am the Mole this time. This is so weird and challenging because I came from a season with no Mole. I had nothing to look back on in terms of my season. And then there's an ex-Mole among us who could easily see through me. When I was told of my role I was nervous but I took it anyway because I'm always up for a challenge."
Kelly: "It was so hard to lie and not be able to tell the truth. I'm glad I'm able to tell you everything now. It's a relief. I'm sorry to whoever I fooled. I think all of you are great and played well. Who knows how far I would have made it to if I wasn't the Mole? I didn't have to worry about studying for the quiz as Mole but I still had to worry about lying and hiding stuff and pretending to study for the quiz. It was a stressful period, let me tell you that. I'm glad it's over and it's been an experience. Thanks once again."
"Thank you Kelly. You're the big winner today with 910,000 Simoleons. Good job!"
"Let us now discuss the missions of the season."
Bryan: "I remember this one. It's the only mission I was a part of. I thought it was Guillermo because as someone from the military, I would expect you to have better physical fitness than the rest of us. And while your leg was fine, you didn't give enough time for Kelly to complete her leg in time. I thought it made sense for Kelly to be slow because she's the oldest but Guillermo could have been trying to use that as an excuse to blame her when he himself wasn't pulling his own weight."
Guillermo: "You thought too much."
Bryan: "I see that now. But honestly one mission is hardly enough to determine who's the Mole."
Kelly: "I kept making a reference to the desert run mission in Season 41. Back then I was also slow but I kept at a steady pace and surprised everyone by running further than expected. This made my slow running in this mission more believable."
James: "I want to know how we kept missing high-fives, Jo. I was annoyed by that. We lost so much time because of something as stupid as that."
Jo: "I don't know. I guess we just don't have enough chemistry."
Bloom: "That's one reason why we got Katelyn to suspect you, James. Also because we thought you were faster than that. Even Katelyn and I were faster, although we missed the mark by one minute. That aroused me."
Apollo: "Katelyn arouses you? You're les?"
Bloom: "My suspicion, I mean. Were you thinking of something else?"
Kelly: "I admit that spelling 'eczema' wrongly was on purpose. I wanted to seem eager for the exemption and I didn't want to make myself obvious my wasting points on clues. I only answered them right if clues had already been used so as to earn less points."
James: "Instead, you made Apollo look guilty. I remember for one of the words, you said something along the lines of how you would have answered if you knew they were talking about that word and this was after Apollo and Bloom asked for clues. It made them seem bad for wasting it."
Apollo: "We wouldn't have known she knew. And I was using the clues to try and figure out words."
Bloom: "I noticed Guillermo was being very quiet so I tried to sound him out and then he had the word correct. That made me suspect him even more."
Brianna: "Now that you mention it, he kept quiet throughout, never buzzing in but always scolding us for wasting points on clues. Go big or go home, he said."
Guillermo: "It wasn't easy to be the quickest. James and the rest kept buzzing first."
Kelly: "Oh I was so annoyed by this. The points kept appearing at convenient places, as if it was begging me to take them. If I didn't it would have been weird that I deliberately avoided them."
James: "It was this mission that made me drop you a little as a suspect. Damn."
Jo: "I'm not sure how I managed to end up on the wrong square and disqualify myself."
Guillermo: "I too had this uncontrollable urge to move away from my tile in an attempt to disqualify myself, but I managed to stop myself from doing so."
Max: "I thought it was just me."
Bloom: "James was trying to block off the rest of our routes but ended up cornering himself instead."
James: "You were distracting me."
Bloom: "I was? Tut-tut, James. I expected more resilience from you."
Brianna: "He got an exemption though so it's like he didn't care about the mission or points. I found it funny how everyone rushed towards the first exemption even though James was clearly going to get it. When the bronze exemption came we didn't even make it there."
Kelly: "I had planned to trap myself too but not too early because that would raise suspicion like you said. I managed to do it in the end but I'm pissed I gave you guys 20 points."
Max: "I think Guillermo and I can agree that we avoided the points to get to safety, but Bloom, you were clearly going to lose to me. Why did you then deliberately take the path away from the points?"
Bloom: "Would you believe me if I said it was to fool you?"
Max: "Yes, but now that you're saying it like that I'm guessing it was a derp moment."
Jo: "It was a cute idea to save teddy bears."
Brianna: "I'm so annoyed. I nearly had the exemption badge of the shooter in front but I missed and she had fast reflexes and shot me."
Guillermo: "I think this is where I really began to confirm it was you, Max. We were together and I left to bring the bear out and then I heard you were eliminated."
Max: "It was an accident. I didn't realise there was a shooter in the corner. I was too loud."
Brianna: "I knew it couldn't have been you, Guillermo. You were the hero of the mission, taking down so many shooters."
Guillermo: "But I left one which was aiming at the side door. Although that was because I couldn't hit him from afar and had alerted him to my location."
Apollo: "Engage me guys. I was still here when this mission played, you know."
Kelly: "Thanks for that, Guillermo. I wanted to get shot with a bear so badly but when I was at the parking lot the shooter was just deaf to me. I was trying to get his attention. In the end I had to rely on the one inside to get rid of me. I couldn't hold two bears at a time so I threw one into the dumpster."
James: "So that's where the last bear went..."
Kelly: "Not like you cared. You made it out with your two exemptions and waited it out instead of getting more points."
Jo: "I thought James was amazing then for having a plan and immobilising all the shooters but I can't help but feel now that I was being used as a shield."
Kelly: "I'm surprised nobody ever thought to leave through the parking lot."
James: "You were the only one to have made it that far, but then you ran back in. And that door was guarded by the one shooter Guillermo failed to take down."
Apollo: "Talk about me, guys. I was a hero too."
Kelly: "Uh-huh. So many of you ran past an obvious teddy bear. I made sure to kick a fuss about that. There was another teddy bear that you would have seen after taking out the black exemption shooter but nobody noticed it either."
Kelly: "I didn't expect you guys to let the clueless ones go first. When I saw the songs Apollo and Max had, I decided that I needed to go earlier to try and take away all the easy ones. I made sure to seem unsure of myself to try and make someone correct me into a wrong lyric."
Guillermo: "I wouldn't have thought of that because in the other room you were so adamant about not wasting chances and letting wrong singers be wrong."
Kelly: "I couldn't let wrong singers be right."
Apollo: "I still think I was correct."
James: "I noticed. I ended up using the same method too."
Brianna: "I was debating whether or not to correct you because you said you don't listen to music often and it didn't sound quite correct to me. You were off-beat at one point. And I didn't want to risk being left with a song I had no idea how to sing."
Brianna: "Oh, it definitely was weird that Max was the only one who earned points. And this was him being a foreigner who didn't listen to many English songs."
Max: "There were a few I have heard of, which happened to be in the selection."
Guillermo: "See, I would have thought it was a clue."
Apollo: "I bet the songs are a clue to Kelly because they are old songs and she is OLD."
Brianna: "Still not happy that I was hit by the fireworks."
Guillermo: "Me neither. I transferred my points to you. Lucky I stopped doing that after a while."
Max: "We all wanted to win the points so none of us were willing to transfer it."
Kelly: "I didn't get all my questions correct of course, and I made sure to gather enough points to spend them on protection. Hence I hoped that I wouldn't be the one hit. Good thing it was Brianna too. She had one of the highest amounts."
Max: "James and Guillermo also spent points."
Guillermo: "I was testing you. One of them you should have known because it was about China. I wanted to see if my Mole would sabotage, especially when you kept pressuring the rest to just give a random answer."
Kelly: "James had the bright idea to forgo 180 points for 50 bonus points that wasn't even a guarantee."
James: "It was the only practical option. Nobody was going to self-sabotage for the pot. The best way was to keep one contestant free and keep texting correct facts in hopes of earning 60 or more points in addition."
Kelly: "I thought I was least suspected here because you all chose me to not get talked about. It was as good as handing me the exemption."
James: "We all want the exemption but if we couldn't get it, the next best was the Mole to get it."
Max: "Besides, you really didn't have much to talk about."
Kelly: "It wasn't enough for me to follow the plan though. I wanted to make sure only the bonus points came in at most, so I did my best to keep the rest at bay. I kept targetting Brianna and Max. I believed that you two will target James but that didn't happen. Instead he slipped up and fell behind. If not for that, I think the pot would have been 60 points richer."
James: "It was so apparent in the final mission that you were trying to mismatch. The more you didn't want to be involved in the calculation task, the more I was sure it was for you. I'm sure Brianna caught on too."
Brianna: "I did. The pot was too low. James and I clearly wanted to fill it so in the end we made sure that the first and last contestants were capable of running. We also happened to have advantages."
Kelly: "I knew I couldn't fight against the rest of you so I had to take the calculation task. I made sure to screw up a few and take my time so that you would carry on without me. Unfortunately I was still too fast, or rather the two of you were too slow."
Brianna: "Speak for yourself. Our tasks weren't easy. We made fewer mistakes than you did, even though you brought in the most points, because you also lost the most points. And you were the slowest runner. You were so slow I decided to take over from you once you reached a certain point and complete the journey myself. Good thing I did because we were just on time."
Kelly: "It was an unwinnable fight by then. It's not too bad. You guys desperately needed more money in the pot."
"James and Brianna were the only two to have suspected Kelly. However, more of you could have too if you had paid more attention to the season."
"If you had paid more closely to your surroundings, you would have realised two clues that have been throughout the entire time. The first are the cars. The cars are green and gold which are the national colours of Australia. This points to our resident Australian Kelly."
"The other clue was the university welcome kit at the front of the house. Kelly is currently still in university."
"In Episode 8, aerially the chairs during the execution ceremony were arranged in the shape of the letter 'H' - H for Hoggart."
"In Episode 9, the songs were all by female singers. This is a clue to the Mole's gender. This season's Mole is a woman."
"In Episode 11, the mission was worth 350 points. The sum of all the contestants ages in Season 41 is 350. Kelly was previously from Season 41. Furthermore, each question was worth 5 points. Take the digits of Kelly's first season (41 -- 4 and 1) and add them together to get 5."

"In Episode 13, some of the shots had hidden text if you hover long enough. The first could be found when the exterior of the church was seen. The hidden text says 'This quaint church prides itself on honesty and integrity.'"
"The next hidden text was when the first round started. It says 'the true sinners are those who lie and deceive.' The Mole lies and deceives hence the Mole is a true sinner."
"The third hidden text is when Kelly reached the end. The text is 'I have sinned the most'. Kelly is confessing that she has sinned the most because she is the Mole who has been lying this whole season."
"In Episode 15, for Brianna's task, the author's names were all related to the Hi-5 cast. Every odd-numbered book had the first name of an original Hi-5 member (Nathan, Tim, Charli, Kathleen). Every even-numbered book has the surname of these Hi-5 members (Foley, Harding, Delaney, De Leon). The only one missing from the group was Kellie Hoggart, whose name is very close to Kelly Hoggart."
"Those are the clues. Hopefully you have been enlightened, and I trust the Mole feels better now that she has confessed her sins in this sacred place. Thank you for joining us for another season of the Smole. We hope to see you for another season."
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