The last time on the Smole, the final five had to answer a series of trivia questions quickly before fireworks were set off. Unfortunately Brianna was caught in it and lost her points, but the rest managed to bring in 125/350 points to make the pot 371/1020 points. Guillermo could not find the journal before taking the quiz and he subsequently became the next victim of the Mole. Who is the Mole sabotaging the pot and players? Who will fail to escape the Mole's grasp?
James: "Why are you in here?"
Kelly: "My shower's broken and I don't know how to fix it. I was going to use the bathroom here until I realised that Guillermo did not make his bed before leaving. How inconsiderate."
James: "He could have been in a rush and forgot."
Kelly: "Still no excuse. Why are you in here?"
James: "To clear my name."
Kelly: "Hey, what's that behind the bed?"
Kelly: "It looks like a book."
James: "If the journal was behind the bed all along..."
Kelly: "It does look like a journal. Could it be Guillermo's?"
James: "And he blamed me for him losing his journal."
Kelly: "Who blamed you? Guillermo?"
James: "It doesn't matter any more. He won't be needing this and when he rewatches the season at home he can crawl into a hole in shame when he reaches this episode."
Kelly: "Maybe you should clear the air with the rest. Especially Max. Guillermo must have told him you took his journal."
James: "There's no point explaining. Worse still, if I show up with his journal Max will definitely think I took it."
Kelly: "So what are you going to do?"
James: "I'll put it back where I found it."
Brianna: "Last night James got a bit drunk. He started opening up."
Brianna: "He showed me a picture of a woman and talked about his regrets and how much he missed her. Was he her lover?"
Brianna: "There are some things you can never fix and some mistakes you have no choice but to keep on making...that must have been his guilt talking. At least he has a conscience, but it's too late. Guillermo has been executed."

Contestants will go to the Church Of No Sins for their next mission. Churches are where believers come to pray and cleanse their souls. It is here they reveal their sins and beg for forgiveness. However, the contestants will sin as they reveal the secrets of their fellow contestants. They must be factually correct and cannot be anything found in their application forms.
They each start from a different starting point equal distances away from the centre. Each round they will move forward by 3 steps. However, before each round contestants can secretly text a lesser-known fact about another contestant (or themselves) to an unknown saved number in their phone. The contestant texted about will not move in the next round, but if the fact was found to be false, the contestant who texted that fact will end up the furthest from the centre while the contestant texted about will move 4 squares forward. The one who reaches the centre first will earn the final exemption.
To earn 60 points, contestants must be a maximum of three steps away from the centre when the mission ends. 50 bonus points will be earned if at least one contestant was an open book and was not mentioned in any text throughout. This mission is worth 180 points.
James: "If we want points we are going to have to never talk about a contestant. That's the only feasible way to earn something."
Kelly: "Agreed. Who has the least to talk about?"
Brianna: "Do you have a religion?"
Max: "I'm Taoist most mostly in name."
Max: "It sure is small and different from temples."
Kelly: "They have pictures of all the founders and great contributors."
Brianna: "They are trying to guilt trip us into not saying anything."
James: "Let's get this mission on the road."
"Round 1. James, move three steps forward. Kelly, move three steps forward."
"Brianna, move three steps forward."
"Max, stay put. Someone talked about you behind your back."
Max: "Who did that?"
"Brianna, return to starting point."
Brianna: "Why?"
"Max, move four steps forward. Someone has given an incorrect statement about you."
Max: "It must be Brianna."
Brianna: "Should I text? I don't want to end up stuck here."
Max: "Brianna's already playing it hard. Maybe I should do the same, but I don't know what to say."
James: "Hmm..."
Kelly: "I'll do it. Brianna wants to quit her job."
"Round 2. James, Kelly, Max, move three steps forward."
"Brianna, stay put. Someone talked about you behind your back."
Brianna: "Grr. Who is it?"
Brianna: "Is it Kelly? She was my roommate for the longest time. She would know the most about me."
"Round 3. Everyone, move three steps forward."
"Round 4. Everyone move three steps forward."
Kelly: "I want to stop Max from advancing but I don't know what to say about him. Brianna said something and she was wrong."
Max: "I have no need to sabotage anyone right now because I'm in the lead."
James: "Max subscribes more to Western values than Eastern values."
Brianna: "Max learned ballet...nah. I don't know if that is true for certain."
"Round 5. Max, stay put. Someone has talked about you behind your back. The rest of you, move three steps forward."
Max: "Who is it? Be a man and own up. Don't be a girl...unless you are a girl."
Brianna: "Max is leading by bounds."
Max: "I'm a big target because of my lead. Should I do it?"
James: "I can do it again. Max prefers team sports."
Kelly: "So far so good. Haven't been attacked yet, but why do I get this feeling they will turn on me?"
"Round 6. Everyone but Max, move three steps forward. Max, someone has talked about you behind your back."
Max: "Oh come on."
"Max, move four steps forward. Someone made an incorrect statement about you."
Max: "I wonder who."
"James, retreat to this tile."
Kelly: "It was James!"
"Round 7. Everyone but Max, move three steps forward."
Kelly: "I hope I don't get sent backwards."
"Max, stay put. Someone has talked about you behind your back."
Max: "That's it? Damn, whoever it was was correct."
Brianna: "Someone needs to take Kelly down. She's too close to the end and we're too far."
Max: "Someone will talk about Kelly. I'll talk about Brianna. Brianna likes to read the Harry Potter series."
Kelly: "I have a bad feeling someone will try and stop me from ending the mission. I need to do something about it."
James: "I'm too far behind. I need to catch up."
James: "We agreed not to talk about Kelly because she would have the least to talk about. It was hopeless to expect that nobody would do anything to prevent anyone else from getting the exemption. That was seen in the very first round when Brianna texted about Max. Hence, the best we could hope for was the 50 bonus points. I kept my part of the deal. I hoped the rest honoured it too."
"Round 8. James, move 3 steps forward."
"Brianna, stay put. Someone has talked about you behind your back."
Brianna: "What the hell did I do? I'm so far behind."
"Brianna, move 4 steps forward. Someone made an incorrect statement about you."
Brianna: "Ha!"
"Max, retreat to this tile."
Brianna: "Serves you right. It's called karma."
"Kelly, move 2 steps forward."
Kelly: "I reached the end. I can't believe I actually have the exemption."
"Kelly has reached the centre and gets a normal exemption. The mission is over. None of you are within three steps of her, so no points have been earned from there. However, as Kelly was not talked about once, 50 bonus points have been earned. The pot now has 421/1200 points. It is time to reflect on your actions and everything that has happened because soon you will take your final quiz."
Kelly has received the exemption so she will be in the finale. Who will join her? Who will be executed at last?
A summary of each round:
Round 1:
Brianna said Max owns a pet dog. [INCORRECT]
Round 2:
Kelly said that Brianna wants to quit her job. [CORRECT]
Round 3:
Nobody said anything.
Round 4:
Nobody said anything.
Round 5:
James said that Max subscribes more to Western values than Eastern values. [CORRECT]
Brianna said that Max is Taoist in name. [CORRECT]
Round 6:
James said that Max prefers team sports. [INCORRECT]
Kelly said that winning the Olympics is Max's dream. [CORRECT]
Brianna said that Max read a dictionary to learn Simlish. [CORRECT]
Round 7:
Kelly said that Max is willing to forget everything if it meant he could achieve his desires of making it to the Olympics. [CORRECT]
Round 8:
Max said that Brianna likes to read the Harry Potter series. [INCORRECT]
Kelly said that Max has been bullied in school. [CORRECT]
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