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Yes, I know it's low-quality editing. Idiot me forgot to save each of them separately so I had to resort to layman tricks. But hey, let's pretend it's a deliberate style. |
Last time on the Smole, the contestants finally found out what were in the boxes in the first mission. Tyler got the box with 100 points, earning 100/150 points in the first mission. The ones who did not receive exemptions were Edgar, Hailey, Maria, Edith and Sanjay, of which Sanjay was executed with a time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Why was he executed? Who did he think the Mole was? Who is the real Mole?
Tyler: "Honestly I am so bad at this game. I thought Sanjay was the most likely to be the Mole. I should have known not to trust my first instincts. They are never right. Fortunately I suspect everyone and made a ranking list. It would be so foolish for me to trust anyone. With an actual execution, the game is really on."
Megan: "Magnus, I survived the first execution. I had an exemption but it wasn't even earned by me. I'm the only one who hasn't gone through the execution ceremony. I don't know what it feels like. Some say it's scary, some say it's not so bad. From what I heard, anyway. I didn't dare ask anyone. Oh Magnus, I need you. I can't play the game without you."
Sandra: "The triple execution didn't occur. That means it's going to occur at any time and we won't know when. I'm always so lucky. That's how I got onto this show in the first place. I decided to try my luck. I wonder when they would have the triple execution take place. It's like I set a ticking bomb over everyone's head."
Megan: "Don't be scared Megan. You can do it. Just go out there and talk to others. That's the only way to play the game."
Megan: "Deep breaths...okay, you can do this."
Sierra: "What in the world are you doing?"
Megan: "Erm...me? I...haha, I'm...erm..."
Megan: "...just helping to clean up! Doing my part for the Earth, you know? Conserving water...mmm...as good as new...haha...blech."
Sierra: "Verrückter."
Sierra: "Who made this?"
Svetlana: "It was Sanjay's parting gift. We have something to remember him by."
Sierra: "Would you really remember the food he made ten days later?"
Sierra: "I'll sample his cooking skills."
Sierra: "..."
Sierra: "Blegh!"
Sierra: "It's downright trash!"
Sierra: "Who did he make this for? Dogs?"
Sandra: "Hey! He's not here, but you don't have to be so rude about it. Personally I like it. I had a second serving."
Sierra: "Your taste buds must be broken."
Sandra: "Be grateful that someone made us dinner. What's so bad about it?"
Sierra: "Did you really ask that? It is too mushy. He added too much water the macaroni is drowning in it. The cheese is not of premium quality and he added too much of it, ruining the texture a good bowl should have."
Sandra: "Okay, at least you know your stuff."
Svetlana: "Why not you make one for us then, Miss Sanford #2?"
Sierra: "I will. Just watch."
Edith: "Thomas..."
Tyler: "Are you talking to me?"
Edith: "Who else am I talking to? A wall? I'm not insane. How dare you insinuate that!"
Tyler: "I didn't. I just didn't realise you were talking to me because my name's not Thomas."
Edith: "Are you saying I'm wrong? Are you correcting me? I don't give a rat's ass about what your name is. Get out of my way! Are you trying to make me starve?"
Tyler: "Sorry. I was deep in thought. I'll be on my way."
Edith: "You're not going anywhere without an apology."
Tyler: "You're looking for me again?"
Edith: "I need to teach you some manners."
Edith: "First of all, cut your hair. It looks like a bird's nest."
Tyler: "But..."
Edith: "Did you just say 'but'? DID YOU JUST SAY 'BUT'? You foul-mouthed, insolent piece of scum!"
Tyler: "What?"
Edgar: "Watch where you're swinging that, granny."
Tyler: "Edith..."
Edith: "Who taught you manners? Which nursery did you come from? How dare you address your elders by their first name?"
Tyler: "Sorry. Mrs. Wickham, I think you need to calm down."
Edith: "Are you telling me what to do? Don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs."
Tyler: "I'm not..."
Edith: "When I was helping my old man in the Cod War, you weren't even born yet. Come to think of it, let me take a closer look at you..."
Edith: "Are you even of legal age to be a part of this show?"
Tyler: "Yes? I'm 24, ma'am."
Edith: "Pfft, like real. Do you take me for a three-year-old? This show is disgusting. It accepts just about anybody."
Edgar: "I'm not sure how anyone can stand Edith. Who invited the granny over anyway? I came here for a good time and to make friends, not to deal with an old lady's shit day in, day out. Nobody likes Edith."
Edith: "Wake up, girl! The sun is already out. Don't be a lazy bum."
Edith: "You too!"
Svetlana: "Hmm? Oh, good morning Ed...Mrs. Wickham."
Edith: "Oh my goodness...what are you wearing?"
Svetlana: "...Nothing?"
Edith: "Damn right it's nothing!"
Svetlana: "It's cooler if I sleep like this at night. Besides, I'm not trying to seduce any men."
Edith: "So you're trying to seduce a woman? God help me and Megan. We are unsafe here."
Edith: "You are a morally wounded woman, Ms. Partridge, and I think you need thorough cleansing."
Hailey: "I'm so lonely. It's like nobody likes me. Nobody is talking to me."
Peggy: "Hi Hailey. Enjoying the weather?"
Hailey: "I always enjoy the weather."
Peggy: "The pool's nice and refreshing. Come and join."
Hailey: "I want to be left alone."
Peggy: "Are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?"
Hailey: "Fine, I'll join. It looks like fun!"
Hailey: "Wee!"
Peggy: "Hey, you splashed me!"
Hailey: "Oi!"
Hailey: "How dare you attack me?"
Hailey: "Revenge!"
Peggy: "Excuse me? You were the one who splashed me first."
Hailey: "Aah! Help! Peggy is bullying me!"
Peggy: "What? No I'm not."
Peggy: "Hailey is...a bit much. She's so tiring to talk to but only because she's so hard to keep up with. I don't know if it's because I'm old. Earlier today I encouraged Hailey to take a dip in the pool because she looked upset. Suddenly her face lit up and she joined me and had fun but she jumped in without warning, getting some water into my nose. I told her off lightly, and then she changed at the flip of a hat and started going ballistic on me."
Ulrich: "Being successful has its benefits everywhere. Everyone looks up to you and doesn't dare to say anything to your face. You also get invitations to various exclusive functions. Like the Smole. For the next mission, we needed ten politicians and four art appraisers who were good with faces. I was quickly invited to join the political group."
Barnacle Bay has a long history of governance, employing different forms of governance at different periods of time. At one point in time communism was rife; at another democracy ruled. The earliest records show that there was semblance of a patriarchy.
Legends say that when more and more settled to Barnacle Bay, the residents tried to set up a cabinet system. Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of...disagreements (to put it mildly) regarding the new governing system. At one point in time, they adopted what greatly resembles Germany's current parliamentary system. In fact, there were two opposing parties, led by two Sims whose descendants still remain today: the Inkbeards and the Goldbeards. While this system no longer exists, it remains an interesting point of contention and development in Barnacle's Bay history.
Ten contestants will get to govern in this mission. In the spirit of "Secret Hitler", contestants will be split into two groups. The Goldbeard party was founded more on liberal ideas, whereas the Inkbeard party had values that resembled fascist beliefs more. Six contestants will be part of the Goldbeard party whereas four will be part of the Inkbeard party. Not only that, but one of these four will be Barnacle Bay's then-biggest menace: Blackbeard Neckbeard. Simply put, the goal to earn points is for the Goldbeard party to successfully re-enact five liberal policies. However, if the goal is to get an exemption, there are two paths: enact six fascist policies, or enact three but elect Blackbeard Neckbeard as Ruler (Germans may be more familiar with the term Chancellor).
The other four contestants will get to help. They will be exploring a different part of Barnacle Bay's rich history. While Barnacle Bay is most populated by pirates, many overlook the fact that many artists chose to settle here too. Paintings of famous political leaders are hung around Goldbeard Galleon Gallery. Four contestants will have to answer questions about political leaders by identifying the correct leader's painting. Doing so will give the parliament more liberal policies to enact. However, wrong answers will lead to more fascist policies instead.
Every round (or term), one random contestant is chosen as the candidate to be governor. This candidate will then pick someone to be the ruler. The rest then vote on whether they approve of this leadership.
"The first term begins. Henry is the candidate. Henry, who do you want to be ruler for this term?"
Henry: "Hmm, so many good choices, but I think I'll pick Louis. He's my lucky star."
"Everyone else, please vote if you approve of this leadership or not. We'll go round the table."
Peggy: "I approve."
Edith: "Politics always intrigues me. I approve."
Ulrich: "I approve."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Sandra: "I do not approve."
Svetlana: "I approve."
Maria: "I approve."
Benedict: "I approve."
More than half agree on this proposed leadership. Henry and Louis are elected. Henry will go to the policy room and take three random policies.
Henry: "A fascist policy, a liberal policy and a fascist policy."
Henry must reject one of the policies and then wordlessly pass on the other two policies for Louis the ruler to pick one.
Louis: "A fascist policy and a liberal policy. There must be some incentive to pick the fascist policy, otherwise it would be so obvious which party we are from."
Peggy: "What policy did you enact?"
Louis: "Every district will be ruled by one sub-governor. It's a fascist policy."
Henry: "All Goldbeards were secretly informed that whoever successfully assassinates Blackbeard Neckbeard will get a hidden exemption. Unfortunately we don't know who he is, but the Inkbeards do. Funny thing is, Mr-slash-Ms. Neckbeard doesn't know who's on his-slash-her side. And we can't assassinate unless we have 4 fascist policies."
"The term is over. Thanks to the implementation of a fascist policy, the next governor can find out the party of another member. The new candidate is Edith. Edith, pick a ruler. It cannot be yourself, nor can it be the outgoing ruler Louis."
Edith: "Darn you. I'll go with Mr. Ulrich Zimmer. I trust you aren't a Tory? Pardon me, I forget we're not in the UK."
Hailey: "I approve."
Sandra: "I approve."
Svetlana: "I approve."
Maria: "I do not approve."
Benedict: "I do not approve."
Henry: "I approve."
Louis: "I do not approve."
Peggy: "I do not approve."
Edith: "Traitors! This is a weak government."
"Edith, you did not get a majority vote. You have failed the election. Note that three failed elections in a row would constitute an emergency situation, forcing a random policy to be enacted. The candidacy is now passed to your right to Ulrich. Ulrich, choose your ruler."
Edith: "I picked you so you better pick me, you ingrate."
Ulrich: "I'm deeply sorry Ms. Wickham but the parliament has spoken. I cannot choose you as ruler or I would fail another election. I pick Sandra. She seems like a good choice."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Svetlana: "I approve."
Maria: "I approve."
Benedict: "I do not approve."
Henry: "I approve."
Louis: "I approve."
Peggy: "I do not approve."
Edith: "I approve. But only because I trust Mr. Zimmer."
"Ulrich and Sandra are your new leaders. Ulrich, please head to the policy room."
"Ulrich, as governor, you can find out which party another contestant is in. Who do you choose to investigate?"
Ulrich: "Louis and Henry were the first leaders and they immediately chose a fascist policy. Henry has the most control over what to give to Louis. I would like to investigate Henry."
"Henry is a member of the Goldbeard party."
"Ulrich, please take three random policies and then discard one."
Ulrich: "I have one fascist policy and two liberal policies. It would be a good idea to test Sandra to see where she lies."
Sandra: "A fascist and a liberal policy. Hmm..."
"The term is over. Sandra has enacted a liberal policy. Women now get the right to education."
Sierra: "We have to look for the leader who was involved in brinkmanship during the Cold War."
Megan: "I thought all we needed was artistic abilities and good facial recognition skills. I didn't know we had to have history knowledge too."
Edgar: "I wasn't a book nerd. Is this the guy?"
Megan: "I wanted to steer away from politics. It's like I can't avoid it."
Tyler: "I'm going upstairs."
Megan: "Over here, there are many portraits here."
Megan: "History is an important part of school for us in Germany. I know the answer is Ronald Reagan."
Edgar: "It's a good thing we have you on our side."
Sierra: "It is. These men are too recent to have been in the Cold War."
Tyler: "There are so many paintings here. I wonder which one it is."
Sierra: "We should be looking for old pictures."
Edgar: "Like this one?"
Sierra: "It appears so."
Edgar: "You're the history expert. Is it this one?"
Sierra: "I'm not too certain but it can't be the rest."
Tyler: "I took another look. There are only two other black-and-white photos. None of them look like Reagan or Gorbachev."
Sierra: "Then this is our final answer."
Edgar: "How are you guys so smart?"
Edgar: "Behind the painting is a policy. We must deliver it to the others at the city hall."
Tyler: "Where's Megan?"
Edgar: "Said she went to the toilet. Haven't seen her since."
Tyler: "Hmm...that's weird."
Sierra: "I will go check on her. Tyler, bring the policy to the rest."
Tyler: "Er...I can't drive."
Sierra: "Do not joke with me."
Edgar: "You're already 24!"
Tyler: "Yeah...I don't have a license. Never got around to it."
Sierra: "Do I have to do everything around here?"
Edgar: "I'll go. You guys work on the next question."
Sierra: "Where is Megan? She better not be slacking."
Sierra: "Megan, I know you are in there. What is taking so long?"
Megan: "Sorry, I had...erm...erm...poop issues."
Megan: "Alright Megan, you have to go out and face the world eventually."
Megan: "Whaddup."
Sierra: "We already solved one question and you did not help at all."
Megan: "Sorry..."
Sierra: "Were you crying in there?"
Megan: "No?"
Megan: "I'm fine. Let's go and get that next question."
Sierra: "Don't drag the rest of us down."
Sierra: "Did she actually get a breakdown in there? This is only the second mission. Some of us just aren't cut out for this."
Edgar: "I'm here. Time to put the policy on the shelf and get out."
Louis: "I approve."
Peggy: "I approve."
Edith: "I approve."
Ulrich: "I do not approve."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Sandra: "I approve."
Svetlana: "I approve."
Benedict: "I approve."
"Henry is your new governor and Maria is your new ruler. Please head inside the policy room."
Henry: "Liberal, liberal and...oh, liberal. Another win for Team Goldbeard."
"Maria has enacted the following liberal policy: a progressive tax system."
"The term is over. Svetlana, you are the next candidate."
Svetlana: "Yay. I'm going with Sandra as ruler. She helped to get a liberal policy."
Maria: "I approve."
Benedict: "I approve."
Henry: "I do not approve."
Louis: "I approve."
Peggy: "I approve."
Edith: "I do not approve."
Ulrich: "I approve."
Hailey: "I approve."
"Svetlana, Sandra, you are the new leaders. Please head inside the policy room."
Svetlana: "Damn, all three are fascist policies. They're going to think I'm in the Inkbeard Party."
Sandra: "What is Svetlana trying to do? Both are fascist policies."
Sandra: "I have enacted the following policy: Neckbeard Inkbeard gets sole power over the legislative, executive and judicial wings of governance."
Henry: "What are you doing? That sounds very fascist."
Sandra: "It is. Svetlana gave me two fascist policies."
Svetlana: "All three were fascist, I swear. I had bad luck."
Ulrich: "I find that hard to believe."
Hailey: "Ladies and gentlemen, our first traitor and Inkbeard. Complete with a pirate's hat."
"The term is over. The next governor will get to investigate which party another contestant is from. Peggy, you are the next candidate."
Peggy: "We need to figure out which party everyone is in and most importantly who Neckbeard Inkbeard is so that he or she doesn't become ruler by accident. We are dangerously close to giving away exemptions. With that said, I'll go with Benedict as ruler."
Edith: "I approve."
Ulrich: "I do not approve."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Sandra: "I do not approve."
Svetlana: "I do not approve. It is too dangerous to test."
Maria: "I approve."
Henry: "I approve."
Louis: "I do not approve."
"That is one failed election. The candidacy is now passed to Edith."
Edith: "It is me again. I would go with Mr. Chamberlain but he picked a fascist policy so I won't take my chances. I will pick Mr. Ulrich Zimmer again."
Edgar: "The deliveryman is back! Again."
Sierra: "Excellent. I was about to go out myself."
Sierra: "I had the answer the moment you left. I know my Chancellor and my country well enough. Take this policy. It must be the right one."
Tyler: "Megan..."
Megan: "Yes, that's my name. Erm...yeah? Do you...want something from me?"
Tyler: "I was just wondering if you know the answer to our next question. The quote "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others" is attributed to this leader."
Megan: "I don't know...erm...I'll leave it to you guys."
Tyler: "Okay then..."
Tyler: "I'll just go upstairs and see if I can find the right guy."
Tyler: "Who's this guy?"
Sierra: "You don't recognise Winston Churchill?"
Tyler: "Winston Churchill? I think he did say something about democracy. He's our best bet."
Sierra: "Let us wait for Edgar to return."
Edith: "What? You lot don't know the first thing about running a government! How dare every single one of you reject my proposal! Now we have two failed elections in a row. Do you want to see this mission fail?"
Hailey: "No, just you."
Edith: "You! Who are your parents? Which school did you come from?"
Ulrich: "It would be wise to keep quiet, Hailey. As candidate, I would pick Maria as the ruler. She brought in a liberal policy."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Sandra: "I approve. I think we can trust Ulrich and Maria."
Svetlana: "I do not approve. Henry said he drew 3 liberal policies. This had nothing to do with Maria."
Benedict: "I approve."
Henry: "I approve. I may have been the reason why Maria chose a liberal policy but I think she'll do the same again. Otherwise it's so obvious she's an Inkbeard."
Louis: "I do not approve."
Peggy: "I do not approve."
Edith: "I approve. I trust Mr. Zimmer."
"The election has failed for a third time in a row. The following fascist policy has been drawn: the Goldbeard party is now limited to 6 seats in parliament, regardless of parliament size."
"A new term has started. Edith is the candidate."
Edith: "Production favours me. They insist that I be governor. I insist that Ulrich Zimmer be the ruler."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Sandra: "I do not approve. Your insistence is suspicious."
Svetlana: "I approve."
Maria: "I approve."
Benedict: "I do not approve. Sorry Edith."
Henry: "I approve. We can't keep having a failed election."
Louis: "I approve."
Peggy: "I approve. We'll see how this goes."
"Edith, Ulrich, please enter the policy room."
Edith: "They finally sobered up and made the right choice. Which three shall I pick? Ah, this one, this one and this one. Oh dear, all three are fascist. This is preposterous. The probabilities must be rigged."
Ulrich: "Rejecting Edith looks like the right plan. Edith cannot be trusted."
Ulrich: "I am sorry my friends. Edith left me with no choice. I had two fascist policies so I chose to enact the one that forces everyone in Barnacle Bay to learn a Germanic language or be deported."
Edith: "Are you blaming me now? Don't be a rascal. I pushed for you to be ruler and this is how you repay me?"
Louis: "Ulrich cannot be trusted then? And neither can Edith or Svetlana. I think we have the Inkbeard party."
Henry: "But then who's the Neckbeard?"
"The new term begins. Edith had the power to pick the next candidate. Louis, you are the candidate. Pick a ruler."
Louis: "I am definitely not choosing Edith or Ulrich. Edith must be Inkbeard and knows Ulrich is Blackbeard Neckbeard. She's picking me to throw everyone off."
Sandra: "On the contrary, you also drew a fascist policy. Henry gave you two options and you chose to pick the bad one."
Louis: "Was it bad? It gave Ulrich the power to find out a party affiliation. Now we know Henry is a Goldbeard. She didn't want to pick Henry."
Edith: "Shut your trap, Chamberlain. You are a weasel. I picked you and you attack my integrity!"
Henry: "Woah, chill out guys. I think we should just let Louis pick who he thinks the ruler should be."
Louis: "Henry's the obvious choice. It has to be Henry. No more testing waters. We're too close to losing."
Peggy: "I approve."
Edith: "I do not approve. I made a mistake choosing Louis."
Ulrich: "I approve."
Hailey: "I do not approve."
Sandra: "I approve. Henry will make the right decision."
Svetlana: "I do not approve. I cannot confirm Louis's role but if he's accusing me of being fascist then he must be the actual fascist."
Maria: "I do not approve."
Benedict: "I do not approve."
"The leadership has been rejected. Candidacy has been passed to Peggy."
Peggy: "Henry is in the clear. I pick Henry."
Edith: "Approved."
Ulrich: "I approve."
Hailey: "I approve. This is dragging on for too long."
Sandra: "I do not approve."
Svetlana: "I approve."
Maria: "I do not approve."
Benedict: "I approve."
Louis: "I approve."
"Peggy, Henry, the two of you are the governor and ruler. Please enter the policy room."
Louis: "Sandra, I noticed that you like to go against me. Why in the world did you not approve?"
Sandra: "The only one we can trust is Henry. I will only approve when he is governor and he picks someone trustworthy. We had three failed elections at a crucial time when we could figure out another identity. Maria disapproved too."
Maria: "I disapproved for the same reason as you."
"Peggy, four fascist policies have been enacted. As such, you must kill off another contestant before your term ends."
Peggy: "Oh. Can I pick the policies first? What? This is so rigged. 3 fascist policies again?"
Tyler: "I thought the smaller group would be in a position of control but I was mistaken. I should have joined the other group. The Mole is more likely to be in there. The four of us are doing too well. After Churchill, we managed to get Boris Johnson and Peter Robinson."
Tyler: "The only communist leader here is...nobody. I don't see Chairman Mao anywhere."
Sierra: "He must be Chinese or at least Asian. There are two."
Tyler: "The one below is Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan. I actually have no idea who this guy is. I'm not as fantastic with faces as I thought."
Sierra: "Let us go with this one then. I was hoping your knowledge of Asia would help but you left me disappointed."
Tyler: "I never was a history buff. I was more interested in their language and culture. I can speak Asian languages."
Sierra: "Oh? Say something."
Tyler: "Selamat pagi. Nama saya Tyler Jackson. 我今年二十四岁。Ik ben de mol."
Sierra: "The last one wasn't Asian. Are you trying to fool me?"
Tyler: "No, I just wanted to say that I know a little Dutch too. I think Scandinavian countries are the best place to live in."
Edgar: "Hey guys. There you are."
Sierra: "Good. Take this policy back to them."
Edgar: "Give me a break. I had enough running around."
Sierra: "Weak."
Tyler: "I'll go with you. You can wait in the car. I'll deliver the policy."
"The policy enacted was: 40% of the revenue earned from farming must go to Blackbeard Neckbeard. Only one more fascist policy left to the Inkbeard Party winning."
Sandra: "It's clear that it's Peggy's fault."
Peggy: "I finally understand how Svetlana feels. She's not from the Inkbeard party. I also ended up taking 3 fascist policies."
Sandra: "What a coincidence."
"Before the term ends, Peggy as governor had to silence someone, removing that contestant from the mission. Peggy, who did you silence?"
Peggy: "Sorry Mrs. Wickham. Nobody trusts you. There's no point in keeping you around."
Edith: "Betrayed! I will remember this. Mark my words!"
"Edith, are you Blackbeard Neckbeard?"
Edith: "For God's sake, no! That's a ridiculous name."
"We have now come to the eighth term. Edith has been silenced but Blackbeard Neckbeard is still among you. Svetlana, you are the candidate. Who do you pick as ruler?"
Svetlana: "Henry of course."
Maria: "I approve. But when will it be my turn?"
Benedict: "I do not approve."
Louis: "I approve."
Peggy: "I approve."
Ulrich: "I do not approve."
Hailey: "I approve."
Sandra: "I know what I said earlier but I choose to approve this one because if Svetlana was part of the Inkbeard party, she wouldn't pick Henry when they're so close to winning."
"Svetlana and Henry, please enter the policy room."
Svetlana: "3 more fascist policies. Shit. Game over. Well played."
Hailey: "Guys, I just had a thought! Ulrich, you didn't lie about Henry to protect him, did you?"
Sandra: "...Shit. I didn't think about that."
Benedict: "He's out! Henry, give it to us."
Henry: "Guys, I had two policies and I chose the first one. Both are fascist."
"The last policy to go through is: everyone who sees an Inkbeard party member must bow down and kiss their feet or otherwise be sentenced to life in jail. 6 fascist policies have been enacted. No points have been earned. However, there are three Inkbeard Party members who get an exemption for the successful tenures. They are..."
"...Louis Chamberlain..."
"...Ulrich Zimmer..."
"...and Benedict Foreman."
Henry: "No way! You are an Inkbeard?"
Benedict: "I sure am. Sorry I had to fool you. But I was never picked anyway."
"Who is the formidable Blackbeard Neckbeard?"
Maria: "It is me. It was so stressful and I tried to figure out who I can trust. I was fooled by you guys."
Tyler: "Historical events related to this leader: WWII, Northern Expedition, February 28 Massacre, White Terror. The massacre sounds like a very Chinese or Taiwanese thing."
Sierra: "But we have already eliminated the Chinese man. Don't tell me we were wrong."
"The mission is over. 0 points have been earned."
0/100 points have been earned, making the pot 100/250 points. Four contestants have exemptions yet again. Who will be executed next?
Term 1:
Henry candidate
He picks Louis to be ruler
Louis picks fascist policy
Term 2:
Edith candidate
She picks Ulrich to be ruler
Ulrich candidate
He picks Sandra to be ruler
Sandra picks liberal policy
Term 3:
Henry candidate
He picked Maria to be ruler
Maria picks liberal policy
Term 4:
Svetlana candidate
She picks Sandra to be ruler.
Sandra picks fascist policy
Term 5:
Peggy candidate
She picks Benedict to be ruler
Edith candidate
She picks Ulrich to be ruler
Ulrich candidate
He picks Maria to be ruler
Fascist policy enacted
Term 6:
Edith candidate
She picks Ulrich to be ruler
Ulrich picks fascist policy
Term 7:
Louis candidate
He picks Henry to be ruler
Peggy candidate
She picks Henry to be ruler
Henry picks fascist policy
Edith silenced
Term 8:
Svetlana candidate
She picks Henry to be ruler
Henry picks fascist policy
Art: Sierra, Edgar, Megan, Tyler
Politics: Ulrich, Louis, Sandra, Peggy, Edith, Maria, Henry, Hailey, Benedict, Svetlana
Goldbeard Party (liberal): Edith, Sandra, Hailey, Svetlana, Henry, Peggy
Inkbeard Party (fascist): Maria (NECKBEARD), Benedict, Louis, Ulrich
Shinzo Abe - youngest post-war minister in the country
Peter Robinson - led a group of loyalists into a village and attacked the police service
Mark Rutte - the 50th Prime Minister of this country
Angela Merkel - practised open door policy regarding the refugee crisis in 2015
Bento Mussolini - one of the 3 Axis leaders in WWII
Mikhail Gorbachev - involved in brinkmanship in the Cold War
Winston Churchill - the quote "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others" is attributed to this leader
Fidel Castro - the only communist leader here
Boris Johnson - Richard Goulding and Will Barton acted as this leader
Chiang Kai-Shek - historical events related to this leader: WWII, Northern Expedition, February 28 Massacre, White Terror
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