Tuesday, 2 July 2019

45.10-Call me a banana

The contestants showed how little they know about songs with the previous mission. Only Max earned money thanks to untimely meddling from Guillermo and Brianna, so the 20 points added to the pot makes it currently 246/670 points. No exemptions were given out which surprised the group but it also means anyone could be executed...except the Mole. Who is the Mole?

Apollo: "You suck. All of you suck. If you didn't correct Kelly we would have more points."
Guillermo: "I always heard it like that."

Apollo: "Use your brain. Or has it rotted in the army? Your lyrics didn't even fit the rhythm."

Guillermo: "You're testing my patience right now."


Kelly: "James, the sink in your bathroom has been broken for a few days. Are you guys not going to do anything about it?"

James: "I don't know who broke it. I'm trying to find out who and make him responsible."

Kelly: "It's wasting a lot of water."
James: "It''s not your water bills. f you're so concerned about it why not you fix it for me?"

Kelly: "I came on this show to play, just like everyone else. I did not sign up to do your housework."

James: "...Fair enough. I'll go fix it then."
Kelly: "I want to watch you do it."

Kelly: "If you knew how to fix the si k why didn't you do it earlier?"
James: "This is somebody else's mess. Why should I clean it up for them?"

Kelly: "There's no need to be so calculating. We all live under one roof."
James: "Correction. We are staying under one roof. There is a difference."

Kelly: "If you can't let go of the little things there is no way you can accomplish big things."

James: "Correction. I already have."
Kelly: "Ugh, let's talk about something else instead. When did you learn to repair sinks?"

James: "I had to do everything myself when I was younger. I'm tired of that life. I'm not going back to those days."
Kelly: "Then let go of the past."

James: "What makes you think I haven't already?"

Kelly: "You're scared of reliving your past. If you did really let go you wouldn't keep dwelling on it and bringing it up."

Kelly: "There is something holding you back. You should just be honest with yourself, James."

James: "Done."

James: "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a bath. My clothes are wet from fixing the leaky faucet."


James: "Last season I said I wouldn't show any emotion on TV, and yet I still did. Bottling it up and keeping to yourself doesn't seem to work so to prevent an accidental outburst, I have been visiting this place to vent more frequently. Kelly's words keep ringing in my ear. I always believe I had made the right decisions but am I being honest with myself? I pretend that my guardian's death had no impact on me but the truth is that it still hurts to think she's gone, and I didn't provide a good life for her. I even left her on her own as she breathed her last. Everything I've been doing has been to avoid repeating my mistakes but I notice myself slipping back into my old self. I don't want history to repeat itself. That's why I refuse to let myself get close to anyone. Nobody needs to get hurt that way."



Brianna: "I'm so glad we're not working together any more. You slack and watch so much TV instead of getting work done."

Apollo: "Shut up and read your storybook. In case you didn't know, I didn't want you."
Brianna: "It's called a journal. Ever heard of it?"

Max: "There's no need to fight."
Brianna: "I don't understand how losers like him survive."
Apollo: "It's because I'm not a loser!"

Max: "Some just want attention. Don't give it to them."
Brianna: "I never saw you as a peacemaker."
Max: "A lot said I changed. They call me a banana now. Yellow on the outside white on the inside."

Brianna: "That's so racist. Ignore them."
Max: "It's hard to walk the talk. They're all loved ones or my coach, or teammates."

Brianna: "They're just xenophobic and close-minded. China thinks its so superior and makes all the best decisions and thinks everyone else is inferior."

Max: "How can you say that about my country? I love my country. I love them. They just need time getting used to a different way of thinking."
Brianna: "I guess so. Would never have expected that to come out of you though."
Max: "Was I really that bad in the past?"

Brianna: "Self-absorbed and hyper competitive? Yeah, I heard."
Apollo: "Can you guys stop talking? I'll read my journal if it means you stop blabbing like sheep."
Brianna: "Please don't. I want you to lose."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Who was the Mole in this Mole's previous season?
A: Matthew Hamming
B: Angelica Gerria
C: Skye Lowe
D: Angie Reese
E: Gladys Delmeer-Gomez and Maggie Noodles
F: Nobody 

Q3: Who shares a bed with the Mole?
A: James Christian Sol
B: Guillermo Ichtaca
C: Kelly Hoggart
D: Brianna McWinner
E: Nobody

Q4: In Mission 5, which car did the Mole ride?
A: Green car
B: Gold car

Q5: Did the Mole drive in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 5, in which order was the Mole initially supposed to sing?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: Fourth
E: Fifth
F: Sixth

Q7: Did the Mole sing in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 5, which song did the Mole sing?
A: My Heart Will Go On
B: Stronger
C: Umbrella
D: I Will Survive
E: The Mole did not sing

Q9: Who did the Mole correct in Mission 5?
A: Kelly Hoggart
B: James Christian Sol
C: The Mole did not correct anyone

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Apollo Bloom
B: Brianna McWinner
C: Guillermo Ichtaca
D: Zhao Qun
E: James Christian Sol
F: Kelly Hoggart


"Contestants, you have gone through four executions with exemptions. This will be your fifth execution, yet the first with no exemption in play. Without any aid, who will fall to the Mole?"

"Guillermo Ichtaca."
Guillermo: "I feel like I'm taking a risk. I hope I don't lose."

"You are safe."

"Zhao Qun."
Max: "I did it once, I can do it again."

"You are safe."

"Kelly Hoggart."
Kelly: "Present! Oh, sorry, I'm quite jumpy today."

"You are safe."

"James Christian Sol."
James: "Hmm."

"You are safe."

"Brianna McWinner, Apollo Bloom, one of you will be executed tonight. Who will it be?"
Brianna: "I really should have saved my exemption for today."
Apollo: "That bitch beside me better be leaving. I don't deserve to go home."

"Apollo Bloom."
Apollo: "I can't bear to look."

"Apollo Bloom, you are executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Brianna: "YES!"
Apollo: "NO!"
Guillermo: "He was a prick. We don't welcome selfish brats so I would say he got his just deserts."
Max: "Huh...I guess I really suck at this game."

Apollo: "Where are you guys going? I haven't even said my speech yet!"
Kelly: "We aren't interested."

Apollo: "There must be some mistake. This can't be true. I can't be leaving. I am the best player you've got. You can't afford to lose me in this show!"

"Apollo, where are you going?"
Guillermo: "Someone needs to take him down a notch."
James: "Drama ensues."

Apollo: "This laptop must be broken. It didn't register my answers correctly."

Apollo: "You useless piece of trash."

Apollo: "Die, you idiotic non-living thing!"

Apollo: "YOU SUCK!"

Apollo: "You caused me to lose!"
"Apollo, please leave or we will call security. You will also need to pay for damages."

Apollo: "You can't do this to me. I'm not executed. I QUIT!"
"You can't quit after you've been executed, Apollo, but we still thank you for joining nonetheless."

Apollo cannot accept the fact that he's been executed but for the rest, his execution is a welcome one. The contestants have passed the halfway mark and only a few more executions stand in their way of retaining their former glory. Who will survive all the executions a second time? Who is the Mole?

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