Monday, 22 July 2019

46.02-Hook, line and sinker

In the first episode of the Smole, the contestants had to fish for boxes, unaware of what they caught. Edith and Megan were the only two to fail to get anything, but that didn't stop the group from keeping what they had when offered a chance to exchange everything for 150 points. Did they make the right choice? Who got an exemption? How many points did they earn? Who will be executed first?


Peggy: "That's just lovely. It seems as though everyone hates each other already, and it's only been one day. I think the choice was clear to keep what we had and I think the Mole would vote along that path too. Why take the risk and go against the group? What I felt was weird was Megan changing her vote. Megan and Edith both failed to get a box too and were the only two to do so. See? I'm using my brains. I'm confident I have what it takes to make it far, despite what my neighbours say."


Svetlana: "I'm disappointed in the house if I have to be honest. Not that it's bad. It's beautiful and modern, but in a place like Barnacle Bay, I would have liked to live on a ship or even out on the beach in a tent. I was so hyped up for it, I even bought a pirate hat just to fit in with the season. Oh well. At least I won't have to worry about hypothermia."


Megan: "This is so stressful. There are no curtains or places to hide. I need a safe space."


Louis: "You're an electrician? You sure don't look the part."

Henry: "I'm not lying about my job. I really am a full-time electrician. I just happened to get a big break and am now rolling in cash. Why should I suffer when I can afford the luxury?"
Louis: "Wait, I think I recognise you. Aren't you an actor?"

Henry: "No, I'm not. Not full-time anyway. I was lucky enough to be spotted on the streets by a director one day. He said I fit the role of the lead for his new movie The Sane But Poor European. It ended up being a big hit and the rest, as they say, is history."

Louis: "You are really lucky."
Henry: "Yeah, I am. I'll let you in on my success secret. I bought tissue paper. The one that uses tulip pulp and is touted to grant wishes."
Louis: "Miracle Wipe? I make those tissues."
Henry: "You do? It's just my day. I'm honoured to meet the man in question. If not for your tissue paper I would not have become rich."


Henry: "I cannot believe it. My luck seems to get better and better. First, I starred in a movie. Then I met the man who led to my success. Louis Chamberlain makes Miracle Wipe, everybody! The brand where your wishes come true. It sounds like rubbish but it's really true. I witnessed it happen first-hand. And appearing on the Smole is another wish of mine. I decided to buy tissue paper the day before I submitted my application and here I am."


Edith: "I shall sleep in this room. I like the flowers."
Svetlana: "You like flowers?"
Edith: "Yes. My favourite type is the tulip...wait, who's that?"

Edith: "Young lady, don't you know it is unforgivably rude to talk to someone without facing them? Where are your manners? Did your parents die teaching them?"
Svetlana: "There's no need to bring my parents into this."

Edith: "There absolutely is a need. The youth delinquency rate is on the rise and that is because of irresponsible parents who don't know how to raise their children to be upstanding citizens. Back in my day adults knew how to be adults and society wasn't so soft. How else did we pull through all the tough times?"

Edith: "Back in my day the citizens knew how to dress too. What is with that hideous hat?"
Svetlana: "It's a pirate hat. I bought it because we were in Barnacle Bay."

Svetlana: "I thought it would be fun to dress up as a pirate."
Edith: "That is not how you dress, young lady! You might as well go naked than wear that."
Svetlana: "It's not that serious."


Edith: "I have an issue with the way the women dress in this house. Where did they learn fashion? From the dumpster? Svetlana...what a horrible name. Her parents must have been drunk...anywho, that pirate girl thinks she's a pirate and I think she needs to be admitted into a psychiatric ward. And she's not the worst out of them. Women like Megan show off so much skin. They must be sluts, trying to seduce the men in here. One more thing. Why are there so many darned stairs? Are you trying to cause me to break my bones? Do you want me to trip over a step? I'll probably die of exhaustion just trying to get to my bed and out of it."


Tyler: "They even have a mini art gallery in here."
Peggy: "This is a very big house, though there are many unnecessary things. It must be hard to clean."

Tyler: "Why is there a sleeping bag in the corner?"
Peggy: "There are some missing beds in this house. I think this is where the last three sleep."
Tyler: "You can't be serious...where are the rest then?"

Peggy: "This has got to be the most pathetic room."
Tyler: "I guess at least we're surrounded by art. Bunk beds aren't bad too. At least you won't have to share with a stranger."


Maria: "They have a home gym. Just what I need."

Benedict: "Just what I need too."

Maria: "You say you are 40? That's unbelievable. You look so young."
Benedict: "That's what exercise does to you."
Maria: "Does your wife get jealous?"

Benedict: "I don't have a wife. I'm still wading in the dating scene. Are you married?"

Maria: "Yes I am. I love my husband. Don't think about it."
Benedict: "I'm just pulling your leg. That was a good workout. I'm going to see if they have some milk. Hopefully they have some Dutch Lady."

Maria: "What's that?"

Benedict: "It's a type of milk. I bought it when I was travelling to Malaysia once and it became my favourite."
Maria: "I personally like low-fat skimmed milk."


Megan: "This is a really talented house."
Hailey: "I'll say."
Megan: "Did I say that out loud? Oops."

Edgar: "I like shapes~"

Sierra: "Keep it down. Some of us actually want to study."

Hailey: "Uh-oh. She's coming."
Megan: "I...I have to go."

Sierra: "Did you not hear me? I said to stop playing!"
Edgar: "Hey!"

Edgar: "That's my guitar!"

Sierra: "If I hear any more strumming for the rest of the day I'll smash your guitar into smithereens."
Edgar: "Okay, okay, I'll stop. Just give it back."

Edgar: "I'm used to girls fawning over me. Why do the women here hate me so much?"
Sierra: "Not everyone is here to impress you. Get used to the real life."

Edgar: "Someone has anger management issues."

Edgar: "Err....err...I have issues. That's what I said. Let's just put the topic aside now."
Sierra: "You definitely do. Self-awareness is the first step to rehabilitation."


Sanjay: "This is a very global cast. I am from India, Sierra is German, Ulrich is from Sweden and Maria is from the Philippines. I respect foreigners because they work the hardest and don't take things for granted."


Sanjay: "Mmm..."

Sanjay: "It smells exactly like it did in uni."

Sanjay: "I'm surprised I still have it in me."


It is time for the first quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 24
B: 25
C: 26
D: 27
E: 28
F: 29
G: 30
H: 31
I: 32
J: 33
K: 40
L: 41
M: 43
N: 46
O: 64

Q3: How tall is the Mole?
A: 197cm
B: 185cm
C: 180cm
D: 177cm
E: 175cm
F: 172cm
G: 171cm
H: 170cm
I: 169cm
J: 168cm
K: 166cm
L: 163cm
M: 162cm
N: 155cm

Q4: Which adjective was used to describe the Mole?
A: Relaxed
B: Popular
C: Aggressive
D: Unpredictable
E: Generous
F: Devious
G: Efficient
H: Quiet
I: Smart
J: Rebellious
K: Hardworking
L: Snobby
M: Fun
N: Thinking
O: Calculated

Q5: In Mission 1, where did the Mole fish?
A: Olde Pillager's Pond
B: Ophelia's Fishing Hole

Q6: Did the Mole get a box in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole get a box?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
J: 12th
M: 13th
N: The Mole did not get a box

Q8: In Mission 1, did the Mole vote to exchange the boxes for points?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: Did the Mole catch a fish in Mission 1?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tyler Jackson
B: Sandra Rius
C: Sierra Das Auto
D: Peggy Vox
E: Henry Goulding
F: Benedict Foreman
G: Edgar Ellin
H: Hailey Charleston
I: Maria Gonzalez
J: Ulrich Zimmer
K: Megan Opus
L: Louis Chamberlain
M: Edith Wickham
N: Svetlana Partridge
O: Sanjay Vikram


Sandra: "Wish us good luck."

Ulrich: "Both of us might make it through."
Sandra: "Yes, but it is far more tense when it's two at a time. Chances are we won't go home because we're called first though."

"Sandra Rius, Ulrich Zimmer, welcome to your first execution ceremony. This execution ceremony is different from the rest you have seen. Two contestants will be called at any time and one contestant's fate will be revealed at a time. Are you feeling nervous?"
Sandra: "Yes, to be honest."
Ulrich: "I'm not worried. We did get a lot of boxes."

"Indeed. Your boxes are in front of you. Ulrich, please open your box."

"Ulrich, what is in your box?"
Ulrich: "An exemption for myself."

"Ulrich, congratulations. You managed to get your own exemption so you are automatically through. Your time on the quiz was 1 minute and 30 seconds."

Sandra: "What? He was really lucky. And for a first-time fisherman too."

"Ulrich, please call Henry. Sandra, please remain where you are."
Sandra: "The odds are too low for me to be going home. I can't be standing here the entire time."

Henry: "How exciting."

"Sandra, please open your box."

Sandra: "Oh my...oh my gosh...."
"Sandra, what is in your box?"

Sandra: "A message. I have just triggered a triple execution."

Henry: "What the fuck? Gee, thanks Sandra."


Henry: "I was standing right next to Sandra when she opened her box, and she revealed that she triggered a triple execution. She immediately upped the tension. Three of us were going home now, instead of one. That means it was a 50% chance of leaving if you didn't have the exemption. Maybe we should have exchanged the boxes instead. Mighty suspicious of Sandra to have conveniently picked up that box."


"Sandra, you now know the contents of your box. It does not guarantee you safety in this round. Therefore, Sandra Rius..."

" are safe. You took 2 minutes and 29 seconds on the quiz."
Sandra: "Phew."
"Please call Svetlana Partridge."

"Henry Goulding, please open your box."

Henry: "Nice."

Henry: "I have Megan's exemption. I saved you, Megan."

"Megan is exempted but you are not. Henry Goulding..."

" are safe. Your time was 1 minute and 24 seconds."

"Louis Chamberlain, please open the box in front of you."
Svetlana: "What about me?"

"Louis, what is in your box?"
Louis: "It contains an exemption..."

Louis: "...for myself."
"Louis, you are safe. Your time was 1 minute and 33 seconds. Please call Peggy Vox."

Peggy: "This is so nerve-wracking."
Svetlana: "I'll say. I thought my name was going to be called but instead Louis went first. This isn't a good omen."

"Svetlana Partridge..."
Svetlana: "Here!"
"...Don't touch that box yet. Peggy Vox, please open your box."

Peggy: "Sandra's exemption. Not that she needed it now that she knows she's safe."

"Peggy Vox, you saved Sandra Rius, giving her a chance to see a green light. For you, Peggy Vox..."

" are safe as well. Your time on the quiz was 2 minutes and 11 seconds."

"Tyler Jackson, please step in front of the box."

"Svetlana Partridge, please open the box."
Svetlana: "At last."

"Svetlana, what is in your box?"

Svetlana: "Huh?"

Svetlana: "I have the empty box. No wonder it felt so light and easy to reel in."
"Svetlana Partridge, you are..."

Svetlana: "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"You took 2 minutes and 32 seconds on the quiz."

"Maria Gonzalez, please open your box."

Maria: "Oh."

Maria: "Congratulations Tyler. Your exemption is right here with me."

"Tyler, you are safe. You have taken 2 minutes and 15 seconds on the quiz."
Tyler: "Oh..."

"Tyler, please open your box."
Tyler: "I have 100 points."


Tyler: "I'm actually not that happy I got the points, and the larger amount at that. Sure, we have money, but this doesn't help in making me look suspicious, which I know is integral in the Smole. I've been put at a disadvantage."


"Maria Gonzalez, it is time to know your fate. Your time was 53 seconds. Was that enough to save you? You are..."


Maria: "Hmm."

"Sierra Das Auto, Benedict Foreman, please open your boxes."

"Please reveal what are in your boxes."

Benedict: "Treasure for Sierra. Sierra, your exemption is in my hands."

Sierra: "I have Svetlana's exemption."

"Sierra Das Auto, thanks to Benedict, you are safe. You took 3 minutes and 2 seconds on the quiz, while he took 2 minutes and 25 seconds. However, Benedict Foreman..."

" are also safe."
Benedict: "Nice one."

"Edgar Ellin, please open your box."

Edgar: "This is Henry's exemption."

"Edgar Ellin, you are..."

" The time taken to complete your quiz was 2 minutes and 12 seconds. Please call Edith Wickham out."

Hailey: "Took you forever."
Edith: "Youths nowadays lack patience. You try being 60 with weak limbs."

"Hailey Charleston, please open your box."
Edith: "And you are going to keep me waiting even longer?"

Hailey: "Keep on waiting."

Hailey: "Oh my god!"

Hailey: "I have a message in mine. 'Everyone this season has been chosen for a reason. All of you share a common point, except for the Mole. Work together to find out the link and you would be able to figure out the Mole's identity.' This is huge!"

"Hailey Charleston, are you safe?"
Hailey: "I hope so. I just had a big game-changing clue."

"Hailey, you are safe. Your time was 2 minutes and 27 seconds."
Hailey: "Oh my god my knees are so weak."
Edith: "I don't need the mockery. Or maybe it just means you'll die an earlier death than I."

Edith: "Are you as old as me? Why did you take forever to come?"
Sanjay: "What do you mean? I came immediately."

Edith: "Also, why is there a box in front of me? I sure didn't get any boxes. Production is so incompetent. If they can screw up something as simple as this they'll just give the Mole's identity away one day."

"Sanjay, open your box."

"Does it contain an exemption for yourself?"
Sanjay: "No..."

"Does it contain an exemption for Edith?"
Edith: "Well? Don't keep me in suspense? What are you waiting for? My death?"

Sanjay: "No. It contains an exemption for Benedict."
Edith: "Benedict! What use is that? Those muscles of his are squishing his noggin'. That's why he needs an exemption to save himself."

"Edith, the box in front of you is there for a reason. That box contains your exemption. Unfortunately, nobody got this box."
Edith: "Useless fools. Don't even know how to use a hook, line and sinker."

"Edith Wickham. Your time was 3 minutes and 29 seconds. Edith Wickham..."

" are safe."

"Sanjay Vikram, you are the last one remaining. Your time was 2 minutes and 40 seconds."

"Sanjay, you are the first to be executed. Thank you for joining."


Sanjay: "We should get to know each other better since we are here. I am Sanjay Vikram. I come from India and work as a software engineer."
Sierra: "Why are you talking to me?"


Sanjay: "Oh, I feel something."


Sanjay: "I tried my best. Did I take too long on the quiz? I had to think about some answers. I wanted to try and get a good score but I must have taken too long. I have brought shame on myself and my family."

Sanjay has been executed shamefully. Did the exemptions cost him his placing, or was it perhaps his time?

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