Wednesday, 31 July 2019

46.06-A foot in both sides

In the previous episode the contestants went to a silent disco party spread across two beaches. Every round two contestants would try to sort the group into the songs but only Tyler, Sandra, Peggy and Ulrich succeeded, leading to 40/120 points in the pot. The pot only has 140/470 points. Is it thanks to the Mole or the Mole's little helpers?

Benedict: "I'm winning!"
Hailey: "No you're not!"
Benedict: "Aw shoot. Good game. Play another round?"

Benedict: "I'm surprised Maria can actually focus on her studying with us playing."

Hailey: "Hey, I have an idea."

Benedict: "What are you going to do?"
Hailey: "You'll see."

Benedict: "Oh...I think I know what you're up to."

Hailey: "BOO! Boo! Hello? Boo? It's like I'm invisible. She's no fun."


Sierra: "Are all your wieners this small?"

Tyler: "What the hell? Sierra, I didn't think you were that kind of woman."

Sierra: "What are you talking about?"
Tyler: "Your euphemism."

Sierra: "It's too early for nonsense."

Sierra: "The crust is too thin, the fluff is not perfect..."

Sierra: "And there's a slight burn! How dare whoever serve this just leave it here!"
Peggy: "Don't be such a picky eater."
Sierra: "Did you just call me a picky eater? I have high standards, just so you know. Restaurants are eager to have me review their food because they trust my judgement. Plebians like you won't understand. I could serve you literal trash and you'll still eat it."

Tyler: "You sound like Edith."


Edith: "Stop yelling so early in the morning. Are you having a mass woohoo party? Why are all of you not dressed? Are you trying to seduce the whole world watching this?"
Peggy: "There are some battles we shouldn't pick. Don't let anyone get to you, Sierra."

Sierra: "I know. I don't need you to tell me."

Tyler: "Sorry Sierra. I didn't mean it that way."
Peggy: "And you should watch your mouth next time. The last thing we want is a Sierra vs. Edith match."


Peggy: "Edith hates my guts and I strongly dislike her too but there are some battles that aren't worth fighting. Fighting with Edith is one such example. I'm only going to be here for a couple of weeks and let's be serious. There is no way Edith will ever win the Smole so all we have to do is survive while we silently bide our time until she leaves."


Svetlana: "Shall we form a coalition?"
Sandra: "Why me though?"

Svetlana: "Because you're smart. And I trust you."
Sandra: "I wouldn't trust anyone in this game."

Svetlana: "Yeah I know, but I distrust you less than some others here. And you're easier to work with. I think we hit it off. I would love for both of us to get into the finale."
Sandra: "Thanks for the offer but I already have a coalition with Louis and Peggy, my roommates. Maybe you'll have better luck with someone else."


Sandra: "Svetlana approached me to form a coalition but I already had one. I had to be honest with her. 9 years ago I may have agreed because leading a double life and having a foot in both sides sounds exciting, but now I know it's not the life for me. Some of you must be wondering about my tattoo of an eagle. It's a teenage mistake. I kind of regret it but at the same time appreciate it. I use it as a reminder to be an upstanding citizen no matter what, just like my Dad wanted me to be."


Edgar: "Megan, are you in here?"

Edgar: "You know I can see you, right?"

Megan: "Gasp! Erm...give me a moment...erm...I was just...I...erm...why did they make transparent doors?"

Edgar: "Can I come in? I want to discuss something with you."

Megan: "No! I...I...I...erm...I'll come out."

Edgar: "What were you doing in there?"
Megan: "Erm..."

Edgar: "Hey, it's cool if you don't want to tell me. I'm fine with that. I came to talk to you about collaborating."
Megan: "You...erm...want to talk with me?"

Edgar: "Yeah, a music collab. You're a songwriter. I have this tune stuck in my head and I want to get it out. Think you can help?"

Megan: "Erm...I have only worked with my brother Magnus."
Edgar: "Oh, Magnus Opus! I heard of him. He was that classical composer who had that one-hit song, right? So you're the genius behind the lyrics."
Megan: "I wouldn't..."

Edgar: "Let me play it out. I'm sure you can come up with something."

Megan: "Oh, it's not bad."

Edgar: "Yeah? You got something already?"

Megan: "I do, but...shouldn't you, erm, be discussing this with your agent first?"
Edgar: "Oh, I'm my own agent."

Megan: "You are? You're so talented. I don't think I'll ever be able to handle the PR aspect. That's why I always work behind the scenes. I let Magnus tell his agent how I want the song to be produced and licensed."

Megan: "Give me a few days. I'll pen something."


Edith: "Ms. Charleston, did you figure out the Mole based on that clue?"
Hailey: "What? How did you know about that clue? Who told you?"

Edith: "Are you senile? I was there when you opened your box."
Hailey: "Oh right. Let's keep this to ourselves. We don't want too many finding out the Mole is too quickly."

Edith: "Don't you even dare think about hiding the information all for yourself, young miss. I will let the whole world know about this clue if I have to."

Hailey: "Yikes! What is with the attitude?"

Hailey: "I was thinking of sharing what I know with you but now that you threatened me, I'm not going to tell you a single thing."

Edith: "A woman ought to learn not to be so feisty. Did you grow up without a mother? Your mother must have given up on that temperament of yours and left you."
Hailey: "You did not go there."

Hailey: "You just pissed me off."
Edith: "Your command of the language is also extremely poor."

Hailey: "Stop insulting me!"

Hailey: "What...DID YOU JUST SLAP ME?"

Hailey: "I did. Someone needs to teach you a lesson. Just because you're old doesn't make you above everyone else."


Edith: "I have never been so humiliated or angry in my life! The audacity of Ms. Charleston to slap me. TO SLAP ME! Where are her manners? Were they eaten by a dog? I have never met such a disagreeable Sim in my life! I thought Peggy was bad. Ms. Charleston is a spoiled millennial who thinks she's entitled to everything and can't stand the slightest bit of criticism."


Louis: "Benedict, you were looking for me?"
Benedict: "Louis, hey! You can call me Ben, you know."

Benedict: "Henry told me about your tissue. Do they actually work?"
Louis: "They do but I think it's better to experience it for yourself."

Benedict: "Do you have some? I know you must've brought some here. I want to buy a packet from you."
Louis: "Oh? What do you wish for?"
Benedict: "This sounds silly but...I'm looking for a partner. Someone who knows how to have fun like me."

Benedict: "You'll keep this a secret, right? If word gets out it'll be so embarrassing."
Louis: "Understood. My lips are sealed."

Louis: "However you must know that they come at a price."

Benedict: "It's just tissue. How expensive can it get?"
Louis: "The price you pay isn't always monetary. Even I don't know what the price is for a wish come true."

Benedict: "We can discuss the deets when it actually works."
Louis: "Don't say I didn't warn you."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear a skirt, dress or pants every day?
A: Skirt
B: Dress
C: Pants

Q3: What is the Mole's skin tone?
A: Fair
B: Tanned
C: Dark

Q4: In Mission 3, did the Mole direct the other contestants?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 3, in which round did the Mole direct the other contestants?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: Fourth
E: Fifth
F: Last
G: The Mole only danced in the mission

Q6: In Mission 3, which song is the Mole's favourite to dance to?
A: Roar
B: How Do I Live
C: Rather Be
D: Happy
E: How Deep Is Your Love
F: Party Rock Anthem
G: Into The Sunset
H: Shake It Off
I: Treasure
J: U Make Me Wanna
K: Come Together
L: I Gotta Feeling
M: None of the above

Q7: In Mission 3, which song did the Mole hear?
A: Treasure
B: How Deep Is Your Love
C: None of the above

Q8: In Mission 3, who was the Mole with in sorting the other contestants?
A: Edith Wickham
B: Megan Opus
C: Tyler Jackson
D: Sandra Rius
E: Hailey Charleston
F: Sierra Das Auto
G: Svetlana Partridge
H: Louis Chamberlain
I: Ulrich Zimmer
J: Peggy Vox
K: Maria Gonzalez
L: Edgar Ellin
M: The Mole did not sort anyone

Q9: Did the Mole's pair earn points when sorting the other contestants in Mission 3?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not sort

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tyler Jackson
B: Sandra Rius
C: Sierra Das Auto
D: Peggy Vox
E: Benedict Foreman
F: Edgar Ellin
G: Hailey Charleston
H: Maria Gonzalez
I: Ulrich Zimmer
J: Megan Opus
K: Louis Chamberlain
L: Edith Wickham
M: Svetlana Partridge


"Contestants, Hailey and Megan will kick-start the next execution ceremony."

"Hailey Charleston, with a time of 2 minutes and 37 seconds, you are..."

Hailey: "Oh good. I was so worried for a second that I was going to faint."

"Louis Chamberlain, yoour time was 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Megan, you were 6 seconds faster than Louis. Will either of you be executed?"

"Megan Opus..."

" have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Megan: "Oh no!"


Megan: "This is impossible."
Edith: "Aren't you a musician or whatever? Unless you slept your way to get into the industry."
Megan: "No! I...I..."


Megan: " are right...erm...Svetlana....hi, it's Megan. Erm...erm...erm...go back please. Okthanksbye."


Sandra: "Edith, Megan and Peggy don't know how to dance."
Tyler: "Can't really blame them. It's awkward, even more so if there are onlookers who think you're crazy. Glad to get out of the party."


Megan: "It's erm...somewhat of a relief, if I'm being honest. It's so scary being around so many other Sims and I don't know any of them. I think Magnus will be disappointed in me. Erm...good luck. Not that the rest need it. But if some of them do then the luck is for them...erm...bye."
"Thank you for joining, Megan."

The first woman has been executed. Which one of them lied to her? Which one of them is the Mole?

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