Monday, 14 May 2018


The last time on the Smole, the contestants had to sit in cars and race to be the first few to reach the finish line. However, there were fewer cars than contestants, leading contestants to play musical chairs as they rushed to get a car. In the end, Flora, Olesya, Regina and Duncan were the final four that made it, earning themselves an exemption. Flora was worth 25 points, Olesya was worth 9 points, Regina was worth 20 points and Duncan was worth 10 points, so 64/145 points were earned and the pot now has 176/525 points. The chances of the rest leaving have been upped significantly with four exempted, but among the rest, who will be the one to leave?

Jerome: "Sabrina was really pissed when I got in her way. I don't think she's the one. Elvin had the most points but he didn't seem eager enough to hop on Venice's car. Oh, I was worth 1 point."

Carol: "Why are you telling me all this?"

Jerome: "Because I want to trust you. So I shall."

Carol: "You're so sweet, Jerome. I have to be honest with you: I was worth 0 points."

Jerome: "0? Nothing at all?"
Carol: "Zilch."

Jerome: "Could've fooled me there."
Carol: "We all wanted the exemption. I quite regret stopping to eat now. But I'm the top suspect on everyone's list. Don't you suspect me?"

Jerome: "No, of course not! I swear you were not in my top 5."
Carol: "Then you're such a fool. A loveable, adorkable fool."

Jerome: "Loveable?"

Reynard: "You're quite well-built for a nerd, even though you're really skinny."

Ray: "I hit the gym. I do it just enough to ensure my health and form are in good condition, which would increase my lifespan and healthspan in the long term."
Clifford: "It's nice to see that everyone keeps fit here. Or almost everyone."

Ray: "Exercise has also been shown to improve our mood."
Reynard: "Okay, we get it, specky."
Clifford: "Hey now, that's rude."
Reynard: "I was joking."
Clifford: "There are some things we shouldn't joke about, especially if it at the expense of others or touches on race, religion or skin colour."


Venice: "Hey Sheldon, want to play truth or dare?"
Sheldon: "It is okay. The only game I will be playing is the Smole."

Anne: "What a snob. Even I am here."
Marc: "Brittany and Sheldon are so withdrawn."
Elvin: "Ew, a spider dropped on my head."
Sabrina: "Let us carry on. Anne, truth or dare?"
Anne: "Truth."

Sabrina: "Hmm...why did you join the Smole?"
Olesya: "Lame." 
Anne: "I didn't want to, actually."
Olesya: "What?"
Sabrina: "What? How could you not want to join the Smole?"
Anne: "I think it's childish, and there is no win solution for anyone."
Sabrina: "How are you still here?"
Anne: "I do my homeork, even if I don't like it. I have studied the various strategies used by both contestants and Moles."

Sabrina: "I meant, why didn't you quit? Give others like Trent and Christina a chance?"
Anne: "Don't be naive. Like my quitting will affect their fate. Satisfied?"

Venice: "Sure, whatever. Who's next?"
Olesya: "Me. Marc, truth or dare?"
Marc: "Dare."

Ray: "You always pick dare. Do you have something to hide?"
Marc: "I know some of you here will try and use this to get information out of me. Like say, how many points I was worth in the previous mission. I'm not dumb."

Olesya: "I dare you to dance on the rooftop in nothing but a towel."

Marc: "Eh..."

Sabrina: "Scared? You can always pick truth."
Olesya: "Too late for that."
Marc: "I've ridden on a horse naked before. What's there to be afraid of?"

Olesya: "That's the spirit."

Ray: "You owe us three dares now."
Elvin: "There is no need to be so calculative."
Marc: "I'll do it. Don't worry."

Anne: "Elvin, truth or dare?"
Elvin: "Truth."

Anne: "Who are you willing to kill your wife for?"
Ray: "That is a very deep, philosophical question."

Elvin: "My son. I would kill every single one of you here if I had to."

Anne: "I sincerely hope you're joking."
Venice: "Me too."

Elvin: "Sorry. Did I creep you all out?"

Marc: "A little. Now my turn. Venice, truth or dare?"
Venice: "I revealed my tragic lonely past. I also talked about my time as a tour guide in Venice. I think it is time for a dare."
Marc: "Now we're talking. I dare you to kiss anyone in this circle."

Venice: "I can do it now."

Anne: "OI! What the hell do you think you are doing? You disgusting fellow."

Venice: "It's just a dare."
Anne: "You are gross and disgusting. I'm not playing any more."

Duncan: "Hmm, your writing is very technical, but it lacks a certain soul, a voice. I'm a literary agent for publishing company tPot, the Publishers of Tomorrow. We seek the visceral. We want somehung that moves us. Thank you for showing me what you have written though."
Regina: "It is a pleasure of mine to have an expert critique my work."


Clifford: "I would like to get to know you a little better, Brittany. How's being a plastic surgeon like?"

Brittany: "It has and ups and downs."

Ray: "Your succinct yet curt answers, added to your overall reservations, does not make you look very innocent. You would be one of the more suspected contestants if you keep this up."

Brittany: "And maybe that is what I want."


It is time for the second quiz of the season.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's relationship status?
A: Married
B: Single
C: Dating
D: Divorced
E: Widowed

Q3: Is the Mole fair, tanned, or dark-skinned?
A: Fair
B: Tanned
C: Dark

Q4: In Mission 2, which car did the Mole take at the factory?
A: First car
B: Second car
C: Third car
D: Fourth car
E: The Mole failed to get in a car

Q5: In Mission 2, in which order did the Mole reach the factory?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th
N: 14th
O: 15th
P: 16th
Q: The Mole did not make it to the factory

Q6: In Mission 2, which car did the Mole take at the Shopping District?
A: First car
B: Second car
C: the Mole failed to get in a car
D: The Mole had been eliminated before reaching the location

Q7: In Mission 2, did the Mole ever drive?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: Where was the furthest the Mole made it to in Mission 2?
A: City Hall
B: The White House Subway Station
C: Shopping District
D: The Glass Pillar
E: C-Ment Shoe Factory
F: The Mole did not make it to any of the abovementioned locations

Q9: In Mission 2, how many points was the Mole worth?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
H: 7
I: 8
J: 9
K: 10
L: 15
M: 20
N: 25
O: 30
P: 40
Q: 50

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Anne Elizabethian
B: Brittany Power
C: Carol Losantos
D: Clifford Sanchez
E: Duncan Lilly
F: Eileen Adorra
G: Elvin Benavidez
H: Flora Flowerina
I: Jerome Losanji
J: Lexi Washington
K: Marc Kopolo
L: Olesya Rickson
M: Ray Beyan
N: Regina Natalia Seix
O: Reynard Connors
P: Sabrina Vandegroot
Q: Sheldon Gaius Devinche
R: Venice Venezuela


It is time for the execution ceremony. These four will be the first ones to know their fate, other than the four already exempted.

Lexi: "Good."

Eileen: "Whew."

Jerome: "I'm not out..."

Anne: "Hmph. This just goes to show that effort pays off."

Brittany: "I'm safe."

Carol: "Phew."

Clifford: "Green. That's good to see."

Reynard: "Oh my...I'm not executed!"

Venice: "Took long enough."

Sheldon: "Good, good."

Sabrina: "Oh boy. I would hate to leave now."

Sabrina: "Oh yes! I'm safe!"

Elvin: "I'm not executed..."

Marc: "Ah shucks."

Ray: "At least I tried."

"Marc Kopolo, Ray Beyan, unfortunately you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Marc: "It's such a pity. I was having fun. But oh well. Good luck to the rest."
Ray: "Indeed. I thought it was you, but now I have 100% confirmation it's not."

The fit nerd and the youthful 40-year-old have been executed. Who will be next? Will double executions be a norm this season?

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