Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to try and get to various places by car (which was in far limited supply). In the end, Flora, Olesya, Regina and Duncan managed to get the last car to the end, so they earned an exemption. 64/145 points were earned in the process to make the pot 176/525 points. Ray and Marc were the ones to be executed. Will two more be executed from now on? Or just one? And who will be immune from executions?
Cliff: "What are you doing?"
Sabrina: "Going downstairs to eat my bento."
Cliff: "In that?"
Sabrina: "Got a problem? You're wearing nothing but red undies too."
Cliff: "Because I'm going to soak in the hot tub. But if you're sure."
Cliff: "This is the life."
Clifford: "There are so many of us this season. While this gives more of us the chance to win, only one will end up doing so, so it's really a cruel process. I really am saddened when one of us gets executed. Although it's only been a short while since we got here, I feel close to all of them, and we enjoy the hotel's facilities and each other's company together. Ultimately, it's a game though, so I know better than to be dragged down by this. Just pick yourself up and carry on."
Venice: "Watching the trash go down is actually quite mesmerising."
Olesya: "Here comes the weirdo."
Eileen: "Who?"
Olesya: "Sheldon."
Eileen: "Everyone is different in their own way. It's not very nice to call others weird. For all we know, others find us weird too. That's what makes us unique and quirky."
Olesya: "Oh spare me. Surely you like some more than others, and hate some more than others. To judge is human."
Eileen: "Well yes. That's why we have friends and enemies. But we can also respect those who are not our friends. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. So let's just agree to disagree."
Sheldon: "Yuck!"
Sheldon: "Too sour."
For their next mission, contestants will have to split themselves into two groups. One group will go around town harvesting fruit and vegetables for the other half to make autumn salad with. 30 plates of autumn salad need to be made within one hour to earn 20 points. For every additional 5 plates made within the time limit, 2 bonus points will be added to the pot. However, for every 5 ingredients wasted and unused at the end of the hour, 2 points will be deducted from the pot.
Olesya: "Some of us wanted to be harvesters while some of us wanted to be the chefs. To me, making autumn salad sounds boring, so I chose to harvest. That sounds more fun and where the action is at. There were those that weren't interested in either, so they just randomly picked."
Reynard: "Mirror, check. Can we go now, Queen Lexi?"
Lexi: "Save the sarcasm. Let's go to the science lab. You said there were many plants there?"
Reynard: "If my own workplace is anything to go by."
Sabrina: "I honestly don't have you pegged as a scientist."
Reynard: "I was very insistent on being in the group that made autumn salad, but everyone else felt that my 'talents' were better used if I ran around harvesting produce. No! I want to cook. But I couldn't win so I was put in the other group. Whatever. Don't expect me to help then."
Venice: "In the previous mission, I came across this apartment complex with a garden. I think we can take some produce from there."
Clifford: "Are you sure? That's not our garden."
Olesya: "It's a community garden. So anyone can take from it."
Regina: "Why are we taking the subway station again?"
Duncan: "Because, dear Regina, we don't know the way around Bellum City."
Duncan: "The subway station has a map. The grocery store was close to one of the stops. We can ask around which stop to get off at."
Regina: "I don't agree with your method. This will be very time-consuming. We have a car we can use."
Eileen: "Let's get cookin'."
Carol: "I've never done this, but salad should be the easiest thing in the world to make."
Sheldon: "The refrigerator is empty. The main necessary ingredients are not here."
Brittany: "It appears we have to wait."
Sabrina: "No time to waste."
Lexi: "I'll enter the science facility to see if I can negotiate to harvest."
Sabrina: "No time for that."
Reynard: "Nothing here. I don't think they're gonna make a fish salad. I can always pluck the leaves, I guess. See how they'll make food out of that."
Sabrina: "Life fruits...maybe if I collect enough of them, I can get an exemption."
Sabrina: "How do I harvest them? They're very delicate."
Sabrina: "I should keep an eye out for anyone who might try to stop me or steal my produce."
Regina: "I think this is the stop. And the grocery store is there."
Duncan: "It feels like the two of us are the only thinkers in this group. Why get down and dirty when you can just buy?"
Duncan: "How many ingredients should we buy?"
Regina: "Let's browse first before deciding."
Jerome: "What's taking them so long?"
Flora: "You can cook, right?"
Anne: "Of course. That is without question. Asking me to prepare autumn salad is an insult to my culinary skills."
Flora: "Brittany said she can cook too."
Elvin: "Oh, they can cook as well."
Elvin: "I've been trying to learn cooking. Now is the time to put it to use."
Carol: "I don't cook. I usually make instant noodles. How about you, Jerome?"
Jerome: "I can't cook but I'm good at eating."
Carol: "You're funny."
Olesya: "How am I supposed to get all these stuff out?"
Clifford: "Like this."
Olesya: "Wait, what? I actually have to use my hands and get dirty?"
Clifford: "Of course. You don't expect the produce to fall from the sky, do you?"
Clifford: "Here. Take this. I wiped the dirt off for you."
Clifford: "It's nothing to be afraid of, really. The soil won't kill you."
Olesya: "Ugh, I guess so...eek! The leaf brushed against me!"
Venice: "Stop right there!"
Venice: "I saw you eat the pomengranates Cliff handed to you. What are you doing?"
Olesya: "I was hungry."
Venice: "Don't give me that bullcrap. You were clearly trying to sabotage."
Olesya: "I skipped breakfast. I don't have the energy to harvest if I don't eat."
Clifford: "Guys, relax. I let her eat them."
Olesya: "Hear that?"
Venice: "Why would you do that? Every ingredient counts."
Clifford: "But we can't have excess either. Letting her eat a few won't hurt. I don't think pomengranates are a common ingredient in salad, anyway. Let's just focus on the mission, okay?"
Venice: "Fine, but I don't know why you're defending her. Where is she, anyway?"
Clifford: "She went to put the other ingredients in the fridge. It's a good thing we're close to the preparation station."
Olesya: "Wow, it really is empty."
Flora: "All right. Now we can start making salad."
Eileen: "You can cook?"
Sheldon: "Everyone should have basic culinary skills."
Eileen: "Indeed."
Sheldon: "It's important to wash the ingredients clean first."
Flora: "For those who can't wield a knife, follow me."
Flora: "Now just put them in a bowl and mix."
Carol: "It doesn't look too hard. Jerome is doing it too."
Flora: "I didn't mind either task. I could do either. I love gardening and am the resident chef at home. It seems that I was more useful at cooking, though. Anyone can harvest, but not everyone can cook. There were many who were watching me and Anne especially."
Elvin: "My cutting speed is slower than the experts. I hope I'm not the one to bring the group down."
Sheldon: "Needs more salt."
Jerome: "I get a bowl now?"
Flora: "Yes, then you toss the salad."
Carol: "I've got one here for you, Jerome."
Jerome: "Thanks Carol."
Anne: "I think they understand now, so we can speed the process up."
Sheldon: "Voila."
Sheldon: "Time to move them over."
Flora: "And that is how you make autumn salad. Give it a go, Carol."
Eileen: "Flora, I think you shouldn't make such a big portion. It's a big waste of ingredients and only counts as one."
Flora: "Noted."
Eileen: "We can start making bigger portions when time begins to run out, so as to minimise wastage in the fridges."
Sabrina: "A money tree. Will we get bonus Simoleons for harvesting them?"
Sabrina: "Then again, it isn't such a good idea. It could lead to negative money. And it's not ready for harvest yet, so I can't pick the Simoleons off the tree."
Regina: "I think that's enough."
Duncan: "How about we harvest some from the bistro garden as well?"
Regina: "I don't know, Duncan...we could get arrested for this."
Duncan: "If we be stealthy and quick, nobody will notice."
Duncan: "Just act like we belong. Like we're supposed to be picking them."
Regina: "But this isn't our property."
Duncan: "I'm aware. But the vegetables from the salad can't come from the wild. That's dangerous for consumption. They have to come from man-made gardens like these. And there aren't a lot, as far as I know."
Regina: "I'm just worried."
Duncan: "I think it'll be more fruitful if you help me instead, or at least keep quiet. I don't want anyone to think we're thieves."
Regina: "Sorry. I'll keep a lookout for the manager."
Duncan: "I think that's enough. There isn't much space in my hat or my pockets for another head of lettuce."
Regina: "Don't think about putting them in my bra. I have too much food in there as it is. It's making me uncomfortable."
Duncan: "I can't believe it's no plastic bag day today. Otherwise we would have an easier time storing what we reaped."
Regina: "We can always take the smaller ones."
Regina: "I hope nobody sees us."
Regina: "I took a few, but left enough on the vine to not create suspicion. Hurry up, Duncan."
Duncan: "Okay, that's enough. Let's find the rest."
Jerome: "I did it! My first ever autumn salad!"
Jerome: "I'm so proud of myself."
Flora: "Someone made a different type of salad."
Sheldon: "Ow."
Brittany: "Be careful."
Sheldon: "I can handle it."
Brittany: "You should take off your watch before cooking."
Sheldon: "I am worried about it being lost. It's not a big deal when preparing salad."
Lexi: "I managed to get approval to pick from the garden, and received quite a lot of produce from them too. What is Sabrina doing?"
Sabrina: "The seed of a life fruit."
Sabrina: "Let me bury it in the soil."
Sabrina: "I've robbed the garden clean. I think it's time to head over."
Sabrina: "I feel like a fruit salad with all the vegetables touching my boobs."
Jerome: "Ow!"
Carol: "Are you hurt?"
Jerome: "I cut my finger."
Jerome: "Not a big deal."
Carol: "You should wash your hands and get a plaster. You don't want an infection and we don't want blood in our food."
Jerome: "Okay."
Sheldon: "Not bad."
Anne: "While I appreciate your high standards, it is more important that we hit quantity in this case, rather than quality."
Carol: "Hey, I see Reynard and gang."
Sabrina: "Where's Duncan?"
Regina: "He headed back to the hotel to get some more money. We chose to buy from the grocery store but we had to use our own money."
Lexi: "That's not very wise."
Reynard: "They chose the best spot to harvest."
Regina: "A transport system should be created so as to be more efficient. We can station ourselves at various parts of town to transport the ingredients, so that we don't have to travel the full journey."
Reynard: "Here ya go."
Eileen: "Thank you. Quite a good amount for us to work with. We were beginning to run out of food."
Anne: "Good morning, Senator Washington."
Lexi: "I told you not to mock me."
Anne: "I am not mocking you."
Lexi: "Please, I beg you, just call me Lexi. Will you listen if I kiss your shoes?"
Anne: "This is all very uncalled for."
Lexi: "Just take these veggies and go."
Sabrina: "And that's the last of it for now. Something to chop up other than flesh."
Elvin: "Heh."
Sabrina: "I was kidding. Don't take it too seriously. But remember to make use of these life fruit in your autumn salad. It could benefit both of us."
Elvin: "I'll hide it in the ice box over there."
Clifford: "I think we should just keep running to and fro. We have to deliver the ingredients to them, and they're close enough to us."
Olesya: "Ugh."
Clifford: "You're doing great, Olesya."
Olesya: "Thanks but that's not enough. I feel so dirty."
Venice: "Quit yakking."
Sheldon: "Let me count the plates of autumn salad we have made."
Carol: "My hands are sore."
Elvin: "Just keep going. You can do it."
Eileen: "We have less than an hour to go, but if we keep at this pace, we can do it."
Olesya: "Ick. I must be really careful not to touch the leaves or anything."
Venice: "You've gotten everything from there, Olesya. Move on to another plant."
Clifford: "Ooh, ginseng. I think that would be really useful. I feel bad for the gardeners who put in the effort to grow all these, only for a bunch of tourists to pluck them dry."
Venice: "I wonder how many ingredients we have provided them already."
Venice: "Into the fridge it goes."
Duncan: "We can't keep buying. It's unsustainable."
Regina: "But we have to. Because the rest weren't agreeable to my proposal to create a relay system, the next best is that you buy as much as you can, then I come over and take whatever is necessary."
Duncan: "Easy for you to say. It's not your money."
Regina: "Okay, maybe we can slow down. But here is what the rest have passed to me, telling me what they need."
Duncan: "Alright. This time though, you're buying. I'll try to find the rest and speak to them about implementing the system."
Sabrina: "Take it."
Eileen: "Thank you for the contribution, but we need to adjust the ingredients we require. Here is a list of each ingredient we need."
Eileen: "I passed everyone who stopped by a list of ingredients we needed for the next batch. I made sure not to overlap and tried to give everyone a list based on how frequently they came."
Lexi: "There aren't any wild bushes or berries to take."
Sabrina: "Reynard is just running around aimlessly. I must see what he's up to."
Clifford: "What was that? Oh, the sprinklers have turned on."
Olesya: "Eek! I'm wet now!"
Venice: "Eventually we had exhausted everything, so it was up to the rest to make use of whatever they had left. We couldn't keep fetching ingredients as and when necessary any more."
Jerome: "What the hell? Who brought twigs?"
Flora: "Oh no, someone dropped some lettuce."
Flora: "Wait a minute. That's not lettuce. That's kelp. Why did they collect kelp?"
10 minutes left, but the group is still short of 30 plates. Will they be able to make it in time?
Jerome: "I'm tired. I think I need a break."
Carol: "I need a shower."
Jerome: "We haven't even touched one table yet. We're way behind our goal."
Anne: "The countertops are getting a little dirty."
Elvin: "We'll clean it up later."
Brittany: "There. Now all tables have something."
Anne: *humming*
Carol: "Yuck. The tables are too dirty for me to use."
Jerome: "This fridge is empty. But do we need more?"
Flora: "I'll count."
Carol: "I think I'm gonna vomit. I've never smelled so much raw in my life."
Anne: "I'll clean the countertops first."
Brittany: "There isn't time for that."
Anne: "But too many of us are bothered by the filth. It won't take long."
Elvin: "Sheldon! Why did you just throw that plate into the sink?"
Sheldon: "It was the wrong kind of salad."
Elvin: "Oh. But even so, that was a waste."
Sheldon: "I wasn't hungry."
Eileen: "We're almost there. Just one more plate."
Carol: "The fridge is cleared. No more ingredients left."
Sabrina: "Hey Eileen. I've got some more for you."
Eileen: "Oh no. We don't need any more ingredients."
Sabrina: "Oh."
Eileen: "It's not your fault. You didn't know. I'll just make use of them immediately."
Flora: "Anyone keeping track of time?"
Eileen: "I'm going to make our last plate of salad."
Carol: "I'm going to prevent any more ingredients from entering any fridge."
Anne: "Sigh. We're almost out of time."
Eileen: "I feel the pressure."
Elvin: "What is she doing?"
Elvin: "Sabrina!"
Elvin: "Why did you eat the autumn salad?"
Elvin: "Did you just try to sabotage us?"
Sabrina: "Slow down there!"
Brittany: "You nearly pushed her against the counters."
Sabrina: "Just for your information, Eileen was the one who told me that there were too many plates, so I ate one to help her."
Elvin: "Sorry. I got too worked up."
Sabrina: "I forgive you. It's really easy to let your emotions get the better of you on the Smole."
Anne: "I better dispose of this lest this counts against our score."
Brittany: "About one minute plus left."
Eileen: "Served!"
"Congratulations. You managed to make 34 plates of autumn salad, which means 20/20 points. Unfortunately, you were just one plate short of 2 bonus points. Nevertheless, the pot now has 196/545 points. However, there is also a surprise. The one who prepared the most plates will get a hidden exemption."
"Brittany made 5 plates."
"Jerome had 3 plates."
"Carol had 3 plates."
"Eileen made 4 plates."
"Anne had 5 plates."
"Flora is taking the lead so far with 6 plates."
Sabrina: "I should note all this down."
"Elvin has 4 plates."
"Lastly, Sheldon also made 4 plates. This means that Flora clinches the hidden exemption."
Jerome: "Congrats Flora. Now who's feeling hungry?"
Sabrina: "I was kind of disappointed with the mission, frankly. I kept thinking: this can't be it. There must be more to the mission. But in the end, it really was about making salad. It was overtly simple in my eyes. I expect the Smole to be more exciting and deceptive, not a cooking show."
Flora gets a second exemption. Will she be able to get another one?
Harvesters: Clifford, Olesya, Sabrina, Venice, Regina, Lexi, Reynard, Duncan
Culinarists: Brittany, Jerome, Carol, Elvin, Eileen, Sheldon, Flora, Anne
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