Last time on the Smole, the contestants had to either prepare autumn salad or collect the ingredients needed for autumn salad. Anne, Brittany, Carol, Jerome, Eileen, Sheldon, Flora and Elvin were in the first group whereas the rest were in the second. Within the hour, 34 plates of autumn salad were prepared, exceeding the target by 4 plates, hence 20/20 points were earned. There was no wastage of ingredients, so no points were lost. 196/545 points were earned for the pot and Flora, with her 6 plates, managed to get another exemption. Once again, she is safe, but the same cannot be said for one or more of the remaining contestants.
Brittany: "Aah!"
Brittany: "I didn't see anything."
Brittany: "Sorry to have walked in."
Brittany: "As someone who values privacy, I cannot believe I just invaded someone else's."
Eileen: "Are you okay? It's like you've seen a ghost."
Brittany: "I'm fine."
Brittany: "Where are the staff though? It's so empty, yet it feels like I'm constantly being watched."
Anne: "Ugh!"
Anne: "Disgusting! He has absolutely no consideration or respect for others."
Anne: "I need to bleach my eyes."
Anne: "No. I need to teach him a lesson."
Clifford: "Augh..."
Anne: "Keep grunting, you lizard."
Anne: "I'll see if you dare to strip naked next time."
Eileen: "I have always wanted to stop and chat with you, but it seems you are always busy. As expected from a senator. It's an honour to meet you, Senator Washington."
Lexi: "Likewise, but just call me Lexi. I don't think we ever spoke."
Eileen: "There are so many of us, so it's not that surprising. But it's my dream to serve the people and work in the public sector. If it is not too much to ask for, I would like to know more about your experience working for the government and how I can improve my chances of being a public servant."
Lexi: "Young girl, take it from me. You don't want to work in the public sector, and definitely not in politics. It will wreck you. You will hate what you become but have no way of turning back."
Sabrina: "What happened to you? Why are you wearing a towel?"
Clifford: "Someone played a prank on me. They definitely did a good job. I didn't even know when they entered."
Sabrina: "Sounds like a sneaky Mole."
Anne: "I hope he learns his lesson."
Sheldon: "I hear something interesting."
Sheldon: "Maybe I should eavesdrop."
Venice: "Tourism to Venice has been declining, which is why I decided to take another job as a gondolier to supplement the income."
Lexi: "Talking about jobs? Don't be a fool like me."
Lexi: "Let me tell you, working in politics is absolutely horrible. Everyone will hate you, including yourself."
Duncan: "I should go and revise for the upcoming test."
Venice: "Your point is?"
Lexi: "Just don't take a job just because of the money. It won't be enough to fuel you for your life."
Venice: "I don't intend to stay as a gondolier or tour guide forever. Nice chat we had there. Goodbye."
Lexi: "Youngsters nowadays are so impatient."
Flora: "Oh, it's done. Waffles are done, everyone!"
Eileen: "I don't understand why you wanted to enter the kitchen and cook when we have chefs to do that."
Flora: "Food you prepare yourself will always taste better."
Eileen: "It does smell's making my tummy rumble."
Carol: "Flora, congratulations. How do you do it?"
Flora: "I have a lot of skills."
Reynard: "Flora, I heard you made this."
Flora: "Yes, I did."
Reynard: "I like to cook as well, but my wife hardly lets me into the kitchen."
Carol: "But how did you know there was going to be a hidden exemption?"
Flora: "I didn't."
Flora: "It was luck."
Reynard: "Mmm, scrumptious. I hope to be able to cook like you one day."
Carol: "I don't believe it was pure luck. It was almost as if Flora knew exactly where to get the exemption. I think that if she didn't prepare so many big plates, we would have been able to hit 35 plates and above, and get some bonus points."
Regina: "Are you all ready for the test this evening?"
Lexi: "Who can ever be ready?"
Sabrina: "It's all about strategy. I think mine is serving me well thus far."
Regina: "Duncan, I have some more writing that I want you to look at."
Regina: "What do you think? You are very silent. It's making me worried."
Duncan: "I like the puns. The technicalities are excellent, as always. Your artfully-crafted sentences are able to invoke a vivid image. You're clearly in control of your writing."
Regina: "When you play with words, you play with fire."
Duncan: "Indeed, and I think you may have gotten burnt. Although well done, it feels a little excessive at certain points. Not every sentence must be overloaded."
Regina: "I will take your points into consideration."
Regina: "Duncan, we bond over language. What do you say if we form a coalition?"
Duncan: "Hmm..."
Regina: "Everyone already thinks we are in one. Why not make it official?"
Duncan: "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Let's just try not to get too carried away by our other interests."
Venice: "You actually play quite well."
Olesya: "I used to be a pianist."
Venice: "Used to?"
Olesya: "I fired them. Now I just moonlight occasionally at lounges and pubs out of interest."
Venice: "Then how do you support yourself?"
Olesya: "I don't need to. My boyfriend sends me money every month. We bonded over music and fell in love."
Venice: "You're lucky. Some of us don't have rich friends or family to depend on."
Olesya: "He's not exactly rich, esepcially when he has to provide for his family too."
Venice: "You mean his parents?"
Olesya: "Eh...more like his children."
Venice: "This is so touching."
Olesya: "Oh, I thought you would judge me like everyone else."
Venice: "Why? He was once married with children but you still love him nonetheless."
Olesya: "Actually, he's still married."
Venice: "Oh. Well, you can't stop true love. It's hard to go against matters of the heart."
Olesya: "You're the first one to not have scolded me. I actually thought you would be one of the first to do so."
Venice: "But does his wife know?"
Olesya: "I don't think so. Unless she watches this as well. He's Yves Kalin, by the way. I think he joined this show once."
Venice: "Now the whole world knows."
Olesya: "I've been suffering in silence long enough anyway."
Flora: "Hey Olesya. Is this your drumset?"
Olesya: "It's my boyfriend's, actually. He let me bring it along so that I could be reminded of him."
Flora: "Mind if I try?"
Olesya: "Go ahead."
Olesya: "Wow, you're good. I didn't know you can play the drums."
Time for another quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What colour is the Mole's hair?
A: Black
B: Blonde
C: Brown
D: Red
Q3: In Mission 3, which group was the Mole part of?
A: Salad chefs
B: Ingredient collectors
Q4: In Mission 3, how did the Mole go around collecting ingredients?
A: By car
B: By subway
C: The Mole was making salad
Q5: What kind of car was the Mole in in Mission 3?
A: Yoshomoto Evasion
B: Wornado Triage
C: The Mole did not take a car
Q6: Where did the Mole first visit in Mission 3?
A: Science lab
B: Community garden
C: Grocery store
D: The Mole was making salad
Q7: In Mission 3, how many plates of salad did the Mole prepare?
A: 3
B: 4
C: 5
D: 6
E: 0
Q8: In Mission 3, at the 10-minute mark, from the perspective of the tables, was the Mole to the left or right of the sinks?
A: Left
B: Right
C: The Mole was collecting ingredients
Q9: Can the Mole cook?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Anne Elizabethian
B: Brittany Power
C: Carol Losantos
D: Clifford Sanchez
E: Duncan Lilly
F: Eileen Adorra
G: Elvin Benavidez
H: Flora Flowerina
I: Jerome Losanji
J: Lexi Washington
K: Olesya Rickson
L: Regina Natalia Seix
M: Reynard Connors
N: Sabrina Vandegroot
O: Sheldon Gaius Devinche
P: Venice Venezuela
Sheldon: "If I were the Mole, I would choose to be collecting produce. This is because I will have more control over how many plates would be produced."
Eileen: "If the past two executions were anything to go by, this next one will also get rid of two of us. I just hope I didn't spread too thinly."
Who will be executed this time?
Lexi: "What?"
Lexi: "There must be a mistake! How could I be executed?"
Olesya: "Shit."
Lexi: "I'm disappointed in myself. I expected so much more."
Olesya: "Boo. I guess I suck.. I must've been on the wrong Mole. But I really do wish the rest all the best. If they are better Mole-hunters than I am, so be it."
"Lexi Washington, Olesya Rickson, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Olesya: "Adios guys! Good luck!"
Olesya: "I will miss this place."
Lexi: "It got old very fast. The Smole puts us on an unfair premise anyway, especially with that first mission. I'm glad to be gone."
Olesya: "You know you don't mean it."
This time, two women have been executed, levelling the gender field once again. Which two will be executed after them?
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