Previously on the Smole, the final 10 had to disobey Egyptian rules and customs while trying to keep cool to earn points. 25/90 points were earned, bringing the pot to 123/360 points. Rudy found a hidden exemption in the midst and found himself in a valuable position in the double execution ceremony. He correctly identified Seamus as one of the double executees and he went home with Samantha. With the chaos generator gone, will the group be able to do better? How will suspicions change? Who is the Mole?
Rudy: "Sheila, hey, it's Rooney."
Sheila: "What do you want?"
Rudy: "I just wanted to know if you were okay."
Sheila: "Why wouldn't I be?"
Sheila: "Sigh...the door's not locked. You may come in."
Rudy: "Just, uh, wanted to say sorry. For executing your fiancé."
Sheila: "It's not your fault. He just didn't care enough to try hard and survive."
Rudy: "If I didn't catch him, someone else would have gone home instead. It could have been you."
Sheila: "No I understand."
Sheila: "He was holding me back anyway. Now that he's gone maybe I can finally achieve greater things."
Rudy: "Have you been crying?"
Sheila: "No...yes."
Sheila: "I just wish I hadn't said all those things to him."
Rudy: "I overheard. I didn't catch what it was about but it sounded fierce."
Sheila: "May I ask you something?"
Rudy: "Hit me."
Sheila: "Did you know since young that it was your dream to be a biker?"
Rudy: "Can't say since young, but I definitely knew I didn't want to run a pizzeria my whole life."
Sheila: "You get it. He doesn't. He didn't understand how much being a world-class magician meant to me. He didn't want me working towards my dream."
Rudy: "I still remember when I got my first bike: a Specialised Rockhopper Elite 29. That baby is fast and most importantly cheap. And it was through my own money."
Sheila: "Exactly. We should work hard towards our dreams. I network with the magicians and the proprietors to even get gigs. And it's not just for me. It's for him too. But he doesn't appreciate it."
Rudy: "He probably doesn't want you working so hard."
Sheila: "But we need to take a leap of faith to chase our dreams. And at this point, it's gotten to the point where I can't fail."
Rudy: "Why not?"
Sheila: "My parents sacrificed so much for me. They poured their life savings to help me become a magician. I can't let all that go to waste."
Sheila: "Even Seamus sacrificed too much for me. He could have accepted that invitation to learn from a master magician. By now he could have been a great magician. But he chose not to because he wanted to stay by my side. And he agreed to push back our wedding plans and wedding date so that I could focus on building my career."
Rudy: "I think you're both right. We should chase our dreams but we shouldn't be blind to what we already have. If the cost is too high, I think we have to know when to give up."
Sheila: "What would you have done if you couldn't be a biker?"
Rudy: "I don't know. Go back to teaching? Maybe make volunteering my full-time job...guess I don't walk the talk."
Rudy: "But I think he cares more about you than his career. You don't have to prove to him that he made the right choice. He knows he did. Just like your parents too. You don't owe anyone anything."
Sheila: "I think it's too late. I pushed him away. Now I have to succeed. Mary said she might have a few connections who can help push me onto a bigger stage."
Rudy: "Then there's your big break. I hope you succeed. You can do it."
Sheila: "Thanks Rooney."
Rudy: "I didn't do anything."
Rudy: "I didn't do anything."
Sheila: "For at least coming to talk to me."
Rudy: "It's nothing. Now go get some sleep and try not to think too much."
Adriel: "Rooney is not a simple man. He has proven it to me, to all of us. He knew about my secret coalition with Raymundo the whole time but kept silent. He managed to identify Seamus even though it was a 1 in 8 chance. He's a man I need to watch out for."
It turns out that there's no permit you can obtain to vandalise places of historical significance, and the local authorities aren't pleased to find a scratched vase returned (although we insist it had already been there the whole time). Fortunately, they offered a compromise: we help the relic merchant sell her wares.
Today, that's what the contestants will be doing. Four of them have to sell 10 relics via livestream in a bid to convince the merchants of a better way to sell their goods. The online viewers can purchase the items from the time they start their livestream to 10 minutes after they finish their pitch. Points are awarded based on how many items were sold and the one with the biggest sales volume can get an exemption.
They can also earn 2 bonus points each round by incorporating a specific Arab phrase.
The other four need to scour Al Simhara for relics to sell. This mission is worth 100 points.

Rudy: "Woo! This is what I'm talking about!"
Sheila: "Is there anywhere to excavate here?"
Rudy: "Found a digsite."
Sienna: "Can I dig any of this out?"
Sheila: "I hope there's something of value."
Zhang: "Is this it?"
Rudy: "Gotta go fast."
Mary: "Welcome to the Smole livestream. I hope all of you are having a good time today. I'm Mary Shelby and this is Jordana Hammond. We have good deals for you today: starting with some Chinese vases from the elusive Xia dynasty."
Jordana: "Really?"
Jordana: "Hi Max M! I'm doing good, how about you? Hehe!"
Ramona and Adriel will sit by the side in the first round responding to comments and cueing Jordana and Mary.
Sienna: "That was a waste of time."
Zhang: "This is trash!"
Zhang: "It may have been the weather but I was very quickly annoyed because I could not find anything of value."
Mary: "It's the real deal. Look at how intricate the patterns are. How can it be fake? There is limited stock so be quick."
Jordana: "Mary is a very good saleswoman but I did not agree with her methods. We have to be honest in business. I'm pretty sure she was fabricating details."
Sienna: "I'm doing a bad job right now. I can't find anything."
Rudy: "Where can I excavate?"
Adriel: "I translated your phrase: اريد صغارك. It means 'I want your little ones'."
Mary: "There is no way we are saying that."
Ramona: "The viewers want to get a look of the underside."
Jordana: "Of course!"
Jordana: "Oops! Nearly dropped it."
Jordana: "Hehe sorry."
Mary: "Sorry about that. As you can see, it's quite heavy. We have to be very delicate with it; it's the real deal after all."
Adriel: "Finally we can end their session soon. What do you have for us?"
Sheila: "Canopic jars."
Ramona: "Wrap it up in five, guys. We have new wares to sell."
Jordana: "Thanks Tiggeroo! Thanks Josie! XX Lick Me Like I'm Butter XX!"
Mary: "What my partner means is thank you to all of you who have placed your orders. Our staff will get in touch with you after the session with the details. For those who haven't placed their orders, there's no time left to wait. Orders close in 10 minutes."
The second session begins.
Ramona: "Hello everyone! We have even better items to sell!"
Adriel: "Vases are a dime a dozen. We're here in Egypt. You want to see Egyptian goods."
Ramona: "That's why we have for you: canopic jars!"
Adriel: "From the time of Cleopatra!"
Jordana: "Everyone is lying."
Mary: "They're sabotaging us to get more sales."
Zhang: "I have new items for you to sell."
Mary: "سأعطيك كل أبقاري means 'I will give you all my cows'."
Rudy: "This is a bit broken. I'm not sure how much this can sell."
Sheila: "Finding stuff to sell is harder than I thought."
Adriel: "We have a special promotion for the collectors. Usual price is 199,999 Simoleons Buy the whole set of 6, you will get a 20% discount!"
Ramona: "We'll give you a free exclusive red pottery canopic owl too!"
Adriel: "سأعطيك كل أبقاري!"
Jordana: "Hehe! They're laughing."
Adriel: "That's good engagement."
Rudy: "Oh poor thing. Somebody died here."
Zhang: "I cannot rob the dead!"
Ramona: "I'm back with Jordana! We have lovely blue ores for you."
Jordana: "Ooh, pretty! Hehe! Precious gems that can be yours."
Adriel: "Master FS placed 100 orders."
Jordana: "Really? Thank you Master FS!"
Adriel: "Sucker."
Sheila: "Maybe we can sell flowers. That's something different."
Sienna: "Jackpot."
Jordana: "إنه وقت المطرقة! That means hammering time in Arab. Hehe! It's what the fans want."
Ramona: "We're about to show you the composition of these minerals."
Jordana: "Oh no!"
Jordana: "Oops."
Ramona: "Merda."
Rudy: "I have these broken stuff for you."
Ramona: "What can we sell with this?"
Rudy: "Sorry. I tried."
Jordana: "Shh, we're starting. The Joker says hi to Adriel."
Adriel: "Hi The Joker! You'll be laughing to the bank with what we have. Real gold ingots! The whole 24 carats."
Mary: "It's made with 99% gold. Don't believe what you read online about pure gold. Those are not durable and they're just trying to scam you. Real ingots will contain a bit of impurities because that's natural in the world."

Sienna: "Hi Rooney."
Rudy: "Hey."
Ramona: "Good to finally see you Sienna. What do you have for us?"
Sienna: "Ores. Straight from the mine."
Jordana: "We already sold those."
Sienna: "Oh."
Jordana: "Their phrase means 'go sweep the desert'. That sounds like an insult hehe."
Jordana: "Jacob Wiley is questioning how 24 carat gold can be 99% gold when it's supposed to be 100%. I searched it up and he's right."
Adriel: "Oh, well, what you read online is a lie. There's no such thing as pure gold. That's liquid gold. If it's solidified then there will be impurities, but 99% is the layman definition of pure."
Mary: "I'm back with more stock. We now have different varieties! In case you don't want gold, they also now come in silver and plutonium!"
Adriel: "Plutonium. Fancy. Can't get that anywhere else."
Ramona: "They're doing too well."
Jordana: "Isn't that good? We're one big Smole team."
Ramona: "We need them to do worse if we want the exemption. Adriel, someone wants to hear you speak Arabic. They think it's really sexy. Say 'adhhab liaktisah almuhit'."
Adriel: "I hear some of you think my Arabic accent is sexy? Then I'll give what the fans want. !انا بحبكم كلكم"
Ramona: "That's not what I said."
Adriel: "Nice try Ramona."
Adriel: "Say 'دمي ثقيل'."
Ramona: "You refused to say what I told you to so I'm not going to say what you tell me to."
Jordana: "The audience is asking why there are only two flowers."
Mary: "They are fresh, so we only have a limited set for display. We don't want to subject the flowers to the cruel sun. But don't worry, what you get will definitely be fresh."
Jordana: "Egyptian novels are very interesting. There are mystery novels, biographies..."
Adriel: "Well Mr. Turtle, I can assure you that these are translated. But we can give you a copy of the original too if you are willing to buy 5 books."
Jordana: "We have the originals?"
Adriel: "We'll throw in our journals too for all you Smole fans. These are priceless."
Mary: "سليل كبدي means 'my liver's descendant'. It's a term of endearment."
Ramona: "It doesn't sound like one."
Jordana: "How do we work that into our pitch?"
Adriel: "Don't trust them. They're trying to screw us over."
Ramona: "The first half where we were paired up was finally over. The second half was an individual livestream session. We had some items leftover and we could give one call to the others to tell them what we need. I was mad that I got stuck with the broken vases. I'm not going to get the exemption like that."
Adriel: "قم بالتسجيل لتكون عبدي means 'authentic goods'. Jordana, you should say that."
Jordana: "Why me?"
Adriel: "She doesn't trust us any more. Do you want bonus points or not?"
Jordana: "Ok..."
Ramona: "Yes, these may be broken, but they can be easily stitched up. It just needs some care. It's like Sims. We're all broken sometimes. And to all of you asking, قم بالتسجيل لتكون عبدي. These are all authentic goods."
Adriel: "Oof, those comments are coming in now. They're calling her a slut and a white supremacist. I almost feel bad for her."
Sheila: "Where am I going to find fossilised food?"
Rudy: "I know they didn't want any more broken vases, but these are all I can find."
Sienna: "This looks like a quarry. There must be good stuff here."
Sienna: "If anything, there will be oil lamps lying around."
Adriel: "These are mercury vials. They used to represent immortality. It's not safe to consume them but they're a very rare substance that looks cool in your home and gives a neat story to tell visitors. I only have one here because it's so precious, but I have more in stock."
Mary: "They're asking you to prove it."
Adriel: "Sure. Give me a second while I pop behind."
Adriel: "See? I told you I have more."
Jordana: "Say هل أبدو مثل الأميرة؟. It means 'do I look like a princess?'."
Adriel: "!انا بحبكم كلكم"
Mary: "My last items in stock are oil lamps. These aren't ordinary oil lamps; these have been infused with fragrances. For example, I have this lavender oil lamp which will help you sleep better at night."
Jordana: "Oh my. Her phrase means 'come back when you are richer'."
Ramona: "Don't bother. She's not going to say that."
Sheila: "I'm here with more fossilised fruit."
Jordana: "Hehe thanks!"
Mary: "So please, make a purchase. Half of the proceeds will go to charity."
Jordana: "I don't like how we became so hostile. By the end of it I was feeling drained. Everyone was so focused on the exemption that they were trying to sabotage each other and hence the pot."
Ramona: "It means 'happy birthday to your father'. How are we going to get that to make sense?'
Mary: "It's your call on whether you want to have her say it."
Adriel: "I think we should. It's the last chance to earn bonus points."
Sienna: "I found more oil lamps."
Mary: "Too late."
Jordana: "I have with me ancient fruit so ancient that they have turned into fossil! For example, I have here a fossilied lime, a fossilised apple and a fossilised mangosteen that I accidentally broke. But at least you can tell it's real fruit! Hehe."
Adriel: "Jordana, I need you to say عيد ميلاد سعيد لوالدك which means 'happy birthday to your father'."
Jordana: "Is it anyone's father's birthday today?"
Adriel: "Oh would you look at that! It is Joseph Awar's father's 60th birthday tomorrow."
Jordana: "Oh hehe. Shoutout to Joseph Awar's father who is turning 60 tomorrow! !عيد ميلاد سعيد لوالدك He will be so touched hehe."
Jordana: "Thank you for your watching our livestream! Bye bye! Hehe!"
"And that's a wrap. We'll wait 10 minutes for the last orders to come in."
"Contestants, it has been a tiring day for all of you. We have the results. For the paired livestreams, we attributed the total orders equally to both members of the pair."
"In last place, we have Adriel with 847.5 orders."
Adriel: "What? Bullshit."
"In third place, we have Jordana with 1,283 orders."
Jordana: "Wow! Over a 1000 orders! Hehe."
"In second place, we have Ramona with 1,381 orders."
"Which means Mary is the winner of the exemption with 1,560.5 orders! After considering the value and quantity of the items sold as well as the total livestream viewership throughout, you have earned 69/100 points for your hard work, and an additional 8 bonus points for incorporating 4 specified Arabic phrases."
The pot has grown by 77/100 points to 200/400 points and Mary is the next exemption holder. She will not go home but who will?
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