In the last mission, Ramona and Samantha helped translate prompts for Jordana, Mary and Adriel to sing, while the remaining five did miscellaneous tasks (of which only Raymundo succeeded) to give the singers an easier time. Sadly, they made it to 13 rounds before Adriel sang a song already named, leading to 0/45 points for the pot and 98/270 points still. Is it the Mole's fault? There are no exemptions this time, so who will be executed next?
Sienna: "We worked so hard only for Adriel to blow it by naming a song already named. This season's Mole is laughing all the way to the bank."
Sienna: "You should have seen him in action. It was so cool. I could have sworn I saw an aura emitting from him."
Rudy: "Damn. Wish I had been there. Goes to show that passion can bring you far."
Raymundo: "It's not a passion. It's all hard work and skill."
Rudy: "Of course, but passion is the motivation."
Raymundo: "Money is the motivation."
Rudy: "Really? I find that hard to believe. Like there are a million other jobs that can earn money but you chose Sim fu."
Raymundo: "Sim fu was unheard of at the time. The supply was low so I could price my services high. And I coached out elites. It's very lucrative."
Rudy: "That's...really sad."
Raymundo: "I've got six mouths to feed. I have two parents, my wife Elena and my children Ines and Alana. It's all about the money."
Sienna: "I agree. Maybe you'll understand when you have children of your own, but you have to make sacrifices as a parent. You can't always do things the right way or the fun way."
Raymundo: "You have a girlfriend, don't you?"
Rudy: "Yeah. Penny."
Raymundo: "Ever thought of the future?"
Rudy: "Like marriage?"
Raymundo: "The cost of it and the finances beyond it all."
Rudy: "I never thought that far."
Raymundo: "It's time to start thinking kid. Unless you're not serious about her."
Rudy: "I am! I'm 29, not a high schooler."
Sienna: "His point is that you can't afford to be too carefree at your age. Have a goal. Then have a plan to get there and the steps you got to take."
Rudy: "Way to instill fear in me guys."
Raymundo: "Rooney doesn't know it but besides working with him, I'm also working with Adriel in secret. A man's gotta do what it takes to win the prize money."
NSFW scene. If you are not comfortable or under 18, please skip to the next scene or the end of the episode.
Adriel: "How have you never lost a round yet? You don't even have a great poker face."
Seamus: "The trick is to keep others guessing."
Ramona: "You met your match, Adriel."
Seamus: "Meanwhile, Samantha here is going to go naked if she loses again."
Samantha: "I'm not afraid of showing my own skin. I'm beautiful and I know it."
Ramona: "I love the confidence but you're not beautiful by any standard."
Samantha: "You have never seen Mauritanian standards. Raise."
Adriel: "Enlighten us."
Samantha: "Obesity is the highest form of beauty there. I'm working my way to be the most beautiful in the land."
Seamus: "Working your way? You're still not fat enough? Pardon the language."
Samantha: "I'm not fat enough. I'm not beautiful enough."
Seamus: "Samantha, I think you need to know when to be satisfied. Call."
Samantha: "No!"
Seamus: "You still have one other stocking to give up."
Adriel: "Feeling cold yet ladies?"
Ramona: "Not at all. In fact I like to go without shoes. It makes me feel grounded."
Adriel: "We need to work together to get that man to strip."
Seamus: "Good luck with that. I still have a top hat and lots of layers to go through."
Ramona: "Bet."
Adriel: "I'll raise."
Ramona: "I'll fold."
Samantha: "Me too."
Seamus: "Call."
Adriel: "Damn it. The bluff didn't work."
Seamus: "Sorry, you won't get to see what's packing today. Strip! Strip! Strip!"
Samantha: "You can take off your shoes."
Adriel: "I'm no pussy. I'll give you what y'all really want."
Ramona: "Woo!"
Samantha: "Oh my goodness!"
Seamus: "Ready to lose another article of clothing?"
Samantha: "I think I'm out."
Seamus: "She's getting flustered."
Ramona: "I think we should stop playing."
Adriel: "Then it's just me and you."
Seamus: "It's no fun with just two of us."
Adriel: "Pussy."
Seamus: "Gonna get some later. Perks of having a fiancée. Toodles!"
Ramona: "So...I think you should get dressed. The game is over."
Adriel: "No, I don't think I will."
Adriel: "In fact, I think it's getting a bit hot in here."
Ramona: "Oh mio Dio!"
Adriel: "You're turning redder than a tomato. Perhaps you need to take your mind off things. Like, a dance?"
Ramona: "Oh yes, a dance sounds nice. Yes, yes, a dance."
Ramona: "You still remember the basic moves?"
Adriel: "I remember everything you said."
Ramona: "Do you want to take the lead?"
Adriel: "No. You take the lead."
Ramona: "..."
Ramona: "Let's take this somewhere else."
Adriel: "Let me take the lead on that."
Ramona: "You have experience?"
Adriel: "Plenty."
Adriel: "I wasn't able to beat Seamus in strip poker. I'm still sore about that. I'm supposed to be the best at this sort of thing. But I managed to get even more. I don't usually do these kinds of things for the ladies for free but I have a target and a plan."
Jordana: "You like Taylor Swift?"
Mary: "I suppose so. I respect how she carved out a name for herself."
Jordana: "Which is your favourite song?"
Mary: "Bad blood."
Jordana: "Hehe! So angsty. That's a surprising song choice from you."
Mary: "If I may ask, are you single?"
Jordana: "I am, hehe. Been waiting for the right one."
Mary: "That's a very...fairytale perspective."
Jordana: "Maybe. But I know I'm a little quirky. Not many boys want to date me."
Jordana: "I bet you're different. You're so confident and capable."
Mary: "I'm currently single too."
Jordana: "Really? That's surprising."
Mary: "Love is just not my priority right now."
Sheila: "Knock knock."
Mary: "Come in."
Sheila: "I hope I'm not disturbing anything."
Jordana: "Not at all hehe! Why are you here?"

Sheila: "I was thinking...maybe we can work together. Be allies."
Jordana: "Aren't you working with Seamus?"
Sheila: "I am, but...I don't know if I can rely on him. At least while on the Smole."

Mary: "Smart choice. You shouldn't trust anyone, especially not men. They say one thing and mean another."
Jordana: "That is kinda true. Seamus likes to say a lot of things and do a lot of other different things."
Mary: "Exactly. You'll never know when he'll stab you in the back."
Sheila: "So, is that a yes?"
Jordana: "I wouldn't mind having one hehe. Mary, do you want to join? We can make this official."
Sheila: "I was planning on keeping this private. I don't want Seamus to know."
Mary: "Might as well. The more information, the better."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole currently sleep on a single or double bed?
A: Single
B: Double
Q3: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
A: Pop
B: Gospel
C: Instrumental
D: Indie
E: Rock
F: Latin
G: Showtunes
H: Classical
Q4: Does the Mole have children?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: Who is the Mole's mother?
A: Aisha
B: Corrine
C: Eleanor
D: Evelyn
E: Giordana
F: Heidi
G: Isabella
H: Linda
I: Theresa
J: Winona
Q6: In Mission 3, which group was the Mole in?
A: Translators
B: Singers
C: Helpers
Q7: In Mission 3, was the Mole the first to climb to the top of the Hot Springs?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was not at the Hot Springs
Q8: What task did the Mole do in Mission 3?
A: Spar
B: Yoga
C: Arrange zodiac animals
D: None of the above
Q9: In Mission 3, in which order did the Mole name songs?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole did not name songs
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Raymundo Hansen
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Samantha Perry
E: Sheila Rammstein
F: Seamus Motheresa
G: Ramona Romano
H: Mary Shelby
I: Adriel Garner
J: Jordana Hammond
"Welcome to your third execution ceremony. It will be your last night in Shang Simla. Unfortunately, one of you cannot join us on the journey to Egypt. Who will it be?"
"Adriel Garner."
Jordana: "Adriel named one of the most famous songs that cost us the mission despite what we agreed on. There are so many other movie songs he could have chosen from. This was a clear choice."
"Mary Shelby."
Adriel: "If you're the Mole and you know a prompt is coming up, then you name it so that someone else takes the bad rap for it."
"Seamus Motheresa."
Rudy: "I gave Seamus a chance to mess up. He took that opportunity instantly."
"Samantha Perry."
Ramona: "Samantha tried to drag her heels so much. She was strolling up and down the stairs and spent time arguing with me than cooperating."
"Ramona Romano."
Samantha: "Ramona gave a wrong translation at the end. Punk rock is not the same as rock, so that prompt never made it in and caused a repeat prompt to appear."
"Sienna Justine Piers."
Sheila: "How is it that the odds of consistently not matching are so low, yet we keep hitting it? Unless Sienna is the Mole."
"Raymundo Hansen."
Mary: "I don't think it's Raymundo at all. He was the only one to succeed. Twice."
"Unfortunately, Raymundo Hansen, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Sienna: "I got to watch Raymundo go from the distance. He looked so suave when sparring. And he beat a local!"
Rudy: "Raymundo was my roomie and my bro. He always worked his ass off to get things done and came up with a system to do it in an orderly way."
Raymundo: "I think we can pass everything we remember on to the rest and let them decide which are right. Four heads are better than three. I'll go down first since I have the most rules to pass on."
Mary: "Raymundo was a winner inside this game and out. You could count on him to get things done right."
Raymundo: "I leave with my head held high. I didn't even get close to winning but I didn't make any of the mistakes I set out to avoid before playing this season. I am proud of that. I never held much hope of being able to walk away with the prize money but I followed the money and did what I could to bolster the pot. The rest if up to the rest."
"Thank you for joining, Raymundo. We hope to see you again."
The Sim fu coach has been executed! Is the Mole this season a woman? Will the next executed contestant also be a man?
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