Tuesday, 15 December 2015

24.17-Big word there

Previously on the Smole, the final 5 had to attend a party and learn everyone's names before saying goodbye. 59/68 names were correctly named, and because one of a problem (one stupid party guest left before the party even started), an extra 5 points have been given, totalling to 300/360, or 915/1510 points. During the execution ceremony, Rebecca found that she had been executed, much to her resignation. With only 4 left, only one more stands in the way of the finale.


Olivia: "Good morning Sean!"
Sean: "What up, Livvy."
Olivia: "Did Rebecca tell you anything before she left?"
Sean: "She was acting weird and all, trying to kiss me, and then pretending nothing happened."
Olivia: "Oh dear. Did you kiss her?"
Sean: "No way, dude. These lips are sacred. For mine and that special someone only."
Olivia: "Poor Rebecca. She must resent me right now."


Olivia: "This is so exciting. I keep finding new info whenever I re-read my journal."
"Good morning. Your next mission will take place in a newly-opened restaurant. It's still in renovation, but in its final stages, so the owners have kindly allowed us to hold our penultimate mission there."
Oliver: "Big word there."
"Uh-huh. Three of you will have to order Green Curry with Rice and Olives, while one will have to keep his back turned. Among the three, one will actually have to eat the food while the other two don't. The guesser must guess who actually ate the food to earn 240 points. If they fail to guess correctly within one try, they get another try, but only earn 120 points. If they still fail, then the other 3 will get a correction each but no points. Good luck."

To help us, we have hired our lovely Yvonne Aja to help with the mission.


Bernard: "Yvonne? What are you doing here?"
Yvonne: "I was brought back to help with this mission. I'm just the cashier. That's all. I'll probably forget to cash the money though, because the sound of the till opening is so distracting."

Bernard: "Right. One Green Curry with Rice and Olives, thank you."

Oliver: "Sean, you're supposed to be facing the wall."
Sean: "Fine. I just wanted to see what kind of food I'll have to deal with."

Olivia: "Hey, you jumped queue!"
Oliver: "It doesn't matter."
Olivia: "That's not very fair."
Oliver: "I don't care."

Sean: "I might as well revise while I'm at it. Boring, but better than nothing. Should have brought a book to read."

Olivia: "So, how's life?"

Yvonne: "What do you think?"

Yvonne: "Just order your food and go."
Olivia: "Okay."

Olivia is the eater.

They have 30 seconds to try and fool Sean.

Oliver: "Mmm, delicious!"
Bernard: "Spicy!"
Oliver: "Let's make a racket with the utensils."

Bernard: "Pass me the tissue! Quick!"

Olivia: "This is really spicy."

Olivia: "I can't stand it any more."

Oliver: "Hold it in!"
Bernard: "Hot, hot, hot!"

Olivia: "I need water, stat!"

Olivia: "Ah, refreshing."
Bernard: "My eyes are watering! Pass me some water!"

"Time's up."

"Sean, who do you think ate the food?"
Sean: "Hmm..."

Sean: "I'd have to go with Olivia."
"You are..."

"...correct! 240/240 points have been earned. The pot now has 1155/1750 points. Great teamwork there."

Olivia: "How did you guess so easily?"
Sean: "The other 2 were so noisy but you were quiet, which is strange for you since you usually talk a lot. If your mouth is full you can't chatter away, right man? And they didn't sound convincing. You sounded like you were choking on fire, man. Like, real fire. Plus your face was super red. Real easy, guys."

Olivia: "Good deductive skills, Sean! I'm proud of you! Ack."

Olivia: "I'm really breathing fire!"
Sean: "Are you a dragon?"

Olivia: "I wish."
Oliver: "You're all cross-eyed now."

Bernard: "I expected better from myself. Sean was right. I shouldn't have talked so much. Oh well. I'm not an actor. That correction would have really come in handy. I'm split between the 3 of them, and it's almost finale time already. I guess I should go with my gut."

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