Welcome to yet another season of the Smole. In virtually every season, a group of contestants will come together to take part in challenges known as "missions" to earn points for a "pot". Each point in the pot will translate to 1,000 Simoleons which they can bring home. However, there is a "Mole", or a saboteur, out to sabotage the missions and prevent points from entering the pot because whatever stays out of the pot goes to the Mole in the end. The other contestants must quickly find out who this Mole is and they are tested via quizzes. The lowest scorer (or slowest in the event of a tie) is "executed" and leaves the game. This continues until the finale, where one more quiz will determine who the winner is.
For the 42nd season, we've moved away from hot deserts to tropical islands. Contestants will be trying to find the Moles in Sunlit Tides. You read that right; Moles. In past seasons we've had no Moles. This season, we have two. These two Moles know who their partner is this season and will be working together to sabotage. They get to split their earnings. The contestants must now find not one but two Moles. With two Moles, the finale will now be increased to a final four rather than final three for this season.
Executions are also dependent on previous quizzes as well. Each execution will be half-dependent on that quiz and half-dependent on the previous quizzes. For example, the third execution will depend 50% based on that quiz in the same episode and 50% the score in the second execution, which itself is 50% the score of the second quiz and 50% the score of the first.
Contestants this season will be distracted by lush greenery and warm, tropical beaches. Only the most resilient will be able to find the sinister Moles amidst the sunny Sunlit Tides. Who are the Moles?
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Alvin Valin, 44, waiter |
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Austin Havelock, 22, unemployed |
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Charlene Boomer, 25, wedding planner |
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Chelsea Bennington, 40, housewife |
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Dexter Umbreekt, 30, historian |
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Duane Picksmart, 26, con man |
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Dwight Picksmart, 26, naval diver |
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Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine, 40, fortune teller |
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Irene Fletcher, 43, businesswoman |
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Jamaica Sunset, 28, unemployed |
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Jessica Bunny, 28, cabaret singer |
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Penny St. Anniel, 32, archaeologist |
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Roger Yessir, 33, politician |
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Rome Auckland, 31, politician |
Jessica: "Such a pity. The world around is delightfully beautiful but someone has her nose in the books already."
Chelsea: "You mean me? Sorry."
Chelsea: "Hey, aren't you the up-and-coming singer Jessica Bunny?"
Jessica: "The one and only, darling. I didn't peg you to be one to visit such establishments, but who am I to judge, right?"
Chelsea: "I know about you because your case appeared on the news. Your husband Roger Bunny was accused of murder."
Jessica: "Ah, yes. My darling Roger could never be capable of such a heinous crime, of course. He's a millionaire. There is no reason for him to commit murder. I don't know which wretched enemy of his wanted to slander his name like that."
Chelsea: "Weren't you a suspect?"
Jessica: "Don't be silly, love. Any murdering I do would be to be my clients' ears. Actually, that would never happen. Any murdering I do would only be in bed, hun."
Chelsea: "Ew."
Jessica: "But enough about me. I know who you are too. The music industry is small. You're the wife of Chase Bennington."
Harriet: "Ex-wife."
Chelsea: "Oh, that's a tragedy! What happened, dear?"
Harriet: "She couldn't stand his drug addiction any more. When he just upped and left so irresponsibly for the Smole, it was the last straw."
Chelsea: "Yeah, actually. When he came back I showed him the divorce papers. I deserve a better life. To celebrate my newfound freedom I decided to go on an adventure...and the first thing I thought of was the Smole."
Jessica: "How did you know anyway?"
Harriet: "I am Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine. I know everything about everyone. I can even tell you who the Mole is."
Jessica: "Can you now?"
Duane: "They even have a guest house."
Rome: "Woah. Am I seeing double?"
Rome: "Are you two twins?"
Duane: "Two peas in a pod."
Dwight: "We have two politicians in the house."
Roger: "Yes sir we do."
Duane: "Great. I don't trust politicians."
Duane: "Can I trust you, mister?"
Roger: "Yes sir."
Austin: "So you're the one sharing the room with me. Let's form a coalition!"
Alvin: "What? So fast? The first mission hasn't even started."
Austin: "Why not? We're going to be sleeping in the same room anyway. It won't hurt to have one more ally."
Alvin: "That's true...but how do I know you're not a Mole?"
Austin: "I can assure you with my life that I'm not."
The contestants' first mission is to go rock-climbing. Along the wall are various cards with Simlish words on it. Once the contestants reach the top, they are given a foreign word and must say the correct translation to earn 10 points. The cards collected may aid them. The contestant who takes the least time to complete this task earns the season's first exemption.
Dexter: "Who wants to go first?"
Austin: "I think I'll sit this one out."
Jamaica: "No man. You must do this."
Rome: "Let me warm up first."
Dwight: "Come on bro. Let's show them how it's done."
Duane: "Race you to the top."
"On your marks, get set, go!"
Jessica: "I can't watch. What if they fall and hurt themselves?"
Penny: "Grab the cards!"
Roger: "You can do this!"
Harriet: "There is a card to your left, Duane...or Dwight. I can't tell the difference right now."
Dwight: "Found one. 'Moon'."
Dwight: "I'm going to have to make a leap."
Dwight: "Got it!"
Jessica: "Be safe honey!"
Rome: "What a move!"
Alvin: "That was dangerous."
Duane: "'Science'. Okay..."
Dwight: "I win this time, Duane."
"What is ténèbres in Simlish?"
Dwight: "Any ideas guys?"
Roger: "Yes sir."
Irene: "We're waiting. You can't say you know but keep quiet."
"What does ka iole mean in Simlish?"
Duane: "If I have to pick from one of my cards...I'll go with 'rat'."
"That is correct."
Dwight: "I'll listen to you. It means 'darkness'."
"That is correct."
Dwight: "Ha! 1 minute and 32 seconds."
Duane: "Damn it. 1 minute and 39 seconds."
Irene: "I hate exercise."
Jamaica: "I'll go next."
"On your marks, get set, go!"
Jamaica: "I'll beat you!"
Rome: "The only one we should be racing against is ourselves."
Rome: "Got it!"
Rome: "Woah..."
Jamaica: "Ha!"
"What is vand in Simlish?"
Rome: "Aaah!"
Rome: "Yikes. That was a close one."
Jamaica: "Help me guys!"
Jessica: "Wish I could darlin' but I'm no master of words."
Austin: "I think we should take a look at the cards."
Dwight: "Here's mine. Pass them around."
Chelsea: "Thanks Duane."
Dwight: "It's Dwight."
Jamaica: "Quick! Whatever, I see water. I'll go with that."
"That is correct. You took 1 minute and 55 seconds."
Jamaica: "Yeah! All the best, Rome!"
Penny: "That must take a lot of time."
Charlene: "Oh, whatever. I'll go next."
Irene: "How brave of you."
Roger: "Look at her go!"
Rome: "Almost there..."
Rome: "Got it!"
"What does digmaan mean in Simlish?"
Rome: "Any ideas?"
Jamaica: "Woo! Good job!"
Chelsea: "Try 'moon'."
Rome: "Moon!"
"What does babi mean in Malay?"
"Rome, that is incorrect. Your time was 5 minutes and 47 seconds."
Roger: "I think I know this one. I think it's 'pig'."
Charlene: "The answer is 'pig;."
"That is correct. Your time is 3 minutes and 38 seconds."
Penny: "What the hell. I'll go next."
Jessica: "I think I will do better if I'm up against a woman."
"On your marks, get set, go!"
Jessica: "My hands hurt."
Penny: "Nearly lost my footing."
Irene: "Penny, grab the card! It's on your left!"
Penny: "Aah!"
Penny: "I was gonna fall. There's no way I could have gotten it."
Jessica: "Hnnnngg...."
Jessica: "Aaah!"
Jessica: "Catch me!"
Jessica: "Aaah!"
Jessica: "Bless the crew for the soft landing."
Dwight: "This is taking a long time."
Alvin: "Nobody can beat your timing."
Irene: "So these are the words we have..."
Penny: "Not again..."
"What is maan in Simlish?"
Jessica: "I don't know. I was too busy trying to reach the top to care about anything else."
Jessica: "My darlings, could you help me out?"
Jamaica: "Maan...man? Jessica, I think it's 'man'."
Roger: "Yes that's possible."
Charlene: "I think we should take a look at our cards to make sure."
Chelsea: "I don't think it's 'man'. I think it's 'moon'."
Dexter: "You have the card?"
Irene: "It's with me."
Dexter: "Then the answer must be 'moon'."
Irene: "What if there is a card up there called 'man'?"
Dexter: "I think moon is very very plausible."
Jessica: "My answer is moon, hun."
"That is correct."
Jessica: "Thank you darlings. 6 minutes and 21 seconds. That's a fantastic first attempt."
Penny: "I should be better than this..."
Charlene: "Go Penny!"
Alvin: "I'll go next."
"On your marks, get set, go!"
Penny: "Almost...."
Penny: "My arms are getting a little sore."
Penny: "Finally!"
"What does meonji mean in Simlish?"
Penny: "Cat."
"That is incorrect."
"Your time is 10 minutes and 50 seconds."
Penny: "I'm just glad to be done with it."
Jessica: "You did wonderful, darling."
Alvin: "Got another card...'ball'."
Alvin: "Shit!"
Alvin: "I slipped and fell."
Irene: "Roger, you go."
Roger: "Yes ma'am."
Jamaica: "He's gonna take at least 7 minutes. I betcha that."
Alvin: "Another one."
"What is mago in Simlish?"
Alvin: "Is there a 'mango' with any of you?"
Irene: "What do you think it could be?"
Dexter: "I have no clue with this one. What do you think?"
Irene: "I think it's a short word."
Duane: "Try 'war'."
Harriet: "Yes. Definitely try 'war'. That sounds like the answer."
Charlene: "War? Hmm...I don't know enough to dispute that."
Alvin: "The answer is 'war'."
"That is not the answer."
Alvin: "Fuck. And my timing is 4 minutes and 2 seconds."
Roger: "I fell again."
Jessica: "Darling, I believe in you. Just give it your best shot. For me?"
Roger: "Yes ma'am."
Austin: "I'll give it a go."
Penny: "Good luck. It's not easy."
Austin: "This is so hard."
Roger: "You're telling me."
Roger: "Aaah!"
Roger: "I have to do this. I can do this!"
Duane: "That fatass is gonna fall at any moment now."
Alvin: "Hey, don't be rude."
Austin: "Aaah! Sweaty palms!"
Jessica: "I am so flattered you recognise me. Here, have my autograph."
Alvin: "Jessica!"
Austin: "Can I just give up?"
Roger: "Yes! I mean, if you really feel like you can't take it, but I strongly encourage you to get back up and try again."
Austin: "Here goes nothing."
"What is teiknimynd in Simlish?"
Roger: "I did it! Now what's the answer?"
Charlene: "What is that word?"
Charlene: "Could it be 'mind control'?"
Jamaica: "I think it's..."
Harriet: "'Science'. It makes sense. It's all technical and about the mind."
Jamaica: "Yeah, that."
Charlene: "Sure. Let's go with that."
Roger: "SCIENCE!"
"That is incorrect."
Roger: "Too bad. I took 11 minutes though. That's the record for the longest time."
Jessica: "Any record is still a record, darling. You did splendid."
Roger: "Thank you Jessica. Your words of encouragement really helped me."
Harriet: "I'm going to go up and support Austin."
Austin: "I don't know how long more I can do this."
Harriet: "You will complete this without falling again. Trust me on this. I'm psychic."
Dexter: "I hardly believe that."
Roger: "But she says she is, so she probably is."
Harriet: "Uggh."
Harriet: "I am not wearing the proper clothes for rock-climbing."
Austin: "I did it! You were right!"
"What does bola mean in Simlish?"
Harriet: "I think it's 'book'."
Austin: "It means 'ball'."
"That is correct."
Austin: "Yay! That was tiring. I took like...13 minutes and 23 seconds up there."
Harriet: "Almost there..."
Harriet: "Ick. It's wet with sweat...aah!"
Harriet: "I have been sabotaged."
Dexter: "I'm the only guy left. I guess it's my turn."
Austin: "You can do it. If I can, so can you."
"On your marks, get set, go!"
Harriet: "Aah! Host, you scared me!"
Dexter: "Looks like we both fell."
Jessica: "You can do it, darlings!"
Harriet: "I predict to complete this in 12 minutes and 25 seconds."
Dexter: "Woah!"
Dexter: "Nearly fell."
Dexter: "Yes!"
"What is sáp in Simlish?"
Dexter: "What cards do we have left?"
Irene: "Sáp...sap...is there a 'sap'?"
Chelsea: "No.We have cards like 'war' and 'science'."
Rome: "Maybe it's 'war'. They're both three letters. Third time's the charm, right?"
Chelsea: "I don't think that's it."
Jessica: "Just go with it, darlin'. We haven't got all day."
Roger: "Yes. What she said."
Dexter: "War."
"That is incorrect. You took 3 minutes and 49 seconds."
Irene: "Chelsea, how about you go first?"
Chelsea: "Fine. We both have to go eventually. It's only a matter of order."
Harriet: "Yes, at last..."
Harriet: "I can predict the question...'what does wetenskap mean in Simlish?'"
"What does wetenskap mean in Simlish?"
Harriet: "The answer is 'face'."
"That is incorrect."
Harriet: "I was so close."
"You took 12 minutes and 25 seconds."
Jessica: "Darling, why did you not consult us before making your answer?"
Harriet: "I was getting too tired. And I was sure I had the answer. I went to a spa once and heard that word. The staff told me it meant 'face'."
Irene: "I'm the only one left."
Dwight: "Hurry up and just do it."
Chelsea: "Which one do I grab."
Chelsea: "Ugh!"
Chelsea: "Aaah!"
Irene: "AAAH!"
Irene: "That was close."
Dwight: "Put your right foot to the right!"
Irene: "Where? Here?"
Chelsea: "Almost there..."
Chelsea: "Got it!"
"What does liber mean in Simlish?"
Alvin: "Why is she holding a card?"
Duane: "Someone didn't collect all the cards from that wall."
Jessica: "I think it is obvious it's 'library'."
Roger: "Yes. I agree."
Harriet: "Me too."
Rome: "Could it be what's on her card? Chelsea, what does your card say?"
Chelsea: "'Wax'!"
Alvin: "Maybe that's our answer."
Dexter: "No. That sounds more like the answer to my question. Liber if I recall is Latin for 'book'. And I remember seeing a card like that."
Chelsea: "So did I. I can't hold for longer so I'll go with 'book'."
"That is correct."
Chelsea: "What's my time? Oh. 4 minutes and 15 seconds."
Penny: "It's all down to you now, Irene."
Irene: "Maybe I shouldn't have chosen to be last. There's so much pressure. All eyes are on me."
Irene: "Aah!"
Irene: "Can I take a break first?"
Jessica: "Darling, I suggest you stop wasting everyone's time and get moving."
Irene: "Alright, alright. I'm going."
Dwight: "Yes! Now look up! Stop looking down!"
Irene: "I must make up for lost time."
Irene: "I can almost reach it..."
Irene: "Yikes! My hand slipped!"
Charlene: "Irene! Irene! Irene!"
Austin: "Irene! Irene! Irene!"
Alvin: "You can do it Irene!"
Irene: "I did it! I made it to the top!"
Austin: "Woo!"
Jessica: "We knew you could do it, dear."
Charlene: "Good job!"
"What is mwenje in Simlish?"
Irene: "Guys? I made it to the top but...a little help here?"
Charlene: "If we try and match all the answers to the cards we have."
Chelsea: "After eliminating all the correct answers, we have a couple to choose from."
Irene: "What? 'Lamp'? Then that's my answer."
"That is correct."
Irene: "Hurrah! I took 9 minutes and 1 second."
Charlene: "Woo!"
Austin: "Good job everyone!"
Dwight: "We're finally done here."
"Altogether, 8 of the answers are correct, so 80/140 points have been earned for the pot. The fastest contestant was Dwight at 1 minute and 32 seconds, so he earns the first exemption of the season."
Dexter: "Of course he would. This mission is unbalanced in his favour."
Dwight is the exemption winner but could he also be the Mole alongside his twin brother Duane?
The following cards could be found on each wall. A summary of the words and their translations:
Darkness -tenebres (french)
Moon -maan (Dutch)
Wax -sáp (Vietnamese)
Ball -bola (Galician)
Magician -mago (Italian)
Water -vand (Danish)
Pig -babi (malay)
Rat -ka iole (hawaiian)
Cartoon -teiknimynd (Icelandic)
Science -wetenskap (Afrikaans)
Book -liber (Latin)
Dust -meonji (Korean)
Lamp -mwenje (Shona)
War -digmaan (Filipino)
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