Working together proved to be a difficult task for the final four, who walked out of the last mission empty-handed. Before the quiz, they were asked how much they were willing to spend for an exemption. Claves was willing to forsake the whole pot, while Zane came second with 300 points. Kelly was willing to deplete 270 points and Pamela was only willing to fork out 100 points. Perhaps that is why Pamela was the executed contestant. No exemptions were given but 266 points were removed from the pot. There are only 130/1200 points in the pot and three contestants left. Who will win Season 41? Who is the Mole?
DAY 18
Zane: "Pamela was my roommate and coalition partner for the longest time. I suddenly feel lost without her. She must think I put Claves as the Mole but I didn't. I'm glad I trusted my own instincts but I wish I had convinced her to do the same. Maybe it would be Claves that goes home instead of Pam."
Kelly: "I was hoping Pamela would make it to the finale with me and Claves. Not only because it would be an all female finale which we haven't seen for a while, but also because Pamela was my Mole. I gambled everything on her and she becomes the executed contestant. I suppose it is good that I realise I was wrong now. The fact that I somehow made it into the finale means that someone else was wrong as well. I may still have hope."
Claves: "Nobody knows this but I actually have been gathering information from all sides since the final six. I trade information with them so that I get a better picture of what is going on. Initially it was easier because I have a very trustworthy face but toward the end it got harder. I can't say I'm surprised. Kelly knows my secret and Pamela and Zane both distrust me ever since I tried to split them apart."
Claves: "It took long enough for us to get here."
Zane: "Is that admitting you're the Mole?"
Claves: "I will neither confirm nor deny that."
Zane: "I think whoever the Mole is did a wonderful job this season. They've deluded so many and managed to make the pot pathetic. I think it's the lowest in history."
Kelly: "We still have one chance to make up for it."
Zane: "It's too bad Pam isn't here. I can almost smell the finale ceremony."
Claves: "See Kelly? He's doing the exact same thing you accused me of doing just five minutes ago."
Kelly: "Whatever. But back to the topic at hand, I also can't wait for it to be over. I have a lot to settle once I return to Australia."
Pamela: "Do you think the final quiz will involve Pamela? Or all of the executed contestants for that matter?"
Kelly: "Who knows? We'll find out when we get to it."
Zane: "One thing's for sure. One of you is a dirty, rotten liar."
Claves: "That would be a compliment to me, both if I was a contestant and as a Mole."
"Finalists, congratulations. You beat the odds and managed to clinch a spot in the final three. Ultimately only one of you will win the pot but the three of you can work together to fill it. Please change into something you'd be comfortable running in because you'd be working up a sweat in the final mission."


In the previous episode, contestants stated how many points they were willing to spend on an exemption. The average came up to 266 points. Contestants get a chance to earn back those points. They must find the points scattered around part of Lucky Palms and deposit it in a literal pot. However, there is a hunter who will attempt to eliminate the finalists and steal from the pot. At the end of 2 and a half hours (or if all finalists are eliminated, whichever is earlier), the points in the literal pot will be re-added to the actual pot. If all 266 points are reclaimed, the amount will be doubled to 532 points. The one who earns the least in this mission is deemed to have spent the most points from the pot and will get a clue regarding the Mole.
Claves: "Someone needs to stay behind and protect the pot."
Zane: "I think we should rotate. Whoever is tired can return here to protect the pot."
Kelly: "Sounds like a good idea. I'll volunteer to stay behind first."
Zane: "It's a whole load of nothing. How are we going to find the points?"
Claves: "We just have to try. I'll go this way."
Claves: "It looks like someone tried to bury some points here."
The hunter has arrived.
Zane: "I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking for."
Zane: "Oh, there's a mound."
Zane: "If I dig...aha! 15 points."
Kelly: "Nobody shall try and steal from the pot while I'm here."
Kaylie: ""
Kaylie: "Claves is too fast."
Kaylie: "But I cannot give up. I must do my best."
Zane: "I better head back to the pot first."
Zane: "I'm back."
Kelly: "How many points did you get?"
Zane: "24 points. You can go and find the rest. I'll take over."
Kelly: "Noted."
Kaylie: "Huff..."
Kelly: "Claves!"
Kelly: "I saw you being chased by Kaylie. Although, if Kaylie's our hunter we have nothing to worry about."
Claves: "You shouldn't underestimate others."
Kelly: "We're the three fittest. Anyway, I'll help distract her while you go and deposit the points."
Kelly: "Kaylie! Come after me!"
Kelly: "Hey! Where is she going?"
Claves: "20 points."
Zane: "Take over me. I'll go and find more points."
The next hunter is here. Every 20 minutes the hunter will change.
Claves: "There's more than one hunter!"
Jennifer: "I'm going to go after Zane."
Zane: "I think I see some points in the water."
Kelly: "It would be ridiculous to win with so little points in the pot."
Zane: "Got it!"
Jennifer: "Stop running you little shit."
Jennifer: "I can't keep up with him."
Kelly: "It seems like she's only going after Zane."
Kelly: "This gives me a chance to scour the area for points."
Zane: "Kelly!"
Kelly: "Zane you arsehead. You're gonna get us both out!"
Zane: "She's got her eyes on me. Take these points."
Kelly: "Oh. Of course."
Zane: "Now she can't take any points away even if I was eliminated."
Zane: "I think I can hold her off for a while longer."
Claves: "It's incredibly hard to see any bumps on the ground."
Claves: "Here is one."
Claves: "1 point? That's disappointing."
Jennifer: "My time is up."
Claves: "I think it was a horrible idea to lie about an exemption as an excuse to steal more points from us."
Kelly: "I agree completely. That's why we're going to get back every last point and more."
Jane is the third hunter.
Zane: "The hunters keep changing periodically."
Kelly: "I think I see something."
Kelly: "I hope there's something in here."
Jane: "Who do I go after?"
Jane: "She's closer."
Jane: "Nevermind."
Kelly: "8 points."
Zane: "That's not a lot of points."
Jane: "I'll try and eliminate the strongest player they have."
Zane: "Why is everybody running after me?"
Claves: "More points."
Stanley: "They are so spread out."
Stanley: "I'll go after Claves."
Stanley: "I should have worn something different."
Stanley: "I'll steal from the pot instead."
Zane: "Not so fast."
Stanley: "Outta my way. Or I'll eliminate you."
Zane: "You can't as long as I'm within a metre radius of the pot."
Stanley: "Fuck you."
Chase: "How are the women faster than me?"
Kelly: "I'm getting tired."
Kelly: "It's so hot and my legs are sore."
Claves: "Almost 10 minutes now...just 10 more and Chase will change with someone else."
Zane: "3 points. I need to hit the jackpot."
Claves: "Why is Chase running here? He's not that stupid right?"
Chase: "Claves, let me pass. Let me be useful for once."
Claves: "You're not being useful for us."
Claves: "I suppose we'll just play the waiting game."
Chase: "Fuck you."
Claves: "Time is ticking. You have less than 3 minutes. Do you really want to waste your time here?"
Chase: "How are your reflexes so fast?"
Chase: "I can't even be the bad guy properly."
Claves: "Just go."
Kelly: "The next one should be Hans. I don't think I can outrun him. I'm really tired."
Hans: "I'll kill two birds with one stone."
Claves: "Break."
Kelly: "Huh?"
Claves: "RUN!"
Hans: "I don't remember Claves being this fast the last time we ran in the desert."
Kelly: "I can't go on. Zane, you go."
Hans: "I'll see how long she can run."
Zane: "It's not nice for Hans to be bullying a helpless girl."
Zane: "I need to distract him."
Zane: "YO HANS!"
Zane: "I'M WIDE OPEN!"
Hans: "I heard something."
Hans: "It's Zane."
Hans: "Damn it! He's still going for Claves. I need to get over there quickly."
Zane: "You should be ashamed of yourself. Pick on someone your own size."
Hans: "Nobody's my size."
Hans: "You're getting tired too."
Claves: "I need to rest."
Kelly: "So do I. Give me a few more minutes."
Zane: "Shit he's gaining on me."
Zane: "I need to speed up."
Zane: "He's too far behind now."
Kelly: "I have no time to slowly dig through the pile."
Kelly: "I feel something."
Claves: "Kelly doesn't realise Pamela's creeping up behind her."
Kelly: "7 points. That's...adequate."
Claves: "Kelly, run! Pamela is behind you!"
Pamela: "Why did Claves have to do that?"
Zane: "What the hell? Claves just left the pot wide open!"
Pamela: "I wish I exercised more."
Pamela: "She's too fast."
Pamela: "But I'm not a quitter."
Zane: "Another point for the pot. How many points do we have left to find?"
Claves: "Why am I running so fast? Pamela won't be able to catch up for a while. It's so stupid to waste my energy."
Claves: "Pamela, you do realise how stupid it is to be taking more points from the pot right?"
Pamela: "It's what I have to do."
Kelly: "I'm so glad I run marathons. I don't know how I've been running for more than 2 hours."
Zane: "Take a break. And keep your eyes peeled."
Zane: "I think there's something here."
Pamela: "She's so far away..."
Zane: "How come Pamela is still here? It feels as though she's been here longer than the rest."
Pamela: "I'll go for the closer one."
Pamela: "Zane, don't run from me! Don't you love me?"
Zane: "What? Ew no!"
Pamela: "That's so hurtful. We spent so much time together. Don't we have chemistry?"
Zane: "Not if you're trying to get me out of the mission."
Claves: "This is the last one I can find."
Claves: "10 points."
Pamela: "Huff..."
Kelly: "It's getting too hot."
Claves: "We're almost done."
Kelly: "I was counting and we're short of 13 points."
Claves: "10 points are with me."
Kelly: "Where are the last 3 points?"
Zane: "With me!"
Kelly: "We did it? We actually got all 266 points?"
Claves: "If your mathematics was right, then yes."
Zane: "We don't have much time left to run around again."
Zane: "Let's just defend the pot."
Pamela: "I guess you win. Congrats."
"2 and a half hours are up. Congratulations. You successfully reclaimed all 266 points. As such, that amount will be doubled to 532 points. The actual pot now has 662/1200 points. Claves contributed the least for this mission, so she gets a clue."
Claves: "Good, good."
Zane: "We did it!"
Kelly: "We actually did it! Why couldn't we work together like this before?"
Kelly: "I'm impressed with ourselves. It seemed like an impossible feat but not only did we find all the points, but we more than doubled the pot in the process. I'm so proud."
It's a nice conclusion to the pot for the group but it's still too early to celebrate. Who will win the pot? Who is the Mole?
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