Friday, 28 December 2018


Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to torture each other, ranging from eating bugs to bathing in acid. Ultimately, seven tortures were completed and 143/360 points were earned, making the pot 243/500 points. Hopefully the contestants were paying enough attention to see the acting Moles, otherwise they could very well be the one leaving this episode.

Austin: "Dwight is the Mole. It's so obvious. He had virtually no reaction to most of the tortures he was involved in. Now I just need to find out what his torture was, as well as who decided to make me bathe in acid. I think I'm developing rashes in the nether regions."

Duane: "I chose the mystery box."
Rome: "Oh, so that was you?"

Duane: "Yes. Now keep your end of the deal. What did you pick?"
Rome: "I made you guys listen to high-pitched screeching."

Duane: "So you were the annoying fucker."
Rome: "It had to be done. Thanks for telling me what you picked."

Duane: "Of course. But you have to keep this a secret. I don't want anyone finding out and getting an edge over us."
Rome: "I don't see why that's necessary, but if you insist..."

Irene: "I wonder what they're talking about."


Austin: "It was horrible. I had to eat bugs and bathe in acid."
Dexter: "If you think that's bad, what about the mystery box? I still have no idea what I touched."
Jamaica: "Ugh, don't remind me. It was so gross."

Penny: "How about you all say what you picked?"

Jamaica: "I actually don't remember."
Dexter: "You should go first then."
Penny: "No, I'll let you start. I asked first, after all."

Austin: "I picked the magic trick. I'm so sorry to Charlene and Duane. It looked like it hurt."


Harriet: "I find reading the news to be a pointless pursuit, because I already know what they are going to say."

Irene: "I'm reading it to make sure my competitors don't pull anything funny. But if you think you know everything, then tell me what I'm reading right now."

Harriet: "You're reading about the recent drought plaguing many areas of the world and how it'll affect water supply."

Harriet: "You're very surprised right now but don't want to admit it. You are also wondering about the conversation Duane had with Rome earlier."

Duane: "What?"

Irene: "Actually, I am. I overheard you talking with Rome hush-hush. What was it about?"

Duane: "Nothing much. He was just being really friendly. He's really dedicated to his job as a politician, going down to the ground to make sure every single citizen is taken care of."

Irene: "I don't buy it. I thought you didn't trust politicians."

Duane: "He changed my mind. Now stop being so aggressive about it."

Irene: "Me? Aggressive?"

Duane: "Yes. You. Aggressive."

Irene: "You think I'm aggressive? You want to see aggressive?"

Irene: "You know what? There's no point fighting with you. I'll make the most friends here at the end of the day. Just you wait."
Duane: "I'll be waiting."


Austin: "Oh, today is their wedding anniversary..."

Austin: "It's too bad..."
Alvin: "What are you doing?"

Alvin: "Austin! Why are you crying?"

Austin: "I...I...I'm reminded of my parents."

Austin: "Today was supposed to be their 25th anniversary, but..."

Austin: "They divorced recently. Really messily."

Alvin: "I'm sorry. That must be horrible."

Austin: "It is!"

Alvin: "What the--"

Austin: "My dad...he cheated on Mom..."
Alvin: "Er..."

Alvin: "There...there...don't cry."

Alvin: "It must be painful as a child to have to pick a side."
Austin: "It was, so I didn't pick. I decided to move out and live alone. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings."

Alvin: "Even though they divorced, know that they still love you."
Austin: "I know that. I'm still friends with both of them."
Alvin: "Oh."

Austin: "I just wish I knew why Dad cheated on Mom."
Alvin: "Sometimes these things can't be explained. Maybe he wanted something new, maybe they didn't love any more or it was a moment of folly."

Austin: "Like with your tattoos?"
Alvin: "Why did you suddenly bring that up?"

Austin: "Sorry. I thought..."
Alvin: "...It's fine. I get that all the time."

Alvin: "If you want to know, I used to make many mistakes."

Alvin: "I made some bad friends and joined a gang. Got into lots of fights. Ended up in jail."

Austin: "In jail? What did you do?"

Alvin: "I assaulted someone and injured them very badly. Heard that he's in a wheelchair now."

Austin: "What?"

Austin: "I didn't realise you were so dangerous."

Austin: "Stay away from me."

Alvin: "You think lesser of me now, huh?"

Austin: "I...I.."

Alvin: "I should've known you're just like the rest of them. So quick to judge."

Austin: "I...I need to go."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Moles. Whoever knows the least is out. As a reminder, this quiz carries a 50% weight-age for the upcoming execution whereas the previous quizzes carry the remaining 50%.

Q1: Are the Moles male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What are the Moles' occupations?
A: Unemployed
B: Waiter
C: Wedding planner
D: Historian
E: Conman
F: Naval diver
G: Fortune teller
H: Businesswoman
I: Archaeologist
J: Politician

Q3: Do the Moles wear spectacles?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Which building were the Moles part of in Mission 2?
A: Building One
B: Building Two
C: Building Three

Q5: In what order did the Moles select the tortures in Mission 2?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th

Q6: In Mission 2, which tortures did the Moles choose?
A: Bugs
B: Urine
C: Horror movie
D: Feather
E: Boiling water flask
F: Mystery box
G: High-pitched screech
H: Electric chair
I: Laughing gas
J: Magic trick
K: Poo
L: Burning flames
M: Acid

Q7: In Mission 2, how many tortures did the Moles take part in?
A: 2 or less
B: 3 ot 4
C: 4 or more

Q8: In Mission 2, how many tortures did the Moles complete?
A: 2 or less
B: 3 or 4
C: 4 or more

Q9: Which Building did the Moles choose for their tortures in Mission 2?
A: Building One
B: Building Two
C: Building Three

Q10: Who are the Moles?
A: Duane Picksmart
B: Dwight Picksmart
C: Irene Fletcher
D: Dexter Umbreekt
E: Charlene Boomer
F: Chelsea Bennington
G: Penny St. Anniel
H: Austin Havelock
I: Alvin Valin
J: Jamaica Sunset
K: Rome Auckland
L: Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine
M: Roger Yessir


13 rods but only 12 fish -- one contestant will not get a catch tonight.

Penny: "I got something big. It looks like I'm safe."

Alvin: "I'm reeling in a robot fish."

Charlene: "It's a horrible idea to be fishing while it's raining."
Chelsea: "I'm just trying not to think too much about it."

Rome: "I caught a fish! I'm out of here. I'm all wet."

Irene: "Took it long enough. My blouse is ruined. They better be paying me a new one."

Roger: "I'm still in this game. For Jessica!"

Dexter: "What a relief. I am safe."

Chelsea: "Oh thank goodness."

Charlene: "Yay! I caught something!"

Harriet: "As predicted, I am not executed."

Only four men remaining. Looks like a guy is leaving tonight. But who?

Jamaica: "Ha ha!"

Jamaica: "I have caught the fish."

Duane: "Bro, it'd be such a shame if you left tonight. Then everyone would say that you relied on exemptions to keep you afloat. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya."
Dwight: "Shut up and go. Don't break my concentration."

Who will catch the last fish: Austin Havelock or Dwight Picksmart?

Dwight: "Good things come to those with patience."

Dwight: "It sucks to be him. But better him than me."

"Austin Havelock, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Austin: "Oh no. It didn't work this time."

Austin: "I can't believe I'm leaving on their anniversary."

Austin: "It ended too early for me. This shouldn't have happened."

Austin: "What went wrong?"

The youngest contestant has been executed! Are the Moles the older ones this season?

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