Tuesday, 12 May 2015

19.02-I'm big and hunky too!

Sue: “Ashley!”
Fanny: “Ah! Are you trying to scare me?”
Sue: “What? No! I was just going to ask you why you prefer to be called Ashley.”
Fanny: “If you know what a fanny is you wouldn’t hesitate to change your name too.”


William: “Might as well use this stone slab.”
Elena: “I don’t get martial arts. Why fight each other? It’s such irrational, illogical behaviour.”
William: “Look woman, if you’re not gonna join me, scram.”
Elena: “Of course I’ll support you! It’ll be interesting to photograph!”

Sue: “Hey, William. Can I talk to you for a second?”
William: “No can do lady. You should never disturb a man while he’s training.”
Sue: “Alright then.”

Becky: “I will beat you, Gretchen Hertfordshire.”


Helen: “My son is still a child.”
Gretchen: “Interesting. Why do you have children so late?”


Hector: “I feel so sad that I didn’t win the exemption. Oh well. Better luck next time.”

Fanny: “There is a need to be fit, you know. It’s not just for men.”
Kimberly: “I just thought women should be more feminine.”
Fanny: “Gretchen was right. This house is sexist.”

William: “Well, whaddya know? It’s raining! Better head back inside then, though I’d love to play in the rain.”


Sue: “I was thinking…can we form a coalition?”
Terrence: “We can, but…should we? I don’t know you all that well.”

William: “Hey sorry ‘bout that earlier. You wanted to chat? Boy, those two sure seem as juicy as steak!”
Fanny: “Sexist.”
Terrence: “How rude of you to gawk like that! Let me apologise on his behalf.”
Sue: “Oh, there’s no need to, really. But you’re so kind and considerate.”

Fanny: “I don’t know why I joined. The men are annoying and stereotypical.”
Elena: “Come on Ashley. Have fun!”

Fanny: “Hard to.”
Gretchen: “Tell me another joke. I love hearing them.”

Joshua: “You know, old men like you shouldn’t even join. You’re a waste of space. I’d at least want some competition.”
Walter: “Rude! Have you not seen Chris Winters or Ella Marie Tremble?”
Joshua: “Chris won by luck. Ella Marie was a cuckoo who was out fast the second time.”

Helen: “Fortune cookie…I hear before. Let me try. Hmm…”

Helen: “Good fortune!”

Walter: “Hey you! What are you doing?”
Helen: “Oh! Sorry.”


Fanny: “You don’t want to hear about my expeditions?”
Hector: “It sounds like fun but when it comes from your mouth…”
Fanny: “Fine!”

Sue: “You know, William, you are so strong and hunky. I like.”
William: “Hate to reject a beautiful lady like ya, but I’m married.”

Terrence: “But I’m not! I’m big and hunky too!”
William: “She’s not interested in ya.”

Terrence: “Fine!”
Sue: “Wait! That wasn’t nice. But I’m sorry for not realising you were married.”
William: “I’ll forgive ya on account of your looks.”


Joshua: “You know babe, I don’t think you’re gonna win this, so you should quit while you still have the chance.”
Kimberly: “What is that supposed to mean?”
Walter: “He’s just paranoid that he’ll be the first to get his just deserts!”
Joshua: “No I’m not you old fogey! You are!”

Chester: “…and then, hiccup!”
Gretchen: “Hahaha! That’s hilarious, Chester! You’re quite the funny guy.”

Gretchen: “So, you’re an athlete?”
Chester: “A professional runner and swimmer!”
Gretchen: “Do you like flying? Like, going abroad?”
Chester: “It depends on who I’m going with.”


Sue: “Hector, you’re so fun!”
Hector: “Glad you know it.”
Terrence: “Sue! There you are! You realise that he’s a girlfriend right? He can’t bring you happiness, but I can! We can ride into the sunset, you, me…”
Sue: “I feel so flattered!”


Quiz time!

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have a job currently?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: What colour hair does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Blonde
C: Brown
D: White

Q4: In Mission 1, which whiteboard did the Mole take from left to right?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th
N: 14th

Q5: In Mission 1, how many letters is the Mole’s word?
A: 4
B: 5
C: 6
D: 7
E: 8 or more

Q6: In Mission 1, in which order did the Mole finish?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: The Mole did not finish

Q7: What is the Mole’s word in Mission 1?
A: Tear
B: Genie
C: Cringe
D: Zephyr
E: Rhythm
F: Hafnium
G: Coconut
H: Macabre
I: Triangle
J: Gratitude
K: Bubblegum
L: Soliloquy
M: Refrigerator
N: Flabbergasted

Q8: In Mission 1, how many unique letters are there in the Mole’s word?
A: 4
B: 5
C: 6
D: 7
E: 8
F: 10

Q9: In Mission 1, in what order did the Mole not finish?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole finished the mission

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Gretchen Hertfordshire
F: Chester Chesterfield
G: Elena Crane
H: Fanny Garter
I: Terrence Daniel
J: Sue May
K: William Hanes
L: Kimberly Flanning
M: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
N: Leonard Windsor



“Welcome to the first execution ceremony! As you can all see, there are 16 lights here, each corresponding to one contestant in order (As appeared on the last question of the quiz). Blue lights mean exempted, green light means safe and red light means you’re going home. Who’s that unlucky first victim?”


“Some lights have turned green. I can hear the sighs of relief from some of you. I bet those that still remain white are still nervous.”

“Let’s see the fate of the first light, representing Joshua Kaiser. Is he safe?”
Joshua: “I better be. Or I’ll screw this house upside down.”
“Feisty, are we?”

“Production can be relieved, because you are safe!”

“The last light: Leonard Windsor.”
Leonard: “If I leave, I’ll bring back memories at least.”

“Well, you can create more memories, because you’re safe!”


“These 5 lights must be frightened. Who will not make it?”

“And two more are left unrevealed! Ashley, Terrence, one of you will be leaving us tonight.”

“Sorry to say that the one leaving us tonight is…Fanny Garter.”

Fanny: “Well that’s unfair. I didn’t get to explore anything but the houses. Ah well. Good luck to the rest.”

“Her light goes out. Remember, from the next quiz onwards, there will be 5 more questions on how the previous executed contestant got executed. For now, you may all relax.”



Kimberly: “You’re rude.”
Joshua: “So I’ve been told. Do I look like I give a shit?”

Gretchen: “Great. I’ve been trying to avoid her, but looks like I can’t keep hiding forever. I’m not the one in the wrong anyway.”

Gretchen: “Becky BBBB! I know you’re the Mole, just admit it! Why else would you even make it in?”

Becky: “That was rude. I will win. Just watch.”

Gretchen: “Hope that managed to get in some ears and fool them…unless she really is the Mole.”

William: “Come taste my pumpkin pie folks! It’s made from my grandma’s recipe!”

Sue: “I will use my charm to cut the queue!”
Hector: “What’s that Sue?”
Sue: “Nothing….maybe you heard my stomach rumbling. I will wait in line patiently, though.”
Hector: “Oh, you can go first. “
Sue: “Thank you! You are truly too kind!”

Walter: “Gretchen, could we have a word after this? About what you said to Becky earlier?”
Gretchen: “Hee. Gladly.”

Chester: “And then poof! Ha! Funny right? See, even Becky’s smiling.”
Gretchen: “Well if she’s smiling then it’s a horrible joke.”
William: “Don’t mind me. I’m just having seconds. Can’t get enough of delicious pumpkin pie!”

Terrence: “I’ll just make my own. Healthier anyway.”

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