Friday, 29 May 2015

19.08-Oh, you can talk!

Chester: “Woo! I got a new belt!”

Sue: “Terrence, come in here please.”
Terrence: “Yes?”
Sue: “I just want to applaud you for your hard work. You tried your best.”
Terrence: “Thanks. At least Helen didn’t win 4 times in a row. That’d be nasty.”
Sue: “Totally understandable.”

Terrence: “Sue, I…I got you some pink roses.”
Sue: “Oh, for me? I’m so flattered! You sure have a beautiful heart.”
Terrence: “Not as beautiful as you.”
Sue: “Oh, you can talk! How delightful!”


Walter: “Get out of the way. You’re blocking my view of the TV.”

Helen: “Oof!”

Quiz time.


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have long or short hair?
A: Long
B: Short

Q3: In Mission 4, which chair did the Mole first sit on, from left to right?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th

Q4: In Mission 4, was the Mole voted for?
A: Yes
B: No

Q5: In Mission 4, did the Mole vote for him/herself?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 4, which round did the Mole get sabotaged?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole was not sabotaged

Q7: In Mission 4, did the Mole complete his/her first challenge?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole never played a challenge

Q8: In Mission 4, which challenge did the Mole last do?
A: No challenge
B: Skee ball
C: Hot dogs
D: Treadmill
E: Drinking
F: Bowling

Q9: In Mission 4, in what round was the Mole eliminated?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole was not eliminated

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Walter Fleur
C: Helen Kimchabor
D: Gretchen Hertfordshire
E: Chester Chesterfield
F: Elena Crane
G: Terrence Daniel
H: Sue May
I: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
J: Leonard Windsor

Q11: Who was executed first: Kimberly Flanning or Hector Lorzo?
A: Kimberly Flanning
B: Hector Lorzo

Q12: In Mission 3, what number did Kimberly Flanning get to?
A: 8
B: 9
C: 10
D: 12
E: 13
F: 14
G: 21
H: 22
I: 23
J: 27
K: 28
L: 29

Q13: In Mission 3, what number did Hector Lorzo get to?
A: 8
B: 9
C: 10
D: 12
E: 13
F: 14
G: 21
H: 22
I: 23
J: 27
K: 28
L: 29

Q14: Who did Kimberly Flanning last choose as the Mole?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Gretchen Hertfordshire
F: Chester Chesterfield
G: Elena Crane
H: Terrence Daniel
I: Sue May
J: Kimberly Flanning
K: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
L: Leonard Windsor

Q15: Who did Hector Lorzo last choose as the Mole?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Gretchen Hertfordshire
F: Chester Chesterfield
G: Elena Crane
H: Terrence Daniel
I: Sue May
J: Kimberly Flanning
K: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
L: Leonard Windsor


Another execution ceremony…



“Sorry Walter Fleur, but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Walter: “Well…it was expected. So long, suckers. I get to live in comfort again!”

“Thank you for joining Walter.”

Old Walter leaves!

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