Saturday 16 May 2015

19.04-Ugly Becky

Chester: “You know, Becky, it’s so interesting seeing someone as reserved as you.”
Gretchen: “It’s a trap…sigh, why do I even bother. I’ll just put down here that Chester is smitten with ugly Becky.”

Terrence: “Don’t you dare take advantage of her!”
Sue: “How manly of you!”
Joshua: “I did nothing, you idiot.”

Helen: “What is going on?”
Joshua: “Nothing an old hag Mole like you would understand.”
Helen: “I do not understand. Nevermind. Terrence, do you mind giving me your ears?”
Joshua: “You mean lend, not give. And no. I’m kind of busy. I don’t want to hear your sob stories about your life in Japan or here.”

Walter: “I miss home. Much better than this hospital room. It even has a stupid toilet inside! Who does that?”

Kimberly: “I’m wearing pink too. Why don’t you pay attention to me?”
Terrence: “Go away Kimberly.”

Leonard: “You’re as beautiful as a butterfly, Sue.”
Sue: “What a glib tongue you have! Thanks for the compliment. I greatly appreciate it.”

Kimberly: “Ugh!”
Terrence: “I think I need some cheering up from Chester.”

Leonard: “I hope you don’t mind!”
Sue: “Oh!”

Kimberly: “I don’t trust that Sue May. I think she’s going to apply the Ezekiel strategy. She’ll get everyone onto her side, then, when they least expect it, betray them! I’m onto you, Sue.”


Gretchen: “We could share what’s in our journal…oh, hi there Kimberly. Can you stop being so stalkerish?”
Kimberly: “Terrence, I thought you were looking for Chester?”
Terrence: “I was, then I got stopped.”
Gretchen: “I better get going.”

Gretchen: “Oh sorry there Leonard.”

William: “I love the view from down here.”
Sue: “You naughty cowboy!”
Hector: “William! Come out here will you?”
William: “Well, I hate to stop, but it sounds urgent, so see ya pretty!”

William: “Whaddup?”
Hector: “So, have you decided?”
William: “On what?”
Hector: “On joining the coalition Chester, Josh and I formed! The Funsters, remember?”
William: “Oh, well, uh…why not? Suppose it’ll be fun.”
Hector: “Well then welcome on board, bro.”



Elena: “Hmm…there are so many of them in the bathroom. I wonder what’s going on in there…”

Elena: “What are you all doing in here?”
Becky: “Aah!”

Elena: “Something’s fishy. Of all places to gather they go into the bathroom. And Kimberly seems really clingy. Like, perhaps she and Terrence have a coalition?”

Leonard: “Helen, you look so gloomy.”
Helen: “Gloomy?”
Leonard: “Sad.”
Helen: “Oh, yes! Nobody want hear my story.”
Leonard: “I’d love to hear it! Relive the memories, ah…”
Helen: “Really? Thank you so much!”

Walter: “I feel so trapped in here. I want to go back to my old lifestyle, alone in my mansion…I’m homesick.”


Kimberly: “Becky! Could you knock?”
Becky: “Huh? Oh, sorry…”

Joshua: “I’m so glad I took the cooking lessons alongside bartending, otherwise I’d have to deal with the slop the others call food forever!”

After dinner, it’s quiz time.


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear anything on his/her head?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 2, which whiteboard did the Mole take from left to right?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th

Q4: Which word did the Mole receive in Mission 2?
A: Scorpion
B: Entitlement
C: Grenade
D: Coriolis
E: Bling
F: Grandmother
G: Undercover
H: Kite
I: Burgle
J: Fly
K: Carnation
L: Firefighter
M: Swimmer

Q5: In Mission 2, what was the other word the Mole received?
A: Fellowship
B: Hurricane
C: Texas
D: Foxy
E: Sakura
F: Carnage
G: Dilemma
H: Smooch
I: Establishment
J: Chauffeur
K: Jupiter
L: Espionage
M: Inflorescence

Q6: In Mission 2, how many words did the Mole get correct?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q7: In Mission 2, which word did the Mole get correct?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: Both
D: Neither

Q8: In Mission 2, in what order did the Mole finish?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: The Mole did not finish

Q9: In Mission 2, in what order did the Mole end the mission?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
I: 9th
J: 10th
K: 11th
L: 12th
M: 13th

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Gretchen Hertfordshire
F: Chester Chesterfield
G: Elena Crane
H: Terrence Daniel
I: Sue May
J: William Hanes
K: Kimberly Flanning
L: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
M: Leonard Windsor

Q11: In Mission 1, what word did Fanny Garter receive?
A: Tear
B: Genie
C: Cringe
D: Zephyr
E: Rhythm
F: Hafnium
G: Coconut
H: Macabre
I: Triangle
J: Gratitude
K: Bubblegum
L: Soliloquy
M: Refrigerator
N: Flabbergasted

Q12: In Mission 1, did Fanny Garter complete the mission?
A: Yes
B: No

Q13: What hair colour did Fanny Garter have?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Blonde
D: White

Q14: What did Fanny Garter go by?
A: Fanny
B: Garter
C: Ashley
D: Fann
E: None of the above

Q15: Who did Fanny Garter last choose as the Mole?
A: Joshua Kaiser
B: Hector Lorzo
C: Walter Fleur
D: Helen Kimchabor
E: Gretchen Hertfordshire
F: Chester Chesterfield
G: Elena Crane
H: Fanny Garter
I: Terrence Daniel
J: Sue May
K: William Hanes
L: Kimberly Flanning
M: Becky Beaker-Baker Barker-Becker
N: Leonard Windsor



It’s the second execution ceremony. Tonight, another light will be snuffed out.

These lucky peeps must be relieved that they’re safe.

“Joshua Kaiser once again…are you safe?”
Joshua: “If you dare say that I’m not…”


“I guess we’ll never know the end of that sentence because you are safe!”

“William Hanes…will you be executed?”
William: “Naw. Imma confident!”

“Unfortunately, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

William: “Well, it’s been fun…sort of? At least I got some eye candy. See y’all!”

There goes the second light.

Sue: “It’s quite a pity to see William leave. He was quite suave, and I never knew a cowboy before, so I thought it would be great. At the very least though, could he not have told me who he picked before he left? This would make the quiz easier.”


Chester: “Brr it’s cold. Where did I put my clothes…gah, upstairs.”

Leonard: “I’d like to know about your hometown and your culture. What’s your Chinese name?”
Sue: “苏梅.”
Leonard: “Exotic.”
Joshua: “Pssh. You don’t know a thing.”

Joshua: “You know, I wonder why a dweeb like you hasn’t left yet. I’d much prefer if you replaced William Hanes. At least he could put up a fight?”
Terrence: “What did I ever do to step on your toes?”
Joshua: “Exactly. You didn’t. You’re a wuss.”
Kimberly: “Ignore him, Terrence. He’s just a jerk who’s insecure.”
Joshua: “Pssh.”

Elena: “Why not you and I form a coalition? We both love orange.”
Hector: “Eh, no thanks. I don’t form coalitions with geeks.”
Elena: “Hey!”



Terrence: “Gee Joshua, you took the last bowl.”
Joshua: “Got a problem with that? Fight for it then! I cooked it anyway.”

Cowboy William Hanes leaves! Who’s next?

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