Executed first: Nathan Clinton
"I feel so bad for having to do this. It's not within my comfort zone. I'm going to get a lot of blood on my hands. This will be stressful. Who shall I execute first? I think all of them deserve an opportunity to try, and I'm just snatching it away and depriving them of it. This is so difficult. I'll just flip a coin...oh, Nathan. Okay then. Sorry Nathan. The massacre begins."
Executed second: Cole Wayne

"I got rid of Cole because he was really slack about being on the Smole, like he didn't treasure this chance. He isn't sincere about playing. I should have gotten rid of him first...okay, a big reason is because of his ugly face and hair."
Executed third: Hillary Joe

"Hillary is one crazy chick! Maybe politics does that to you. Either way, a paranoid politician is just double the reason for me to remove her. I get a feeling she'll suspect me real soon. Can't have her big mouth running all over the place."
Executed fourth: Nathaniel Joshue

"I don't like Nathaniel. Should I execute him? This is a tough decision. He's smarter than he looks, He's won the question before. but also kind of creepy. I should get rid of him while I have the chance."
Executed fifth: Melody Thyme

"Melody has severe mood swings. Is it that time of the month for her? Hee. Alright. I don't know what my options are anyway. Some have suspected me already, or so I was informed, so I can't execute them. Bummer. She also doesn't give me Mole vibes. Nobody will suspect her, so she's of no use. I'm hoping the others will think that the smarter ones may have gotten here due to their 'Moleness' rather than their skill. Crossed fingers."
Executed sixth: Fern Shone Hu

"I definitely don't want Fern winning. I can seize this opportunity to make the Mole seem like he wants a challenge, which should surprise many. They'll look towards one of the stronger, competitive players as the Mole. Oh Ernest, you're a genius!"
Executed seventh: Craig Gulf & Vivian Belle

"The first of the double executees is Craig Gulf. I long wanted to expel him. But he caught onto me early, so I couldn't. Now that he switched his guess, I must take this chance to get rid of him, or I'll never be able to do so! His ego will just be in the way. I'm doing everyone a service. As for Vivi...sorry Vivi, but I have to do my job. You're in my coalition. You'll find out eventually. I would have removed Roy from the game because he just dampens everyone's spirits and doesn't play seriously, but he's onto me, so darn him."
Executed eighth: Bryan King

"He's smart. He's part of one of the strongest coalitions in the house. He's served his purpose. Nobody suspects him anymore. Virtually nobody. So, this should be a relatively easy decision."
Executed ninth: Veronica Taylor

"I know who I'm going to execute later in the execution ceremony. She has been way creepy. Is she satanic? What's this about a Dark One? I hoped to get her into an accident in the mission but it failed. I don't want to really be labelled as a murderer anyway. She scares me. Period. I want to keep the rest to make them feel good about themselves, then stab them in the back. Also they are more suspicious."
Executed last: Natalie Anderson

"I just love how I get the option to choose anybody I want now that they all suspect me. I must have failed as a Mole, but that's not the point. It's time for my final killing. Who do I want to bring into the finale? Who do I want to win? Hmm...well, among the other three, I think Tammy is the smartest. Colette is more naive. I still want to win the game, after all. Can't let all the glory go to the smart ones. I wanted to get rid of Roy but I guess it's too late now. Another reason for me to execute Tammy is the fact that she is so manipulative. I don't like her. I have the power, so it's time for me to do good. Colette needs to see the real Tammy. Tammy shouldn't win based on lies and deceit. If anyone should do it, it should be me. Because I'm the Mole."
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