Welcome to the 19th season of the Smole! This
season, 14 contestants play for a shot at the grand prize. They earn points
when doing missions, which will translate into money which the eventual winner
will walk away with. However, they won’t win all the money. Among them is the
Mole, a saboteur hired by producers to scheme and deceive so that they
themselves can earn the money. After every mission, contestants have to take a
quiz on who they think the Mole is. The lowest scorer each quiz will be executed.
In the event of a tie, the slower player is executed.
This season’s twist is that from the second quiz onwards,
there will be 5 additional questions on the previous executed player. The
questions are largely about how they died eg who they chose as the Mole, what
his/her score was etc. but it can also be questions similar to the usual
questions. If you haven’t figured out yet, this season is inspired by
“Whodunnit?”. So, one question shall begin it all: WhodaMole?
Could it be Joshua Kaiser, 27, mixologist?
Last but not least, Leonard Windsor, 35, unemployed?
Contestants get a few days to settle in.
Leonard: “I actually miss high school. Those were the best
days of my life. So much better than work.”
Elena: “But you’re unemployed.”
Leonard: “I’m on a lookout for jobs.”
Elena: “But if you get a job you like, it’ll be great! And
chances of promotion are higher! Did you know that 95% of…”
Terrence: “What are you guys talking about?”
William: “Keep on yakking, Ellen. I dunwanna be surrounded
by geeks.”
Leonard: “I love playing soccer. Brings back the memories…”
Joshua: “Woo! I love this music!”
Well, looks like something
happened among the four of them.
Hector: “I feel so ignored…”
Fanny: “Who’s that behind
Fanny: “…Whut.”
Terrence: “You need to stop
sounding so melodramatic. The past is past, so stop harping on it!”
Leonard: “Sorry…why not I
tell you a funny story that happened before?”
William: “Heya guys. Whatcha
Sue: “Ugh!”
Joshua: “Hey babe. What’s
Sue: “The dishwasher is
Joshua: “Come over here,
right beside me. It’s so much quieter here. Say, you don’t sound like you’re
from around here.”
Sue: “I’m from China
actually. But I lived here for quite a while so I picked up a second language.”
Joshua: “Impressive lady. Why
not we exchange numbers?”
Joshua: “They bugged this whole place so they can hear our
every conversation.”
Chester: “Ha! So true!”
Helen: “You write what, Gretchen?”
Gretchen: “Huh? Oh, I’m writing in my journal.”
Hector: “Already? You’re no fun!”
Chester: “You speak funny, Helen!”
Helen: “I from Japan.”
Gretchen: “That’s so rude, Chester.”
Helen: “Hello everybody. I Helen Kimchabor. I from Japan. I
come here work, you know, work? Last year, yes! To earn money for family. I
join Smole to win money to give family in Japan.”
Hector: “So, you’re from China, eh? You’re quite the looker.
Too bad I have a girlfriend.”
Sue: “Oh, will she misunderstand? Is she watching? I shall
not dance then.”
Hector: “Nah, she’ll never know. A little flirting here and
there won’t hurt anyone.”
Kimberly: “Wow, she charmed so many men already.”
Sue: “I think I should go. Sorry.”
Hector: “Gee Kim, you ruined things for me! Stop being
jealous and go wash the dishes!”
Kimberly: “Why you gotta be so rude?”
Hector: “I’m not rude. You are! Sue is so kind, how can you
say that in front of her?”
Gretchen: “I’m not a very good cook.”
Joshua: “Pity, babe. If a woman can’t cook, she’s not a good
Gretchen: “You’re pretty sexist.”
William: “I’m not used to the food here.”
Terrence: “At least you have food. Sometimes, during
research, I can go days without food.”
Elena: “Becky, right? Why are you so quiet? You should speak
up more!”
Becky: “I’m…naturally shy.”
Elena: “Why do you have such a long name?”
Becky: “…My husband’s name is Buck Beaker-Baker. My maiden
name was Becky Barker-Becker-Biker…I gave up my Biker because it would be too
long. I feel like slapping myself whenever I say my whole current name out…I…I
don’t know why.”
The first mission shall commence. This is worth 140 points.
Contestants will play hangman. They will have to guess 14 different words. For
every successful guess, 10 points are added. The first to finish will earn the
first exemption of the season.
Sue and Helen are the first two to finish! Helen earns the
exemption for being the first to finish.
Gretchen: “Hmm…an A?”
Hector: “What word is this? Z!”
Leonard: “This reminds me of that time…”
Kimberly is done with her word, followed by Gretchen!
So have Chester, Hector and Joshua! So far, so good!
Becky: “Not easy…”
Sue: “So, I think we should form a coalition just because we
are both from Asia.”
Helen: “What?”
Sue: “Say yes.”
Helen: “Yes?”
Sue: “Good!”
Walter: “I’m an old man for crying out loud! My brain won’t
Leonard: “At last!”
William and Fanny have given up!
Becky: “Too hard. Forget it.”
Elena and Terrence are finished!
Walter: “I’m hanged. What kind of word is this?”
The mission is over! Becky, Walter, Fanny and William failed
the mission, thus 100/140 points are earned. Not too bad a start. Here are
their words:
Helen: TEAR
Gretchen: CRINGE
Hector: GENIE
Terrence: HAFNIUM
Hector: “Did you see Helen’s word? It’s the shortest! It’s
so unfair!”
Kimberly: “Tell me about it.”
Gretchen: “What are you doing here!”
Becky: “I should be asking you!”
Gretchen: “Me? I have the right to join! You should just
quit! Hmph! I don’t want to waste my breath.”
Gretchen: “I hate to admit it, but I know Becky. I can’t
believe she signed up for this season too! I hate her! She’s the bane of my
existence. She pretends to be so meek and quiet, but I can tell you that she’s
more than meets the eye. I don’t want to go into details, but I hope she’s out
Helen: “Please don’t upset. Maybe it luck. If only luck can
bring me to the end so I win money for family!”
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